moagswrites · 10 years
Nasch and Durbe sat isolated in a corner of the library. They were both studying for their exams at the end of the week. Nasch was studying to become a marine biologist while Durbe studied mythology and lore. They sat in complete silence aside from the occasional turning of a page or scribble of notes.
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moagswrites · 10 years
Mizael grins as he swings his arms as wildly as possible. He puts all of his sstrengthin the final blow and can't contain himself when he hears the loud crunch that is the man's skull caving in. Blood and probably brain matter splatter around him. He slowly turns to face the other men in the group, silently inviting them to attack him as their comrade just did. No one moves and until Mizael takes a step forward, waking the the men from their stupor. They quickly turn to run away and Mizael is left with far too much excitement coursing through his veins. His blood is hot, he can feel his heart beating haphazardly through his chest.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Quidnunc- One who always has to know what is going on.
IV had to know what Ryouga was doing at all times. He would show up to school, he would watch all of his duels. Everything Ryouga did IV knew.
Occasionally, Ryouga would catch IV watching him. It made his skin crawl. What the fuck is he doing? Hate couldn’t even properly describe what he felt for IV in those moments.
The thing that set Ryouga completely over the edge was when he caught IV watching him while he was visiting his sister.
"You fucker, what the hell are you doing here?" he barks at the slightly taller boy.
A hint of- is it regret, pain maybe- flashes across the champion’s face. Quickly, he recovers and puts on his usual arrogant face. “Ryouga,” he intentionally draws out the word, making sound almost flirtatious. “I’m only here to offer you-“
"Cut the bullshit, asshole! I don’t care about your fanservice garbage. I don’t want you anywhere near Ryo." His yelling attracts the attention of the nurses walking bye but IV flashes them a bright smile and they continue on their ways.
IV steps closer to Ryouga and he doesn’t step back. He’s not going to let this asshole anywhere near Ryo. “Ryouga, do you honestly believe that I’m here for your sister?” His words are softer, almost whispered. Even his face is softer and for a moment it catches Ryouga off-guard. That moment is all IV needed, though, and he grabs the younger boy by the arm and drags him into the closest room. He pins him against the door and waits for the hot head to stop trying to twist out of his grip.
Eventually, Ryouga stops moving, grossly aware of how close this jack ass is to him. “Why are you following me then?” he asks, still trying to sound touch despite the blush he feels wanting to crawl onto his face. He tries to tell himself that its from anger, but he knows full well that it isn’t.
IV smiles at the faint pink on the boy’s face. He leans his head closer to Ryouga’s and quickly kisses him, making sure to leave a small bite on his bottom lip before pulling away.
Ryouga freezes at the sudden intimate contact. His muscles tense and he can feel the anger- it’s not anger who is he kidding- rising in his chest. At this point, the blush has completely covered his face. The racing of his heartbeat, however, is the thing that makes him the most frustrated. He can’t be responding to this kid, can he?
He hadn’t noticed he had closed his eyes until he felt the weight lifted off of his body and the sharp sting to his lip. Opening his eyes again, he meets the view of slowly disappearing purple sparkles. Licking his lips, he is met with the disgusting taste of apples and blood that will continue to remind him of IV until the next time they meet.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Cheiloproclitic- Being attracted to someones lips.
Every thing about III is pink. His hair is pink, his clothes are pink. Even his essence is pink. He’s incredibly kind and adoring and caring and determined and loving and sweet and he’s unbelievably cute. The thing that really got to IV, the part of III that was pink and soft and very, very enticing, is his lips. They are soft and round and beautiful, if IV was romantic or eloquent, he would write pages and pages about his little brother’s lips.
IV isn’t any of those things though. IV is dumb and gross and aggressive and also very mean. Instead of writing pages of poetry for III, he pins him down and kisses him. Instead of pouring every ounce of affection he has on the boy, he bites those beautiful pink lips to make them his own.
