minflora ¡ 5 years
🌿 like or reblog if several of these apply to you 🌿
☁️ you're an active ed/thinspo blog in september '19
☁️ you're an adult or almost an adult
☁️ you're between 5'3" and 5'7"
☁️ you're from europe
☁️ you're still close to your starting weight
☁️ you struggle with constant binging
☁️ you're over 130lbs
☁️ you're part of the LGBT community
☁️ you're against meanspo & fatshaming
I really need to follow more blogs!
Stay safe, angels ✨💞
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minflora ¡ 5 years
My Reasons for Losing Weight
For My Health
To have better skin
So I don’t sweat profusely
So I can walk up a flight of stairs and not feel out of breath
So my back won’t hurt
So my knee won’t hurt 
So my doctor will never say, “you really need to lose some weight” to me ever again
So I don’t have to worry about arthritis or other illnesses that accompany obesity
For Vanity
To feel better about myself
To look good in tight clothes
To be able to wear shorts in the summer
To be able to go into any store, and buy the clothes I like, not just the ones that fit
To not feel awkward about going clothes shopping or shoe shopping
To be able to order clothes from a catalogue without worrying if they will fit
To be able to wear something that doesn’t say PLUS on it
So my pants won’t wear out between my legs while the rest of them are still in good shape
So I can look in the mirror from the neck down and like what I see
So I can wear tight jeans
I want to wear underwear that looks sexy
So I can show off my legs
So I can go into public and not feel like people are judging me
So I can wear tops without worrying about the dents from my bra showing trough
So that my boobs stick out more than my stomach – not the other way around
For a Better Quality of Life
To be able to use a public toilets comfortably
I want to be able to read the scale by just looking down, straight down
So I don’t get those indents on my thighs from the arms of the chair I’m sitting in
So I can cross my legs
So I can get up from the floor in one smooth move and not a grab and hold on to something move
So I can sit on a bar stool and I’m actually sitting ON it, not on it and around it too
So a regular towel goes all the way around me 
So my socks pull all the way up
So I can hug my knees to my chest again, and it’s comfortable
So I can fit into the cinema/stadium/airplane seats comfortably
So I can bend over comfortably to tie my shoes
For My Self-esteem
So I can go swimming without being self-conscious
So I don’t worry about chairs breaking
So I don’t have to ask for the additional seat belt on an airplane
So I can dance without being self-conscious
So I can go on rides at amusement parks again and not have to experience the embarrassment of having to get off because I don’t fit
So I don’t have to worry about the maximum weight before I using things
So I don’t feel awkward when people start talking about losing weight
So no one can ever call me “a big girl” ever again
So I’m not embarrassed to have my picture taken
So I can say my weight out loud
So furniture doesn’t groan when I sit on it, or wear out long before it should because I’m too heavy
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minflora ¡ 5 years
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🌻 wide hipped thinspo for @delightfulasper !🌻
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minflora ¡ 5 years
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stunning pale like angel’s bones... (soon.) ✨
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minflora ¡ 5 years
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minflora ¡ 5 years
♥︎Low Calorie - Sweet Potato Soup! (vegan)♥︎
- 2 tsp of groundnut oil (80 calories)
- 1 small onion (i chose yellow) (29 calories)
- 2 medium sticks of celery (12 calories)
- 2 medium (or ~500g) sweet potatos (86 calories/100g - 430 calories)
- 1 grated piece of ginger (thumb-sized) (2-6 calories depending on the amount you use)
- 1 chilli (i used scotch bonnet) (18 calories)
- 2 garlic cloves (9 calories)
- 2 plum tomatoes (22 calories) (6 calories if you decide to use cherry tomatoes)
- 1 litre of vegetable stock (21 calories)
- 2 tbsp of smooth nut butter (i used peanut butter) (188 calories)
- Begin to heat and oil a large pan. While heating, dice onion, celery, and sweet potatoes. Once heated, add the diced items and cook until the onion and celery have slightly softened (or about 10 minutes).
- Seed and chop your chilli, slice your garlic. Add these and your grated ginger to the pan and cook for roughly another 2 minutes.
- Add the vegetable stock and diced tomatoes; bring the mixture to a boil and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
- season (to taste) and stir in peanut butter. Put into a blender or food processor (if you want it chunky you can hand mash it or just blend slightly)
- serve with toppings, basil, coriander, or leave it as is! :)
This is meant to make 4 servings, each serving is roughly 197.25 calories (if you eat the whole thing it’s 789 calories)
It’s not 50 calories, but it’s packed with lots of nutrition and things to help with your immune system. things can be mixed up/taken out/added in, just adjust the calories accordingly!
