missme2insanity · 3 months
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#cosplay#cosplayer#coser#mlp#mlpcosplay#mylittlepony#mylittleponycosplay#sunsetshimmer#sunsetshimmer osplay#mlpsunsetshimmer#mlpsunsetshimmercosplay#mylittleponysunsetshimmer#mylittleponysunsetshimmercosplay#小马宝莉#余晖烁烁
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missme2insanity · 3 months
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I told her, she is pretty.
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missme2insanity · 7 months
This is so wholesome. I 100% support. This is canon
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erm anyways ...
this is my selfship with teddy bobs burgers. you dont understand your honor i love him
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missme2insanity · 2 years
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missme2insanity · 2 years
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… over and out.
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missme2insanity · 2 years
HELLO¡! 🎃🎃Can i request headcannons for Sasha? (Amphibia)
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General hcs !
- she gets a bit nervous around you, as a result she ends up saying things out of panic and probably offending you and then later that day going “I’m so sorry oh my gosh i don’t know why I said that”
- tbh like out of the main 3, the most nervous because she’s not used to somebody making her that emotionally vulnerable?
- she tries to push away that feeling but she realizes she can’t deny it anymore
- but she will never confess, sure if the other two likes somebody and went silent she’d be like “just confess already” but she would not actually confess to you tbh, she’s too scared to not only ruin what you have but it also leaves her in a vulnerable spot to be rejected ;(
- she’s nice to you though! A lot nicer than she is to Marcy and Anne which says a lot. Though I imagine she’s not always self aware of how controlling she can be at times (like she knows she’s controlling but in the moment may not realize). But she will try to fix that act up around you because she really wants you to like her and you kinda give her a good wake up call lol
- totally likes showing off but sometimes makes an ass of herself because of it. She might even make Anne and Marcy look bad at times lol.
- also jealousy issues, she gets jealous of Anne a lot more than Marcy though lol. She just wants you to .. like her .. but she knows how likable Anne can be
- however she does trust you a lot enough to open up to you from time to time, not about everything but the fact she opens up at all says a lot
- like she opened up to you about her parents and home life and stuff ;0
- kinda blushes and fumbles a lot and tries to be cool
- if you’re dating before amphibia, cool. You totally confessed though cuz there’s no way she would.
- but like, if you separated omg horrible she is so =( about it. Like sure she’s getting along with these Toads and living her best life but she really misses having you around.. you gave her this weird happy tingly feeling that she once hated but now she misses.
- she talks about you a lot to grime as well :D even if you’re not together, she still talks about you a lot just not as much since she just wants it to seem like you’re merely friends and there’s nothing else attached.
- even worse after her fight with Anne. There’s a lot that can happen with that. If you weren’t there, then whatever. But if you were and you chose Anne’s side? That jealousy towards Anne gets worse, and she’s pretty broken to know you chose Anne over her. If you chose Sasha however, this would make her less jealous of Anne and feel very accomplished. It might even make her more bratty towards Anne in the future. In that confident bratty way.
- but if you ended up stuck with since the very beginning? She spent a lot of time comforting you at first when you were both stuck with random toads. Dating or not. But she made sure to ride her way to the top, you along with her of course =)
- but either way clings to your side, fights along side you and the others against andrias when the time comes. She becomes more clingy and protective, taking you along with her and grime. Despite any differences you may or may not have had.
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missme2insanity · 2 years
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will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
i know you will
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Uneven Odds (Lilith Clawthorne x reader fanfic)
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Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Keep reading
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Uneven Odds
(Lilith Clawthorne x reader fanfic)
Summary: You have fallen into a strange world, but the Owl House residents have welcomed you. You certainly believe you need to find your way home, but each day it’s a little harder to know where home is when you glance at a certain witch with heterochromatic eyes and pointy ears.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Words: 4.540
The Owl House was a residence with at least 3 floors in the middle of a clearing. Lilith didn't mind walking all the way, but you were already panting when the weathercock finally appeared through the trees. You used to be the kind of teen who only exercised in rare situations, you realize that it was probably a mistake now.
"We have a quite...Noisy house. Try not to freak out about it." You would have frowned and asked what she meant by that, but before you could open your mouth a bird's face appeared before you. The surprise was massive enough for you to fall on your butt, eyes wide as your heart seemed to rise into your throat for the third or fourth time that day.
"Who's your friend, Lulu?" The bird that did not have a body but a tube connected to its head spoke. That. This was the culmination of the strange things you had already seen. A bird. A tube bird...Speaking.
The collapse wants to scratch under your skin.
"She's a human friend, just like Luz. Her name is Y/N but don't follow her around, okay? She's still getting used to everything." There's a little giggle in Lilith's voice that says she's having too much fun with someone being all agitated with this creature. The bird nods excitedly as you get up. "Now why don't you go and let Luz know we have a guest, Hootsifer?" She caresses just below the bird's beak and it leaves with a "hoot" that you understand as cheerful.
