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Hello all!
First, sorry we have to come back with this awful post, but most important is everyone to stay safe.
Recently this user (minaliajaebixtsuki) has sent to one of our mods racist slurs, without previous provocation, demanding some of their content.
Some close friend was also bullied by her because being gay, with no previous warning.
We want to assure you all keep safe
Best regards from the team!
(summary http://fav.me/dco2iu3)
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Send us names?
Do you want someone to be featured? Just tell us!
We can give critiques too
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Nari Miku 
Edit: OK (use illegal/ripped parts is forbidden)
Re-distribution: NO
Download http://piapro.jp/t/TQ8u
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User feature!(・ω・)
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Look!(〃 ω 〃) Michi is an incredibly and unbelievably talented modeller, and creates the most wonderful original models! Their rigging and texturing style is gorgeous and of the most amazing quality! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚A lot of their models have this…professional feel to them. They really look like something that costs heaps that you’d see in an official game or Vocaloid Concert.(。>‿‿<。 )On top of this they’re also a real sweetheart and are very kind!!!!! I really feel that this artist doesn’t get near enough attention and love for all the wonderful work they produce, so please take a second to check them out and give them some support!!!(˶′◡‵˶)
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What do you think about calling MMD works, art? Because i've seen a lot of people, expecially on hate blogs, telling that MMD can't be art but i personally think that every activity that involves creativity is a form of art. Art is more than drawing on paper
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oh!!!(///ˉ///✿)MMD itself isn’t art.Rather, it’s a tool. It’s a tool from which art can be created.If we want to get all technical about this rather than me setting off on a big long rant, we can look firstly at the definition of what art is!!!!(/‿\✿)
According to Google, the first two definitions that appear are as follows:1. “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”2. “works produced by human creative skill and imagination.”
The word used in the above definition is typically, but not always. It is not limited to painting or sculpture.…..Just like we would call music art, right? or something like makeup. Makeup artistry is a career in itself! Other examples of things often referred to as art are music, theatre, film, dance, etc.  (´ ᴗ`✿)
Another sentence I nabbed from wikipedia!“Though the definition of what constitutes art is disputed and has changed over time, general descriptions mention an idea of imaginative or technical skill stemming from human agency and creation.”
-Does MMD involve imaginative or technical skill? It sure does! (・ω ・✿)imagination is essential for the creation and designing of new characters, designs, and ideas for pictures and videos. Imagination can be seen in the design and creation of unique renders, character models, and videos.Technical skill is apparent in how well users can pose, apply, create and manipulate lighting and effects, the list goes on. (╹ っ ╹✿)It can of course be argued about the level of technical skill required, but there is no denying that it does require skill to produce a high quality render or video within the program. (o o✿)-Does MMD stem from human agency and creation?It sure can! (・ω ・✿)Many people use MMD as an outlet for emotions, and also to express or convey an idea. Many creations with the program feature a message, or notion that the op wishes to express. Vent works and works expressing a particular view or feeling is very common to see. Often works depict a reaction to real life events. Works are created by creators, be it animations, edits or pictures.
From this. we can establish that works created with MMD can fit into the qualifications of what is generally considered in a purely dictionary sense to be “art” (/‿\✿) However this is still subjective!!  it does tick most of the boxes for me personally, but it varies from person to person..
Drawing a picture and making a MMD work are two very different skills. It’s like comparing animation and singing, or acting and dancing. Being able to draw and being able to MMD are different skills, using different techniques. They oftentimes don’t have any connection. Some people can do both, some only one, they often aren’t linked. So I think comparing them is…a silly thing to do… (ó ꒳ ò✿)
I think the argument people are actually trying to make but won’t say is that they think MMD requires less skill and effort than other forms of “art”, and therefore in their eyes cannot constitute as “art”.this alone as a reason is rather close-minded, I feel….there’s a lot I could say about that but I think it’s a story for another post (ᅌᴗᅌ✿)
You should believe what you feel is right!!!! I think art is whatever you want it to be, and whatever you feel is. What one person deems as art another might not. While MMD works can fit one definition of what is “art”, I feel like there’s no straight right or wrong answer!!! (ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ✿) I
One thing i think people can definitely stop doing tho, subjective or not, is telling beginners and kids “It’s not art and it’s terrible, stop trying” (ᅌʊᅌ✿) Because turning something like this into a weapon used to discourage people is a bad thing to do imo. (´• ᴗ •̥`✿)
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Yo! Best models from MARCH 2018!!
