mobprincessdani · 4 years
text || Dani & Rachel
Rachel: I was just thinking that I had meant to send you a picture earlier in the week but got side tracked. Is now a good time?
Dani: Sure, cutie. And you don't have to ask.
Rachel: [https://mobprincessdani.tumblr.com/post/190563683741/sms-rachel-dani]
Dani: Looks like a nice place to sink my teeth into
Rachel: I would have to agree
Dani: If only you were here, I could do something about that.
Rachel: Is that what you want? For me to be there with you right now?
Dani: Maybe
Rachel: I would be happy to see you.
Dani: Then maybe you should.
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
SMS || Rachel > Dani
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
text || Dani & Rachel
Rachel: Thank you again, for coming with me 🙂
Dani: no problem, cutie
Rachel: The more you say that the more I’m convinced you mean it.
Dani: of course I mean it, darling
Rachel: I got a call back today for a role.
Rachel: Which makes getting a place feel even more so urgent
Dani: Oh? What role?
Rachel: Little Shop Of Horrors
Dani: Killer plants, cool.
Rachel: It’s very cool!
Dani: I have like zero musical theater knowledge outside of like Rent and Avenue Q
Rachel: That’s better than some. I don’t expect you to know anything.
Dani: I mean, I'm a music major so I've dabbled
Rachel: Right, of course. I guess what I mean is you don’t have to pretend to be interested.
Rachel: How are classes going, anyhow?
Dani: Well, I'm not pretending. You're interesting to me. Thus, what you're into is interesting.
Dani: They're going
Rachel: I’m interested in you.
Dani: Is that so, darling?
Rachel: Of course.
Dani: How so?
Rachel: You’re thoughtful and funny and I also like how I feel when I’m with you.
Dani: How you feel?
Rachel: I don’t know how to explain it.
Dani: Try?
Rachel: I just like when I’m around you.
Dani: Maybe you should do it more?
Rachel: You have a life!
Dani: Not much of one. I work and I go to class. I have way more free time than you seem to think I do. I work because I'm bored with nothing to do.
Rachel: I’ll keep that in mind then. How’s that?
Dani: I guess that's okay.
Rachel: Are you up to anything now?
Dani: Not really, no.
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
text || Dani & Rachel
Dani: m gonna fkin kill im
Rachel: Excuse me?
Dani: am gonna kill him
Rachel: Kill who?
Rachel: Are you about to make me an accomplice ?
Dani: cousin
Dani: idk
Rachel: Well, are you going to tell me what happened and what I can do?
Dani: cheap tequila
Dani: and dick porn
Rachel: You have so much money. Why would you choose something so foul?
Rachel: If you are truly uncomfortable you should tell them to turn it off.
Dani: not m chouce
Dani: effort
Rachel: Why did they choose something so foul?
Rachel: I don’t see how I can be any help.
Dani: ass
Dani: not asking
Rachel: To be clear, you’re just whining?
Dani: yeah
Rachel: I can get down with that. Whine away 🙂
Dani: wanted whiskey
Rachel: Could I bring you some?
Dani: idk
Rachel: Okay.
Rachel: Maybe I could...
Rachel: I mean, if you wanted
Rachel: Send you something that isn’t a...penis?
Dani: yes
Rachel: Okay 🙂
Rachel: [https://mobprincessdani.tumblr.com/post/190563546451/sms-rachel-dani]
Dani: 👅
Rachel: It’s not a penis 🙂
Dani: kitty
Rachel: Do you like kittys?
Dani: yeh
Rachel: Have you ever had one?
Dani: no pets
Rachel: Me neither.
Dani: 😞
Rachel: Are you going to be okay accompanying me tomorrow?
Dani: probably
Rachel: I’m not sure it was anything but a yes or no answer, but okay.
Dani: ill b there
Rachel: It’s okay if you can’t make it. I’d just like to know now so I can be prepared.
Dani: I will be there
Rachel: Would it be okay if I hugged you when I see you?
