mikesmokelotsa · 3 years
Every morning I wake up and have the same thought: It’s been a long time since something special happened to me, and I’m so alone but I’m blessed really because if something nice actually did happen to me, I wouldn’t have anyone to share it with so, maybe, when something good happens, it’ll be when I have someone nice. And then, it’ll be double great.
Rob Saperstein, Patriot S1 Ep5 (via mikesmokelotsa)
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
Whether you like it or not, many of you out there, are conduits. You just don’t know it. You don’t want to admit it, you don’t wanna go crazy. That’s one of the first signs that you might be going crazy isn’t it? When you start playing around with the idea that some of the stuff coming out of you, isn’t coming from YOU, but is actually coming from some other place? You don’t want to admit it, it’s scary isn’t it? What a scary idea. There’s loony bins filled with people, talking about how they’ve been contacted by aliens, angels, ghosts, Gods, Demi-gods, Devas, frog creatures, you name it! People on the street, you’ve seen them, people kicked out of mental asylums that are now wandering back and forth, blasting out unintelligible bits of gibberish to anyone who will listen. You don’t wanna be that person! So you shut yourself off to the idea that there is some possibility that the way we could communicate with aliens, is not through the Arecibo radio telescope… …A lot of people don’t want to entertain the concept that our DNA could very well be some kind of receiver mechanism– and that if you open yourself up just a tiny bit to the possibility that you are not a human body with a soul inside of it, but you are a kind of meaty organic receiver which is channeling the thing you consider to be your self, which is actually tuning into the thing you consider to be your self, and that thing is not an Earth thing. That thing is not a universe thing. That thing is like the finger of some very, very, advanced, difficult to understand entity that is dipping into the time space continuum just like a little baby poking its finger into the waters of a swimming pool. It’s hard to imagine that that’s the case, and so it’s easier to turn your eyes to the grids, charts, graphs and numeric systems accessible to anybody who wants to look through the window of logic and rationality and pretend that the universe they exist in, is one that’s defined by the metrics created by the human beings that have only existed on this planet for a flickering, twinkling moment in time. And that’s totally cool! Who can blame you! You don’t wanna look out the other windows, because some of those windows, what you’re staring out at, is legions of hyper-dimensional entities, and you know what some of those entities aren’t necessarily benevolent. But, if you open yourself up to the possibility, that when you’re creating music, when you’re writing, when you’re having a conversation with a friend who is in a rough patch in their life, when you’re dreaming, when you’re meditating, that you’re actually accessing reams and reams of data that exist somewhere. We don’t know where, maybe you do, I don’t, you’re accessing, what a lot of people call the mind of God. This is why in the beginning of ancient stories, ancient authors would write down invocations to the muse. They’d say a prayer to the muse. ‘Oh please come through me, spirit that creates epiphanies! Oh please come through me, that thing which is the originator of all great ideas! Oh please possess my life, that spirit when brought into this dimension, brings all the great works of literature, all the great inventions, all of the great ideas! Grace me with your presence, allow me to be a window through which the wind of super-intelligence blows!’ Various prayers like this have been written in the forwards of old books. People don’t do it so much anymore, because you sound like a goddamned loony tunes! But if you open yourself up the possibility that this can happen, the possibility that the creative process is not one akin to lifting weights, even though it is hard work. It’s not something where you grunt and sweat and bleed, even though you do have to grunt and sweat and bleed in the revision process. If you open yourself to the possibility that the creative process is literally you opening yourself up like a window to some alternate dimension that has yet to make true contact with this universe. You might be surprised not only with what comes out of you, but you might be surprised with the events that transpire in your life, following that very simple, bizarre decision. It’s the decision of the lunatic! It’s the decision to throw yourself off the precipice of rationality and allow yourself to go spiraling down into the universe of the maniac. Lunatic. Mystic. Madman and schizophrenic, and it’s scary decision to make. Some people do it, and those that do it, they create the societal equivalent of the Tunguska Event… …There was some event that happened that blasted all of these trees down, just wrecked acres and acres of forest. That very same thing happens in the reverse, when a person