miracle-of-marichat · 3 years
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miracle-of-marichat · 3 years
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Second Intention (1/3)
Summary: Lila knows. Tikki panics. Chaos ensues.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY TWIN @purrincess-chat !!!!! Here is a little kagadrinette dragon slaying for you.
“I know your secret, Ladybug.”
Lila’s sneer wasn’t nearly as terrifying as her words.  It took everything in Marinette not to react as she met the girl’s hazel gaze through the bathroom mirror.
“I’m sorry?”
Lila rolled her eyes.  “Don’t act so innocent.  We both know you’re not.”
Tikki shifted anxiously at her side, but Marinette took her time as she finished washing her hands.
Don’t flinch. Don’t flinch. Don’t flinch.
“Another story, Lila?” She said, grabbing a paper towel before finally turning around.
“Don’t even try.”
“I don’t have to try anything,” She said.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lila’s lips were curled into a disdainful smile.
“Alya may not be able to connect the dots, but I’m not an idiot.  You’re not a good liar, Marinette.”
Lila’s eyes flickered to her ears and for a moment Marinette thought she might make a grab for them.  There really would be no helping it then even if getting a hit in on her nemesis would feel good in the moment.
But Marinette didn’t need to give the girl any confirmation.  Not when she wasn’t even sure how Lila knew what she thought she knew.
“I bet Hawkmoth will be interested in my little theory.” She said instead, leaning back and resting one hand on her hip.  “Or maybe I should run it by the public first?”
The smile she shot her was sugary sweet, full of loathing.  “I guess we’ll have to see.”
She tossed one of her tails over her shoulder and left the bathroom. Marinette’s shoulders stayed tense, her body frozen, as the implications of their conversation set in.
Lila knows. Lila knows. Lila knows.
There was a familiar tightness in her chest, a tingling in her hands, that warned her what was coming next.  She felt her knees tremble and her eyes unfocus as the dingy beige tiles melded in with the dingy beige stalls and everything, everything felt at once too tight and too big.
She couldn’t breathe.  She was going to throw up.  She was going to –
Marinette went down like cataclysm.
Tikki cried out as her charge collapsed on top of her, head slamming against the floor.
“Marinette!” She cried, frantically flying around the unconscious girl.  “Marinette!”
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Down Came the Rain (and Washed the Black Cat Out)
Sequel to Rain Rain Go Away (Come Again Another Day)
“What’s wrong my little sunshine?” his mother asked as Adrien padded towards her chair in the Master’s bedroom where she sat. With tears falling and lips quivering, he climbed unto her lap.
A flash of lightning and the rolling of thunder jolted the four-year old and he snuggled closer to Emilie. “I’m scared,” he wept.
His mother fixed the blanket and wrapped it around them both as she hushed him. She rocked him back and forth and hummed a melody that she would sing whenever he was in distress.
Soon, Adrien was being lulled by the calming heartbeat of his mother. There was a kiss on his forehead that engulfed him in so much warmth and content. “It’s alright to be afraid, young one. I will always be here.” And he believed her.
There was a storm inside of Chat Noir raging more than the one he was caught in. Running a hand through his sodden hair, he closed his eyes and gripped the railing in disdain. Chat Noir knew he had a flair for theatrics and from a different point of view, he probably looked like an angsty hero in a noir (pun, unintended) film under the gloomy weather. Most of the time, he would scramble to escape but now, he was filled with so much emotion he couldn’t bring himself to care. He stayed hunched over the terrace for what seemed to be hours until he realized that the water stopped trickling down on him.
“You’re gonna get sick if you don’t stop trying to imitate those emo protagonists in films you know,” somebody stated. Chat Noir was dumbstruck to find out that he unconsciously relocated himself down the streets next to a lamppost. What he was more surprised to see was Marinette standing next to his crouched form, her umbrella pinched at the crook of her neck to prevent it from dropping as she held out a long green cargo jacket—no doubt, it was hers judging by her thin layer of clothes—above his head.
“Princess, what—” He didn’t get the chance to finish that thought when she unceremoniously dropped the coat on him, concealing his face with the hood. When he managed to poke his head out of the article of clothing, he saw how she clutched her umbrella properly and held the paper bags in her other hand. She ruffled his hair with a smile. “See you around chaton.”
Then she walked away and disappeared into the rain.
The pitter-patter of the rain against the roof was what roused him. The smell of bread, soup, and Marinette’s detergent invaded his nostrils and he stirred on a toasty bed. Gone was the rain dripping onto his face and the hardness of the concrete his sore limbs were lying on earlier. Something cold was pressed against his burning forehead and he was being bundled under the covers tighter. His hearing was the last to come to him. The person speaking sounded as if she was out of the water while he was deep under it.
“…idiot. Coming all the way here when he’s in the worst shape. I am so gonna kill him when he wakes up,” the angelic voice murmured, obviously distraught.
Blinking the fuzzy sight away, he was greeted by an agitated Marinette fussing over him at the edge of the bed. She was still in her pajamas and was pressing the cloth she had placed over his forehead. She stopped when their eyes met. His heart automatically hammered and he was filled with jubilance. Her shoulders slumped in relief before her eyes glazed over with annoyance. “Marine—”
“Not a word you darn cat,” she sharply ordered, glaring at him intensely.
Chat Noir zipped his lips up and sniffled. He forgot how scary Marinette can actually be. He watched her sigh and massage her temple as if to prevent herself from yelling at him.
“You are gonna be the death of me.”
Guiltily, Chat dragged his eyes downward. He knew what he did was irrational and impulsive. He should’ve listened to Plagg and stayed home. His kwami will most definitely strangle him the moment he detransforms. But he knew he couldn’t stand to be detained in that house a second longer.
