milcnv · 4 months
JUNE 2025 - @inescroy
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"come now, katyushka," milena tutted as she watched her daughter's little blonde head run circles around the playground. "we must go! we are having dinner with leon and his family so you need to put on your dress and let me clean your knees, lest everyone think you are grubby." her words trail off as ines comes into her line of sight, she knew the liklihood of bumping into her was higher than usual, but she'd though the princess would avoid her like the plague. she schooled features, into a polite smile, "your highness, i hadn't expected to see you on our visit."
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milcnv · 4 months
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"that's a pity, but i think your wife is a very lucky woman." her hand stroked the soft fabric of his suit jacket as they swayed on the dancefloor, her attention solely on her husband, how wonderful that word was to say even just in her head. "i'd be more disappointed if you didn't charm me, just because i'm carrying your heir doesn't mean i don't need to be woo'd." she chuckled at his siblings antics, "i'm just thankful that mimi hasn't snatched the microphone yet, i'm sure her speech will rival karyna's." though she knew that no matter what, a speech given by dominique was going to be much more theatrical, absolutely no one could rival her in that department. "no, not dizzy, thankfully. i do have some heartburn though. i think we should tell people soon, at least our families the doctor says i am not at risk of losing it anymore. we're just lucky i'm not showing."
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❝ I'M A LOYAL MAN, so that's not going to happen. ❞ but he wished for nothing more. had the pregnancy been public yet he'd suggest she'd claim to be nauseous so they could leave earlier. sadly, it wasn't the case. ❝ aren't i the luckiest man in the world. although you should've told me sooner, i wouldn't have put as much effort into the charming. i'm already exhausted, the family you married into is... a lot. apparently karyna's speech has multiple pages and petro has a speech. ❞ and he was only partially joking when claiming it worried him to know that. ❝ you're not getting dizzy, right ? we can stop if you are. but i haven't told my family about the baby yet so they'll definitely claim we're stopping because i'm bad at this and it is your job now to defend me. ❞
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milcnv · 4 months
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elation was too light of a world for how milena felt as she mingled with all of the familiar faces who'd arrived to celebrate her engagement to leonid. she gripped her glass of champagne a bit tighter though as she steeled herself to approach levente, it wouldn't look good to ignore him, considering the occasion and that she would soon be married to his cousin. "thank you for coming. we appreciate you coming to celebrate with us."
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milcnv · 4 months
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𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐀 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐀 or milena's third wedding to @leonsoletsky
01. the private ceremony — wearing ulyana seergenko (dress & birdcage veil) & jimmy choo (shoes). not shown: her mother's pearls. it's a small ceremony, a formality. when the grand duchess of southern russia marries the king of ukraine, there is bound to be a large ceremony, but first they wished to marry just in front of family. their siblings, milena's cousins, mimi and most importantly, katya. she wears a tea length dress and her mothers pearls and clings to leon's hand for dear life. simply waiting for the other shoe to drop, for how could she be so lucky to marry for love again, when she'd thought her opportunity had died in monaco years ago. 02. the church ceremony — wearing millanova (dress), the ukrainian diamond vine tiara & her engagement ring. hundreds packed into the saint sophia cathedral to watch the king marry his bride, though there is still a sour taste in more than one ukrainian's mouth considering his choice in woman. some still speculate that it is a political match, meant to heal old wounds, but upon watching the televised ceremony, many minds are changed. how can one believe it is anything but a love match when the king and his princess consort catch each others eye? 03. the reception — wearing ulyana seergenko (dress), the russian pink sapphire tiara & jimmy choo (shoes). the reception mirrors the raucous celebrations in the streets of kyiv. the king is married, and though his bride is closer to his age, the one thing romanov's can do is reproduce in spades (to the chagrin of many), an heir is sure to follow the wedding. the dress came at her stylist's suggestion, she was forty-two and still looked like that, why shouldn't she show it? the bride and groom hardly leave each others side, and when they leave, only a select few are bid farewell before they slip away to enjoy their first night as husband and wife.
katya's flowergirl dress
the reason lenya doesn't drink during the festivities
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milcnv · 4 months
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“you're married? oh no! how disappointing, i was hoping you'd whisk me away from all of these watchful eyes.” milena let herself be swept up in the music of their first dance, pausing only to watch katya tugging at kostya's pant leg, probably in an attempt to have him put her on his shoulders. she turned back to leon, an easy smile falling over her lips as she pressed a little closer, "oh my, are you trying to charm me? you know i'll already be in your bed tonight, don't you?"