"Is his name Lucifer?" You know there are many more important things to ask, but still.
"His name is Hooty. But I call him Hootsifer because..." She looks at you and you can swear there's a small blush spreading across her ears, it's pretty evident considering her ears stick out of her hair. It takes everything in you not to raise an eyebrow.
"Lilith and Hootsifer. Sounds cool." It's the witch's turn to frown slightly in your direction, you have no idea what she's thinking about but then, just for a moment she smiles, just out of the corner of her mouth. It's just a small smile, but it's contagious somehow because you feel the corner of your mouth twitch. This is quite unusual.
And again before you can ask one of the thousands of questions that are in her head, a scream interrupts your thinking.
"¿UN HUMANO?" Your eyes go to the house just in time for a girl with brown hair and wide smile to walk out the door excitedly. "HOLA, AMIGA!" She is waving and smiling and jumping from one foot to the other. You look at Lilith again and she just motions for you to go ahead.
You do as she commands. Because you don't see other options.
Luz was a human, just like you. She had come to this world through a portal that (oh how wonderful) was destroyed in a battle, she said it so fast you could barely catch it.
She is cheerful, luminous, the kind of person you would have loved to have around when you were her age. And she's kind too. She took you by the hand and sat you on the living room sofa, asking you not to freak out because this world could be too scary the first time around. You thought she had a point, still, that owl design on the ceiling, covered in a light you'd never seen, was also incredibly beautiful.
A golden owl that glowed, pulsed as if alive. The owl house. The name never felt so right.
"Eda! Lilith found another human." The girl ran into the house again, returning a second later with a woman. Paperwhite skin, white hair, pointy ears, wearing a red dress with heels, and if the shape of her face didn't say enough... She had one amber eye and the other gray.
Your eyes go from her to Lilith almost at the same moment and then you lower your head. It wasn't right to stare at the lady of the house.
That was something your mother would say. It would take you a while to stop following this kind of ridiculous mental rule.
"How did you end up here, kid?" She doesn't seem aggressive when she asks this question. Not at all actually. She sits on the other sofa, her brows furrowed in genuine curiosity rather than accusation.
"A tree. I guess." She frowns even more and looks at Lilith. Luz is still bouncing from one foot to the other behind the couch.
"Portals to these lands don't come out of nowhere." She flexes her jaw as she looks at you as if analyzing you as if trying to see some kind of danger under your skin. You have to avoid the urge to roll your eyes.
It's kind of ironic that she thought you could be dangerous. You.
"She's not a witch, Edalyn. If she were she wouldn't have nearly been eaten alive by a demon in the market." Her eyes go to Lilith again. She's got her arms crossed now, you think it's to prove a point. You hadn't noticed it before, but she has pretty long hands, with black-painted nails.
"Did someone say demon?" A small…(talking?) cat jumped to your side. That should have scared the life out of you but after the bird, at the door, you believed nothing could be weirder. The little animal appeared to have a skull fused to its head and had the loveliest eyes you've ever seen, a very interesting mix of purple and yellow. "As king of demons, I can make the best contribution." You resisted the urge to scratch the back of the pet's neck. It reminded you of the cat you had when you were a kid. Sir Arthur.
"Well, in that case, how many days have you been in our world?" You force yourself back to the white-haired woman. Her eyes sparkle with curiosity.
"3 nights, it's my fourth day." You could have sworn her eye glowed gold with realization.
"You came here on Samhain." You've heard that word. Somewhere. In some book. But now it seems to float around in your head and doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe it's mental fatigue. You aren't sure.
"It was a pretty nice day. We had a party at school and burned blessed pieces of wood logs for good omens on the next year." Luz said and Eda smiled in a very motherly way at her before turning to you.
“You humans know it as Halloween. It's basically the day when the veil between our world and your world is much thinner, much more penetrable from both sides. Even though it would be necessary a great amount of magic to bring a whole human here." You try not to get too attached to the word "whole" the image of just your underside coming into this world was too disturbing.
The little demon cat looked very bored with the conversation and curled up next to you. His head resting on your thigh.
"Did you go to any Halloween party?" The girl added then, looking at you expectantly.
If you were honest. You didn't even remember it was Halloween. You knew the bomb was about to go off at home so you didn't have time to think about what day it was and what the implications of that were.
"No, I didn't. I'm sorry." Luz wasn't disappointed though she just smiled at you in a way that... In a way that made you feel comfortable in your own skin for maybe the first time in a long time. She's really that kind of gentle.
"Do you think Belos might have something to do with it?" It was Lilith's turn to ask, Eda's eyes were still on you when she shook her head.
"I don't see what interest the emperor would have in bringing a human into the isles. But we cannot dismiss the idea that it was one of his attempts to try to enter the human world." You want to ask who Emperor Belos is and why the hell he wanted to go to Earth. But your head was already burning with so much information. So you just get each one of them. Trying not to freak out with each new cognitive explosion. Which was already a pretty big challenge.