“I’m sorry princess,” Chat rasped and broke into a fit of coughs.
“Yeah? Well you should be,“ an all-too familiar voice piped up. Chat Noir choked and stared at his kwami floating above Marinette’s shoulder mirroring the same expression of the girl next to him in horror. He looked down on his clothes and saw that he was in the same black jacket he wore before he transformed meaning he wasn’t Chat Noir right now but Adrien Agreste. Holy sh— That’s it. He was doomed. He was absolutely utterly screwed. Ladybug is gonna annihilate him but Marinette will probably do it first.
“What were you thinking?!” Marinette berated. “What you pulled off was dangerous! You could’ve—” she looked away then closed her eyes, crossing her arms as if to protect herself from the terrifying idea that keeps foraying into her mind. “What if I wasn’t the one who found you, huh? What if it was Hawkmoth or anybody at all who wouldn’t hesitate to let you be in harm’s way?” Marinette opened her eyes and trained them on him. Chat Noir cowered under her. “For God’s sake Chat Noir! You’re not just putting your identity and life in jeopardy but also your family’s! What has gotten into you?!”
Adrien could only bite his lower lip in remorse. Marinette was right. What he did was all the levels and degrees of stupid. He doesn’t deserve to bear the miraculous. Now Plagg will leave him to find a more worthy holder and he would lose his only chance to freedom. Now Marinette knows he was Adrien and she will never want to have any affiliation with him ever again and—Wait, she didn’t call him Adrien. She called him Chat Noir. He touched the skin around his eyes where his mask resided and found that he still wore one, not his real leather one but a homemade felt mask. His golden locks were also hidden under the hood of his jacket.
“After what you did, I didn’t have enough energy to maintain your transformation. I had no choice kid,” Plagg explained. He and Marinette shared a knowing glance as if sharing a little secret. For a moment, Adrien was afraid that Marinette finally knew who he was but it was…something else he couldn’t put his finger on. For now, he was just glad that neither betrayed his trust while he was incapacitated.
“Your girlfriend here—” Marinette sputtered denials and Adrien’s face reddened. Plagg flew in circles around both teens which made Adrien even dizzier. “—was understanding enough to keep your identity under wraps so you have nothing to worry about. I told her all about what I am and how your miraculous works yada yada yada. Oh!” He stopped right in front of Adrien’s face, making the boy cross-eyed as the kwami grabbed his nose with its tiny paws. “She also happened to feed me Paris’ best cheese danishes ‘cause they’re all out of cheese apparently. Boo. It’s not as good as camembert but I’ll rate it a nine out of five.”
Marinette giggled, all lividity dissipating away from her stance. “I’ll make sure to tell my papa your feedback then, he’ll be flattered. As for the cheese, we’ll be restocking soon.” Plagg flew to hover in front of her. She leaned and winked at the kwami, “I’ll pack you some danishes later before you guys leave.” Plagg gasped and turned to Adrien. “Kid, I love her already. Plagg approves.” Adrien just shrunk under the covers.
After an argument between kwami and holder that was resolved by Marinette’s bribery, Plagg relented to transform Adrien. His identity was still vulnerable to being exposed the longer he was out of the costume. Without Plagg’s remarks that eased the tension, Marinette was left to nursing a sick Chat Noir in an awkward atmosphere.
She helped him sit up with pillows supporting his back and situated a small table in front of him. Marinette reheated their dinner earlier— her mother’s wanton soup and made tea to help with his cold. Upon his insistence to be left on his own devices, Marinette made a quick trip to the bathroom downstairs to fetch some medicine for him.
Chat Noir tried to stomach the hot broth and noodles but all he wanted was to throw it all up but he was too shy, knowing that Marinette’s mother has gone through a lot of trouble to prepare the meal and Marinette made an effort to serve it to him. He was half way through the soup when he felt the bile rise to his throat and he couldn’t keep it in much longer. Good thing, as if sensing it, Marinette was already back and she took one look at him before promptly shoving a bin for him to empty the contents of his gut as she rubbed soothing circles on his back. He grimaced at the stench and situation.
He was humiliated to say the least, having her be an audience to his state and overstay his welcome but Marinette only tenderly smiled and handed him a glass of water, advising to finish the soup because he needed to eat something first before he could take his medicine. Once his bowl was devoid of the food, he popped the pills in his mouth and washed it down using the tea.
It was thirty minutes past midnight when Chat Noir was once again nestled under the enormous pile of blankets and Marinette was building herself a place to sleep on the chaise below. Chat Noir felt ashamed for occupying her bed after all she did for him but he just watched as she got ready to sleep. “Wake me up if you need anything! Good night,” she called before facing the opposite direction.
Chat Noir didn’t let his eyes stray from her immobile figure for a while. He waited for any signs of movement but there was nothing. Sighing, he focused on the skylight above him as the rain drizzled on the glass pane and his eyelids slowly drooped to a close. Maybe he should try to get some sleep.
“Adrien…your mother…she’s gone.”
“I’m sorry but your father can’t make it today, Adrien.”
“I’m in love with you!” “I’m sorry Chat Noir.”
“He’s nothing but a pathetic excuse for a superhero that mangy alley cat.”
“You’re putting her life in danger. What if Hawkmoth discovers how much you care about her? What if something happens to her because of Chat Noir?”
Chat Noir’s eyes snapped open as the nightmares plagued his mind once again. The patter of the rain was deafening. He immediately sought for comfort as his eyes darted everywhere around the room and once they landed on Marinette, he relaxed. Calm down Adrien. You’re at Marinette’s home. You’re safe. She’s safe. You’re okay. Everything’s fine.