AUGUST 4, 2025
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❝ I'M SORRY, DARLING, you're gorgeous and all but i'm married so if you'd stop hitting on me, that would be highly appreciated. i'm actually looking for my wife, we're supposed to be doing this whole bride and groom's first dance thing but she had to do an outfit change first. ❞ despite the joke, his left arm circled around her waist while his right hand found hers and he started swaying both of their bodies to the music, planting a kiss on her lips in the process. ❝ you look breathtaking. ❞ / @milcnv
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milcnv · 4 months
so ig i’m emerging from my little cave to bid hshq farewell huh

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milcnv · 2 years
more replies tomorrow, apologies for dropping off — busy w work, things haven’t been great mentally etc etc blah blah. 
if anyone wants to plot let me know, maybe it’ll kickstart some muse 💖
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milcnv · 2 years
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“ OH, so you AGREE ? you’re terrible at your job. ” roman had raised a good question: what was a russian doing on the belorussian throne ? even margaux had a better claim for it. “ yes but you see the difference is that what they write about you, WELL, you asked for it. if the heat is too much you may leave belarus. absolutely no one is asking you to stay. going back where you came from sounds like a course of action that might relieve you of your problems. ” she had tried ! she had been the bridge between milena and roman. the russian had clearly decided that giselle’s friendship was not something she valued. it was TYPICAL russian behaviour, wasn’t it ? the romanovs on their high horses
 “ that is PERFECTLY fine by me. as you already said, i’m already on the radar — what i have to lose is nothing. you on the other hand
 how heavy is your arse ? will it stay on the throne easily or will you find yourself struggling ? ” name dropping children was a low blow. giselle wasn’t convinced that milena was willing to go down that path. it was difficult to build a scandal on margaux
 katya on the other hand ? the scandal already existed: how could a russian be a worthy queen ? there was nothing belorussian about katya except for the blood in her veins. “ let’s see how it goes for you. since you can’t even control your press as it is. ”
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“oh, certainly not. i just have a little rodent in my court, the kind that might require a more permanent solution if it keeps proving to be a problem.” long gone were the thinly veiled threats, this was clear as day, and would no doubt go directly back to roman. not that it would even phase him, she was sure, he was more arrogant that she was. “trust me, my problems are well in hand. so not to worry, i’ll be in belarus for the forseeable future!” milena sniffed imperiously, she had fought so hard to keep it, there was little that they could hit her with that would affect her so deeply that she would flee. “i wouldn’t say you have nothing. you hold your social standing in terribly high regard, don’t you? your reputation is suffering with the article about the fires but it could get worse. closer to home.” she wasn’t going to mention margaux again, she wasn’t that callous, or rather she was but it did feel a bit clichĂ©. “my arse? such interesting vernacular! i assure you, like i have to roman previously, i’ll be very hard to shift. or, if you like, my arse is not leaving that damn throne.” she considers just how rude it would be if she were to walk away, before deciding the she didn’t actually care if giselle was offended, let her be! “we’ll see, perhaps now with the right incentive, as you’ve been so kind to give me, i’ve got the right motivation to sort out my problems in belarus. how helpful of you. now, ekaterina has a swimming class so i must go. enjoy the rest of your day giselle.”
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milcnv · 2 years
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“ then why do you even bother calling yourself a queen ? this is embarrassing negligence on your part. ” all of a sudden she couldn’t blame roman for disliking the russian ! there was no confusion anymore — none ! “ there is a group of maniacs attempting to off each and every one of us. i do not need nor do i want this kind of attention on me at the moment. ” it wouldn’t be difficult to just jump on the russian. milena had worked so hard to control belarus and now she couldn’t keep gossip from spreading ? the indifferent tone of the russian made giselle’s blood boil. “ we’ll see if you’ll be able to find sympathy when it’s your name in the headlines. do you know how we fight scandals ? in france ? ” everywhere. “ we sell something even uglier to the press. ”
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her polite smile slipped right off of her face, it was a pity really, she’d hope to skate by this conversation, pretend she had the moral high ground. “embarassing negligence? giselle, perhaps i would have been able to stop this, but i couldn’t because your ex-husband is determined to undermine me at every turn. there was nothing i could do, and if the news didn’t cross my desk then it crossed his, so take it up with him.” shifting blame was an area she had quite a lot of expertise in, and if it helped plant even a seed of doubt is giselle’s mind about roman, then it served her well. “i have plenty of sympathy. my name is in the belarusian press constantly, it is sometimes kind, and sometimes far from it. worse still, sometimes it is about my child.” milena took a breath and pushed back the hair that had fallen out of place, before building her facade into place again, topped by her fake little smile, “but please, be my guest — this will become a fun little tit for tat. spout lies to whichever papers will listen, if that is what will make you feel better considering all you have been through. but i will do the same, and since you’re already on pax aeterna’s radar, it might just draw more attention to you, and margaux.” 
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milcnv · 2 years
going to be on today doing replies + writing starters so comment an emoji for a starter !
🌑 lenya đŸ’« beau ☀ gia
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milcnv · 2 years
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“Milena.” In his opinion it was a better greeting that whatever statement Milena had just made. His eyes lingered on her face for a mere fraction of a second before dropping to look at the tricycle — more specifically the toddler, his daughter, on it. He couldn’t tell if he was more angry at Milena or the circumstances. She controlled his whole relationship with Ekaterina — but only because he couldn’t just fight it out fair and square with her. He crouched down to be at eye level with Katya. “I didn’t know you were around again.” His tone remained light as did his expression even though all he wanted was to let his bitterness show.