"So…Can we stay with her?" You would have smiled at how Luz asked the question. Sounded like Lilith, as if you were a puppy they found and had to take care of. Which, before your situation, you couldn't deny was somewhat true.
"She is a conscious person, Luz." Eda corrected, but also with that motherly smile, you feel that kind of reprimand was quite common. The smooth type. No slaps. No screaming. Just a conversation. Edalyn's eyes flick to you and she inclines her head gently before speaking again. "You stay if you want. But I can assure you that if you want to go home, no other witch on the boiling isles is more interested in finding a portal to the human world than I am." You would have to understand this later. All the story that surrounded Luz, Eda, the destroyed portal. Because the Earth was your home, not this strange world where demons nearly killed customers in broad daylight.
But now you just nod your head. You feel like it's never been heavier.
"YeY! Weirdos stick together. That's it chica, c'mon you can have the room right beside mine. Like it's not a big room but you'll be near and I can show you around." Luz took you by the hand and practically dragged you across the room talking too fast for your aching head to get used to. "And I can teach you magic. I'm teaching Lilith and Eda because they've lost their powers and they're doing really well, as you're human I think you'll catch on much faster and..." You stop for a moment. Turning around before Luz drags you through the arch of the room.
Your mother taught you a lot of useless things that you didn't agree with. But gratitude was something you could use now.
"What can I do for you? For letting me stay?" Eda frowned until her eyebrows almost came together and Lilith opened and closed her mouth as if she didn't know what to say. Even the demon cat opened its eyes and stared at you doubtfully.
"Hm…don't worry about it right now. I really appreciate having another adult in this house." Lilith glared at Eda in accusation and you raised your eyebrows as the other woman growled in her sister's direction.
"Just rest, kid. You will surely find your place in this strange family." Family.
It's a weird word that echoes in your head as Luz pulls you around the second floor of the house talking about more things you could hold back.
"I've never taken you for a magpie, Lily." Eda's voice sounded even as you stepped on the bottom step of the stairs. It even sounded over Luz's voice. You have no idea what a magpie is, but from the laughter that echoed through the house on the next moment, you understood Eda was bullying her sister.
You didn't have siblings, you couldn't have known the feeling. But you saved the word to search later.
For some reason.
You lay down on the mattress Luz found for you in the back of the upstairs hallway closet. It sure wasn't the best bed you'd ever had, but it was better than the floor you'd slept in for the past three days. Plus you're clean and smelling like mint thanks to the soap in the bathroom.
And your belly is full. After a rather eccentric dinner, to say the least.
The owl house had a total of 5 residents and they were the most eccentric family you've ever seen.
Luz Noceda. The human girl who fell into this world through a witch's portal and didn't want to leave because she felt that this was her place. The most adorable girl you've ever met. She resembled you at her age, the dilemma is that you couldn't be like her.
Luz was a free bird. You were a bird whose wings were constantly clipped, always trying to fly with what was left. Depressing.
Hooty. The Owl House itself. He...you don't know exactly what he is. But he seems kind, a little too outgoing to try to make new friends (he almost made you have a heart attack while changing as he appeared in the bathroom window out of nowhere) but overall a good bird, he protected the house so Luz said.
King. The cat demon. King was the king of demons. Or so he said. He has a great fascination for power and is also usually quite kind, cute to tell the truth. Like a pet with a craze for grandeur.
Eda Clawthorne. The owl lady as her wanted poster warned. She hung it on the living room wall, along with a Luz banned poster. They were proud to be misfits. You thought you could handle that pretty well. The owl lady is sarcastic, cheerful, and quite goofy, like a teenager. She was fun and even though you were still out of orbit you couldn't help but duck your head to laugh at her jokes around Lilith, her older sister.
Lastly. Lilith Clawthorne. The woman who saved you. Also, the hardest woman to read you've ever met. If the others exposed their emotions and thoughts so easily and were so open about who they were and how they acted. Lilith looked like a brick wall. She smiled at the corner of her lips at some jokes, she watched everyone with interest as they spoke but her eyes seemed miles away. She seemed the farthest away at the dinner table, even though Eda tried to bring her as close as possible. There was something there.
There was something incredibly heavy, like pure iron resting around that witch.
There's something you don't understand.
You don't know why it bothers you so much. That coldness so evident in the face of the heat that everyone else exhaled so easily. You barely know her, but it bothers you for some reason, it scratches under your skin for some reason.
Maybe it's because she saved you. You owe her a debt now, one you're not sure you'll ever be able to repay, so maybe that's why you at least want to understand her motives. Or maybe it's just your obsession with analyzing characters sounding louder than you could stop it. It wasn't by chance that you decided to go to Literature College.
After dinner, you helped Luz wash the dishes. She was still asking a million questions you didn't have answers to. Like "what did the portal you passed through look like?" "Was there a witch nearby?" “Have they released the fourth season of Stranger Things?”, that one did you know and, unfortunately, you went to a world without wi-fi and without netflix. She talked a lot but it didn't really bother you, you liked her energy and you could make the most of it once your head stopped hurting so much.
