mobian-of-science · 3 months
Currently I am MIA from all of my Sonic blogs. I have been losing passion for Sonic rpc for the last few months.
I will still do replies, but I won't be starting new threads most probably.
If you still wanna rp with me, feel free to find me on these two blogs:
If you still want to rp Sonic, feel free to message me for my discord handle. Love yall))
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mobian-of-science · 3 months
Currently I am MIA from all of my Sonic blogs. I have been losing passion for Sonic rpc for the last few months.
I will still do replies, but I won't be starting new threads most probably.
If you still wanna rp with me, feel free to find me on these two blogs:
If you still want to rp Sonic, feel free to message me for my discord handle. Love yall))
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
"Ohhhh, beakers, that Doctor..." The albino rolled her eyes, before giggling. "I have been bringing in wraps for the last few weeks. He looks so confised every time he sees me eat them." She pulled out two mugs and placed them onto the table.
To reach the higher shelf with the tea selection Flask had to do a small, but a bit silly jump. Grabbing the can, she started the whole tea making process. "Speaking of, I don't think I've asked for your name... Sorry about that! I am Flask the Mouse, mobian of science, nice to meet you!"
"Er...Alright..." Ember pursed her lips, and followed after the mouse, "He was telling me about his cucumber sandwich recipe. I suggested he try tomatoes with it. If I could see the man's eyes, I think there'd be murder in them." She chuckled.
She stood behind Flask, glanced up and down the pantry, mentally listing all the teas available til she made her choice, "Mmm...That peppermint tea sounds good."
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
"Could have fooled me. You chugged a few of those drinks so fiercely, I got really worried, you know." The mouse explaied. Sure, it was probably not nice to assume, but she was still pretty worried. Flask knew that Dan was a very responsible guy, but once in a while everyone has their moments of weakness. Plus, the small scientist herself was pretty weak to alcohol and to her half of the hedgehog's amount felt excessive.
Still, the albino immediately believed Dan. She pouted at him slightly. "I am not lying to you. You are pretty handsome and the way you were sitting here felt mysterious. I've actually heard that said out loud." Flask turned to the barman and gestured to him. "Could I please have some uhhh... Virgin mohito? Thank you!"
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"Awh, Dan, that's super nice of you, really. But I can always talk about that with my scientific community friends. I want to talk to you, not at you as you slowly fall asleep in your place." She laughed.
An over exaggerated gasp would emerge from Dan who feigned being offended by the idea. "Flask! Who said anything about getting drunk? To think you'd assume that of me." He'd shake his head slowly. "Tut tut, I don't fancy being ill for like a week and even if I did intend to get drunk, it would take way more than this lot..."
One might almost assume he'd had too much to drink given his overdramatic act, but sure enough he'd just smile over at her, chortling away to himself. "Pfffft, I know your just saying that but its nice that you think so." He'd always appreciated Flask's positivity.
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"But if that's what you think, you can sit with me and tell me all about those things, I might not have a clue what your on about, but I'll listen."
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
Flask smiled. It was nice to see normally poker-faced Rusty with such a determined expression. In the end it wasn't hard to see that remarkable inner strength that every Amy Rose seemed to possess.
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"Heh, oh, I wish. I've spent like... A third of my life stuck wallowing in my own grief. Trapped in my house, pretending the rest of the world didn't exist." The mouse twirled a strand of her snow white hair on her finger.
"I managed to get out with help from my friends. They encouraged me to do what I wanted to do and I listened. It took me some time, but then I suddenly realized... Hey, I've been making my own decisions this whole time! I am free and the world is what I make of it!" The small scientist chuckled awkwardly. "Sounds kinda cheesy, huh?"
"Speaking of freedom... How are you feeling lately?"
she couldn't give an exact response to all those questions. there was a heavy sentiment of guilt whenever she could think about what she wanted instead of what others wanted her to do.
an answer which mirrored her own thoughts has been given by her companion then, and rusty's right eye seemed to ignite with a stronger intensity.
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
The albino beamed, holding out the food for the bird to reach easier. It was her chance! Flask had to make as best of an impression as possible. She stepped closer slowly and reached forward with the brush, making a gentle testing stroke over the long feathers. "How's that, pretty lady? You think you can get behind this?"
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If Bolt was to show any sign of discomfort, the small scientist would stop immediately. Otherwise she would continue with her strokes getting a little more confident. "So... Arrow? I am actually curious, do you ever bring her to the vet?"