“Marinette, y-you still awake?” he asked. His hopes were not met by a reply. She must be sleeping by now and he didn’t want to disturb her but he also couldn’t bottle it all up anymore. The glass was cracking and the words were pooling in his mouth. He needed an outlet, a release. “I…” he started, clutching at the blankets tighter. “I hate the rain.”
“It’s cold and wet and gray a-and…” he trembled but kept going. “…it brings back a lot of memories you know?” Fiddling his clawed fingers together, he rested the back of his head on the pillow and observed the globules of water that threatened to hit him if it weren’t for the closed window.
He swallowed the lump. “It was raining when my mom left. It was raining when Ladybug rejected me,” he wanted to say but he bit down on his tongue hard enough. He’s never been this honest to anyone before. But now, he had laid his guard down and stripped himself of whatever pride he had left. “It’s just that…everything hurts.”
The tears spill and his voice cracks into a hiccup. “I try to forget about everything. I try not to let the sadness get to me. But all of it is just too much sometimes. There are mornings when I wake up that I can’t find the strength and will to get up anymore and survive another one. I-I feel like the weight is crushing me and I can't— I can’t do anything about it. I’m just so useless and—and worthless. I’m, uhh, a disappointment, a—a failure and…I’m—” He could feel nothing, but he could also feel everything all at once. “Nothing…I’m nothing.”
He drapes his arm over his eyes and he sobs. “Sometimes, I crave for jumping off the top of the Eiffel tower without catching myself, just…” He remembered standing so close to the edge just the other day. It scared him more to realize that he’s not afraid of the height or falling, but of the fact that he’s not scared at all. “I know it’s wrong but there are instances when I get those terrifying thoughts and I wonder, what if? Nobody would care, right? My father definitely wouldn’t. The world would resume to rotate and revolve without me in it and I won’t have to endure another rainy day in my li—”
Chat Noir broke, finally voicing what his heart was screaming out the most. “I just want to be loved.” Chat Noir was pathetic, Adrien thought. “I’m so tired of begging for it again and again, from the people who can’t give it, from my father, from Ladybug. I…” His breaths became controlled and shuddering, the melancholy crawling all over his heart and soul and wedging it in every nerve and vein he had in his body.
God, Chat Noir hated the rain.
He didn’t notice that the edge of the bed dipped and there were hands that were cradling his head. Instinctively, Chat’s arms wove around Marinette’s small and petite frame and pulling her under the covers into an embrace. Her fingers carded through his locks in a coaxing manner while she whispered reassurances in his ear and the tears continued to stream down his cheeks. Neither spoke, Chat buried his face in the crook of her neck and cried and heaved.
He clung to her like a lifeline. He was drowning and her warmth was the only oxygen he had. He needed her and she was more than willing to be there right next to him so he wouldn’t feel alone, so she could help him through this together, so she could walk through hell with him.
Marinette disentangled the knots in his hair and massaged his scalp every time he would flinch at the lightning and thunder. He didn’t know how many hours passed while they were in that position. His ear was lodged against her chest and the steady thrumming of her heart sedated him.
Not long after, Chat Noir drowsily started to blow slackening breaths and he felt sleep creeping up to him, his eyes screwing shut. There were soft lips that pecked his forehead and a gentle voice. “Then it’s time to stop begging from the wrong people. I know I’m not much but I’m not going anywhere. I love you Chat Noir, every beat of my heart belongs to you.”
Chat Noir was floored, awed at the amount of affection her words held. What good did he do to have such a sweet, selfless, and most amazing girl—Marinette to still see the best in him despite all his shortcomings and flaws, to still love him for all the good and bad things he possesses? He was struck by how much she meant to him. Her friendship, her love—her. They were all most prized and precious and he wouldn’t know what to do if he loses any of it. It hurt him to hear her think of herself as “not much” because to him, she will always be more than enough. He loved her, he loved her too much.
Chat Noir’s lips curled into a smile and for the first time in years, his heart was finally free. He whispered something unintelligible and he wasn’t sure if she heard him but she only encased him in a cocoon of her love and protection. “I love you too, princess.”
Tomorrow, they would have to deal with the repercussions of their late night, he would have to face Plagg’s vexation for making him use up all his energy to stay transformed for the rest of the night (and pestering: “What? Had fun cuddling with your girlfriend you clingy and needy kitten?” “Shut up Plagg.”), he would have to face Nathalie’s wrath when she finds his room vacant in the morning. But tonight, he would sleep as the rain carries on outside. For as long as he was sheltered in the arms of the girl he loves, he was home.
Maybe the rain isn’t so bad after all.
this wraps up this fanfic. hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did. i love marichat and i felt like they would have such a fun and loving best friend dynamic. the last part was kinda vague so it’s up to you whether the “i love you” bit was romantic or platonic, it can be either. i’m sorry if i was clearly projecting while i wrote adrien’s confession. whoever is experiencing sadness, may it be a simple bad day or depression, don’t be afraid to seek solace from somebody you hold dear and trustworthy and don’t hesitate to find a friend in me. thanks for reading! iloveyouall!
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Rain Rain Go Away (Come Again Another Day)
Adrien Agreste hated the rain.
He hated the way that the once bright blue sky would be concealed by gray clouds. He hated the cold that was brought on by the change of climate and the wet of being showered. He hated how it dampens a what could be wonderful chance to bathe in sunlight and how it slows down the pacing of the day. He knew what people thought of him. He knew that they think he’s incapable of the word “hate” because he likes to find the silver lining in almost everything. Unfortunately, he is capable of loathing after all because he definitely can’t find a silver lining on a rainy day. Maybe it’s due to his jaded perception, but frankly, there just isn’t one.