"Bed, you two." That's what Eda said as soon as you put the last dish on the dish drainer. She pointed to the stairs and Luz saluted before grabbing your hand again. You were tempted to say you were too old for a curfew, but you honestly didn't find the will within yourself to object. You were exhausted and were secretly thanking the owl lady for sending you to bed.
You went up the stairs with Luz again, but not before you saw Lilith open the door to wish Hooty good night.
You wonder why on earth the only person she really has any kind of common bond with is a bird trapped in a door.
And now you wonder why the hell you are thinking about this woman instead of sleeping. It's late. You need sleep because you haven't slept well for three days.
It must be post-stress tension. You're restless, you can't keep under the blankets without feeling suffocated. You feel that demon's claw sliding down the back of your neck again, you shiver remembering the cold, the voice like poison and boiling steel, the threat, and yet if that wasn't enough you relive every word before falling into that portal. How ironic it was that those words made your body feel worse than remembering the claws of a demon.
"Freak" "Whore".
And then that pair of eyes. A green one. A gray one. Staring at you, trying to help.
How could she have such a sharp demeanor around everyone and still be the one who saved you? Why did she care?
That's why you get up. You seek in the dark for your cell phone and turn on the flashlight so you can see the corners of your room. It was a small room that Eda had probably used as an arsenal before. There were a few weapons still displayed on the walls, but they didn't look sharp. The floor was covered in soft fabric and there were weights in some corners. Maybe an old gym.
You approached the window and opened it. The frosty night air hits your face and you almost sigh in relief. That's nice. This looks enough like Earth to settle your mind. Your eyes close for a brief moment and just for a second, it's like you're in your bedroom, on the second floor, with the window to the backyard where your swing set still stood. Dad never got rid of it, even if you haven't swung on it in over 10 years.
He was a good father, he only failed the one time you really needed him, but he was a good father.
You sit on the jamb and look up to the stars that shine in the sky above. The only issue... is that there are no stars.
Just little balls of light, you can see it in almost the same second. They are small, incandescent balls that glow a few hundred yards away, some even seem to float closer, you think you can touch one if you climb to the top of the house, but the prospect of breaking your neck it's not very welcoming. However, it is certainly not the gas balls thousands of kilometers away that graced the solar system where the earth was.
This was a very strange world...Bizarre to say the least. But... Beautiful too. Somehow... A morbid beauty perhaps.
"Y/N." Hooty's voice hummed your name and you widened your eyes, your heart pounding. You jump away from the window in the same second, instinct making you act faster as it has been happening over and over again these days. "I can feel you have the window open, are you okay?" You ran to close the window and then crawled back into your mattress, determined not to get out until the sun came out.
You woke up with the slight morning light in your eyes. You slept like a rock, which was no wonder. Voices sounding through the hallways of the house, so you're sure there are people awake before you get up from your mattress.
You go down the stairs, trying your hardest not to make too much noise because you had no idea if people were still sleeping. The living room is empty, but the owl-shaped symbol glows from the ceiling, pulsates. Noises are coming from the kitchen, so you head there.
Edalyn is rummaging through the fridge for something. Lilith is sitting at the table, a mug between her fingers that says “Bad Girl Coven” and she seems to have the day's paper in her other hand. Her back didn't touch the chair, but her posture was perfect as if she had an invisible ruler that held her spine in place.
"Good Morning." Your voice sounds hideous, a little groggy from sleep yet. Lilith's eyes almost immediately go to you, staring at you for a brief second before she goes back to the paper, no response.
"Good morning, Y/N." Eda mutters while still rummaging through the fridge. "There's cereal on the top shelf of the cupboard and do you like milk or do you eat it without anything like Luz?" She turns to you with a bottle of red liquid in it and she pours it into another mug similar to Lilith's.
"Hm, I'm lactose intolerant, so I think no milk is fine." Eda got Count Chocola for you. Ironically, or maybe not, it was one of your favorites on earth.
"GOOD MORNING." The excited voice made you look back to receive Luz with a small smile. She already looked ready for the day, completely excited. Eda ruffled her hair affectionately as she walked into the living room. You hear the front door open and a sleepy “hoot” from Hooty as Eda walks out. "So human friend, what are you going to do all day?" Luz asked as she pulled the cereal box closer and poured some into her bowl.
As a matter of fact, you had no idea.
"What do you do on your days off from school?" Luz opens and closes her mouth for a moment, thinking.
“I hang out with my friends, Willow, Gus, and Amity. We always find something to do, or I write fanfics or draw anime characters. I read a lot too, you can't be a good fanfic writer if you don't read a lot.” You try to control your smile, but you can't quite manage it and ends up slipping away for a moment.
"Well...you seem to have a pretty busy life." Luz lets out a laugh as she shakes her head.
