milopedia · 4 months
Joe Jot Jr. is one of a handful of pen names for Americus Wellington Bellaw. Born in Ohio in 1842, he published "more than four thousand humorous poems" over his career.
A.W. Bellaw Biography and Portrait - https://ulib.niu.edu/badndp/bellaw_a.html
A.W. Bellaw Catalogue of Works and Pen Names - https://dimenovels.org/Person/1994/Show
Ode to My Pocket-Book
By Joe Jot, Jr.
How fair thou art, oh, little book,
Of scented Russia leather!
With stitches fanciful and fine
To hold you well together.
But, stitches strong are useless all;
There is no strain upon thee;
The great brogan of poverty
Is very heavy on thee.
What endless room is here for bills
Of large denominations,
With checks and bonds a goodly store --
Ah, vain imaginations!
The hungriest pocket-book thou art
That ever in a highway
Was picked up by a well-fooled man,
And cast into a by-way.
Consumption settled on thy form
Till thou cannot grow thinner,
In vain you plea with open mouth
Of me a greenback dinner.
'Tis very sad thou couldst not stand
The drain upon thy system;
I never knew what dollars were
Until I wholely missed 'em.
I'm safe to say that there's more cash
Outside of thee than in thee,
I'd stake thee on some risky bet
Nor care much who would win thee!
I look at thee and nothing see --
They say you can't see nothing,
Yet here it's very palpable --
In sooth -- not very soothing.
Should some highwayman then demand,
I'd gladly give thee to him.
'Twould lead him into suicide
Or monstrously undo him.
Sad pocket-book! I feel for thee,
But not as in days sunny;
Henceforth the pocket of my vest
Will carry all my money.
Written by Joe Jot Jr., published in the Arizona Weekly Miner on January 14, 1876
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milopedia · 4 months
Ode to My Pocket-Book
By Joe Jot, Jr.
How fair thou art, oh, little book,
Of scented Russia leather!
With stitches fanciful and fine
To hold you well together.
But, stitches strong are useless all;
There is no strain upon thee;
The great brogan of poverty
Is very heavy on thee.
What endless room is here for bills
Of large denominations,
With checks and bonds a goodly store --
Ah, vain imaginations!
The hungriest pocket-book thou art
That ever in a highway
Was picked up by a well-fooled man,
And cast into a by-way.
Consumption settled on thy form
Till thou cannot grow thinner,
In vain you plea with open mouth
Of me a greenback dinner.
'Tis very sad thou couldst not stand
The drain upon thy system;
I never knew what dollars were
Until I wholely missed 'em.
I'm safe to say that there's more cash
Outside of thee than in thee,
I'd stake thee on some risky bet
Nor care much who would win thee!
I look at thee and nothing see --
They say you can't see nothing,
Yet here it's very palpable --
In sooth -- not very soothing.
Should some highwayman then demand,
I'd gladly give thee to him.
'Twould lead him into suicide
Or monstrously undo him.
Sad pocket-book! I feel for thee,
But not as in days sunny;
Henceforth the pocket of my vest
Will carry all my money.
Written by Joe Jot Jr., published in the Arizona Weekly Miner on January 14, 1876
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milopedia · 3 years
End of day post!
Here is a whistling duck that blessed me with its presence for a few minutes
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I also asked the aquarium staff if the arapaima in the River Monsters building have names. They don't, but the white arowana in a neighboring tank does! She didn't tell me it though. Now I must know if the gars have names...
There was a very grumpy crow I was able to see through the grating up in the ride tower. All piffy and with its mouth open. Then it chased another bird under a tree.
Before going into work I saw a mourning dove (or look-alike species) with a single palm shred in its beak for nesting. It was very cute. Also, glimpsed a single desert anole.
[Location] Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium, AZ
[Date] 7/27/2021
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milopedia · 3 years
A jumping spider hung around with me for a bit! I got it to jump on my finger first, then set it on the fence to do what it wanted. Turns out it wanted to be on me! It jumped from the fence to my sock, and then on my boot. It dissapeared after that... Sweet thing
When I was very little there was a jumping spider in my window who I posthumously named David. We were best buds, though it was more like I was a giant who kept staring at his home.
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Did you notice his anchor line in pic 3?
[Location] Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium, AZ
[Date] 7/27/2021
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milopedia · 3 years
This spider's web gets mote intricate every day.
Here it is a couple weeks ago, with its owner
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And now! It has expanded so much! It has even caught a much bigger spider, and molted a few times (not pictured)
Sorry it is hard to see the web, it is hard to get a picture of it!
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[Location] Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium, AZ
[Date] 7/8/2021, 7/27/2021
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milopedia · 3 years
This video inspired me to start this blog, I found it very interesting! Tickles the brain
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