monikeroboogie · 5 days
Healthy Oatmeal
Mix 1-16oz bag Muesli with 1 1/2-16oz bag Rolled Oats
1/2 cup-Oat Mix
1 cup-Hemp Milk
1 T-Hempseed; Ground Chia Seed; Ground Flax Seed
2 T-Maple Syrup
1 T-Cinnamon
Microwave 3 Minutes
1/2 cup-Apple Sauce -
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monikeroboogie · 6 days
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monikeroboogie · 6 days
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monikeroboogie · 6 days
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monikeroboogie · 7 days
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monikeroboogie · 8 days
im in a weird generational DMZ because my parents are the age of typical gen x parents but waited a very long time to have kids so my brother and i are out of sync with the typical boomer-to-millennial generational cultural flow, and then i was raised by gen x goths at a liberal college, so i had direct contact with the gen x mtv pop culture but was always the youngest person in my social group by a good 5-10 years until fairly recently, and basically eschewed all typical millennial youth culture because i was too autistic to handle the cringe factor of Nickelodeon sitcoms. but at the same time i was too young to smoke at the skate park and go to raves with the MTV generation. and then by the time i was old enough, that gen x youth culture was mostly gone or at least had been carried forward to other venues i no longer had access to, and had been replaced by a millennial young adult culture i wasn't interested in. ive never seen a single episode of spongebob, i hate pokemon and drake and josh (boy was i vindicated on that last one. yikes). the 2000s reality tv and emo myspace crap was alien to me. i now find the dialects and customs of both genx facebook lolcat posters and millennial twitter doggo posters to be intolerable.
elder millennials (the invader zim scholars, young enough to think buffy was cringe but old enough to perceive that Rick & Morty was derivative, you can't imagine our self-satisfaction at this) are a really really distinct subgeneration with very weird framing. everywhere we go and everything we participate in, we're either the youngest or the oldest person in the room. i have a whole series of different masking techniques for each setting
anyway the point is trip-hop rules forever, never forget this
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monikeroboogie · 8 days
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monikeroboogie · 12 days
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Grid globes
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monikeroboogie · 12 days
1899: The Threatened One | Jorge Luis Borges
"El amenazado" Jorge Luis Borges
Es el amor. Tendré que cultarme o que huir. Crecen los muros de su cárcel, como en un sueño atroz. La hermosa máscara ha cambiado, pero como siempre es la única. ¿De qué me servirán mis talismanes: el ejercicio de las letras, la vaga erudición, el aprendizaje de las palabras que usó el áspero Norte para cantar sus mares y sus espadas, la serena amistad, las galerías de la biblioteca, las cosas comunes, los hábitos, el joven amor de mi madre, la sombra militar de mis muertos, la noche intemporal, el sabor del sueño? Estar contigo o no estar contigo es la medida de mi tiempo. Ya el cántaro se quiebra sobre la fuente, ya el hombre se levanta a la voz del ave, ya se han oscurecido los que miran por las ventanas, pero la sombra no ha traído la paz. Es, ya lo sé, el amor: la ansiedad y el alivio de oír tu voz, la espera y la memoria, el horror de vivir en lo sucesivo. Es el amor con sus mitologías, con sus pequeñas magias inútiles. Hay una esquina por la que no me atrevo a pasar. Ya los ejércitos me cercan, las hordas. (Esta habitación es irreal; ella no la ha visto.) El nombre de una mujer me delata. Me duele una mujer en todo el cuerpo.
Translated from the Spanish
"The Threatened One" Jorge Luis Borges
It is love. I will have to hide or flee.
Its prison walls grow larger, as in a fearful dream. The alluring mask has changed, but as usual it is the only one. What use now are my talismans, my touchstones: the practice of literature, vague learning, an apprenticeship to the language used by the flinty Northland to to sing of its seas and its swords, the serenity of friendship, the galleries of the library, ordinary things, habits, the young love of my mother, the soldierly shadow cast by my dead ancestors, the timeless night, the flavor of sleep and dream?
Being with you or without you is how I measure my time.
Now the water jug shatters above the spring, now the man rises to the sound of birds, now those who look through the windows are indistinguishable, but the darkness has not brought peace.
It is love, I know it; the anxiety and relief at hearing your voice, the hope and the memory, the horror at living in succession.
It is love with its own mythology, its minor and pointless magic. There is a street corner I do not dare to pass. Now the armies surround me, the rabble. (This room is unreal. She has not seen it.)
A woman's name has me in thrall. A woman's being afflicts my whole body.