"I'll be waiting for you outside, teacher." You're not surprised when Lilith speaks, much less when she gets up. You were well aware of her presence you didn't see how you couldn't be well aware of her presence.
"Teacher?" You ask then, your brows furrowed in doubt.
"Oh yes, I'm teaching Eda and Lilith glyph magic because they lost the magic in the same battle we lost the portal." There is something. There's something there. Something under your skin scratches to find out more, why they lost their magic, and how that was possible. But even from the back, you feel an overly sharp look directed at you, one that makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, even though you can't even see it. The iron wall feels even firmer now.
You shouldn't ask. So you didn't.
"Do you think you can arrange me some books?" Luz's eyes sparkled when you asked that question, you would say with such excitement that it seemed to come out of her pores.
"I surely can." She practically stuffed the rest of the breakfast in her mouth, barely chewing it before dashing out into the backyard in her colorful witch school uniform. You were smiling when you got up from the table to go outside.
"Good morning, Y/N." It didn't scare you like before, you'd have to get used to that little face stuck in the door at some point. 
"Good morning, Hooty." You think he widened his eyes and opened his beak in excitement.
"Nobody ever says good nothing to me besides Lulu." He spins his head happily and although it's a little weird you think it's quite adorable. "I bet we will be a trio of best friends by now.  Three is always better." You just chuckled at Hooty, he was too innocent to notice how things were going. The bird just blinked his eyes several times, which you took to be a friendly gesture.
"Do you think you're ready to create bigger things?" Luz asked. You frowned as you leaned against the doorframe, watching as Lilith and Edalyn stood with staffs in hand. Eda had a staff with an owl on top, quite similar to Lilith's, but it was brown.
"I think we can try a combination of larger proportions, then we can think about how to transfer that to paper." explained Eda. Luz nodded for them to proceed.
Your eyes followed as the two witch sisters drew wide circles on the ground with the tips of their staffs. You had no idea what they meant, but they were connected to each other and formed a pattern.
"Ready Lily?" Edalyn asked as she found herself beside her sister. Lilith responded with a small smile that could mean yes or no. However, she did the same as her sister and without further verbal exchange between them, they touched their hands to the ground.
The circles made in the earth ascended in gold as the symbol of the living room itself. But it wasn't just that. A golden owl left the spot where Edalyn was touching her hand to the ground, filling with fire and expanding. In the same way, a raven the size of the house itself emerged from the symbol of Lilith, spreading its wings and glowing blue.
This was magic. You weren't terrified. You were delighted.
"Guys, this is so damn awesome!" Luz exclaimed as Eda's owl dissolved into golden fire and Lilith's raven into blue flames. You don't remember the last time something impressed you so much. Maybe your first Fourth of July as a kid, or maybe your New Year at the beach when you were 17. Nothing compares to that. Nothing compares to this frenzy you get to see that power, to feel that power in the air, you feel all your hairs are up and your heart is surely sounding in your ears. Impressive. "You guys are doing great, keep practicing as much as you can, I'll try to get home early today so we can go over the last combinations you've been making." Luz had that kind of excitement that made you believe that even in a completely different world, in a life that wasn't yours, there would still be room for optimism.
"I'll give you a ride, kiddo." Eda threw up her staff and the owl at the tip spread its wings, to simply float. Who needs brooms, right? Luz waved at you as she sat beside the witch and then they were gone, disappearing into the sky that showed the first brightest rays of sunlight.
Lilith cleaned her staff before starting to walk into the house. You expected her to say at least a "hi", but she passed directly beside you, her arm rubbing yours just for a moment.
Harsh and firm as steel.
She smelled like something refreshing. Pine, lemon with a sweet touch.
Not a word to you but she didn't look at Hooty either.
You shrugged. She wasn't obligated to be your friend just because she saved your life.
Still, you hated being ignored.
That's why you roll your eyes before entering the house again, having no idea what to do to occupy your own head.
Try being friends with Lilith was cut from your list. Hooty would have to wait to have a trio of best friends.
Chapter 3
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Request - Could you do a relationship alphabet Lilith Clawthorne
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Lilith finds you attractive of how you are different and have confidence. She feels comfortable around you but she loves your eyes.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
You and Lilith haven't talked about it.
C = Cuddle (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle)
At first, she wasn't used to the affections you showed. In time, she starts to like it, when you lie in bed with her then she would want to cuddle.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
You and Lilith would be a nervous wreck. Trying to impress each other in every way, would be awkward at first.
E = Everything (You are my ____)
You are my world.
Lilith would protect you from anyone. If you're hurt, she would take care of you and use magic to heal you. She never wants to lose you.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
At first, Lilith won't admit that she loves you. She has never been in love, it would feel strange at first. She thought that she isn't meant for love, but you proved her wrong.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle with you?)
You and Lilith are always gentle with each other. Showing each other affection and spending time together.