Dani: course
[next morning]
Rachel: Good morning
Dani: must it be good?
Rachel: Bad morning doesn’t have a great ring.
Dani: i didn't say it was bad, but like it's definitely not good
Rachel: Mediocre morning!
Dani: something like that
Rachel: Are you still okay to accompany me today?
Dani: yep
Rachel: Where would be a good place to meet up?
Dani: my place? Idk
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
SMS || Rachel > Dani
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
text || Dani & Rachel
Rachel: [https://mobprincessdani.tumblr.com/post/190563355061/sms-rachel-dani]
Dani: Hey there cutie
Rachel: Do you work tomorrow night?
Dani: Depends, does it benefit me if I am?
Rachel: I would say so. You’d get to see me 🙂
Dani: Yeah, I am. I work most nights. Unless my uncle starts thinking I'm working too much, then he forbids me from it.
Rachel: I’m glad you have him to make you step back once and a while.
Rachel: Friday’s my usual pizza day.
Dani: It's annoying, mostly. He just gets worried if he thinks I'm ignoring my school work for actual work.
Dani: I'll keep that in mind.
Rachel: Never be annoyed by people caring for you.
Dani: They're overprotective. Which, while appreciated, is also very annoying.
Rachel: They have reason to be, Dani.
Dani: I take care of myself just fine.
Rachel: I wasn’t trying to question that.
Dani: They act like they haven't taught me to fight or shoot a gun or manage my time and energy.
Rachel: They love you.
Dani: I know they do.
Rachel: Are you into weird sex things?
Dani: Define weird
Rachel: I guess anything that isn’t vanilla.
Dani: There are different levels of kink but, overall, I'm pretty open
Rachel: Cool. A lot of people online had been into pretty kinky things.
Dani: I have had some very interesting things offered to me, for sure. And have agreed to some of them, though didn't necessarily enjoy them.
Rachel: Do I get to hear the ones you did enjoy?
Dani: Maybe one day.
Dani: What about you? What are you into?
Rachel: I have an idea but I haven’t exactly explored.
Dani: Tell me?
Rachel: Well, biting. Blind folds maybe. Choking.
Rachel: I’m telling you that as a friend.
Dani: Biting is fun. Never been on the receiving end of the other two, but they're fun to do to other people.
Rachel: It seems so sensual to have to rely on your senses.
Dani: It's quite the exercise in trust, as well.
Rachel: Trust is hard for me to give, I think.
Dani: It's certainly not something to take lightly.
Rachel: You’re right.
Dani: I've only done them once or twice. But that's what happens when someone just wants you for you money
Rachel: Do you want to have a girlfriend one day?
Dani: I had one, when I was younger. We were in high school, her family moved out of state and I took the breakup hard. Not a lot of people knew her family moved, so it was rumored that my father had her and/or her family killed for breaking up with me.
Dani: I haven't had one since and I do want one but the rumors scare people off.
Rachel: How ignorant.
Rachel: I’m sorry it can’t be so simple.
Dani: It sucks, honestly.
Dani: My little sister has it worse, though. She has to deal with the general family rumors and then the ones about me.
Rachel: There are that many?
Dani: The mob ties are well known but not provable. So, yes.
Rachel: I’m not scared off easy.
Dani: I hope so.
Rachel: I’m also not a liar.
Rachel: I don’t say things I don’t mean.
Dani: I don't doubt you are, but sometimes circumstances change.
Rachel: They’re about to change, aren’t they?
Dani: They could. The closer we get, no matter the context, the rumors will come back to you.
Rachel: I crave attention. You may not know that about me.
Dani: Yeah, but attention from people because you might have ties to the mob, is not good.
Rachel: Any attention is better than none.
Dani: Not when it can get you hurt.
Rachel: Can’t I flip that around on you?
Dani: I was born into this life. I was taught how to deal with the rumors and I was taught how to defend myself. If rumors and lies exist like webs, my family are spiders. Unfortunately, that turns a lot of innocent people into prey, even if we're not the ones doing the preying.
