momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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What are you gonna do to cleanse yourself on the blood moon and lunar eclipse?? I wrote out a list of things i wish to let go/release myself of and I’m going to burn them while i keep the good ones! But feels like i need more than these and a flame, anyone care to throw some ideas my way???🔥💫🧡👁🕉
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
I must make some for my friends 💫💜😁
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
do you know the difference between a Wiccan, a pagan, and a witch?
a witch practices spells and magic. a witch can also be a pagan or a wiccan, both or neither.
a wiccan is a person that follows a certain set of rules, the religion of wicca. wiccans are often witches, but do not have to be. 
a pagan is anyone who worships non-abrahamic deities, forces, or figures.
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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lovers of the misty morn. ⛈️
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
Coffee Lore & Superstition ☕
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☕ leaving coffee and bread inside a house will prevent ghosts haunting it
☕ bad luck follows if you stop using the regular coffee mug
☕ a cup of coffee will cure a headache
☕ when divining with coffee grounds, and the reader must not be thanked or the future foretold will not come true.
☕ drinking coffee might prevent you from growing facial hair
☕ if a coffee pot overcooks, it will bring bad weather.
spilling ☕
if you spill coffee on the plate under your cup by accident, you’ll come into money soon.
dropping a coffee while drinking, or smashing a coffee cup will bring bad luck
spilling coffee can be precursor to a blessing
if a girl spills coffee while brewing it, her lover is thinking of her
bubbles ☕
if the bubbles in the cup move towards the drinker it will foretells wealth.
if the bubbles in the cup move away from the drinker it will foretells loss.
catch the bubbles on your spoon and eat them to bring prosperity to you
one big bubble in your coffee is an omen for bad news.
a large bubble could mean a friend will arrive later.
bubbles gathering in the edge or the center of the cup indicates the weather, sunny in the center and rainy by the edges
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
⚡ How to Charge Objects ⚡
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⚡  In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells. 
⚡  Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!
⚡  Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.
⚡  there are many ways to charge objects:  ⚡
sea water
moon water
planetary influence
and many more! almost anything you can come up with
⚡  You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!
⚡  When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and
Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.
Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too
⚡  You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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Okah so im a bit of a noob when it comes to crystals and i was told to charge them. How do i do such?? 💫🔮👁💜🍄🧙🏽‍♂️
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
Me flirting: Your aura is pretty.
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
A Simple Witch Affirmation
“I am good at being a witch, and my butt is cute.”
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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oh how i adore the magic of gardens ✨🌸🌿
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
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self love bath ritual~ ❤️
❤️ for this ritual, gather a bath bomb, rose quartz, vanilla scented soap, a red candle, and if you’re of age, wine of choice. 
❤️ light the red candle, arrange the rose quartz as you like. 
❤️ use the vanilla soap to cleanse negative energies away.
❤️ add the bath bomb, soak in the tub and bring in new, calm energies
❤️ enjoy the bath with your drink of choice
❤️ if you so choose, include a vibrator or other and use as you care to
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
simple rose water spells 🌹
easy spells where only rose water is needed
🌹 a drop of rose water on each eyelid to enhance clarity
🌹 a touch of rose water on each cheek to appear lovely
🌹 immerse a charm in it to enchant it with positive feelings
🌹 pour some out in the dirt and step on it to break a heart
🌹 brush some over the corners of a door and knock to keep negativity away
🌹 a drop brushed over your lips to say only kind and soothing words
🌹 flick droplets over a page to divine from what words they land on
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
New thing to try! 👁💫💖
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Sweet and Salty Love Spell 🌹🍬
a simple spell jar to attract kind people for relationships and repel toxic people
gather and layer in a jar:
pink himalayan rock salt - for defense against negativity
white sugar - bring sweetness to the relationship
rose petals - indicates romantic love
charge with rose quartz, seal with pink wax and a kiss. 
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
Must try! 💚💫🔮
No Love Lost Spell 🥀
a spell to prevent developing feelings for someone, or to remove the affection
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🥀 gather: rose, burning plate, matches, sign of the person, apple half & seeds
🥀 choose either soft pink roses or red, depending on the nature of the feelings
🥀 slice the apple in half. consume one half.
🥀 gouge the seeds out, mix with the rose petals
🥀 burn the mix to ashes.
🥀 bury the other half of the apple in the ground, and nothing will grow there. 
🥀  smear ashes on the back doorstep, or scatter in the wind
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momma-virgo-blog · 6 years
self care for a love witch 💕
💕 enchant your lip gloss and blow kisses, even to yourself in the mirror
💕 nurture existing relationships with small gestures of kindness, a mundane act wrapped in a bit of magic if they allow it.
💕 sprinkle rose petals by your front door to invite love into your home
💕 sleep with a loved one’s shirt to connect with them in the astral
💕 practice consent with the little things, whether a hug or touching hands. 
💕 charge your medication bottles with rose quartz for added caring affect
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