Adrien Agreste hated the rain because it was raining the day his father entered his room, looking the most horrified and devastated he has ever seen. He could still remember that day like it was yesterday: the slow and calculated steps his father made towards him, the icy lost expression in his eyes, and the words that shattered Adrien’s life forever. Adrien Agreste hated the rain because it was raining when his world tilted upside down. It was raining the day his mother disappeared.
Years later, he thought he could move past it but he can’t. His relationship with his father detoriated further and so did his relationship with the rain.
When he received the black cat miraculous, he found a ticket to his freedom. It may grant him only temporary occassions but if he was given the chance to breathe and leave his depressing life behind even for just a few hours, he jumped at it. So when he donned the mask, he was no longer Adrien Agreste, the broken boy with the perfect image, he was Chat Noir, the hero of Paris.
He loved saving people, serving his city alongside the love of his life. He loved being free from the confinement of his prison of a mansion and the restraints of his reputation and responsibilities as a teen model. He loved being with the miraculous Ladybug who accepted him for his flawed persona. He loved being able to jump from one building to another, laughing without a care in the world, throwing all his problems out of the window and actually live. He loved the priveleges that was tied to the ring but all of those things still did nothing about his hatred for the rain. He still abhors it with every fiber of his being. In fact, more so now that he seems to manifest some parts of a cat’s nature and one of them is not being a fan of water.
Chat Noir hated the rain because that was the day that Ladybug looked sadly but straight in the eye and crushed his heart. After a particularly difficult akuma that they managed to handle but without a series of unfortunate mistakes and failures, they got into a fight. It was a battle even bigger than the one they just had. With three remaining pads on his ring and three spots on his lady’s earrings, they faced each other in a heated argument.
“You should’ve stuck with the plan!” Ladybug fumed.
“If I did, you could’ve gotten hurt! I wouldn’t know how to live with myself if I let that happen.” he defended himself.
“But we put a lot more people in danger because you chose to abandon your post and catch that hit for me.” He was about to say something but she refused to listen to him. “No Chat! Getting hurt is all part of being a superhero. When I accepted my miraculous, I also accepted that part of the job.”
“But milady—” She didn’t get it. She just didn’t get it, did she?
“Chat, you have to stop being self-sacrificial and think before you leap. You can’t just mess with the plan and run into your improvised ideas headfirst—”
“I was just trying to protect you!”
“Well, I don’t need your protection!” She snapped angrily and that’s when Chat Noir flinched at the harshness and the edge of her voice, a sudden constriction seizing his chest and there was a prick in his eyes and a lump in his throat. (Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.)
Of course, she didn’t need protection. She was strong, she was smart and she was amazing with or without his idiocy, possibly better without. What made him think he was actually needed?
None of them spoke for a little while until his ring beeped and her earrings followed. Ladybug sighed and softened when he brought his head down in defeat (and shame and shame and shame). Chat tensed when he felt her hand land on his shoulder and he refused to meet her gaze. He didn’t want to see any more of her disappointment.
“Chat,” she called softly, the gentleness that she used whenever she comforted him returning. His heart would’ve fluttered if she used that voice when she was talking to him any other day but now, he’s soaked in the rain and his heart was throbbing painfully instead. “Hey, I know you were just looking out for me and I appreciate it. But…Paris needs your protection more than I do. What I need, is your trust and support.”
Chat nodded solemnly and swallowed but the lump remained. Ladybug squeezed his shoulder, making him look up at her and she smiled. “Besides, nobody makes a better team than we do, remember?” she giggled, hoping to ease the tension between them. It was the most wonderful sound he has ever heard.
When their miraculouses beeped again, Ladybug smiled and walked towards the edge of the roof that they were standing on. Chat Noir watched her with his fists shaking and his heart rampaging. It’s not fair. She doesn’t understand. Can’t she see that— “I’m in love with you!”
Chat Noir bit his tongue and immediately regretted saying that aloud. Ladybug almost slipped at his sudden confession but she stopped from her tracks and froze. Chat Noir never felt truer terror at the silence that reigned after his impulsive action. Stupid! He shouldn’t have said that! A part of him rejoiced for finally coming clean and hoping that now she knows that all his flirting and endearments and protection for her are all just fruit of his feelings for her. Because Chat Noir is hopelessly head-over-heels in love with Ladybug, and there’s all that there is to it.
Ladybug spun and maybe it was just the rain blurring his view or making the mood dramatic and bleak but Chat Noir felt his heart sink when he stared at her cerulean blue eyes—eyes that were always full of wonder and hope that he loved the most—which held nothing but sadness in them. After a few seconds of opening and closing her mouth, she struck the final blow of a rainy day. “I’m sorry Chat Noir.”
Chat Noir stood there, watching as his beloved leaped away leaving him alone on the roof, tears falling, body shivering, and heart cracked in two.
After the rejection, Adrien became open to how he despised the rain. The week that followed was the worst one he ever had. His signature smile replaced by a somber face that almost made everybody think he was mourning for somebody’s death. (He was mourning for his heart.) He went on with his day like a zombie and he knew about all the worried glances that his classmates and friends threw at him. He dodged Nino’s questions, Alya’s journalistic skills, and Chloe’s attempts of “cheering him up.” Plagg was sympathetic and kept his nagging to a minimum. He loved his chosen and it hurts him to see Adrien hurting like this. Still, he kept his mouth shut about his knowledge because his meddling with mortals’ love lives will earn nothing but Tikki’s fury.
Friday came and even his teachers had given up on trying to know what was going on with him. They were dismissed for the day and he was packing his things, already itching to transform and run across rooftops for the rest of the day, when somebody bumped into his back that almost made him topple over if it weren’t for the desk in front of him.
