moran-with-a-g · 13 hours
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Welp Tumblr communities are in beta now.
I have no idea how to run this but I opened the Israel community so it wouldn't get claimed by an antisemite first.
Anyone has any idea how to run this? What do I do? How do I even invite people? And why is there a 500 people limit?
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moran-with-a-g · 13 hours
טעם של מסיבת סיום כיתה ב. אין ישראלי שלא שתה טרופית בילדותו. אבל מצד שני גם אף אחד לא פשוט קונה טרופית לעצמו אלא היא תמיד ניתנת לכולם בבית הספר/הקיטנה וכו. טרופית היא דבר קהילתי ומאחד ולכן גם נוצרו סביבה טקסים חברתיים (לנפח את השקית ולתת למי שלידך "לשתות").
כדורי שוקולד:
הומצא בישראל, ממש אם רושמים כדורי שוקולד (באנגלית) בגוגל זה נותן רק מתכונים לכדורי שוקולד *ישראליים*, ממש ישראלי (ויהודי) מצידנו להמציא קינוח שכל הקטע שלו זה שאריות של עוגיות ושוקולד.
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moran-with-a-g · 20 hours
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Happy Pride
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moran-with-a-g · 23 hours
The reason we think "Queers for Palestine" is ridiculous isn't because queers shouldn't support Palestine. It's because of the way they claim to support it that people make fun of it.
Now don't get me wrong, there's definitely queerphobic zionists. Not hard to find them all around Reddit - which is definitely known as a platform of people with chill opinions and not major extremists. But did you stop to think why queer Zionists are so appalled by this movement?
Palestinians deserve their own state. I have always supported this. But when you fight for the rights of Palestinians queers, you need to actually listen to them and understand that Palestine is currently not a safe space for them.
Israel giving refuge to Palestinian queers isn't pinkwashing. Israel having passed the law that lets same-sex couples adopt half a year ago wasn't pinkwashing either. Israel having an improvement in queer rights Is Not Pinkwashing. And saying queer Palestinians are currently safer in Israel is not pinkwashing!!
Fighting for Palestine to be free as a queer person? You need you opposite Hamas. Hamas are openly queerphobic. You need to understand Israel is literally the safest place for any queer in the middle east. Fight for their right to hold a pride parade and get married in Palestine.
They'll have a country, and then what? Then what will queer Palestinians do? What type of government will they have? Blind support won't help them, you need to actually understand what's going on and what they need. Just having a country won't be enough.
Free Gaza from Hamas. And free Palestine. But free it from Hamas first, or you're just fucking everyone over.
does anyone else find it really ironic that leftists accuse us of "pinkwashing" when we point out the ways israel is actually not half bad in terms of gay rights and then turn around and actually pretend that theres any amount of gay rights in palestine?
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
Sorry My Cats I wish I could sit here and watch the birds with you for six hours but unfortunately I have a “Job.”
I know, I know, but even more unfortunately the only way for me to possess “Snackietreats For Babies” is by possessing, also, a “Job.”
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
”hasbara” has become to leftists what “woke” is to conservatives. random picture of tel aviv? hasbara. the existence of mizrahi jews? hasbara. a tweet asking to free the hostages? also hasbara. videos from hamas members themselves proudly proclaiming that they have killed jews? you guessed it, hasbara.
just like the use of the word woke, it doesn’t mean shit anymore and is used to stifle discussion. when someone is actually making good points and they can’t respond with their preprogrammed lines, they just say hasbarabot, even though israel has had basically given up on pr for the past 20 years.
also, what countries have been proven to have bots to spread propaganda online, the same propaganda that’s been spewing out the far left? iran and russia. projection, as always.
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
Found out yesterday my great-great grandparents died in a pogrom in modern-day Ukraine in 1920. The violence lasted for 5 days and killed about 700 people.
I don’t know how to make goyim understand that when finding this out I was so devastating and yet unsurprised. I was unsurprised because when learning Jewish history, starting around the middle ages to modernity, I always feel as if it is “my history.” These events happened to my ancestors. Even if technically that isn’t true.
I did not realize until the start of my MA program in public history that it is not common for people to feel this close a connection to their ethnic/religious groups history.
This phenomenon is what I want goyim to understand. That feeling of when i found out the specific event of violence that killed my great-great grandparents felt more like a final nail in the coffin than an unexpected blow. Yes, it hurt and i cried as i always do when i found out the specifics of my families deaths to antisemitic violence. But it was not a surprise. Why would it be when since at least middle school I remember learning about jewish history and internalizing it as my own history that happened to my own family.
And this phenomenon is also why jews react so strongly when violent antisemitism is in the news. Yes, it has to do with intergenerational trauma but also this deep connection we feel to all of Jewish history. That we can see how this is just another atrocity in a long line of atrocities. That there is no tangible difference between the victims and ourselves. This is all of our collective history.
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
בכנות, חברי'ה. עייפתי
ציונות אנטי ציונות אנטישמיות פלסטין ישראל מי מזהה מדינה מי לא מזהה מדינה מלחמה רצח עם אירוויזיון אוניברסיטות עניינים, ביבי טיבי כוס של הפיבי, נשבר לי הזין. לא יודעת. מבחינתי מנהיג את המדינה חד קרן. די עם הזבל הזה. אני מבקשת שמישהו יבצע לובוטומציה או איך שלא אומרים lobotomy בעברית כי זו הדרך היחידה להוציא את הזבל הזה מהראש שלי. די עם כל ה"חשיבה" וה"נואנסים" בנושא ה"מציאות" ושאר סחלע. תוציאו אותי מפה. לא רוצה את היכולת לזהות את המילים האלה אפילו. אני מספיק צריכה לעבוד בשביל כסף, תנו לי לפחות בזמני הפנוי לא לשמוע או לראות או לחשוב על הדבר הזה מדי פעם. רוצה כלום. רוצה נתק. העם דורש אפס שכל כבר עשרים שנה, ואני סופית במאבק כנגד המוח. מצות דם פלסטיני טעימות לכל היהודונים, עייפתי.