No matter what Lilith would try to make time for you. She feels special when you surprise her with a romantic dinner.
H = Hands (Do they like to hold hands? If so how?)
Lilith would feel shy and would hesitate to hold your hand. When she first held your hand, she started to blush when you smiled. She likes the feeling of holding hands.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
You and Lilith didn't get along. Because of Hooty, you and Lilith started to become friends then lovers.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes, Lilith would get jealous when someone would flirt with you or you spending too much time with someone else.
K = Kiss ( How do they kiss? Who kissed who first?)
You would kiss her first, she would kiss you back.
The first kiss was during the night.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first)
You would say it first. But it takes time for Lilith to say it back and she would mean it.
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M = Marriage (Do they want to get married?)
Yes, Lilith would want to get married. Hooty and Eda would give hints that Lilith would want to get married.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
You and Lilith would spoil each other with gifts. Luz would help Lilith make handmade love cards for you.
O = Open (When would they start to open up to you? How long does it take?)
It would take a while for Lilith to open up to you. She would think that you would judge her because of the bad things she did in the past.
When she does open up, you don't judge her. She didn't judge you when you opened up to her. You and Lilith trust each other with secrets.
P = Pet Names (What pet names do they use? What pet names do you use?)
Lilith calls ‘my love’ and you call Lilith ‘sweetie or my love’
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Lilith would like to bake you food that isn't modern.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Lilith would love to cuddle with you and have a movie marathon and eat snacks.
S = Sad (How do they cheer you up?)
Lilith would ask Hooty for help to cheer you up. They would try hard to make you smile.
When she is sad, you would do anything to make her smile. Hooty would try to make her smile too.
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T = Talking (What do you talk about?)
You and Lilith would talk about anything.
U = Understanding (How well do you understand each other)
Body language, you and Lilith would know what is going on with each other.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
When you give her a gift, Lilith likes to show it to everyone and she would smile more.
W = Wild Card (A random fluff headcanon?)
When you sleep in with Lilith, she doesn't let go when she cuddles with you.
She loves it when you play with her hair when you cuddle with her.
X = Xylophone (What’s your song)
peachy! - falling for u feat. Mxmtoon
Y = Yearning (How do they react when you have to leave them for a while?)
Lilith will miss you badly. She would worry about your health and safety. When you come back, she won't leave your side because she wants to spend time with you and just you.
Z = Zebra (If you two got a pet, what would you get?)
It would probably be a cat.
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Amity x Reader-Kissing Cam
It was the finals for the Grudgby team. The Banshees were versing Glandus High, Hexside’s Grudgby rival. Luz, Willow, Gus and Amity had offered Boscha support for the upcoming game. Luz took a seat next to Boscha’s friends, Skara, who had a broken leg, and Y/N, a new student to Hexside. Unlike many new students, Boscha had taken a liking to the new student, taking her under her wing and inviting her to her group. Most likely from her parents status, the head of the beast keeping coven. The two girls waved excitedly as the group of friends sat down. “Hey guys! How’s it hangin?” Y/N greeted. Luz watched Amity taking a seat next to Y/N. Strange. She thought. Amity barely talks to Y/N, especially after she left their group. “Alright, if a little bit stressful.” Amity replied nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with anyone. As Y/N and Amity began talking, Luz had a mischievous smirk on her face. “Uh oh Luz, I don’t like that look you have. What are you planning?” Willow asked, almost fearfully. She’d seen this look once before, and that was when she came up with a plan to get Willow and Boscha to date. A little embarrassing, but it still somehow worked. Luz stood, holding her hands behind her back. “Nothiiiiing~” she replied, the same smirk still on her face as she walked away from the group, disappearing into the crowd. Willow didn’t believe her. Glancing over to a smiling Amity and laughing Y/N, she only prayed that Luz’s plan wouldn’t effect them negatively. The game began, with the Banshees in a winning streak. Y/N cheered as they scored another point, booing at the crowd vouching for the Glandus High students. She almost got into a fight a few times. It was part of her personality to want to fight something, after all. “YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?! LET’S GO, YOU AND ME-“ she threatened to a student, before being pulled down by Amity. “Y/N, we’re here to cheer Boscha, not start a fight. Remember?” She scolded. Y/N frowned, crossing her arms as she continued to watch the game. Of course, it was no fun just sitting and watching. But she’d listen to Amity this once. Looking up, Y/N noticed the kissing cam was on. Something Luz introduced a couple of years ago, and everyone enjoyed so much it became tradition. Her face turned a light shade of pink when she realised hers and Amity’s face’s were on it. People were now cheering them on to kiss. Amity, who’d also realised the kissing cam was pointed at them, turned as red as a tomato. She tried covering her face with