“Eek!” somebody squeaked. “I’m s-so sorry Adrien! I d-didn’t mean to jump you—I mean, b-bump into you!”
Adrien turned around and saw a very flushed and stuttering Marinette behind him as she profusely apologized. “I-It’s just that I’m so clumsy and you’re right in front of me—I-I’m not saying i-it’s your fault! You’re amazing! I-I mean no! I-I mean yes! B-But I tripped! A-And I really hope I didn’t hurt you—”
Her eyes widened. “O-Oh no! I didn’t hurt you right?! I didn’t leave any marks on your gorgeous face—I mean normal face that will make you miss photoshoots? A-Are you okay? I’m so so so sorry! I r-really didn’t see you and—crap, i-if your dad wants to press charges, it’s okay—”
Adrien quickly reassured her with a small smile. “Hey, it’s fine Marinette. I’m okay and there’s absolutely no need to talk about pressing charges. It was just an accident.” He closed his messenger bag and wore the strap. “How about you? Are you okay? Nothing broken?” he asked, half-teasingly and half-worriedly.
He noticed how Marinette blushed a darker red and started to stutter again until she settled for a nod and a wide abashed smile. Adrien almost forgot about what he wanted to do that afternoon. His classmate never failed to amuse him. “Wanna walk together?” he offered.
Marinette flailed her arms everywhere in panic and Adrien didn’t know if it was something he did or said that made her act like that. He wasn’t oblivious to the different treatment that he received from Marinette and most of the time, he’s bothered by it. He hoped that they were past the bubblegum incident and she no longer disliked him. Maybe it was because of who his father was and who he was. After all, Marinette was an aspiring fashion designer. Whatever the reason was, he just didn’t want it to get in the way of a wonderful friendship with the class representative.
Adrien was about to duck inside the car parked in front after bidding Marinette a quick goodbye when Marinette stopped him. “A-Adrien, wait!”
Curious, Adrien turned his attention back to her. Did he forget something? Marinette took a deep breath and a look of determination took over her gaze that seemed strikingly familiar to Adrien. Where did he see that expression before?
“W-We couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be going through something right now a-and…I just want you to know that we’re all here for you. You can always talk to any of us, t-to me,” Marinette said with a sincere smile.
For the first time that week, Adrien felt happy, felt loved. Somebody cared for him. A smile tugged at his lips and it was probably the biggest one he had shown since the rejection. “Thanks Marinette. You’re such a great friend.”
The peace didn’t last. There was an akuma attack the same day. Despite the dread that was gnawing at his gut at the idea of seeing his la—partner even if it has been days. Adrien shook his head and transformed. He was a superhero for crying out loud. He can’t just abandon his duty to his city just because of a heartbreak.
They were a mess. He kept as much distance from Ladybug as he could and they had trouble communicating. Ladybug sensed the air around him but didn’t say a word about it. If they used to work like a well-oiled machine, then they appear to be more of a busted engine now. Still, they managed to save the day. He was about to make an exit when Ladybug held her fist out for their traditional victory fist bump and looked at him expectantly.
Chat Noir knew he had every right to turn his head away and leave. He was still getting over her “I’m sorry.” He had the right to space and time. A selfish part of him told him that she deserved to feel the same pain of being rejected to let her know how it felt when she stabbed him in the heart.
But he loved Ladybug as much as he loved Paris. They can’t afford to put their people at risk just because he was still pouting about his unrequited crush. He can’t afford to lose an incredible friendship with one of his best friends either. Even if it seems impossible, he has to move on and settle with the fact that she’ll never see and love him the way he wanted. So, smiling (and trying to ignore the pang), he bumped his fist with hers. Her bright smile was so blinding and he wanted to hit himself for still being weak in the knees for it. He nodded a farewell and leapt away, the load lesser than before.
They were going to be okay.
That night, after recharging Plagg, he was enjoying an evening of a solo patrol. He wanted some time alone to think and just enjoy the breeze and lights. He had no place in mind and let his feet take him wherever they could until he spotted a recognizable pair of blue pigtails and pink pants. He halted and her words earlier that day echoed inside his mind. “Maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad to take her up on her offer,” he whispered.
She was immersed in her sketchbook with her tongue out the corner of her mouth, a thing she does when she’s deep in concentration that he found adorable. A steaming mug of hot chocolate and a plate of half-finished sweets were in front of her. Chat Noir watched her for a little bit longer, not knowing how to approach his classmate. Would it be too unusual and creepy for him to show up out of the blue?
Oh, what was he doing? Marinette was Adrien’s friend. He was Chat Noir now and he only had very few interactions with the girl. But Chat Noir was also her friend, right? He never recalled a time when Marinette turned him away, or anyone at all. (She was that amazing.) Maybe this was a bad idea. Chat Noir looked at Marinette one last time. She hasn’t noticed him yet. He should probably go because last time he checked, this could be considered stalking, and stalking was illegal.
Marinette screamed when she found a set of glowing green eyes in the dark watching her after she heard a sneeze from above. Chat Noir screamed as well before he lost his balance in surprise and fell onto the balcony in a loud thud. Both of them were in the state of hysteria, Marinette demanding answers on what he was doing there and Chat Noir spouting explanations and excuses. If it weren’t for Marinette’s parents who knocked and checked on their daughter, they wouldn’t have had calmed down.
A few minutes later, Chat Noir was sitting on the railing while Marinette was leaning against them. None of them spoke for a while until Marinette broke the silence.
Chat Noir scratched the back of his head, sheepishly. “I’m really really sorry Marinette. I didn’t mean to spy on you and startle you. I just saw you while I was patrolling and decided to drop by.”
