mimetoliths ¡ 3 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 3 days
sorry since realizing my gender i have zero tolerance for the whole “man hating” angle of being queer i hate i hate it i hate you. stop. you are hurting people.
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mimetoliths ¡ 3 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 9 days
i keep getting recommended videos about how minecraft isn't fun anymore and it's mojangs fault. i think its such a fascinating phenomenon because i think at least 70% of that comes down to anything getting a little stale when it's all you do for years and years. of course you're going to not feel like something is as fun as it used to be, you started playing minecraft when you were 11 and you are 23 now with a job. things change and you are experiencing it.
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mimetoliths ¡ 10 days
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wlw (welder loving welder)
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mimetoliths ¡ 12 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 12 days
My anthro professor has three forbidden words for his essays: problematic, interesting, and large. Point being they’re all filler words, he wants you to just skip straight to why it’s interesting or why it’s problematic. But anyway, any time I disagree with him in class I say to him “mm, interesting, but largely problematic.”
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mimetoliths ¡ 12 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 12 days
Transgender people in my phone you’d better live you’d better love you’d better live long enough to become old and annoy your great grandnephews you’d better watch trashy movies you’d better meet new people you love and hate and forget and remember you’d better hang in there for better and worse you’d better smell the dust after the rain and remember that you’re alive and full of beautiful sturdy bones you’d better hold onto that friend and never let them go you’d better keep living and living and living and never stop
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mimetoliths ¡ 14 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 14 days
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Pets you.
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mimetoliths ¡ 14 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 16 days
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silly romy
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mimetoliths ¡ 25 days
truly the end goal is not "my close friends aren't annoyed by me and it's all in my head, they're my friends and they love me", it's "sometimes I do annoy my close friends, just as the people I love most will also annoy me sometimes, because this is normal, and we will continue to stay friends, and they're not going to want to immediately cut me out of their life if I do something annoying once in a while"
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mimetoliths ¡ 25 days
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mimetoliths ¡ 29 days
fucking hate how cats think they can mrrp their way out of anything because yeah, they fucking can.
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mimetoliths ¡ 1 month
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the fact that op turned off rbs is very very funny to me. anyway i want this post on my blog too.
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