{➹} – THE HAWK STARED at the mouse, and per usual it was near impossible to tell what she was thinking behind those jet-black eyes but they did seem fixed on the offered food which was a good sign. Those tannish red feathers shifted along the avian's back before she looked at Arrow.
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To which the hedgehog only smiled, and gave a small nod. A sign that it was not only okay, but safe to do so. The hawk still looked a little uncertain but turned back to the mouse with a hoot of sorts before stretching her neck and nipping at the piece of offered treat.
Seemed the hawk was willing to oblige. For now.
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
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I love baking
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
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Small lil doodle I did during French class
Hopefully they will get better later on)
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
elf yuri except one of them is high fantasy and the other is one of santa's
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Application
Do you like to cuddle?: 
Can we make-out?: 
A night in or dinner out?: 
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: 
Chocolates and roses?: 
What makes you a good Valentine?: 
Would you cook for me?: 
Would you let me cook for you?: 
Where would you take me on a date?:
Who’s paying?: 
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: 
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
「   RP MEME :     THE INSIDE OUTTAKES .   」    * change pronouns as needed.
‘ i’m living in the future. ’
‘ am i depressed? ’
‘ am i dying? is this real? ’
‘ it’s anyone’s guess. ’
‘ am i kinda hot? ’
‘ that’s what i thought. ’
‘ alrighty then. ’
‘ when’s it going to end? ’
‘ i’ll bother getting better when i bother getting dressed. ’
‘ i don’t know what’s happening. ’
‘ what the fuck is going on?’ 
‘ he’s a really cool guy.’ 
‘ he walks into a room and everyone respects him. ’
‘ did i mention the shirt? ’
‘ i just wanna feel good. ’
‘ just google it. you’re an adult, you can figure it out. ’
‘ you owe a dumpling or a dumpling equivalent.’ 
‘ you’re my best friend. ’
‘ you know me and i know you. ’
‘ we’ve got shit that we’ll get through. ’
‘ still you. ’
‘ why would you think you’re entitled to a dumpling? ’ 
‘ what the fuck did i do? ’
 ‘ you should kill that. ’
‘ um, no. fuck that. ’
‘ i get it. this is the real you. ’
‘ it’s a pleasure. nice to meet you. ’
‘ why’s he looking at me? ’
‘ oh god, he’s moving! ’
‘ i don’t wanna think about it. ’
‘ i’m taking it slow. ’
‘ most think she died. ’
‘ it’s anyone’s guess what then happened next. ’ 
‘ who cares? ’
‘ i’m lost. ’
‘ am i going crazy? maybe. maybe not. ’
‘ swore i had a point to make but i forgot. ’
‘ you don’t want to wake up. ’
‘ you don’t want to live. ’
‘ tell me what you’re feeling right now. ’
‘ i’m done being sad. ’
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
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The mouse chuckled. "Yeah... He is the reason why I can't bring sandwiches here with me anymore. Professor just couldn't accept that I like my bread black." It was a long discussion that really set the chemist back on her work back then.
"And it's cool. I was actually wishing I could take a break. Let me indulge and do this one thing for you." Flask winked, standing up and walking to the other side of the office to open a pantry. "Is there any particular tea you like?"
Sandwiches...Of course...
Ember closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh, "That man and his sandwiches, I swear..." She straightened her posture, placing both hands on her hips, "Nah this is pretty important. No offense, but I'd rather hold onto it and hand it over myself." The idea of taking a break did seem nice; just a moment of serenity to split the havoc occurring in the hero's life.
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"I don't want to trouble you. I can make the tea myself if you tell me where it is."
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
The mouse sighed and climbed onto the stool next to Dan with a small frown on her face. She gently flicked at his nose. "So you think getting drunk will keep you out of trouble? Really?" Honestly, Flask herself didn't have much to do at such a function. She would feel right at home at a science convention of sorts, but here? The only people who would talk to her were either those who assumed she was a model for smaller types of body or weirdos, who tried offering her questionable 'private' deals.
"I don't see a problem with you dancing with a stranger. You are a pretty handsome dude. I've seen a few girls eyeing you down even." Well, she wasn't totally sure whether they were looking at the hedgehog or the bar, but that wasn't very important now, was it.
Still, the albino smiled at the compliment, shaking her head. "Like I am any better of a conversationalst. What am I going to talk about? Quantom mechanics? Complex reactions? Please." The small scientist sighed. Honestly, she would have already left, but she was tasked with pulling Cotton out and taking her to a relaxing lounge a few blocks down after she gets too tired to mingle anymore.