Marinette smiled and accepted this. “To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from a superhero of Paris?”
Chat Noir grinned at her and took her hand to drop a chaste kiss on the back of it. “Can’t this cat visit his favorite civilian?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and Chat chuckled. He felt lighter. Marinette always had that magic touch with people. Though he never admitted it to anyone but she was someone who he drew comfort from. There was just something about her that made him gravitate towards her and he didn’t mind one bit.
They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing about random things. Marinette groaned at his puns and jokes while Chat Noir asked about her designs. For hours, they trapped themselves inside a bubble where he could forget about Ladybug, his whole life, and rainy days. Her company was just what he needed that night and it meant the world to him. When they decided to call it a night, Chat Noir pulled her in for a hug. When Marinette asked what it was for, Chat just squeezed her tighter and he hoped it delivered his gratitude.
The next week, Adrien’s mood became better. He smiled a bit more and joined conversations with other people. His friends were glad to see that he’s no longer brooding. He wasn’t fully over Ladybug’s rejection nor was his heart any close to healing but he basked in the warmth of Marinette’s reminder. He was cared for and he was loved.
The next time he paid her a visit, he was being bugged by the possibility—the reality of Ladybug loving somebody else. There was another akuma attack that day. It was a girl who was pining over a guy and never had the courage to tell him until she was too late since the guy seemed to be interested with someone else. Chat Noir couldn’t help but feel his heart twinge in hurt because he knew how she must’ve felt. He understood the feeling of feelings that are not reciprocated. He made a move to console her when Ladybug beat him to it. He was more than shocked. Why? Why her? She had no idea what the poor victim was going through. He was the one who could relate the most so why her?
“Loving somebody just sucks, doesn’t it? It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world yet it can give us great affliction at the same time. But isn’t that how love works? Pain makes it a whole package. It’s all about taking a leap of faith. It’s going to hurt, like really really hurt but at the end of the day, we become stronger and wiser. Never stop yourself from loving and never fear pain because it will help you grow,” Ladybug said.
“But how can you be sure it’s worth it? How do you even know that?” the victim accused.
“I know how it feels like to love somebody far too unreachable. However, when it comes to love, everything is worth fighting for.” The girl threw her arms around Ladybug and sobbed on her shoulder.
Chat Noir was confused. What just happened? He knew how empathetic Ladybug was but that…that was a spiel of somebody who talked from experience. How could she possibly know exactly how that girl felt, exactly how he felt? Was she inferring from how she thought he felt when he got rejected? How—
That was until he saw Ladybug’s eyes and he knew he misinterpreted her. The look in her eyes mirrored his, it was of a longing soul and a broken heart. Everything clicked. She was in love with someone else.
That night, he was perched atop of a balcony, eyes cast forward but not really seeing. He couldn’t admire the vast starry night sky and the tranquil streets. No, he was haunted by the sadness in Ladybug’s eyes and the agonizing truth that she merely didn’t have space for him in her heart because it was already taken by an unknown individual.
He fisted his hair and yanked at it in frustration, muffling a loud cry. Of course he never had a shot at her. He can’t help but be jealous of the guy. Who was he to earn such devotion from the most incredible lady in all of Paris? Gritting his teeth, he hit his head against his knees. What did he have that he didn’t? Clearly, he was the more meritorious candidate. What does a civilian have against a superhero? Chat Noir banged his head once more. Stupid. Ladybug wasn’t that superficial.
Sighing, he loosened his hold on his hair and rested his forehead on his knees while breathing heavily. His closed his eyes to stop the stinging. Chat Noir vowed to let her go because he couldn’t be selfish, he remembered. Ladybug’s happiness would always be his top priority.
“Are you gonna keep sulking there or would you rather talk about it?”
Chat Noir stiffened and whipped his head behind him where he heard her. Even he had no clue that he was here again. Marinette was standing there in her pajamas and holding a tray with two mugs and a plate of cookies, levelling him with a concerned gaze. When he didn’t answer, she placed the tray on the table and approached where he was.
“Hey Marinette,” Chat Noir mumbled in greeting.
“Hey,” she tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear as the wind blew. “Is everything okay?”
Mustering a smile, he nodded. “Yeah, nothing’s got my whiskers in a knot.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. He could hear the uncertainty in her voice though he doubted she believed that he was okay. Marinette had always been so perceptive. Chat didn’t want to trouble her with his problems so he chose to grin and lie.
Marinette knowingly stared at him, waiting for him to give in but Chat Noir didn’t change his mind. When that was the case, she smiled, an “It’s okay, I understand.” hidden in it. “Whatever you say. You hungry?”
Marinette walked back towards her chair. Chat Noir curiously peered over her form and saw the tray of inviting snacks. She picked up one mug and the plate and stretched it towards him. “Don’t think I didn’t see the way you’ve been eyeing my pastries last week.”
As if on cue, Chat Noir’s stomach rumbled and he scratched at the back of his head in embarrassment. Trying not to appear like a hyena, he accepted the treats with a grateful smile. That evening, he pushed the thought of Ladybug and her mystery crush to the back of his mind. He sat next to Marinette as they wordlessly drank in the view of the moon and the stars and relished in hot chocolate and chocolate-chip cookies. When he bowed thank you and good night (because hugging her was probably a little too much last time), she was the one who pulled him in an embrace, whispering, “When you don’t know where to go, my balcony is always open for some stray cats.”
Chat Noir would’ve been lying if he said that his heart didn’t explode then and there and he didn’t smile all the way back to the mansion. God, she was such a great friend.
