moppetventblog 30 days
I know it could be worse. I know it could be worse. But goddamnit I want to kill myself.
M, when this is all over, do me a favor. Never speak my name again. Because out of all the betrayals, yours was the worst. And I hope you never find this, but just so you know- I wish you knew the way you hurt me. And if I knew that this was how it was gonna end, then god I never would鈥檝e chosen you as a friend.
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moppetventblog 2 months
I just want to go to bed and not wake up
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moppetventblog 2 months
God I am just. This close to losing it. I think I鈥檓 overstimulated??? Maybe???? Who even fucking knows I just hate people I hate everyone and I know they hate me back and gahhhhhhh
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moppetventblog 7 months
I can鈥檛 do this anymore. I put too much of myself into things and I just cant. I鈥檓 tired. I don鈥檛 want to wake up.
I鈥檓 sick and I鈥檓 sad and im tired and I cant fucking empathize anymore fuck everyone im done yall csn just. Shut uppl
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moppetventblog 9 months
I鈥檓 sorry.
I鈥檓 not going to kill myself, but god I wish I could. I wish I could just . Not exist. I don鈥檛 even know what the fuck is wrong with me, but I don鈥檛 want to live anymore. I thought it was dysphoria, or adhd, but no. It鈥檚 just me. And I don鈥檛 want to do this anymore.
There is something so fucking wrong with me and I hate it. I hate it hate it hate it. They deserve so much better and I wish I could tell them but I can鈥檛 i can鈥檛 do it but I can鈥檛 keep doing this i camt im sorry i csnt i csnt im so sorry
I should make a note
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moppetventblog 10 months
Ah, throwback- pro tip for younger me, that guy ur referencing in number 2? Yeah, he turned out to be a pedophile sooooooooo
Pro tip y鈥檃ll! If you ever feel like offing yourself, do these three things:
1.) Go the fuck to bed
2.) Remind yourself of your friend who鈥檚 lived through way too many people who had suicide attempts (may not work if you think he only tolerates you and not likes you as a friend)
3.) Project what you think are your flaws onto a completely made up character and torture them
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moppetventblog 10 months
Damn past me needed so much therapy
Current me also needs so much therapy, but Im not really wanting to die rn so we Gucci
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moppetventblog 3 years
I want to kill myself
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moppetventblog 4 years
Pro tip y鈥檃ll! If you ever feel like offing yourself, do these three things:
1.) Go the fuck to bed
2.) Remind yourself of your friend who鈥檚 lived through way too many people who had suicide attempts (may not work if you think he only tolerates you and not likes you as a friend)
3.) Project what you think are your flaws onto a completely made up character and torture them
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moppetventblog 5 years
What if I choke myself with my hair tie right now
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moppetventblog 5 years
Sometimes I just want to strangle myself. Nbd
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moppetventblog 5 years
I have an unsettling feeling regarding the fact that I鈥檓 going to post a bang fic the same day my ex asked me out. You know rubatosis? That鈥檚 what I鈥檓 experiencing rn, but with the knowledge that what would have been our one year is coming up
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moppetventblog 5 years
Current Status: lying on the fucking floor at midnight because I鈥檓 too emotionally exhausted to change positions
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moppetventblog 5 years
You ever get that feeling that one of your friends hates you? Like, they probably don鈥檛, but you still think it?
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moppetventblog 5 years
Ngl, kinda want to stop existing for a bit. It feels like there鈥檚 a drill that keeps making me want to stop existing
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moppetventblog 5 years
Like, I get that I鈥檓 a good person and that people love me, but I still feel really inadequate and I know why and it鈥檚 stupid but I can鈥檛 get it to stop
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moppetventblog 5 years
You ever have such a good day and then end it feeling like you鈥檙e not enough? By some standard?
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