~ @recipewhorer (recipe based off olive magazine) (please do not steal; you’re welcome to reblog though!) ~
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minflora ¡ 5 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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minflora ¡ 5 years
someone: how are you?
Me: I’m alright, just wouldn’t mind getting hit by a car
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minflora ¡ 5 years
If you burned off 500 calories, you deserve to eat.
If you did an hour of walking, you deserve to eat.
If you went to the gym today, you deserve to eat.
If you’ve been fasting all day, you deserve to eat.
If you went to class/work, you deserve to eat.
If you already ate today, you deserve to eat.
If you just binged, you deserve to eat.
If you’ve spent the day in bed, you deserve to eat.
Even if you feel like a failure, you deserve to eat.
You are a human being.
You always deserve to eat.
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minflora ¡ 5 years
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f o r e v e r
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minflora ¡ 5 years
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E V E R Y M O T I V A T I O N I S G O O D. S T A Y S T R O N G
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minflora ¡ 5 years
Others: Why are you so protective of your phone. You hiding porn or something?
Me not wanting them to find my ed Tumblr: AH YOU GOT ME
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minflora ¡ 5 years
✨I lost 10 lbs in 6 days✨
My goal weights seem closer and closer each day~
Reblog to lose 10 lbs as well!
Stay safe and have a nice day lovelies🌸
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minflora ¡ 5 years
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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minflora ¡ 5 years
Favourite mono lyrics (RM)
“life is a word that you sometimes cannot say, and ash is the thing that someday we all should be”
“why do love and hate sound just the same to me?”
“why do you sound like ‘soul’? what kind of soul do you have?”
“buses with changing landscapes even when i’m sitting still”
“and the kids all grown up, and me who’s a little late”
“we’re born to be sad sad sad sad, suffer to be glad glad glad glad”
“it’s okay to shed the tears, but don’t you tear yourself”
“when you say you want to die, strive to live as much as you want to die” (translations differ for this line but i like this one the best)
“even thinking that you shouldn’t think, that in itself is a thought you know”
“the moment you speak of freedom, you lose it, you know. do you know?”
“surely someone else will take comfort from looking at your thorns”
“kill me softly”
uhgood 어긋
(the whole song tbh)
“At times I’m disappointed with myself
Honestly, I trample myself
“Do you only amount to this?”
“You need to do so much better”
“You need to be so much cooler”
“If you’re going to be defeated, might as well die”
“You have to win, you, you, you”
“Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it then you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far apart
But still, by crossing the bridge
I want to reach you
The real you
The real me”
“You will get covered by rain at times in this life
Yeah you might get caught in rain
It might keep raining for days
It could even rain in the desert
But I can’t give up on the me that you know
I can’t let go of the me that you know”
“Just like the night leaves and the morning comes
The spring leaves and summer comes, but
Just like the flower wilts and the fruit grows ripe
Everything needs to go through pain”
“Everyday I pray (everyday I pray)
That I may become a slightly better adult
And everyday I stay (everyday I stay)
Since both people and pain all die one day”
forever rain
“i wish it would rain all day, ‘cause i’d like someone to cry for me”
“when it rains i get a feeling that i do have a friend”
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minflora ¡ 5 years
Random ED things nobody really talks about
Being jealous of friends or people who have been severely underweight/ hospitalized
Hundreds of awkward angle body checking photos
Looking at the size of your legs/body in every mirror, reflection, shop window
Being disgusted at watching people eat
Comparing people’s body size and weight to yours before noticing anything else about them
Being obsessed with cooking/dieting/food programmes
The pain of hitting your hip bone on a table
Hating yourself for judging anyone who is healthy or overweight
Being proud of your lowest weight once recovered/weight restored
Eye rolls when anyone without an ED discusses their new diet/weight loss
Eating every tiny bit of a specific calorie portioned food because damn if you’ve counted those calories you are gonna enjoy them
Feeling embarrassed for eating ‘unhealthy’ foods because people assume you eat nothing/survive on lettuce
‘Wow you’re actually eating’ kill me
Not enjoying excercise or wanting to work out
Alternating between being scared of all food and wanting to consume everything in sight
Really horrific awful bad breath (like seriously bad)
One day you’re too scared to eat a tomato the next you eat chocolate without worrying about it
Looking in the mirror after eating and feeling like you gained 20lbs
The anxiety and embarrassment of buying laxatives/diet pills
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minflora ¡ 5 years
So let me see if I got this right..
Im scared to eat because I don’t want to trigger a binge
Im scared to not eat because I don’t want to trigger a binge
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