Dani: Guess we'll just have to see which you are, spider, prey, or something bigger.
Rachel: What could possibly be bigger than a spider?
Rachel: Will I be seeing you this evening?
Dani: Literally most things, to be fair.
Dani: You should be, yeah.
Rachel: I fear finding out could mean we aren’t meant to be friends.
Rachel: I’ve scheduled some open houses.
Dani: Being big enough to break through the excess webbing isn't always a bad thing. As long as you leave the spider unharmed.
Dani: Oh? That's good.
Rachel: I’d never harm a spider.
Rachel: I feel like you should come with me.
Dani: Can't tell if that's foolish of you or not.
Dani: I certainly can, provided I don't have class.
Rachel: I get to decide that.
Rachel: Next weekend.
Dani: Is that so?
Dani: I can be there, just not like hella early. One of my cousins is coming in and my uncle wants me to entertain him, so I agreed to that, which means a likely hangover.
Rachel: Of course it’s so.
Rachel: That sounds like fun.
Dani: Dude isn't bad and he pays for my drinks, but he mixes them strong while we watch movies and somehow always end up watching porn. Which is weird, because we both end up awkwardly heading to bed to get ourselves off. Just to come back and watch more movies with more alcohol until we somehow hit porn again.
Dani: We have a weird relationship.
Rachel: That’s a lot of information.
Dani: Consider it a heads up, cos I have a very fun habit of drunk texting.
Rachel: You’d think about me completely obliterated?
Dani: I kinda just default to whoever I've been texting most at the time.
Rachel: That could change.
Dani: I doubt it
Rachel: I like that reassurance.
Rachel: You’re the only person I’m texting. Mostly.
Dani: Outside of family and like classmates, you're basically it for me.
Rachel: I think some may consider that lame.
Dani: I don't have friends, remember?
Rachel: You have me.
Dani: I meant besides you
Rachel: Right. I’m glad you didn’t forget.
Dani: Kinda hard to
Rachel: Because I’m unforgettable? 😛
Dani: Because we're texting, dork
Rachel: I’m no such thing, Dani.
Dani: Mmhmm, sure
Rachel: 😮
Dani: What?
Rachel: Well, it’s not the meanest thing I’ve been called
Dani: I meant no offense, darling
Rachel: I’m glad.
Dani: So, what're you up to?
Rachel: Research mostly. Preparing for some auditions I have going on tomorrow.
Dani: What kind of research?
Rachel: Research about sex and things.
Dani: Oh? Cool. Learn anything fun?
Rachel: No, not fun.
Dani: No?
Rachel: I just seem to find it more daunting the more I read.
Dani: Sex or kink?
Rachel: Sex.
Dani: Oh.
Rachel: Weren’t expecting that?
Dani: Not really, no.
Rachel: I’m full of surprises.
Dani: I guess you are.
Rachel: I’m quite thankful you messaged me when you did.
Rachel: I was ready to just give myself away.
Dani: I was honestly a little surprised, when I saw your profile.
Dani: There are some NASTY fuckers on that site, too.
Rachel: I figured I’d be able to handle the nasty.
Rachel: I’m a little desperate. I have nothing else to offer.
Dani: Like, I'm into some shit but some of the stuff I've been told about people asking for... not the kind of thing you want your first time to include. Not even the kind of stuff you'd want your... 50th time. Like, no fault to those who like it, but... yikes.
Rachel: I was hoping I could find someone reasonable.
Rachel: But I can handle anything.
Rachel: I know that I want things that are more than vanilla. I can’t know what if I haven’t tried.
Dani: Yeah, but getting into it with someone who wants a very specific kind of kink and finding out it's not the thing you're into can get weird. Or so I've heard.
Rachel: If the money was good enough.
Rachel: But it doesn’t matter.
Dani: I'm definitely glad I was the one to find you, now more so than before.
Rachel: I hope that I will be worth it.