III always squirms beneath him at first, confused and a little scared. He soon relaxes under his brother’s touch, though. He responds to every touch, every nip and scratch. He understands that through every violent kiss, IV is trying to show how much he cares about him. It probably isn’t healthy but neither is dating your very unstable older brother.
IV loves III to the point that it hurts his heart. When III returns after his duel with Yuma, he can tell something is wrong. He looks even more delicate than before. Tron doesn’t let him be near III when he takes him to the large, empty room. V has to drag him away from the room and restrain him to keep him away from his father and his brother.
He sneaks back to the room after the immediate rush dies down. It’s not supposed to be a secret; it’s more of a reminder of what happens when they fail their father. IV looks at his brother’s comatose face. He is still breathtakingly beautiful but what really speaks to IV is the softness of his expression, of his face. He wishes they could go back to the times when he could make those beautiful pink lips turn into the deepest shade of red imaginable.
Leaning down, IV place a soft kiss on those beautiful lips. Maybe, he hopes, this can be like in the stories they used to read together when they were young. He breaks the kiss and III doesn’t wake up and he realizes that fairy tails are complete trash.
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moagswrites · 11 years
     The letters pile in everyday. She reads every letter hoping that one will reveal what happened to her son. Each letter is always the same.      "What happened to Robin? He's my hero!! I miss him sooo much!!"      "Will there ever be an ending to D.D. ESPer Robin? I need to know what happens in the end?"      "Where did Fuuya go? He was my inspiration!!"      Always scrawled in a child's innocent hand writing, she has no way to respond. She hopes every night that she'll find out where her son went off to. Did he leave her for pressuring him to much? Did he run away? It's all her fault and she knows it is. She scared her own child away, the light of her life. She wants to find that boy who Fuuya always talked about, was it Toma? No, it was Yuma Something. She can't remember and it just makes everything worse. Did she ever really listen to her son? No, that's why he left her with no explanations. No note, nothing. All he left her is questions.      One day, she dreams, he'll come back home. He'll run into her arms and smile at her one more time. She feels the warm tears fall down her cheeks whenever she thinks of him. She remembers when she went to wake him up that morning and finding an empty bed. She remembers the panic that stung her chest when he still wasn't back that night. She remembers the pure fear when he doesn't return the next day either. It's not hard to remember that pain. Everyday he isn't home she feels it. Again and again, a sharp pain to her heart, it never leaves. Will she ever see her son again? Will she ever have answers?      She knows that she's afraid of those answers. She can't decide which is worst: not knowing where he is or hearing that maybe the most important thing in her life won't be returning home to her ever again. Every day she reads the fan letters that pour in. Every day she desperately hopes to know even a little more about where her son disappeared to.
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moagswrites · 11 years
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moagswrites · 11 years
Blinding Darkness
The darkness envelops Gabriel. He can feel his heart race and  his body starts to shake. He closes his hands into tight fists to distract himself from completely panicking. It's just like all those times; the times when he was so lost. The fear is different; is it from his past or something else? He falls to his knees as the darkness becomes too much. His tears begin to flow and his shaking turns into heaving. He jumps even more when he feels something touch him. Familiar hands lift him from the ground and sit him up. Still frightened, he falls into the person and shakily mumbles, "Alexander". He doesn't move any further and Alexander doesn't try to make him move. He runs his fingers through the red strands. Gabriel lets out a muffled sound of happiness mixed with sleepiness in response. Alexander waits until the boy is fully asleep in his arms before he scoop him up and carries him bridal style to their camp site. He knows it's his fault Gabriel got lost and he hates himself for it but if he's alright now it shouldn't hurt as much. Or at least that's what he hopes to believe but he knows that every time a whimper escapes Gabriel's scrunched mouth that this is his fault and it won't go away so easily, not this time.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Shoved Against