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monikeroboogie · 12 days
There's No Forgetting (Sonata)
Ask me where I have been and I'll tell you: “Things keep on happening.” I must talk of the rubble that darkens the stones; of the river’s duration, destroying itself; I know only the things that the birds have abandoned, or the ocean behind me, or my sorrowing sister. Why the distinctions of place? Why should day follow day? Why must the blackness of nighttime collect in our mouths? Why the dead? If you question me: where have you come from, I must talk with things falling away, artifacts tart to the taste, great, cankering beasts, as often as not, and my own inconsolable heart. Those who cross over with us are no keepsakes, nor the yellowing pigeon who sleeps in forgetfulness: only the face with its tears, the hands at our throats, whatever the leafage dissevers: the dark of an obsolete day, a day that has tasted the grief in our blood. Here are violets, swallows — all things that delight us, the delicate tallies that show in the lengthening train through which pleasure and transciency pass. Here let us halt, in the teeth of a barrier: useless to gnaw on the husks that the silence assembles. For I come without answers: see: the dying are legion, legion, the breakwaters breached by the red of the sun, the headpieces knocking the ship’s side, the hands closing over their kisses, and legion the things I would give to oblivion.
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monikeroboogie · 13 days
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monikeroboogie · 14 days
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Mustard Seed
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monikeroboogie · 15 days
Post-Scarcity Anarchism is a concept outlined by Murray Bookchin in his collection of essays, first published in 1971 by Ramparts Press1. Let’s delve into the details:
Definition: Post-Scarcity Anarchism envisions an economic system based on three key principles:
Social Ecology: This perspective emphasizes the interdependence of human societies and their natural environment. It advocates for sustainable practices and harmonious coexistence.
Libertarian Municipalism: Bookchin proposes that local communities should have direct democratic control over decision-making processes, rather than relying on centralized authorities.
Abundance of Fundamental Resources: In a post-scarcity society, essential resources (such as food, shelter, and energy) are abundant and accessible to all.
The central idea is that technological advancements, when used ecologically, can lead to a society where scarcity is no longer a defining factor.
Key Points: Bookchin argues that post-industrial societies have the potential to evolve into post-scarcity societies.
Self-Administration: Technological progress enables self-administration of society. When used responsibly, technology can revolutionize how we organize ourselves.
Liberation Beyond Capital Accumulation: Bookchin challenges the notion that capital accumulation is a prerequisite for liberation. He dismisses the idea that obstacles like the state, social hierarchy, or vanguard political parties are necessary for working-class freedom1.
Controversy and Reception: Bookchin’s thesis sparked controversy due to its utopian faith in technology’s liberatory potential.
Unlike Noam Chomsky, who also critiques information technology controlled by the bourgeoisie, Bookchin actively develops new radical technologies for self-empowerment1. Scholars have praised the collection for its inspiring sketches of a future society and its insightful analysis of revolutionary potential in a technological context1.
In summary, Post-Scarcity Anarchism imagines a world where abundance, ecological awareness, and decentralized decision-making replace scarcity, hierarchy, and profit-driven motives1. 🌱🌍🔗
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monikeroboogie · 15 days
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Watterson pulled no punches
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monikeroboogie · 15 days
Two of Cups
This is the spell I don’t say aloud: I want to hear your stories, gather all your myths, sit together in easy silence, argue about whose turn it is to make dinner, or take out the trash, or water the garden— I want to grow things.
And I’m not scared of any of it— the way I might’ve been terrified of myself once, because your heartbeat feels like an ocean, a memory of a place I’ve never been but miss, the way music sometimes feels like home, how I can’t even explain it, but don’t feel like I have to.
The door’s open, darling— the door, my heart, this whole new universe, unexpected and unlooked for, but so welcome and so wanted, a love spell so true I don’t even need to speak it aloud.
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monikeroboogie · 23 days
What are some practices to recover from traumatic head injury? Is it permanent? especially food and diet practices
Usingthe web
Recovering from a traumatic head injury involves a multifaceted approach. Here are some practices to consider:
Physical Rehabilitation:
Engage in neuroplasticity-based exercises to help the brain rewire itself and improve overall function1.
Focus on repetition to maximize recovery2.
Be cautious when creating an exercise regimen, considering any other injuries you may have1.
Nutrition and Diet:
Maintain a nutritious diet to support brain health. Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins can be beneficial.
Stay hydrated and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
Rest and Sleep:
Allow your brain to heal by getting adequate rest.
Prioritize quality sleep to support brain function.
Emotional Support:
Stay connected with friends and loved ones. Emotional support can aid in recovery3.
Avoid Regression:
Continue therapy at home to maintain progress2.
Regarding permanence, outcomes vary based on the severity and location of the injury. Milder traumatic brain injuries have higher chances of recovery, but consistent effort can lead to improvement even in moderate or severe cases1. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice4
Remember, recovery is a journey, and each person’s experience is unique. 
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monikeroboogie · 23 days
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