Dani: You already are, dork.
Rachel: You say that.
Dani: And it won't change.
Rachel: I have no reason to think you’re lying to me.
Dani: And you shouldn't, because I'm not.
Rachel: I quite fancy the place with the window seat.
Dani: Window seats are the bomb.
Rachel: Ha!
Rachel: I’d have to agree.
Dani: There's really nice bay window with one at my parent's house and I used to sit there and play guitar for hours on rainy days.
Rachel: That sounds really wonderful. I bet they loved it.
Dani: I'm sure I annoyed them when I hit my teen angst phase and was only playing like really depressing rock songs, but other than that, probably
Rachel: The fact you’d still share yourself like that is incredible.
Dani: It's my favorite spot in the house
Rachel: I hope to see it one day.
Rachel: In pictures of course
Dani: I mean, I doubt mother would mind if I came for a visit and brought a friend. IF you ever wanted to see it in more than pictures.
Rachel: Is that what friends do?
Dani: Does it stop being things friends do when you graduate high school or something?
Rachel: I didn’t have many friends in high school lol
Dani: Really? You certainly are full of surprises
Rachel: I was part of many groups and clubs and there were some people who had a certain fondness for me but it was never really...more than surface level.
Dani: Huh, interesting
Rachel: Sure.
Dani: What?
Rachel: I don’t think it should come off as surprising. I’m a lot. I’m different. It’s what makes me special and what is going to help me on my way to stardom.
Dani: But you're not? A lot, I mean. I've got cousins fifty times more dramatic and a hundred times harder to handle and they're fucking popular as hell.
Dani: It just doesn't make sense to me.
Rachel: I grew up in Ohio.
Rachel: I’m also competitive to a fault.
Dani: Ohio kinda explains it, I guess
Rachel: It’s never felt important to have friends before
Dani: I guess that makes sense
Rachel: I’ll keep you
Dani: I'm glad
Rachel: I should be asleep
Dani: So should I, but I haven't even left the shop. Something went down and father didn't want me heading home alone but still hasn't managed to find someone to escort me there.
Dani: Like, I have a gun, I know how to use it, I'll be fine in an uber.
Rachel: Like a big strong tough guy?
Dani: Usually, yeah.
Rachel: I don’t know any of those lol
Dani: I'm related to entirely too many of them
Rachel: You’ll have to introduce me
Dani: No
Rachel: Okay.
Dani: I just don't want you getting more mixed up in my family business than you need to
Rachel: Understood
Dani: I'm literally about to say fuck it and call an uber anyway
Rachel: I trust you’d only do that if you were completely certain you are safe. So do it!
Dani: Honestly, I just want to go home. Like, they won't even tell me what fucking happened. So it's like, I'm supposed to be scared or worried but mostly I'm just fucking annoyed
Rachel: Go home!
Dani: I'll text you when I get there. I have to go fight with a man about letting me go home.
Rachel: Promise?
[5 am]
Dani: remind me to NEVER try and argue with my father.
Dani: I'm home, by the way.
Rachel: Thank goodness! I was worried.
Dani: Please tell me one of us got sleep
Rachel: I slept!
Dani: I didn't wake you
Rachel: No. you had impeccable timing.
Dani: That's good
Rachel: I wake up at 5 most days.
Rachel: Have you slept yet?
Dani: Fair enough
Dani: No. But I'm gonna try soon. Had some business to attend to after last night.
Rachel: Business? Are you going to keep it so vague?
Dani: Yep.
Dani: Ugh, did not get enough sleep. But there are things I must do.
Rachel: What things?
Dani: Things with my father.
Rachel: My auditions went well today.
Dani: That's good, I'm glad to hear it.