Len is backing away from what is mind is dubbing an "immediate threat". His heart is racing and he can feel the sweat dripping down his forehead. Unfortunately, his attempt to flee falls short as he backs into a wall. He frowns and furrows his brow looking for an alternative. His mind doesn't work fast enough and Allen is pressing into him. He works to unbutton his pants as Len frantically tries to pry him off. His words are no longer working and everything he says comes out as rushed, gasping gibberish. He's never been more scared than in this moment and he can tell that if he doesn't act soon, he isn't going to get away with only a hickey this time. Allen harshly presses his lips against Len's in order to hush the mindless chatter escaping and continues to work at the boy's pants. At this point, Len's only option is to comply, at least slightly, as to limit the physical and mental damage that is going to occur. He closes his eyes  and forces his body to stop shaking. Allen notices and smiles into the kiss, seeing it as compliance. Len wills himself away from where he is; he'd be willing to be anywhere but here. It only helps a little bit as he numbly and mindlessly follows the orders that Allen spits out. He tries to forget where he is and only succeeds once Allen decides he's finished and leaves him to curl into a pitiful ball and cry himself to sleep.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Skin Peeling
"Ah," is going to be the last word of my life this time around. I'm holding my hand in front of my face to see the skin blackening and blistering. My other hand has already gone through the disease's symptoms. Soon, all my skin is going to blacken, swell, burst, and eventually fall away from my body. It hurts. It hurts more than any other time I've died. I can't stop the tears swelling in my eyes. Everyone around me thinks it is because I'll be dead soon but that's not what I'm afraid of. Did I help these people? Did I make a difference this time around? Am I making the differences I am supposed to be making? It doesn't matter. I'll just go to the white room and sit for untold amounts of time until they allow me to come back into the world, until my previous mark has been long forgotten and erased. It's very hard to think clearly right now. My hand is too contorted to even look at any longer. I just want to die and start over. I want this disease to kill me and I want to start over. I want to... try... one more... time. 
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moagswrites · 11 years
Across the Hall
It kept Alexander awake each night knowing that Gabriel was asleep  just a turn of a corner away. He wanted the boy in his own bed, by his side, not in some stuffy room, not by his side. At this point, however, he knew it was best to leave the irritable boy alone. His plan was to make him fall in love with him and to rush him would almost certainly cause his plan to fail. So, now, he lays in his bed and stares at the ceiling. Is this what pining feels like? Is this the pain the books always mention when your love is unrequited? He is far too old for such childish ideals. Though despite how many times he tell himself that, the tinge in his heart doesn't disappear and the knotting of his stomach remains, and all he can do is think about touching the embodiment of his dreams. Thinking about all the things he wants to do; things like kiss him slowly and hold his hand and other things like pin him down and bite every inch of his body.  Alas, he contains himself for the time being and for yet another consecutive night, sleeps alone in his bed.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Gabriel pouts at the large table. The incredibly large room meant to house multitudes of guests from foreign countries dwarfs the already small boy. He allows his posture to slip and he lays his head against the back of the chair. For some reason or another, spending a night in an inn, a location completely controlled by Alexander, seemed to be dangerous to him. He loved Alexander without a doubt. He felt it the way it is always described in books; there is a certain tightening in his chest and he can't control his blush. Everything Alexander does makes his insides turn into an embarrassingly messy pile of goo. He groans before getting up to go to Alexander's room to actually get dressed.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Center Stage
It's finally here, the moment that you've been waiting for. You left your home, dropped contact with your family, and completely changed your style. Everything that you work for is happening right now. Your hair and makeup  is done. The microphone is on, a subtle buzz emanating from it. The curtain starts the rise and the hum of the crowd slowly becomes a roar. You look out to the throngs of people, an arrogant smile spreading across your face. This is what you sold everything for. This feeling, this elation. It is time for you to make your mark in this world, for better or worse.