her hand, pretending to be talking to Gus sitting right beside her. Y/N shook her head, repeating no over and over again. The crowd of witches and monsters booed, but the kissing cam left the two surprised teens. Amity sighed with relief, but kept her face covered. She didn’t want Y/N to see her in this mess! This is so embarrassing! Throughout the entire match, the kissing cam kept returning to the teens, each time Y/N shook her head no. She was getting quite fed up with the cameraman for returning to them. Finally, towards the end of the match, Y/N had had enough. “OH FOR CHRIST’S SAKE-!” Without warning, she grabbed Amity’s jacket, pulling her into a kiss. The crowd cheered, and the kissing cam finally left them alone. Amity, not expecting Y/N to do such a thing, sat quietly for the rest of the game, her brain scrambled from Y/N’s sudden kiss. She wasn’t the only one to sit quietly. Y/N had also gone quiet, even ignoring when Boscha scored more points for the Banshees. In the camera studio, Luz handed the cameraman a hundred bucks, her smirk never leaving her face. “Thank you, good sir~” The game was finally finished, and the trio of friends exited the stands. Everyone was gushing from the excitement of today. Y/N had finally snapped out of her trance, and was talking like nothing ever happened. Amity walked quietly with her friends, smiling dreamily at the events today. She didn’t realise Y/N had fallen back to walk beside her. She almost squeaked in surprise when she felt the witch place a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, heard you were headed home. Would ya like me to walk you there?” Y/N asked casually, looking away to avoid Amity’s gaze. Amity wasn’t expecting this. “O-oh, o-of course!” The girl stuttered, scolding herself internally for being this awkward. They headed off, leaving the group of friends. Willow watched them go, when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. “What a performance! Worked exactly like I planned.” Luz laughed. Willow glanced to the human, then back to the two witches walking away together. Of course this was Luz’s “master plan”.
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Too Late For Apologies
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Edalyn Clawthorne X Reader X Lilith Clawthorne
Description: You had a huge falling out with Lilith and then find Eda flirting with someone else at her stand, you decide it’s time to take a break but now finding out you’re pregnant was another burden to be put on your shoulders.
Requested by Anon: Hi! Hello! I was wondering if requests are open hehe, if not that’s perfectly fine, if it is, could you write an Eda x Reader x Lilith fic? Where reader somehow got pregnant from one of the two sisters, and then had a fight with one of the sisters because reader had caught them with another girl at the market, the fight was so bad they ignored each other for days, until reader had caught them with another girl again and reader decided to move back to her old lonely home without any of the sisters knowing and then finding out that she was pregnant, and Luz was the first to know about the pregnancy because she went to reader’s house asking her to come back and reader begging her not to tell Eda or Lilith because she’s too hurt? Too detailed? I’m sorry!
TW:Fighting, depictions of cheating and angst. 
A/n: Don’t worry about it being too detailed it helps me a lot of times. Also sorry for the late response to this. Not gonna lie, this one hurt me.
Waking up to only Lilith cuddling you was something that you were used to sometimes but it also meant trouble was around the corner. You sighed and slowly got out of your girlfriend’s grip, you gently kissed her cheek watching as she smiled in her sleep. You quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, Luz was sitting on the couch already prepared for the day ahead. King was sitting next to her as they were talking about something. Luz looked up at you and smiled, “Good morning!” She happily said and you smiled before ruffling her head. “What’s the plan for today, Luz?” You asked as you also gave King a soft pat on the head as a way to say good morning. “Oh! Me, Willow, Amity and Gus are going out to hang out. King is coming with us so he won’t bother you too much.” Luz said as King let out a loud gasp. “The King of Demons does not annoy!” he stomped his foot on the couch to try and exaggerate his point. Luz only cooed at him and then apologized to him, “Well I’m gonna head out to the market to pick up some stuff. Don’t cause too much trouble.” You teased as you headed to the door. “I’ll make sure the kids are being kids! Which means they might get into trouble!” King replied which made Luz laugh in response. You hoped Lilith would be awake by the time you had gotten back, you were glad that she was getting sleep but you were scared that she was gonna stay awake the whole night if she slept all day. You shook your head taking a deep breath, everything would be fine.
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Another Way To Catch The Attention Of Two Witches.
Lilith Clawthorne X Reader X Edalyn Clawthorne
Description: Cuddling with your two girlfriends turns into a very fun time.
Requested : “So I look around and see people talking about sensitive witch ears. Soo was wondering if you’d write human!Reader x Lilith x Eda with smut please?
Human!Reader relaxing with Eda and Lilith cuddling and reader running her fingers through their hair and accidentally brushing a sensitive spot on their ears. Making Lilith and Eda tense and look up and smirk but reader is completely oblivious so they make their advances a bit more known.”
 A/N: Sorry if this is bad! Also sorry this took so long to get out anon, I would work on it and then my brain would erase everything I was thinking while I wrote this. 
TW: 18+ for Smut!