Adrien loved Ladybug, he will always do, but he respected that it was time to be more of a partner and a friend to her and rid of his hopes of ever becoming more. During akuma attacks, he acted more professionally. He carried out with their plans and soon enough they regained their unity and coordination. If Ladybug noticed the change, he will never know.
Adrien hung out with his friends more, mostly Nino, Alya, and Marinette. He would make the most out of the time he was permitted by his father. Somehow, the four of them would always be down to just the two of them, Adrien and Marinette. Alya and Nino would oddly vanish without a trace. Adrien was fine with it, he wanted to get to know Marinette better but the latter was always awkward when it’s just the two of them so he didn’t want to make her any more uncomfortable. After his first two unannounced visits, he became a frequence to her residence anyway.
Although Marinette joked about how feeding a stray cat only urged it to keep coming back and how insufferable his puns and antics are, he knew that they both enjoyed each other’s company. Marinette was a good listener, the best even. She always listened to whatever he had to say without prejudice and spoke sensitively and compassionately but full of depth and wisdom. There were times when Adrien was loaded with work and lessons that he was unable to come but Marinette didn’t mind and listened to him vent the next time they were together. But when he insisted to come, he would end up passing out on Marinette’s chair only to wake up with a blanket over him and food on the table. Marinette had a few extremely busy nights and over the weeks and months that they grew accustomed to the new normal, he would hang out in her room. Sometimes, he would give her the space to focus, but sometimes, due to boredom, he would annoy her and she would have to kick him out and put him in the time-out zone (the balcony where bad kitties belong).
Chat Noir never felt more at home than at Marinette’s. He was never hungry and he would pretend to complain about losing his godlike figure but Marinette would just shove food in his mouth to shut him up. Maybe it was because of the ironically huge but confining room or the dull interior of the mansion or just living with an estranged and detached father that made the bakery ooze with so much warmth and life. He loved being at Marinette’s because whenever he was with her, he was his most authentic self. He thought that when he became Chat Noir, he was free but when he was with his princess, that’s when he truly was free.
They could talk to each other about everything. It took a while but he opened up about his parents and lonely home life, his suffocation from always being in the spotlight, and his bad days. He listened to her gush and lament about her crush (who was missing out big time by the way) and rant about her dilemmas, supported and praised her whenever she showed him her designs, and frowned whenever she would slip up about some of her insecurities. The more time they spent with each other, they got to delve deeper into each other’s character, see one another’s quirks and faults, hear each other’s stories.
Plagg didn’t want to admit it but he adored Marinette. She obviously loved both sides of his chosen and she took good care of him. The kid deserved all the love in the universe. (Okay, and maybe because she spoils him with cheese whenever he needs to recharge.)
Chat Noir knew how dangerous their little rendezvous nights were becoming. Plagg gave him the wake up call. There was a supervillain out to get his head and getting close to a powerless and vulnerable civilian puts her in a precarious situation. He tried to give Marinette a way out before she gets caught up in peril because of him.
“Marinette, Hawkmoth—”
“He won’t.”
“But getting close to me practically paints a huge target on your back. If anything were to happen to you…I can't—”
Marinette smiled and held his hand. “I have you. I have nothing to be scared of.”
Chat Noir almost teared up when she told him how much this meant to her. And to hear her put so much trust in him made him melt. Chat Noir made up his mind that nothing was to harm Marinette Dupain-Cheng without killing him first.
They kept their meet ups under the radar. He didn’t mention her with Ladybug and Marinette did the same with everybody. At first, it was hard. Adrien would forget that he’s out of the suit and interact with Marinette the same way only Chat Noir would. But he got the hang of it. Adrien was a little disappointed and found himself wanting for Marinette to act around Adrien the same way she should with Chat. With Chat, she was bold, sassy, and witty. With Adrien, she was all blushing and stuttering. Maybe someday she would eventually warm up to Adrien, but for now, he’s more than happy to keep the real Marinette all to his Chat Noir self. Cats can be territorial after all. (“Kid, you’re literally the same person.” “Shut up Plagg.”)
Chat Noir will always love Ladybug, but now, he could proudly say that he was honored to be her partner and actually be okay staying in the friendzone. She was his first love and he will never regret falling in love with her. But it was a taboo topic whenever he was at Marinette’s. Weirdly, it was what brought him together with her yet he did his best to never bring the heroine up. He didn’t know why. He talked to her about his hardest struggles yet it seemed to be something that he just couldn’t bring himself to disclose it with Marinette. He’s not planning to keep it from her forever, but there’s a right time for it to happen. He just didn’t expect it to happen in a weather he was not very fond of.
Adrien Agreste hated the rain. As Chat Noir, even more so. It was because of the rain that Adrien got sick. It was because of the rain that made it just terrible for Chat Noir to fight in his state. A slight fever, an akuma attack and rain? Yeah, now that’s a recipe for Adrien’s worst day ever. Luckily, the duo stopped the akuma quicker than they usually did. After their fist bump, Chat Noir was ready to go home and burrow himself in his bed for the rest of the weekend but Ladybug placed a gloved hand on his shoulder and another on his cheek.
“Chat, are you okay?” she asked, worry evidently laced in her voice. Recently, she had become a little touchy with him. (They’re platonic, he would convince himself.) Chat Noir noted that she still had an effect on him but not as strong as before.
He grinned at her soothingly to brush off her alarm. “I’m as right as rain milady.” The nickname stuck and now it was just second nature for him to call her that. He sneezed and that didn’t really help his case.
“Chat Noir, you’re sick—”
Chat stepped away from Ladybug’s scrutiny and winked. “Nothing a little cat nap won’t fix. I’ll cat-ch you later Ladybug!” He jumped faster than she could call his name.