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moagswrites · 11 years
Mashed Together
"That's repulsive."  "Excuse me?"  Len stood up from his seat and approach Jason. He looked at the plate of food his friend had created and cried inwardly. There was literally no food that wasn't touching. It was just gross: potatoes were touching corn it was unimaginably horrible. "What you are doing to your food is heinous," he replied bitterly.  "Well, I suppose it's a good thing that you aren't eating it my friend," Jason casually reasoned.  Len returned to his seat and pouted. Sometimes life is too hard. Those times include when your dumb best friend lets his food get all squishy and mushy and gross. He sighed and when Jason didn't acknowledge him he sighed again and again.  After at least a minute of overly dramatic sighing, Jason got up and dumped his food into the trash bin. He returned to his seat and Len offered him some of his own non-touching food. Jason accepted and together they ate the pure, non-tainted meal. 
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moagswrites · 11 years
Got Me Bad
I look up to the sky. The rain patters all around me, splashing my face. I suppose Jason was right: allowing myself to get hurt wasn't going to help me. I like it, though. The hurt, the tears, the complete disgust with myself. It's all real and so I cling to the one thing that I can control or maintain. I don't mind it at all. So now, after another vile encounter with a stranger, I'm alone and bitter and somehow very happy with myself.
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moagswrites · 11 years
im sorry i dont post here a lot but im working really hard to write this summer thank you for your patience and for following me i appreciate it!!!!!!!!
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moagswrites · 11 years
Traumatic Experiences and Prying Boyfriends
Gabriel scrubs the mirrors in the bathroom. Despite their relationship, Gabriel was still required to maintain his job, albeit on a more relaxed level. Alexander was always nearby, usually offering mindless chatter to the quiet boy.
"Why did you stop talking?" Of his hurricane of questions and statements, Gabriel keyed in on this one.
"Why would you ask that?" He replies, sounding hurt and defensive and quite a bit angry. He stops cleaning to face Alexander directly and his expression, though slight, makes Alexander wish he hadn't asked the question.
He stutters his words looking for a reasonable answer, making sure to break eye contact. "I just wanted to know..." he stammers and then trails off. When he initially asked the question, he hadn't anticipated this response. Of all questions, why would Gabriel respond to this one?
Suddenly more conscious of himself, Gabriel too, stops looking at Alexander. He stares at the ground and mindlessly twists at the hem of the too large shirt he is borrowing from the elder. "Would you not assume that if an event was traumatic enough to stop my speech, that I would not wish to talk about it? To bring it up?"
Alexander rises from his seat and grabs Gabriel's hands, pulling him into an embrace; whenever Gabriel picks at his shirt, he is thinking too much. The contact forces Gabriel back to their reality: an uncomfortable romance with a good deal of problems. It was nice though, for both of them.
"Bri, it isn't good to keep things bottled up, you know that," he whispers into Gabriel's hair. "You don't have to tell me anything, but I think it would always help to talk to someone."
Gabriel shakes his head in response. "You would not like who I was back then. It is not something that I am very proud of. It is something that I am very much ashamed of."
"You should tell me, Bri," he pries further, still speaking into the top of his head.
"What happened to 'you don't have to tell me anything'? Why does it always have to go your way?" Gabriel's voice gets louder with each question. He clenches his fists and continues, "Why does it matter to you anyway?" When Alexander doesn't reply, Gabriel keeps yelling. "You know, you are just as much as a failure as I. My failures and shortcomings should be less of a concern to you than your own. Your own father is embarrassed by you; so much so that he's letting a distant relative rule your kingdom. "
Both knew his words were meant to deflect and hurt and they did. Alexander isn't an emotional person but when you spend so much time with one person they learn what will hurt you. It's a lot of trust to place in one person.
Immediately, Gabriel regrets his words. Despite his frustration, it isn't fair to take it out on Alexander. He knows it's past the point of apologizing, but he does anyway. Staring at the ground, biting his lip, he mumbles, "I'm sorry, Xander. I just... It's just... I was weak, you know? I caused these things to happen and it cost lives. It was all my fault and after knowing why you won't like me any more." He sees Alexander begin to dispute and interrupts, "No, stop, you don't know what happened, so you don't know how you'll end up judging me. Don't try to argue. I was so upset with myself to stop speaking, what's to keep you from something like that?"