Sonic http://fav.me/dc7dr3z
Luka : http://fav.me/dc7dr3z
Nyanyi http://fav.me/dc4k7k7
Astro http://fav.me/dc63xo7
Chibi DDLC http://fav.me/dc4pha1
Blue angel http://fav.me/dc5rj4h
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What Makes Call-Out Culture So Toxic [submission]
Call-out culture refers to the tendency among progressives, radicals, activists, and community organizers to publicly name instances or patterns of oppressive behaviour and language use by others. People can be called out for statements and actions that are sexist, racist, ableist, and the list goes on. Because call-outs tend to be public, they can enable a particularly armchair and academic brand of activism: one in which the act of calling out is seen as an end in itself.
What makes call-out culture so toxic is not necessarily its frequency so much as the nature and performance of the call-out itself. Especially in online venues like Twitter and Facebook, calling someone out isn’t just a private interaction between two individuals: it’s a public performance where people can demonstrate their wit or how pure their politics are. Indeed, sometimes it can feel like the performance itself is more significant than the content of the call-out. This is why “calling in” has been proposed as an alternative to calling out: calling in means speaking privately with an individual who has done some wrong, in order to address the behaviour without making a spectacle of the address itself.
In the context of call-out culture, it is easy to forget that the individual we are calling out is a human being, and that different human beings in different social locations will be receptive to different strategies for learning and growing. For instance, most call-outs I have witnessed immediately render anyone who has committed a perceived wrong as an outsider to the community. One action becomes a reason to pass judgment on someone’s entire being, as if there is no difference between a community member or friend and a random stranger walking down the street (who is of course also someone’s friend). Call-out culture can end up mirroring what the prison industrial complex teaches us about crime and punishment: to banish and dispose of individuals rather than to engage with them as people with complicated stories and histories.
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that there is a mild totalitarian undercurrent not just in call-out culture but also in how progressive communities police and define the bounds of who’s in and who’s out. More often than not, this boundary is constructed through the use of appropriate language and terminology – a language and terminology that are forever shifting and almost impossible to keep up with. In such a context, it is impossible not to fail at least some of the time. And what happens when someone has mastered proficiency in languages of accountability and then learned to justify all of their actions by falling back on that language? How do we hold people to account who are experts at using anti-oppressive language to justify oppressive behaviour? We don’t have a word to describe this kind of perverse exercise of power, despite the fact that it occurs on an almost daily basis in progressive circles. Perhaps we could call it anti-oppressivism.
Humour often plays a role in call-out culture and by drawing attention to this I am not saying that wit has no place in undermining oppression; humour can be one of the most useful tools available to oppressed people. But when people are reduced to their identities of privilege (as white, cisgender, male, etc.) and mocked as such, it means we’re treating each other as if our individual social locations stand in for the total systems those parts of our identities represent. Individuals become synonymous with systems of oppression, and this can turn systemic analysis into moral judgment. Too often, when it comes to being called out, narrow definitions of a person’s identity count for everything.
No matter the wrong we are naming, there are ways to call people out that do not reduce individuals to agents of social advantage. There are ways of calling people out that are compassionate and creative, and that recognize the whole individual instead of viewing them simply as representations of the systems from which they benefit. Paying attention to these other contexts will mean refusing to unleash all of our very real trauma onto the psyches of those we imagine represent the systems that oppress us. Given the nature of online social networks, call-outs are not going away any time soon. But reminding ourselves of what a call-out is meant to accomplish will go a long way toward creating the kinds of substantial, material changes in people’s behaviour – and in community dynamics – that we envision and need.
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If you’re a modeler, price your commissions what you want. Watch videos about how to price your commissions based off of how much effort, time and work it takes to make your work. Usually- a single model will round out for roughly 100+ dollars, depending on the time it takes. 