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
I didn’t not kill myself for this
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moran-with-a-g · 2 days
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@jewishqueen really?! I didn't know!!!
Let me fact check that real quick!!!!!
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All it takes is a quick google.
Not enough for you?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 10th Century BCE came before 5th Century BCE.
You don't need to deny history to support Palestine's right of existence. You don't need to pretend the 'side' you support is completely morally pure to support it.
Even with antisemites going into Wikipedia pages and intentionally deleting information about Jewish history and Israeli history, this is still easily accessible information. This took me 5 minutes to find.
Don't go spreading misinformation you can't even bother to google correctly.
The term palestine was coined around 5 BCE, the kingdom of Israel existed as early as 10 BCE and the earliest known reference to the land of Israel is dated back to 13 BCE
Do the antisemites that invaded the pro-palestinian movement know the origin of the word Palestine is from the Hebrew root פ.ל.ש, the root for the word invaders? Do they know it's based on Philistia, the name given to the region that's based after the Philistines? Do they know we don't actually know the actual name the Philistines called themselves, and that we called them that as an insult, because it's from the same root as invaders?
Like do you realise all this time the name of this land was "invaded" while we weren't here? When you try to claim Jews have no connection to the Levant do you realise what you're claiming? This is driving me insane.
(this is NOT saying palestinians aren't natives and don't deserve a country of their own, and I will block anyone who reblogs this trying to claim that)
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moran-with-a-g · 6 days
A Zionist Jew and and Anti-Zionist Jew walk into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve Jews."
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moran-with-a-g · 6 days
pride month is about to start, so lemme say something real quickly: happy pride to all the queer Jews out there who might feel left out of their communities (this goes for the queer and the Jewish communities) and also that Hashem loves you as you are and you don’t need to ever hate yourself for being different or convince yourself that you need changing!! 🩷 (and for the queer Jews who don’t believe in g-d, I just hope you have a good month!!)
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moran-with-a-g · 6 days
I didn’t not kill myself for this
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moran-with-a-g · 10 days
Guys I’m going to make a hot take
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moran-with-a-g · 10 days
Polls for Israeli Jews/non Arab סקר מפת ההצבעות של הטאמבלריסטיםות
So I have an assumption that most Israelis on Tumblr are left leaning. By left leaning I mean that they support a democratic solution that respects both civil and national rights for 2 people in the I/P conflict or for example they are more peaceniks/support purity of arms. The main other issues in Israel are regarding the state and religion issues, pro- vs. anti-Bibi stances, etc. Considering the majority of Israeli Tumblrists are most likely queer, I also presume people here voted for pro-LGBT parties. Non-Israelis, this is not for you, if you have any mean comment to add, keep it to yourself, otherwise, you will be reported and blocked.
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moran-with-a-g · 10 days
אתמול ישבתי עם החברה הכי טובה שלי, ושאלתי אותה האם היא שינתה את דעתה על ההפגנות בעקבות מה שקרה באוניברסיטת קולומביה. מלבד העובדה שהיא לא שמעה על זה, *אחרי* שסיפרתי לה מה קרה, ואמרתי לה *שוב* את מה ש-*המפגינים עצמם אומרים*- "אנחנו לא רוצים שתי מדינות, אנחנו רוצים את הכל" ושהמנהיג של המחאה בקולומביה אמר שהוא "רוצה להרוג ציונים" וש-"לציונים לא מגיע לחיות", היא *עדיין* חוזרת על המנטרה הקדושה של "אלו רק הפגנות נגד המלחמה ובעד שלום". אני באמת לא מבינה איך אנשים מסוגלים להיות כל כך עיוורים ומטומטמים. זה כבר הגיע למצב של דת אצלם-גם אם מראים להם באותות ובמופתים שזה לא המצב, הם מתעלמים.
לא נעים לי לומר, אבל השמאל המערבי הביא את גל הפופוליזם הימני על עצמו. אותה חברה בוכה לי אחר כך על "אני לא מבינה למה אנשים הצביעו למפלגת הימין הקיצוני בגרמניה"... אולי בגלל שאתם שם בשמאל האירופאי הוכחתם שאתם לא קובעים את העמדות שלכם על סמך עובדות אלא על סמך מה שמתיישב עם התורה הפרוגרסיבית? אולי כל האנשים שהצביעו לימין בגרמניה לא הצביעו בגלל שהם גזענים ועיוורים, אולי העמדות שלהם לא באמת השתנו, אלא אלו אתם שנכשלתם? זה באמת מעייף ומוכיח לי שאני יכולה להתחבר עם אנשים מחו"ל, אבל שאסור לנו כיהודים להסתמך על אומות אחרות ושאנחנו חייבים להגן על עצמנו.
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moran-with-a-g · 10 days
when programs fucking autocorrect <3 to ❤️ and :) to 😃,,,, do you have any idea what you’ve just done?? what you just fucking destroyed ?
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