Alexander remains silent through the speech. It isn't as fluid as Gabriel usually speaks; the language is simpler, more casual. He would be lying if he claimed he didn't like Gabriel more when he spoke like this. It's raw and honest and it shows that he isn't child trying to act older. It is far more charming.
His silence continues past the completion of the monologue. Without a response, Gabriel leaves the bathroom. Alexander doesn't follow him and then avoid each other for the rest of the night.
Alexander hates sleeping without Gabriel. It has become such a habit now, that in order for him to even fall asleep, he needs Gabriel's company. Perhaps he doesn't need Gabriel, but it makes the  process so much nicer. Nobody truly likes to sleep alone.
He walks to the hall where the servants sleep. Gabriel has his own room, though his father made it mandatory that it be away from the "proper people". His room is as close to Alexander's as possible to make the morning duties easier for both of them. I wasn't a bribe from Alexander or a gift; Michael didn't want a male to room with females.
Without knocking, he walks into the room. Gabriel is sleeping with his back to the door, haphazardly covered with a blanket. Alexander completely uncovers him before picking him up bridal style to carry to his own room. Suddenly cold without a blanket, Gabriel nuzzles tighter into Alexander's chest. He carries him to his own bedroom before carefully dropping him onto the bed. He then lies next to Gabriel before covering them both and finally falling asleep.
Gabriel wakes up slowly, blinking away the slumber one eye at a time. After stretching and yawning, he realizes that this is in fact not his bedroom. The wall is covered with paintings rather than a plain beige, the bed is far to large, and it is decorated with too many shiny knick-knacks. This could be no other than Alexander's bedroom. Angrily, he looks for room's owner.
He doesn't have to look to far as Alexander strides over to him to kiss his forehead and wish him a good morning.
"Why?" he hisses after the contact.
Alexander had expected this result to say the least. Not this amount of unwarranted hostility, but at least some. "You know I don't like to sleep alone, Bri. It's your own fault really."
Gabriel purses his lips and dramatically breathes out his nose, flaring the nostrils. The scowl remains, telling Alexander that that was not an appropriate answer.
"Gabriel, I hate when we fight. We're both too stubborn to actually say our feelings and then we avoid each other and everything gets worse. I don't want to avoid you or cause fights but I never know what to say."
Before replying, Gabriel stands up in a huff. "I did talk, Alexander," he says smoothly. " I tried to explain my position and my feeling and you didn't say anything. Talking isn't the problem, listening is."
This time it's Alexander's turn to look at the ground ashamed. "I can't say anything to you, Bri. I have no experience with anything that you've dealt with. I've always been here. I've always been given all the perks. You had it all taken away and I don't know what to say. I want to comfort you and say it'll be okay but how would I know? You stopped talking for five years. Five years of your life were spent silent. I don't think I can understand but I want to try. I want to help you feel happy."
Gabriel sighs and hugs Alexander. They remain embraced for a long time before he decides to speak, "When I first got sold, I didn't listen very well." His words are slow and quiet, almost inaudible to Alexander. "I couldn't handle what was going on: my parents were gone and these people expected me to just go along with it all. I cried a lot. My old nanny happened to be there along with one of my closest friends and they always tried to comfort me and help me keep going. It helped but I still was bad at being a slave.
"When they found out that they were sheltering me, they figured out my last clasp on my old reality. The women in charge called me into her tent and told me to sit down. I complied. She told me I was disobedient and unruly and she feared I would cause a problem in the field. I argued because I was stupid. That's when they brought in Elizabeth. They had her kneel and made sure I was watching before they killed her. Just right there. I cried out and tried to run to her but they held me back and made me watch her die. But I still was a threat to those in charge. Now, I had even more justification and anger to motivate me.
