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I just love April so much and this moment was so awesome….
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Where’s my coffee
(Sorry for being inconsistent with the April thing, I’ll try to catch up)
Day 2 of April Drawing Challenge
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if anyone draws me anything ever
im going to stare at it
im going to grin like an idiot
i dont care if you think its bad or not
i love it
i love you
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morning sketches (almost)
convo between me and batwayneandninjaangels 
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Don't google trypophobia
If you see posts on your dash saying “don’t google trypophobia,” Trust them.
Trypophobia is the fear of irregular patterns of holes in things, like beehives and anthills and coral and sponges and the camp in “Holes.”
The thing is, when you google it? The images that pop up are mostly holes in the human body. They combine trypophobia with body horror and are honestly disturbing to look at. So if you don’t have/don’t know you have trypophobia, googling it may very well cause you to have it/learn that you have it. And if you have it but don’t know it, looking at those images WILL trigger you.
I had no clue that I had trypophobia before I googled it, but then I looked at some of those images and I am so fucking triggered right now, I’m shaking.
So, when you see a post (or 20) on your dash saying “don’t google trypophobia,” trust it, and don’t climb down that rabbit hole.
*shudders violently* time to update Tumblr savior.
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Note for men:
• I shave my legs for myself so when I am sleeping naked in bed, they feel smooth against each other: not for you. • I wear make-up because it enhances my features and gives me a confidence boost: not for you. • I wear tight jeans, crop tops, skirts and bikinis because I feel good when I pass my reflection: not for you. • I cut my hair this way because I am unique and I think it looks awesome: not for you.
None of what I do to my body is ever for you. It is for me and my confident self.
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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Starters
I shall always think of myself as a person who struggles against the darkness.
I leave in your trusted hands, my dear friend ___... this record that begins when I was just a boy/girl.
Mama once told me that I hadn't cried when I was born. That I'd simply opened my eyes... looked at her smiling face and smiled back.
I hate that we were afraid.
I was a rail splitter.
I had killed a monster. And I would kill again. But no amount of death could make me forget.
He sent me off into the world with a reminder. No distractions, no attachments. No friends or family.
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds.
History remembers the battle, but forgets the blood.
However history remembers me before I was a President, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth.
You are full of surprises.
Well, I see I'm such interesting company.
I wouldn't back down from what's right because it was hard.
I know when you're lying.
We'll be late to the theater.
Haven't you had enough?
A boy only gets this drunk when he wants to kiss a girl... or kill a man.
Power... real power... comes not from hate, but from truth.
I give you the targets. That was our deal.
My services are not for sale.
If vengeance is all you seek... seek it elsewhere.
And he's far too ugly to have a woman like you.
I ever see you here again, I'll have your balls for a coin purse!
To hell with work. We got invited to a ball.
There are other ways to collect a debt.
That was unlucky. Might have put me out of my misery.
I hope you're better with an axe than you were with a gun.
Some people talk about monsters and demons.
I can connect you with the right people.
Just because the carriage stops... doesn't mean we have to.
Vampires are just myths.
Myths don't beat you senseless after you've put a bullet in their brain.
My mother was murdered.
And if I teach you how to murder her murderer... so what? How will that honor her memory? How will that benefit the next boy whose mother is taken?
It's called a dance. If we were meant to sit down, they would've called it something else.
You'll ruin the upholstery if you sit there any longer.
Well, how do you hunt these vampires?
You weren't ready to know.
You're not the only one... who has lost everything to vampires.
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It's been kind of a bad day today >
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Olivia Munn working on her Psylocke sword skills for “X-Men: Apocalypse”.
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Grilled cheese makes me feel beautiful.
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Inbox: (1)
Me: hoe don't do it
Message: hi how are you? Can I ask you a favor? I'm a video game developer and I was wondering if you could test out the game on my blog to make sure it works? It will only take you a few seconds. Thank you :)
Me: oh my god
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On that day, mankind received a grim reminder…
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I like drawing turtle tots. I imagine Mikey discovering his toes was a magical moment for him.
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drake & josh;; starter sentences
"There's a NEW Jersey?"
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"I ain't calling you a truther!"
"I don't care. I like it on my face."
"Pip pip da doodly do!"
"Maybe 'E' means 'extra fuel'!"
"That is not my job."
"I have dreams. And sometimes, in those dreams, things happen to you."
"Dude, when life hands you free nachos, you don't question it!"
"Hang on, I'm doing something really important!"
"I love this album more than I love myself."
"Whoa, just take it easy, man."
"So my foot's totally stuck in there, right, I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure and I still got half a pie left."
"You should date whoever you want to date."
"So I don't like her, big deal."
"If you make fun of me one more time, I'm gonna tell everyone we know that you named your favorite pillow Mr. Puff Puff."
"I don't like half the girls I date."
"Nice going, you ran over your sister!"
"I hope you go bald!"
"I hope they cancel Oprah!"
"I'm really glad someone invented pizza."
"Well, sorry doesn't sweeten my tea!"
"Whoa, that cat IS fancy."
"Don't you have a rib to nibble?"
"You sicken me."
"You're the worst!"
"Look, I was wrong, okay?"
"I need you, I need you way more than you need me."
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Wait, Blogger! 
Tumblr is dangerous! Take this Baby Donatello with you to keep you safe!
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