A friend of mine had a mom that went to art school and learned a lot from her- specifically about what art prices are supposed to be. I realized how low I sell my own commissions- they’re 6x lower than what it was supposed to be- which opened my eyes. I- and a lot of artists, aren’t used to asking people for more money. They’re worried that if their commissions are too high, that people won’t purchase their art. But that’s absolute bull.
If all of us collectively raised our prices to a livable wage- based on what we need to survive, it would become a narrative to not undersell yourself. If you price yourself what you’re worth, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself- not to mention, you’re going to get some good cash money in your pocket.
The thing is, commissioners make work because it’s not only their hobby- but their job. They need money to live and eat- and just generally survive. You expecting them to pay lower- or scamming them, is not only illegal, but swipes a couple of meals off their table. This whole rant counts for artists of all kinds. 
Don’t. Undersell. Yourself.
You’re worth every single penny someone gives you. You deserve to eat. You deserve to live. If someone wants your art, they need to save up to get it. Getting art done for them is a luxury, not a necessity. -Howl
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tell ur friends u love them
if u like someone’s work let them know
go make somebody’s day
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Keep reading
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listen, i’ve talked about this before and i’ll say it again:
please stop reuploading modelers’ works to deviantart.
if you want to share content, that’s great! but do it via tumblr using a link post or something; tumblr was created for sharing content, and has the option of source links.
deviantart is a website for sharing your own artwork.
if you want to share content, do it via a site made for sharing content from all over, such as tumblr, pinterest (as much as i hate pinterest, its still a better option than dA), etc
dA is an art site for making and sharing things YOU created.
me and several other creators i know have gotten discouraged from sharing work on nicovideo and seiga and such because people just…. come download our images, reupload them on deviantart and post them with links. it’s frustrating.
i’m not sure how i can put this into words.
like i’ve said it before, but dA is for your own work.
if you want to share links, do so via tumblr and include all source links (including the original post and not JUST the download link, the artist’s main nico/seiga/twitter page, etc)
doing it on dA is. frustrating. even if you credit, it’s still frustrating.
sharing work from others that you like is fine, but dA is not the platform to do so. reuploading another person’s image instead of just linking to their post and their artwork is frustrating for modelers to deal with.
not to mention the fact that many reposters on dA i’ve dealt with have been extremely nasty to me and others; it’s even worse if you’re someone like brightshadowmmd who uses adfly links to profit off the reposts.
if you need more watchers on dA, make your own stuff. it’s disheartening when people reupload your work so they can get attention.
it really is.
please stop reuploading stuff on deviantart, especially when you don’t even ask permission.
please try to consider the original artist’s feelings and respect their work. thank you.
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Tsurugi Miku
Author つみだんご
DOWNLOAD http://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td31983#download-license-container
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Do not rely on social media for validation. These likes don’t determine your worth.
Want revenge? Move on. Be indifferent.
Detach from toxic people in your life. It’s okay, I promise.
I know you a lot of you put others first, but honey I promise it’s more than okay to prioritize yourself.
“Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too.”
Respect yourself.
Let go of what you can’t control, don’t let yourself worry and stress over things out of reach.
If it won’t affect you in a year, it doesn’t matter now.
Drama is unnecessary, regardless of what it’s about. Drop it and move on honey. You’re already twelve steps ahead of those still being petty and bitter. Those are ugly traits.
You never know what someone else is going through, try to be more compassionate, empathetic, and open minded, regardless of who you’re talking to.  
It’s okay to be a work-in-progress, not all masterpieces were constructed overnight.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
Drink some tea. Drink some water. Drink some coffee. Drink something that’ll hydrate you and/or calm you.
You’re more powerful than you think.
If you have an argument with someone, sometimes it’s best to let it go. Don’t waste your positive energy on people that only bring you negativity.
On that note, take note of who makes you feel negatively, and remove yourself from those relationships.
Take care of yourself.
You’re enough.
You’re loved.
Your well being is important.
You are important.
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when you feel you have lost everything, you still have
unexpected kindness in strangers
the rest of the world to travel
languages to learn
animals to take care of
volunteer work to do
the power of a good night’s rest
the changing of seasons
infinite things to learn
billions of people to meet and possibly love
billions of people who might love you back
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