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
SMS || Rachel > Dani
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
Sugar Sugar || DM
mobmadam: hey there cutie.
laestrella: Dani.
laestrella: This is rather embarrassing.
mobmadam: how so, darling?
laestrella: You’re my friend. There are lots of stereotypes around this type of thing...and I’m not like that.
mobmadam: darling, I'm only here because I like spending money on people. what better way to do that than to find someone who actually needs the help?
laestrella: I don’t need help.
mobmadam: either way, you're here because you want or need money. I have it. what's so wrong with taking it?
laestrella: I suppose that’s the point.
laestrella: What do you expect in return?
mobmadam: nothing in particular. I do have to warn you, I am a mob princess and as such, you are making a deal with the mob. father rarely looks to collect, but what he does require, and as such I will require it of you, is that you never question where the money comes from. you never talk about where it comes from. if asked, my family are businessmen and that's all you know.
mobmadam: many of the women who take my money enjoy the sexual side of things. it's why I'm seen as a player. they use my money, I use their bodies, and when they're done, we go our separate ways. no strings attached, outside of those my father might one day pull. he likely won't as he sees this as a fair trade. the women keep me happy, the extra wealth disappears. all is well.
mobmadam: just being my friend is enough. if you'd rather not get sexual. I don't have many friends. And knowing you like me for more than my money is, nice.
laestrella: Are you safe?
laestrella: Of course you’re my friend Dani.
laestrella: Which is why I’m not sure this can work.
mobmadam: yeah. father doesn't let me get too mixed up in the family business. jhe wants me to pursue my own dreams, just so long as I don't forget where I come from. he almost didn't want me working at the pizza place, but I like it.
mobmadam: I don't have a lot of friends. the rumors tend to scare people off.
mobmadam: why not? I'm not asking for things to change but they can if it would make you feel better. I don't care.
laestrella: He’s quite respectable.
laestrella: That would be rather sad. You wouldn’t have met me!
laestrella: You find the sex enough to call it even?
mobmadam: never let it be said that Alessio Ragno isn't a man of respect.
mobmadam: that I wouldn't have.
mobmadam: I find just having someone who'll spend time with me enough. it's sad, but like I said, the rumors run people off. at least when I'm giving someone money they aren't that scared of me.
laestrella: Do we not already spend time together?
mobmadam: we do, yes. and like I said, things don't have to change if we do this. I like giving people money and gifts, knowing they're taken care of. this way you get exactly what you need and I know that my friend is taken care of.
laestrella: Ok.
laestrella: What does a typical arrangement look like for you?
mobmadam: you tell me what you want, and/or how much you want, and you get it. sometimes, I'll just get stuff for you because I can. at which point, you can keep it or if you don't like it, send it back.
mobmadam: I usually let my profile go dark, as more than one at a time is a hassle. you don't have to, but I can guarantee, you'll get more than what you want from just me. and for so much less than others.
laestrella: How much have you given and how often?
mobmadam: a lot. and often.
mobmadam: let's put it this way, I've been on this site for over a year and have given away more money than most people even dream of making in that time.
laestrella: I need a place to live that fits my standards. There is not enough time in the day to make money.
mobmadam: so find a place and let me know cost.
laestrella: That’s it?
mobmadam: like I said, I like giving and knowing people are taken care of. just know I thoroughly expect to be invited over to hang out.
laestrella: You would be the first person I invite 🙂
mobmadam: I look forward to it, darling.
laestrella: How do you give the money?
mobmadam: depends on how you want it. I can do cash. I can do apps like paypal. whatever works better for you.
laestrella: Okay.
laestrella: Do you prefer talking money on the site? Or will texting suffice?
mobmadam: texting is fine. like I said, I let my profile go dark and usually ignore it.
laestrella: Goodnight Dani
mobmadam: goodnight, darling
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
Wicked Girls Saving Ourselves - Seanan McGuire
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mobprincessdani · 4 years
(F) 19 - sugar mommy - Brooklyn, New York, USA - mobmadam
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Joined: August 28th, 2018 Active: a few minutes ago
Name: Dani Height: 5′3″ Interested in: Women Relationship: Single
About me:
I’ve got money. You need money. Let’s make a deal, darling.
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