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Thanks But No
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Edalyn Clawthorne X Reader X Lilith Clawthorne
Requested: Hello there :> if I may ask,could I get a request of Lilith x Reader x Eda where say they at a party and some rando can’t get a hint when they talk to reader when they are obviously uncomfortable with their flirting. So,the Clawthorne sisters being themselves decide to show that reader is theirs and theirs only (You don’t have to do this if you do not wish but you cannot say I didn’t try tho :3)
TW: NSFW Mention, people being creeps and the Clawthorne Sisters being The Clawthorne Sisters.
A party. You don’t know why you needed to come to this party as they usually weren’t your thing. Not that you wouldn’t love being at parties like these but they also seemed so boring to you. But Lilith had begged you to go for her at least, Eda had no objection. Probably because she was gonna pull some scheme such as spike the drinks or annoy some people.
As you sipped on your drink, you felt as Eda gently squeezed your hip and placed a soft kiss upon your cheek. “I’m gonna go find, Lily. I’ll be back and don’t have too much time without me, Gorgeous.” Eda said as she sent a wink your way, a playful smile upon her lips. You chuckled but nodded before scanning the party going on around you, scanning for your other lover over the sea of gowns and suits. Where did Lilith go off to? How long were you standing there zoning out like that? 
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missme2insanity · 3 years
Togami Byakuya + Owada Mondo X Reader NSFW Headcanons
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a separate TY to both compliments (the second one refers to the old theme but still TY HAHA) 💕 but PLEASE cancel me for the old theme, it made me want to gouge my eyeballs 🤢🦆
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⤷ Byakuya with a breeding kink
—breeding kink, degrading kink, power play, roleplay, office sex, public teasing
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⤷ Mondo with a breeding kink
—breeding kink, overstimulation (on both ends), slight mention of impregnation
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❱ ⟣ he really, really doesn’t want to admit he has a breeding kink
❱ ⟣ however, his narcissism regarding his family name plays quite heavily into his breeding kink, so his mindset basically becomes “who wouldn’t want to be bred by a togami?”
❱ ⟣ it’s this mindset that’s been engraved in him, so he can’t really get rid of it now, can he?
❱ ⟣ before we go on, let me just mention that in togami’s FTEs (i think? i played thh in like, oct/nov 2020 so maybe i’m wrong), he explains that his father slept with multiple women, so their their children would compete to become the next togami heir blah blah
❱ ⟣ SO, he likes treating you as if you’re either 1. one of the candidate women, or 2. one of his workers whilst he is the ceo. oh and if the second one happens to be reality, then that’s even better. and either way, it’ll take place in an office
❱ ⟣ in both these scenarios of roleplay, he’ll say things that establishes his power and dominance over you. even if he is not too strong physically, the way he practically belittles and demeans you into treating you like some mere asset does the job for the both of you
❱ ⟣ “you really think you’re special?” he’d say through gritted teeth, trying to keep his breathing down as he pretends he isn’t enjoying it. “you’re just another one of the countless women who will bare my child.”
...even though you’re the only one he’s ever fucked, but whatever gets you going, togami
❱ ⟣ he loves office sex especially in this case because releasing inside you in a public office is so hot and so amusing to him
❱ ⟣ you have to pull that tight pencil skirt (he made you wear) down as he keeps your underwear with him after you fuck. and what makes it all-the-more worse, is that he cums inside you until it’s practically dripping out of you, so you’d have to walk around the office with your legs shut tight and with the middle of your thighs painfully wet
❱ ⟣ expect another fuck as he fills you up more with his cum later, because watching you squirm around the office is enough to make him hard again
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❱ ⟣ not only is he obsessed with fucking furiously into you — he’s also obsessed with cumming into you
❱ ⟣ and when i say “furiously,” i do mean it
❱ ⟣ owada loves the feeling of pounding into you. the way his cock just rams into you, the way his hips meet yours, the way your body just bounces upwards upon every thrust — he loves it all. and cumming inside you is just an added bonus
❱ ⟣ his voice tends to get all hoarse and really low as he’s fucking you (must be from the tiredness) and he likes to mumble in your ear about you being bred by him
❱ ⟣ he’ll put his hand flat on your stomach and talk about “how swollen it’ll look when his semen impregnates you,” but his words are also almost incoherent. he fucks you desperately, after all — he’s panting and practically breathless
❱ ⟣ but he won’t just stop after finishing once inside of you
❱ ⟣ even if he is tired, even if he is sweating like crazy, he’ll continue thrusting at his usual pace because he’s obsessed with the feeling of his cock sliding into you. plus, he also loves the feeling of thrusting as he cums inside
❱ ⟣ he’ll drive you insanely sensitive. actually, he’ll drive himself sensitive as well
❱ ⟣ but he likes it as the both of your moans get louder from that. he likes how your body starts squirming violently from overstimulation beneath him, all while he also struggles to keep his own position of dominance
❱ ⟣ he’s shaking, and he’s ready to collapse, but god he loves that feeling
❱ ⟣ the only time he stops is when his legs and hips actually cannot go any longer
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i had way too much fun with togami’s LOL
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missme2insanity · 3 years
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missme2insanity · 3 years
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