"The next day, the same thing happened. I sat with the woman and she told me why I was a problem. This time they brought in Blake. He looked at me and smiled before getting on the ground. I started to cry but didn't do anything. They pulled his head back and before they killed him, he said, 'Don't cry for me, Gabriel. Don't give them that. You'll be fine, you'll always be fine.' Then they killed him. But it wasn't quick like last time. They wanted him to die slowly and make me watch. I crawled to him and held his head in my lap and they asked me how many would die because of my pride.
"When he finally died, I walked out of the tent but they were waiting for more. They told me to clean it up and take their bodies deep into the woods and burn them. I wasn't to come back until they were completely burnt. I carried them, one at a time, into the woods before setting my last two friends on fire. When I returned, none of the other slaves would look at me. Periodically, they would slip words at me, say how it was all my fault. It was, they didn't need to tell me. I had already stopped talking though so it didn't much matter. Everyone in camp figured I was a murderer and the people in charge appreciated my eagerness to actually do as they told me. I didn't have a reason to argue any more anyway. I killed the last two people who cared about me."
Alexander could feel his shirt getting wetting. He could feel Gabriel shudder and cry. Gabriel's tear were silent. All he could do was pet Gabriel's head and whisper meaningless words to comfort him.
Gabriel pulls away first. He uses his sleeps and wipes away his face. Smiling, a crooked, sad smile, he looks to Alexander. Alexander brushes the swooping red bangs behind his ear and smiles a sad but honest smile back.
"Do you hate me now?"
"Far from it."
"It was my fault. All of it. I couldn't handle the circumstances and it got two people killed. Two wonderful people."
"You were twelve, Gabriel. You were scared and alone. Unless you were the one that held the knife, then you didn't kill them. They used you as a reason to kill two people." Alexander's voice is uncharacteristically soft and gentle.
Gabriel begins to protest but Alexander quiets him with a shooshing motion. Gabriel looks to the ground in a small protest. Alexander takes his hand and pulls him towards the door. "We should eat, yeah? I don't think you ate dinner last night did you?" Gabriel shakes his head in response. "I thought so, I waited for you but you never showed. I'll make us a big meal and then we need to go to the stable to tend to the horses."
Gabriel allows Alexander to pull him into the kitchen. He pretends he doesn't know that the reason that they are going to work with the horses is because he thinks that they're beautiful. He doesn't pretend to ignore that a small weight has been lifted off his heart and that he is beginning to finally feel a little bit better about his past. He smiles to Alexander and Alexander smiles back and they both think that maybe this whole dating thing isn't too bad.
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moagswrites · 13 years
A silly little song is playing in the background. It has a different beat. One of the boys, the taller, darker one, is tapping to the beat. The other is sitting awkwardly, simply watching his friend. The song changes, but another, just as strange song starts to play.
"What is this, Jay? I don't get the beat. It's," he searches for the words he wants. His hands wave around, as he thinks, giving up, "Ugh, it's just different. I can't keep up."
The taller, Jason laughs. "Dude, it's music you can dance to. Not your style of dance, per se, rather mine."
The smaller boy jumps up. He rushes towards his friend and lays both his hands on his face. Looking him straight in the eye, "Jason, you can dance? Show me." He stretches all of the words, making the sentence unnecessarily long.
"I waltz. My dumb mom made me take classes when I was younger. I can't show you unless you want to me my partner, Len," his voice is calm, a contrast to Len's rushed speech. Len bobs his head up and down to show a yes. "No, we are not dancing. I was kidding."
Len's eyes swell up. His lower lip juts out and his face becomes the absolute definition of pathetic yet still adorable. "Jay, I just wanna dance with you. I'll be your dance partner. Please?" his words are whimpers.
"Does that work on most people? But if you seriously want to learn how to waltz, I'll teach you. Rather me, than someone else. You'd have to be the girl, though. I'm too tall and I can lead." A sly smile appears on Jason's face. His brown eyes brighten as the understanding finally flashes through Len's face. A small chuckle escapes his mouth as he watches his friend's reaction.
