motherofallfashion · 11 years
I really should be ashamed of myself for not socializing more lately, I really must get out more.
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
((Fun fact, I actually do have the URL the-rainbowdrinker attached to this blog. I use it to test themes.))
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
She stood there for a few moments while she waited for a response, both hands wrapped around her cup. The gentleman's accent came as something of a surprise at first but it was quickly easy to overlook. It wasn't the thickest she'd heard over the years, and he was polite enough not to run his words together.
Dahlia gave the man a smile, settling into the seat across from him. The look quickly became one of concern at the rest of his statement however. The request had been rather forward of her and the poor creature was probably just trying to be polite by letting her have the table.Of course she's already sat down, so she couldn't simply apologize and leave. The cup was left on the table as she took a moment to cross her legs and adjust her skirt-the actions more out of embarrassment that any actual necessity. 
Thanking her stars that she was never terribly obvious when she blushed-she would look completely ridiculous right about now- she began shaking her head. "No, no, no. Do stay," she insisted quickly, "I wouldn't want you to feel that you have to rush off on my behalf." 
Deciding that it might be a good moment to stop talking, Dahlia took a sip of her coffee, taking the opportunity to surreptitiously look her companion over. If he hadn't already been terribly polite about everything, he certainly looked like a gentleman. After a few moments she set the cup down again and extended a hand towards him. "I'm Dahlia by the way."
==>Go out for coffee
He knew he could have the same cup of coffee at home, around his fireplace or in his office, but for some reason he’d decided not to. After being busy with opening up his restaurant the whole damn day, he felt like he needed a brake and also a chance to see some parts of London. It would be a shame to move all the way down here and not see a single part of it. He just wished he had someone to see the town with, he would ask his son but he was pretty sure by now that he would lie and tell him he was busy. 
That much for some kind of connection. 
Osgar, as his name was, turned page in the newspaper he was reading as he took a sip out of his cup, his eyes skimming the page as he realized there wasn’t anything interesting in it. Maybe he should drive home anyway? Though just as he was about to put the newspaper away a voice reached him and he looked up, seeing a woman standing by his table. She was quite beautiful to be honest, you could see she was a woman of class. 
“ah no not at all miss i wwas actually about ter leavve so ye can havve the table for yerself.” He couldn’t hide his thick scottish accent how much he even tried, instead he tried to talk as slowly and clear as he could so that the woman would understand. 
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
((Found a better theme, got all the side pages set up and fixed the bio to better fit Porrim's
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
I'll answer the next 20 questions I get absolutely truthfully.
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
==>Go out for coffee
As much as Dahlia tried to keep a set closing time for her shop it never seemed to work. A customer would strike up a conversation or someone would show up just as she was locking up with some kind of fashion emergency and she'd end up staying for an hour or two longer than intended. Tonight was no exception, and it was dark by the time she managed to close up.
Stopping at the coffee shop was a spur of the moment decision. She wasn't even that fond of the stuff- the building simply looked too inviting to pass up. The line was not particularly long it was not long before she had obtained a drink- a suggestion from one of the baristas. The establishment had couches scattered around in clusters in lieu of tables and almost all of these appeared to have at least one occupant.
Her first thought was to simply take her beverage and leave- but that would mean that she had completely missed the point of coming into the building in the first place. Her next thought, and eventual course of action, was to approach one of the less occupied circles of chairs and politely address it's occupant.
"My deepest apologies for disturbing you, but would you mind very much if I sat here?"
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Lovely, I thought I had guessed wrong for a moment there.
I'm sure we will shall both be looking forward to your visit then. I'm so glad she's spending time with nice people her age.
Daughter? So you are one of….Porrim’s friends then I suppose? That would explain it I think.
Wonderful. You should drop by sometime, I’m certain we can find something you’d like.
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
((I keep wondering why my dash is so dead, but then I realize that it's not even noon yet))
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Daughter? So you are one of....Porrim's friends then I suppose? That would explain it I think.
Wonderful. You should drop by sometime, I'm certain we can find something you'd like.
You worry about it overmuch dear.
Ah, it seems you’ve caught me! It’s is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss…?
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
That is a concept that not many people seem to understand, I believe that you may just be a person after my own heart.
How rude of me. Dahlia, Dahlia Maryam- fashion expert and shop owner extraordinaire. 
Hello Roxy dear.
I am never certain how I am expected to answer that question, but I believe the appropriate response at the moment would be not much?
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
It seems that a few more of you have turned up. You certainly know how to make a lady feel popular!~
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Serket? Ah, that name certainly sounds familiar...Have you? I hope you've been hearing good things then.
You worry about it overmuch dear.
Ah, it seems you’ve caught me! It’s is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss…?
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Send me "✰" And I'll put my Ipod on shuffle and the song I get is our muses' song on how the future will be for them.
Oh, dear Globb…. This should be…. Interesting…. o_o”
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
You worry about it overmuch dear.
Ah, it seems you've caught me! It's is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss...?
As per usual, I’ve 8een 8ad at greeting new followers.  So, welcome to my 8log.
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Hello Roxy dear/
I am never certain how I am expected to answer that question, but I believe the appropriate response at the moment would be not much?
I had not realized I would become so popular in such a short span of time here. I suppose I should offer greeting to all of you- hello there.
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
Dahlia was somewhat surprised by this statement- apparent;y she'd gained some kind of reputation without realizing it. An amused chuckle escaped her.
"Well, I wouldn't say the best exactly, but I do try. Between the two of us I'm certain we can get everything sorted out."
She shook her head at the phone, but didn't comment. The younger sets always seemed to be doing something on them, and even she found herself using hers more often than intended.
"Oh, so it's trouble with a lady friend that you're having? This may seem a bit obvious, but I suppose the first question I have to ask is what did your lady say when you asked her out?"
Glancing around her slolwy, she moved to take up residence on one of the nearby benches, patting the space next to her as an indication for him to sit as well.
"And once you've answered that you can tell me all about you friend."
Sollux glanced up, pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose.
"Uh, liit2en, ii heard you're like the be2t when iit come2 two fa2hion and  datiing and 2tuff. Can you help me wiith a problem ii'm having?"
He glanced down at his phone quickly, and sent the text he'd been meaning to send for a while to a very pretty girl he had been texting for a while.
Her name was Aradia Megido. She seemed really interesting to him. They had had many conversations about the classes, about their problems, and a little bit about spiritual stuff (she was all into that).
The text read "hey AA wanna go two 2ee a moviie?"
"Well, 2ee, ii a2ked thii2 giirl out and ii have no iidea what ii 2hould do from here. can you help me?"
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motherofallfashion · 11 years
It is understandable how you could forget, they accumulate rather quickly it seems. Do not trouble yourself about it.
As per usual, I’ve 8een 8ad at greeting new followers.  So, welcome to my 8log.
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