Sleep wasn’t much of a friend to Adrien that night either. For for the third time since he got the chance to faceplant on his bed and close his eyes, he was awoken by another nightmare that had left him covered in sweat yet shuddering in the cold. His screams bounced off the walls that Nathalie barged into his room the first time it happened. He excused it to watching too many horror movies to which she raised an eyebrow at and admonished him. She told him that she was going to log out and head home already and if he needed anything, she was on-call.
His third nightmare sent him to madness. Groggy with trepidation, he grabbed the nearest black jacket and woke up Plagg to transform. The kwami tried to talk sense into him but he was too stubborn and too shaken to listen. He needed solace, he needed warmth, he needed home, he needed Marinette.
Opening one panel of his glass windows, he dove into the night and hissed when he realized that it hadn’t ceased raining. There was no moon that shone on his path. If it weren’t for his night vision, he would’ve might as well plunged into pitch black. He stumbled several times and almost slipped from one of the rooftops but he kept propelling himself forward fuelled by a surge of adrenaline and necessity. His eyes were glassy and irritated, his throat itchy and aching, his nose congested and stuffy and his head spinning. The droplets that drenched his whole being projected flashbacks in his mind, his most painful memories, his nightmares. Must…get…away…
When he discerned the outline of the familiar balcony, he sprinted faster. He clicked his baton and it extended, catapulting him towards it. The wind slapped the skin of his face that was exposed and that’s when all the strength he had seemed to wear off and his bones to melt. He smacked against the concrete floor and he groaned as the bullets of water landed directly on his face now. He attempted to push himself up but he was nothing but a sack of potatoes. Dark spots clouded his vision and he was ready to drown in slumber.
He was home and that was all that mattered.
this turned out to be longer than I expected so there’s a second part! this is the very first fan fiction i have written in my entire life so please be kind. thanks for reading!
Part 2: Down Came the Rain (and Washed the Black Cat Out)
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Alya: hey Ladybug I’m glad you trusted us with the Miraculi again but I have a question
Alya: why didn’t you give one to Lila? She’s your best friend, right?
Ladybug: I would rather throw myself off a bridge
Alya: oh, you don’t want her getting hurt in battle, that’s so sweet!
Ladybug: no, I would strangle her to death with my bare hands if I thought I could get away with it
Alya: But… She’s your… best friend…?
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
someone write about the miraculous squad watching a play or movie about themselves like the Ember Island Players from ATLA
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
joke: adrien hates dogs
woke: adrien loves dogs but the cat miraculous makes him scared SHITLESS of them
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
I think the worse way Adrien could reject marinette is by mentioning ladybug being his crush
It would be hard on her because duty vs desire. But it leads to Ladrien so if you’re pro-Ladrien then it’s the best solution/rejection but if you’re anti-Ladrien then deception fics happen.
But can I throw out some worse ones?
- Rejecting Marinette because after her constantly trying to out Lila, Adrien just doesn’t see her as a good person
- Rejecting Marinette because he thinks she is merely confused after being rejected by Chat Noir
- Rejecting Marinette because Gabriel won’t allow it to happen so she knows the feelings are returned but will never be anything
- Rejecting her because she’s too late, Kagami asked him out that morning and they’re now dating
- Mum zoned (it has happened in at least 1 manga I read) or sister zoned showing Adrien could never think of her in a romantic way. For some reason that hurts me
- He accepts during an akuma attack, but afterwards says no because it wouldn’t be fair on her as he loves someone else
- Rejecting Marinette before she can confess because Lila spilled just how obsessed Marinette is and Adrien says it’s sort of creepy. Marinette overhears.
- Adrien is akumatised and says it because his akumatisation is truth, he can’t remember it so continues on as he always does while Marinette knows how he really feels
- Chloe in an argument outs Marinette’s crush and Adrien tells her to not be ridiculous as Marinette would never love him like that, they are only friends
- Nathalie rejects her on Adrien’s behalf because he doesn’t have the courage, desire, or other reason to do it personally
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
1. What was the first Oc you ever created?
2.What was the latest Oc (newest one created)
3.Which oc is ur fav out of all?
4. How many Ocs do you have in total?? (including any made up species)
5. Which Oc has the most intresting backstory?
6. what is the most random oc you own?
7. Did you ever create your own animal species?
8. do you ever hurt your Ocs?
9. what ocs fear is the most interesting to you???
10. Are there any ocs that you never introduced yet? And who are those ocs???
GO AHEAD!!!! ASK ME!!!!!!
I DARE YOU!!!!!!!
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Happy Ash Wednesday to my followers who celebrate!
And good luck on your Lenten journey!
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
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The Swan Princess Miraculous AU
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with her all summer…”
Honestly, I was just bored. Watched Swan Princess and thought why not? Plus, the idea of Adrien not wanting to kiss his Lady’s hand is amusing to me.
 And I’m aware I suck at drawing. I’m practicing, though and wouldn’t mind pointers. I also I can’t do backgrounds for my life.
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
Finding out what mutual look like is so wild like sometimes they look exactly like I pictured sometimes it’s like……. wym u don’t look like Alphonse elric
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
you, a fool: chat noir getting akumatized over gabriel
me, an intellectual: chat noir getting akumatized over someone upsetting marinette
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miracle-of-marichat · 5 years
it’s time for a sleepover!
send me any of the below into my ask (anon or not!):
about your day
your real life crush
your tumblr crushes
your dreams
your favourite memory
an interesting fact about yourself
something you’re worried about
something you’re excited about
a confession
an embarrassing story
an unpopular opinion
my opinion on…
my advice on…
my top five…
have you ever…
would you rather…
any book/tv shows/movie/song recommendations
rants about random things that are bothering you
just anything…
literally anything!!!
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