This was the first time Len wouldn't lead. He’s the lead to everything. There have been no situations when he wasn’t on top. That meant sex, sports, even school. Now he was just supposed to surrender to the person that he has beaten so many times before.
"You will teach me... if I follow you. I have to be the chick, but you will teach me to dance properly, if not classily. Is that a word? It is now. Okay, fine. Fine, fine, I will follow, teach me how to dance, Jason."
Another chuckled from Jason. He stands up slowly. Almost grandly. He grabs Len's wrist and drags him towards the center of the room. "Now, place you left hand on my shoulder. Good. Now, place your right hand in my hand. Hmm. What are we missing? I got it. Keep your hands there." Jason stops speaking and dropped his left hand. He grabs Len's waist and moved him so he was just to the left of himself. Len's right leg was now between Jason's. Jason moves his hand back up and grips Len's floating hand. He moved his remaining hand and places it at the small of Len's back.
A squeak rose out of the back of Len's throat. He ducked his face away in an attempt to hide his oncoming blush.
"Am I to assume," there is a break in his speech, "that after all those times you have hit on me, the one moment you can finally be near me, without any issues, with no limitations, you move away? Am I allowed to find that funny?"
Len pushes Jason away, breaking their formation. His head is still turned and his face is still red. "No, you can't find it funny, asshole. It's only 'cause it's you... there wouldn't be a problem if it were some loser like everyone else I hook up with." He adds one more thing, almost as an afterthought, "You're special, Jay, I can't lose you."
Jason reaches out a hand to ruffle Len's hair. He breaks the space between him and Len again. This time consciously placing his hand higher up his friend’s back. "Hey, no matter how many reasons you think I'll leave you, it'll never happen. Okay, now do you hear the music? It's a three quarters beat. That means we count like, one-two-three, two-two-three, three-two-three. The steps we follow form a box.
"I'll step towards you and you'll follow by stepping backwards. Next we go to the left, just keep doing the same. Now, I'll step backwards and you'll step forwards. Finally, we go to the right. There, it's a box. Keep following me, but this time I will count the beats."
They kept moving in that same motion. Front-left-back-right. 'One-two-three, two-two-three, three-two-three' was repeated in the background. Jason's voice is smooth and calming.
Len catches on almost instantly. Their movements flowed together to make the dance seem elegant. When performed well, the waltz was a sophisticated and smooth dance.  The counting slowly slipped away into the background and the dance developed. It became more than the simple box movements to long strides and extra moves to embellish the dance.
Time ticked on and music rolled by. Eventually, Len broke apart from the dance panting. He grabbed onto Jason's wrist and flopped onto the couch, bringing him with him. They lay on the furniture until they gained decent composure.
"Following isn't that bad is it? My little baby, learning how to behave like a decent human being. Can't be a whore all the time, can we?" Jason's insults rolled off his tongue. They didn't cause any harm. Len had accepted the fact that his life thus far was less than quality. He had also stopped caring once he learned how much he enjoyed his life anyway.
A tisking noise was the response while Len thought, "I suppose that once in a while, it is a good idea to let the pet win a few times. If only to teach him that it isn't as one sided as it seems, hmm? And perhaps, also, this was all a lure to get you into bed to continue on my man-whoring dreams. One more person to add to my list."
"Always. Anyway, do you want to learn how to dance like a pro now? It will be a learning experience for all. Breakdancing isn't as hard as you think..."
Jason exhaled, "I'm not going to breakdance. It's clearly not my style. I am simply too sophisticated for such prehistoric dance."
Leaning in close, Len whispered to Jason, "It doesn't matter how 'prehistoric' it is. As long as I can touch you." He leaned back down, winking. Jason sits there and stares. No matter how often you hang out with Len, you can never judge his reactions.
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