@mobian-of-science continued from here "But drinking IS me enjoying myself." The demon-hog would groan in protest in response as Flask tried pulling him away, It wasn't even a case of him being miserable for once in a public space! Dan just knew full well that he wasn't really welcome here and it was merely the presence of Cotton and Flask themselves that did permit him.
He could just see it in those eyes of the other patrons, even if no one had actively challenged him in the matter. It was usually the case for these 'posh' types.
Turning to face Flask slightly so she didn't strain herself trying to pull at him. "Cmon now, You don't need me to tell you I'm not going to fit in anywhere else in here. You look great! why don't you mingle and enjoy yourself rather than worrying about me? I'm fine. Honest. What else am I gonna do? Dance with a stranger? Or talk about demons with people? They don't wanna know that. I'm just staying out of trouble."
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
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"Supposed to be?" The albino repeated in confusion. "Were you expecting something special? You know, from having freedom? You can go wherrever you want and do whatever you want too, no?" The feeling was in fact very much familiar to Flask. After all, that was exactly how she felt right after finally coming out of her years of isolation.
"Oh, me? I... Maybe? See, I kind of... Always thought that as long as I haven't achieved my goal, everything isn't how it's supposed to be." The small scientist clenched her fists. "So I keep going. I don't like stopping to think about if things are going my way, I am making my way on my own! ...I guess?" She chuckled a bit awkwardly.
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[ 🩷 ] >>> ❝OH…❞
a blink attempted to keep eye contact away, though her bionic sight returned at her companion within the fraction of a second.
nothing was on her way lately. wherever fate would lead her, it was always by somebody else's sake, yet never hers. something as simple as 'will power' was far remote from her grasp.
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
Flask knew that Bolt was an important presence for her boyfriend, plus... She was actually really cool! Who wouldn't want to be a friend with an entire hawk?! It's a cool, majestic bird! Of course the mouse felt that irresistable urge to get closer to her.
The albino blew a raspberry at Arrow with a soft snicker. They were indeed always together lately. It was nice. But it also meant that their jokes were becoming simpler and more based around teasing and soft pranks. The chemist raised her hands, showing both the meat and the brush up for the hawk to see better.
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"Hey theeeere! If I give you a treat, may I try brushing your feathers a bit? I promise you, I'll be gentle."
{➹} – PROTECTIVE WAS A BETTER word for the hawk. Ever since she had met the hedgehog it was simply how she was and even he couldn't say why that was. He had simply come to accept it, though he never expected others to befriend the hawk due to her 'abrasive' nature. Even if all it took was some food and a show that someone was no harm to the hero to earn the hawk's trust.
At least one of which Flask had already done. Even Bolt knew the mouse and the hedgehog were near inseparable at times, and she seemed alright with that. The fact the hero laughed at the mouse's, accurate, reminder proved that. Though both he and the hawk looked interested in the items she brought. Unexpected, but not too surprising.
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Bolt definitely perked up at the meat, and Arrow smiled at the question. "The food? Absolutely. The brush? Probably. She acts like she hates it, but she loves a good scratch. You just have to bribe her t' get close enough t' do it. Which it looks like you've already thought about. Give it a go."
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
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Drew my sona in that fresh af Sonic style~
And yeah, her name is Barb the Sparrow if yall wondering))
Commission Info
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mobian-of-science · 4 months
Flask tilted her head at the hedgehog, thinking a bit, trying to remember where she could have seen the Professor last. "Hmmm... Oh! Yeah, he left to have a talk about sandwiches with the owner of the nearby local shop. It's been about... Forty minutes, I think? So I don't think he will be back any time soon." The albino sighed with a shake of her head. Well, all genuises had to be weird somehow, it was probably a law or something.
"You can leave the package with me and I will pass it on orrr... Just wait for him here! There's a couch and I can bring you tea." The albino said enthusiastically, readily getting distracted from the hated paperwork.
The purple hedgehog eyed the paperwork, most of what was written going over her head. Her expertise lied in the mechanical; combustion engines, gears interlocking and turning, all leading to motion. Extreme gear was her favorite.
She looked away from the papers and back to the mouse, “Well…Kind of. Running an errand for Professor Pickle, and got what he needed. He’s not in his office though, so I’m just looking for him.”
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