mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
If your child is disappointed by not scoring well despite the effort he has put into studying, then here are some tips parents can try: when you are dealing with a disappointed child, that’s the best time to show them how much you appreciate them, it is parents responsibility to help them go through it and overcome it on their own. The support that you provide will help them get through it, show them sympathy and empathy and more.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
Sometimes, homework can be overwhelming for kids. To reduce the stress of homework, parents should follow these tips: write down all their homework in their notebooks, when the kids have free time in school allow them to do their homework in school, kids should give more ample time and space to concentrate on their study and much more.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
Recent studies show that traditional ways of studying have become unreliable in teaching the students the things they need to learn. They have become counterintuitive that students tend to lose interest in studying. Here are some ways to study right for college students: keep the goal in mind, manage your study time well, it is good to ask for help or advice from a tutor and much more.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
If your children are facing the struggle in studying at school, then firstly parents should encourage them. Here are tips by private tutors to encourage learning: children should exert more effort in learning, keep track of children's homework time, apart from completing homework parents should teach their children the value of doing something new.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
If it is a daily struggle for your child to finish homework, then it is time to seek private tutor help. Here are some good habits that help your child to study better: first, taking a short 10 to 20-minute break from the study will help the body refresh and the brain to relax. Second, eat healthy food get a boost in brain power, third make them listen to music.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
Sometimes it is difficult for students to remember facts and information they learned in class as they prepare for their exam. Here are the tips for students to boost memory- involve in physical activity to enhances its brain activity, don't isolate yourself for studies, take help from the tutor in Edmonton, and relax your mind and body during exams.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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Whenever parents are asked why they consider tutoring for their kids, each one has a different reason to give. Although most parents consider hiring a tutor for their child because they feel that they are unable to help their child with the schoolwork because of their busy schedules. Others hire a tutor because their child seems to be more responsive to working out their school troubles with someone else other than their parents.
Tutoring helps in developing skills in comprehension, book student confidence and build an essential set of skills to help them through school and life in general.If you are still having second thoughts about hiring a tutor for your child, here are some of the benefits that you and your child will enjoy with a private tutor:
For more information about Tutoring Online, contact Mobile Tutors.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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How do you make your brain remember more? This perhaps is one of the frequently asked questions of both students and their parents. Young and old alike, students always need to memorize something. And when it seems as if they have already done everything, there are still a few things that they just couldn’t remember. Don’t lose hope just yet. Here are study hacks to help you improve your memory and prepare for every exam you need to take at school.·
Take a Walk
Did you know that walking has been proven to help give your mind a boost of brain power? Taking a walk at least twenty minutes before the exam will help your brain relax. You are likely to remember everything you have studied when you are more relaxed before the exam.
For more information about Tutoring Online, contact Mobile Tutors.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
Five Ways To Beat Exam Stress
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Every student who aims to maintain academic achievement will experience exam stress at some point during their academic career. Although it is often unavoidable, something can be done about it. Every student must realize that pressure exists for a reason and that there are strategies that can be used to help minimize stress.
In order to deal with the stress that comes with exams, it is essential that students understand the reasons behind their heightened anxiety. It is only then that you could establish ways to help reduce stress and set out to complete your exam without added pressure.But how do you put those negative feelings aside so that you can focus on succeeding in the exam? Here are five ways you can beat exam stress.
For more information about Online Tutoring Services, contact Mobile Tutors.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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Whether you are a grade school, high school or college student, you can benefit from having a tutor who can help you with your academic needs. From homework assistance, doing projects to gaining a deeper understanding of a specific subject, any student learns best with the help of a tutor. But what does it mean to have a tutor?
Working closely with a tutor for all your academic needs will ensure a thorough understanding of the topic. With the tutor, you can discuss, clarify and even ask questions about the topics you could not understand in school. The goal of every tutor is to help a student perform better in school. In particular, one could expect to improve their participation in class because they already have a clear understanding of lessons completed.
For more information about Online Tutoring, contact Mobile Tutors.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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Is your child not putting enough effort in school work? Figuring out the perfect formula to get your child to strive harder and keep them motivated to excel in school can be quite tough. In most cases, it is not about the lack of skill or knowledge about the topics in school. Rather, it is about not finding the connection between lessons taught in school and the method when they can be used in real life. Don’t lose hope. It is not the end of your child and her school work. Here are some tips to help you raise a learning-motivated child.
They don’t need to be big ones. Make a list of small achievable goals. One of the reasons why students feel less motivated to do well in school is because they always think that only the goals with the significant results matter. School work, projects, and homework can sometimes be overwhelming. These can make success unattainable. Create a list of small goals and allow your child to tick them when done. Dividing big tasks into small, doable ones can give your child the boost she needs to get things completed for school.
If you want more information about how to motivate a child, then contact Mobile Tutors today.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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Doing puzzles, sorting, discovering patterns and counting are activities that all kids love to do. However, when these activities are labeled “math,” all their curiosity disappears. In an instant, kids don’t love doing these things anymore because they have been labeled as the building blocks of math. While some children find it interesting to add, deal with fractions and decimals and multiply their money, there are others who lose both their interest in math and their confidence to study it further.
For more information about Online Tutoring, contact Mobile Tutors.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 6 years
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Moving to a new house, older siblings moving out and transitioning from a small school to a big school all put children in a difficult situation. They need to be given time to assess the changes that are happening to them and their situation. Often, children who struggle with these significant changes show unwanted behavior, anxiety, and even fear. All these changes in their feelings that they cannot deal with adequately can significantly affect their academic performance.If your child is going through a transition and you recognize that they need help, here are some tools and techniques that they can use. It may be a challenging time for them, but it helps to have someone on their side to help them see things through.
Get more information at Online Tutoring.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 7 years
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In this day and age when children seem to be more engrossed in learning technology than lessons in school, it is relatively easy for them to forget the value of learning the basics. Some children are too busy learning a new game that they are not able to concentrate on doing their school work anymore. It is only when it is too late that they tell their parents that they need help immediately. This is when a tutor steps in and makes a difference.
But what does a tutor do to help the child? Are there things that the tutor won’t be responsible for? Here is a list of the things that a tutor can do and cannot do for you to help you manage your expectations.
Get more information at Online Tutoring.
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mobile-tutors-blog · 7 years
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Are you contemplating on hiring an online tutor for your child? After school tutoring has become one of the best options for parents whose children need help in their academic endeavor. With the aid of the internet, today’s tutoring options have become vast, allowing more and more students to study at their own pace with utmost convenience. Perhaps like every other parent, you too are thinking about whether online tutoring is an option for your child and the rest of the family.
For more information about Online Tutoring, contact Online Tutor in Canada.
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