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she fought against the urge to bend down and pull katya up into her arms, shield her from his view. he’d made his decision hadn’t he? she’d given him an option, she’d been willing to let him be around their daughter, and he’d chosen not to. but she didn’t, all too aware that there could be a dozen sets of eyes on them right now. “work things. easier to complete here than in belarus.” she sucked in a breath as katya reached a small hand out to him, babbling away in russian. “she’s introducing herself to you, it’s her new thing.”
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milcnv · 2 years
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     - ‘ HOW INCONVENIENT. ’ annoying. annoying was the right word to describe what it really was. ‘ but thank you for bringing it here. ’ he likely wouldn’t have missed it if she didn’t seeing that it was only at the question that leon thought of checking his mailbox. no names, just a number. ‘ 1400 ? ’
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“quite the understatement,” it was bad enough that the program had dropped them in suburban canada, but to have issues with something as simple as the mail? she breathed a sigh of relief at the mention of their house number, “yes that’s us. thank you. hopefully this mail mix-up doesn’t become a regular thing.”
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milcnv · 2 years
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“Look at you,” Mimi crouched to coo over Katya, tugging the hem of her short skirt down as she went. “You’re so big,” she embraced an entirely disinterested Katya as though they’d been separated for years instead of weeks, holding her in a hug for a moment before letting her wiggle free to play with the dogs. Like aunt like niece, Mimi supposed fondly. “His return is what’s keeping me up,” she leaned into Lenya’s touch for a beat before rising again. “Him and his fiancé Ex-fiancĂ©? It’s complicated.” Mimi waved a manicured hand. “You might know him, in fact. The younger Ukranian boy. –I’m living with them,” she explained
But how did one explain Claude? “He’s
He’s not what you’d expect
” Mimi tried to balance tentative affection for her soft brother against the desire not to be seen as foolish by her steel sister. “He was in the military with Max and Felix. They were friendly, I think,” There. Lenya might not trust Mimi, yet, but Maxime’s endorsement was worth something. “I thought living with him would help me - and the new security - keep an eye on him
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“she’s been obsessed with dogs lately, don’t take her indifference personally.” she let katya wander off with the labrador, though kept her firmly within her eyeline. “don’t get any ideas, i may have a backyard here but i have no desire to deal with any animals. she can come and visit you and all of yours.” milena knew knew all it would take was the slightest indication that a pet would be welcome at her residence and dominique would have one on her doorstep the very next day. “mm, complicated indeed,” her care level for his relationship status was non-existent, that it was with the ukrainian prince was only slightly more interesting. “he’s a threat mimi.” that honorĂ© had acknowledged his existence, called him prince, was a headache. “max and felix were soft, found it easier to make friends than recognise when an enemy was right in front of them.” milena gingerly stepped around chinchy before settling into an armchair, “he poses a threat to your future reign, there will undoubtedly be people in monaco who would rather see a man, bastard or no, on the throne over you. just promise me you won’t let your affection for him cloud your judgement.”
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milcnv · 2 years
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she spotted the trolley first, then the russian. her grip on her purse tightened. under NORMAL circumstances she might have controlled herself and kept to herself but she was furious ! furious that all these things had happened to her. furious that they were out of her control. furious that people who DESERVED it weren’t suffering. and milena romanova
 milena romanova was just another person her fury was directed at. giselle’s strides were long as she walked up to the queen. “ milena. ” usually there was warmth and respect to her tone when she addressed the queen, not this time however. “ how could you let lies be spread in your country ? they are printing shit about me and you have done nothing to control it. the very least you could have done was to give us a warning. ” [ &&. @miilenv​ ]
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milena watched as giselle positively stormed her way, her amusement simmered underneath the surface but she didn’t dare let a bit of it slip onto her face. “giselle, you look
” frankly a little gaunt but it was well overshadowed by the unbridled fury on her features. she couldn’t wait to tell the others! she dropped her mouth into a frown, “by the time i had even heard about it, it was beyond my scope to quash the story. i assumed roman would have heard almost as soon as i did though, he has his own set of sources in belarus.” she almost reached her hand out to rest on giselle’s shoulder, but thought the better of it almost immediately, lest she lose a limb for her trouble! “it will go away. everyone knows that the catalonian is guilty, how could you have possibly been involved!”
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milcnv · 2 years
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milena walked at a sedate pace with ekaterina in her push-tricycle, when she caught sight of levente, inconveniently in his front yard so she couldn’t just pretend to ignore him. she slowed to a stop, surprised he didn’t run away from her, “you’re looking well.” 
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milcnv · 2 years
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“your mail somehow ended up in my letterbox.” were all post officers incredibly useless, or was it just in canada? “i don’t know how they could have possibly mixed our homes up but, here. do you have any of mine, perchance? ekaterina is expecting a postcard.”
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milcnv · 2 years
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milena lit up as he swung open his front door, wasting no time pulling him into a hug. “happy early birthday kostenka!” she waited impatiently for him to invite her in. “i’ve brought vodka, and myself. shall we celebrate?”
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