mindykatez · 8 months
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All we need is somebody to lean on 💐
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mindykatez · 8 months
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beach days 🫧
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mindykatez · 8 months
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mindykatez · 8 months
Things to do instead on eating: April edition
Cause I've been taking L's when it comes to food restriction lately
Studying for drivers test. I'm 18 and still don't have a learners license ffs
Painting/taking care of my nails cause they're crusty asf and I need to change that
Listen to Lana Del Rey for instant appetite suppressant. Just something about her music makes me want to fill my stomach with diet soft drinks instead of food
Looking at kpop idols dance cause regular photo thinspos don't work as much for me
Journaling because even though I have an ED, I should still manage the other mental issues I have. I can also write down weight loss manifestations
Window shopping. I have a shopping addiction but at least window shopping allows me to walk for hours at the mall to burn calories. I can scroll through online shops for hours without thinking about food; this method also helps me envision how good I'll look in the clothes wen I'm skinny. Bonus: reminding myself how much clothes I can buy if I spend less on food
Cleaning my room. My room may not be messy per se but it is cluttered as I have too many things I can't let go of. Reorganizing, sanitizing, and decorating also takes time and can distract me from thoughts about food
Daydreaming about how hot I'll be if I lose weight; how I can do anything and not look gross as long as I look pretty, clean and skinny
Doing makeup
Looking at restriction WIEIADs. No mukbang asit makes me crave food more
SLEEP. I need more of it lately
Exercise. If I work out, it'll make me less motivated to eat because then i feels like the work out would go to waste
That's all. It's 12 A.M and I should sleep. (After I scroll on tumblr some more. Skinny hypnosis before sleep and all).
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mindykatez · 9 months
workouts to do in bed!!
sk1nny tastes better than any food❤️
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mindykatez · 9 months
╭◜◝ ͡ ◜ ͡ ◜◝ ◜ ͡ ◝ ◜ ╮
( him ♡ )
╰◟◞ ͜ ◟◞◟◞ ͜ ◟◞ ͜ ◞ ╯
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mindykatez · 9 months
portion control.
portion control is the key to success. counting cals is not always reliable and just keeps you paranoid. portion control allows you to eat cute tiny meals without calculating every calorie. it allows you to still have 3 meals a day. portion control is the key. buy tiny dishes and baby spoons with cute designs! makes you look forward to the meals without being paranoid about cals. makes everything easier!
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mindykatez · 9 months
i want to lose so much weight that when school starts everyone is shocked about how different i look
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mindykatez · 9 months
i wanna be pretty small and skinny for him
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mindykatez · 9 months
🦋 Dicas estranhamente inovadoras para Anas:
1. Comer em pé, com o corpo ereto. Dessa forma, o estômago fica comprimido e você come menos.
2. Ou comer andando.
3. Beber 1 litro de água antes de cada refeição.
4. Assistir algo bizarro ou nojento (ex; filmes de terror, indústria de maus tratos aos animais, pessoas g∅rdas, etc.)
5. Quando estiver em NF, empurre dois dedos na garganta até provocar náuseas. Pronto! Não está mais com fome.
6. Gire em círculos até ficar tonta.
7. Vasculhar as fotos daquela menina que você sente inveja.
8. Em caso de urgências compulsivas, colocar pimenta na boca.
9. Cheirar perfumes ou odores fortes tipo perfumes, acetona, álcool, etc.
10. Ingerir uma pedrinha de sal grosso ocasionalmente quando estiver em jejum ajuda a equilibrar os eletrólitos.
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mindykatez · 9 months
"real men love curves!!" idgaf about what men love this eating disorder is about ME bitch
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mindykatez · 1 year
easy calorie counting if you dont feel like actually counting cals
- food containing a lot of fat (no matter what type of fat) is ALWAYS a high amount of calories.
- food containing fibre, water and/or protein (and is also low in fat) is a low amount of calories.
- food containing added sugar is a high amount of calories without any nutrition value.
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mindykatez · 1 year
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mindykatez · 1 year
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˚ tw: ed, obslove, girly.
˚ mindy, 19.
˚ 5'2.6'' ; 105,6 lbs
˚ TT : mindykatez
︵‿୨˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖୧‿︵
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mindykatez · 1 year
how to take care of your hair? ♡・゚:。.:・゚
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find out your hair type (wavy, oily, straight, dry, curly, normal)
always keep it clean.
intersperse shampoo/conditioner. it's good to have 3 different types of each.
apply repairing oil before bed. 
to grow, try massaging the scalp lightly with garlic tonic. 
sleep with a satin cap.
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mindykatez · 1 year
"real men love curves!!" idgaf about what men love this eating disorder is about ME bitch
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mindykatez · 1 year
Pretty Girl Rules
1) Exercise a minimum of 1 hour a day. Any less time is pathetic.
2) NEVER eat more than 2000 calories, that’s disgusting.
3) Hair and makeup must be meticulously done at all times.
4) You cannot leave the house without your hair and makeup flawlessly done, even if it means being late.
5) Pants should only be worn 2-3 times a week. Anything else is dresses and skirts.
6) EVERYTHING must be shaved and hairless at all times. You don’t want your crush to brush up against your hairy legs, do you?
7) Outfits must be clean, and flattering to your figure.
8) Never skimp on hair or skin care. Clean skin and hair is crucial for beauty.
9) Your space must ALWAYS be spotless. No mess, no clutter, no germs, and nothing out of place. You don’t want to be a slob, do you?
10 ) Wake up no later than 9 am on week days, and 11 am on weekends.
10) Bathe and shower daily. One part of shower/bath a day must be cold to burn more calories.
12) Take sips of water between every bite of anything you eat. Staying hyrdated is essential.
13) Journal and write everything down. What you ate, how you feel, what made you happy, shadow work you've done, everything.
14) Your car must always be clean inside and out. Do it yourself to burn calories and do it to your liking.
15) Stretch every hour. It burns calories without building muscle, and it feels good.
16) Your nails should always be done unless there is a certain reason for them not to be.
17) Keep your bathroom clean at all times. For most of us, it is our second bedroom, and therefore we must treat it with care.
18) Walk at least 3,000 steps per day.
19) Multivitamins are your best friend (next to water), take them every day.
20) You must always carry gum with you.
21) Your skin must always be clean and moisturized. Dry skin is disgusting.
22) Your lips must always be exfoliated and moisturized. You can never have chapped lips
23) drink something, hit your vape, and smoke some bud before you start snacking - you're probably bored
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