millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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Skull face
my oc was plain
so I decided to rip her face off
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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Zeiram & Zeiram 2 Asian Cyberpunk old school SAMURAI NINJA KATANA Mauser UZI MP5 P90 shotgun Machine gun MIX
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
Tomorrow’s theme will be...HOCUS POCUS!
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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patrick singing at the World Series, 10.28.16 💘
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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👏👏Patrick killed the national anthem tonight at the World Series. Let’s go Cubs!!
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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If you like interesting factoids like these, follow us @psych2go​.
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
Because the Earth is round, running away from something is also running towards it from reeeaaally far away.
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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If you relate to being an introvert, like our Facebook page here: Introvert Problems Facebook Page
Let’s create a movement! 
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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Get the look!
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
When seeing a successful person, I always check their age, if they are older than me I get relieved because I tell myself that I still have time to be just as good if not better
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
Handwriting Analysis: Zones - Freud’s theory of id, ego, and superego
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Zone Definitions:
The Upper Zone (Super Ego): The realm of the mind. It represents thinking, fantasy, imagination, ideas, illusions, philosophy, and sometimes religion.
The Middle Zone (Ego): represents daily life. It reveals what the writer thinks of himself in relation to other people. It may show one person to be an egotist and another to feel small and insecure.
The Lower Zone (Id): represents instincts, urges, longings, and desires. It reveals the writer’s attitudes toward his home life, body, basic desires for sustenance, money, health, and sex.
Balance of the Three Zones:
A. Dominating Upper Zone —
Writing this way indicates someone who lives in a fantasy world at the expense of reality. This person is “top” heavy. Their heads are in the cloud. He/she is full of ideas with little basis in support. People like this are theoretical over practical. They are seldom at a loss for an idea, plan, or scheme.
Keep reading
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
To date, I still haven’t heard a better version of Hallelujah than the one on the Shrek soundtrack.
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
Destroy the idea that in gay couples one has to be masculine and one has to be feminine to imitate heterosexuality
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
Deadpool & Hawkeye
When we first see them together it’s before Deadpool joined the Avengers but it’s revealed that he apparently sometimes tagged along with Hawkeye on his missions
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but Hawkeye was keeping his friendship with Deadpool a secret
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Then we have a bit of inconsistency or you can assume the two had a break up that Deadpool wasn’t bothered by because Hawkeye suddenly dislikes him and Deadpool, along with some random AIM goons, are in love with him and kidnap him but Deadpool keeps everyone from taking it a little too far
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Despite how tempting Hawkeye makes it
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Deadpool convinces Hawkeye to join them on some bonding shenanigans 
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and it’s beautiful
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Next thing we know it’s Halloween and Deadpool takes his daughter Ellie to Hawkeye’s apartment for trick-or-treating
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Deadpool sees Hawkeye run out a little later to investigate a crime and he follows him
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Hawkeye isn’t too keen on the idea of Deadpool joining him but they bond a little and there is a very cute moment where we see Deadpool sometimes speaks to him in sign language because Hawkeye doesn’t always have his hearing aids in
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It’s murder and mayhem so the other Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, joins the team and meets Deadpool for the first time
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There is more bonding
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and Kate finds out what hanging out with Deadpool entails
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The story has a bit of a dark spin because, unbeknownst to everyone else, Typhoid Mary, one of the bad guys they have to fight, has raped Deadpool in the past. Deadpool keeps that bit of information to himself
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The three get together again on Christmas when everyone is going to a big Christmas party that Deadpool was not invited to. Before the party Deadpool and Hawkeye are collecting money for the poor together when they catch a pickpocket 
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They make the pickpocket return all the wallets he stole and admits he did it to buy his child presents. The two Hawkeye’s don’t care but of course Deadpool immediately gives in and takes them everyone shopping
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Then it’s time for the Christmas party and the two Hawkeye’s decide to skip it to spend the night with him 
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Now things get bad
An Inhuman has predicted that the Hulk will destroy the earth and while the Avengers, which now includes Deadpool, debate over what to do the Hulk and Hawkeye decide this is the time for Bruce Banner to die and Hawkeye makes it look like an assassination
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Deadpool finds every aspect of this unacceptable so he takes it upon himself to break Hawkeye out of jail
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Hawkeye refuses to leave and admits that he has hated Deadpool but he now understands why Deadpool has had the career he has of being everyone’s fall guy
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It’s a pretty tense moment so Deadpool makes a self-deprecating joke to avoid feelings and he and Hawkeye say goodbye to each other
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We’ve seen a brief glimpse of Deadpool from another universe who is apparently another Hawkeye
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
There had BETTER be a home security company named: Sure Lock Homes
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millie-turtle-25 · 8 years
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//Me at Sushi Express.
‘ Wade!!! Get out of my hot tea!!! ’
so…I will get a new one. Orz
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