writes a great work of literature. When somebody like William Shakespeare comes along. When somebody like Stephen King comes along. When some incredible singer comes along. When some incredible, inspired artist has the guts to let whatever’s on the other side of the window of their being come shining through, into the dimension that they’re currently inhabiting. That is when you get the opposite of these shootings and bombings and insane acts of violence that happen from time to time in the world that we’re living in. The opposite of a mass shooting, as far as I’m concerned, the opposite of a mass act of violence, is a mass act of love. A mass act of love happens when you allow the hyper compressed information UFO hidden in the glaciated regions of your internal being, that thing which is then encased inside a thick membrane of fear and self doubt, to come exploding into this dimension in the form of whatever art, or creative endeavor, or social action you have been inspired to take. Because there are some out there who have had the guts the skill and the discipline to do it, we now have so many great books, so many great songs, so much great music and so many incredible human beings who have vastly changed the societal landscape that they were born into. From Pink Floyd to MLK, this spectrum of creativity, when it comes into this universe has the effect of not randomly decimating lives, but it has the effect of intentionally and in the most beautiful and unpredictable way, to reorganize the human experience into an experience filled with love, inspiration, hope and joy. The way I see it, you gotta open yourself up to the possibility that you’re something that can be opened up. Just do it. Allow yourself that one tiny little dalliance into the possibility that there is hidden inside of you, some great thing that wants to come into this dimension. Something is in you… There might be inside of you, some idea that actually saves someone’s life. That actually saves a lot of people’s lives. There’s a lot of people, I guarantee it, who rather than putting the gun in their mouth and squeezing the trigger, decided not to do it because of some song. Because of some conversation they had with someone. Because of some tiny act of love, or because they tuned into some great act of love. And all works of art are acts of love.
Duncan Trussell, on creativity. (via mikesmokelotsa)
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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Carlos, I know we didn’t get off to a great start, but…thanks for the save. Hey, you saved my ass first. You’re a hell of a lot braver than me.  
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
unfortunate that the united states has been very successful at controlling narratives around word war 2 and positioning itself as the polar opposite of nazism and the main force fighting fascism when america was complicit in the holocaust. not only did american press report positively about hitler and the nazi party up until the end of the 30′s, some publications cooperated with nazi germany, american companies had investments and connections to nazi germany that they maintained until american involvement in the war, and companies like ibm in particular gave nazis the technology necessary to make the holocaust possible in the first place. some company owners themselves had nazi sympathies like henry ford and others just saw it as a business opportunity. the us denied entry to european jewish refugees and deported jewish refugees back to germany, many senators and other government officials during the 1930s openly supported nazism and worked to prevent the us from taking a side in ww2, and during the 30s large pro nazi rallies were held across the us. american eugenics movement, american race laws and american genocide set the model for the holocaust and there shouldnt be any discussion of nazism and the holocaust without also discussing the extent of american complicity in it. 
anyways heres some material on it
ibm and the holocaust
hitlers american friends
ap press cooperation with nazis
hitlers american model
general motors and nazi germany
operation paperclip
us reporting on the rise of fascism
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
Everything is terrifying, but humans are so strong. 
Societies at my university are doing food bank drives. Italians are singing on their balconies and cheering health workers that go by. My university originally wasn’t going to close so lecturers took matters into their own hands and cancelled their classes, and now the university IS closing. When the government response isn’t strong enough, people are cancelling mass gatherings themselves and isolating to limit the spread. One of my friends is streaming to her self-isolating friends. My mum is going back to work tomorrow in an NHS reception. The Australian Grand Prix got cancelled and now 10,000+ people are watching an esports game version of the race on Twitch and making memes about it. All over the world, people are trying to cheer each other up.
My biggest problem with apocalypse movies, with zombie tv shows, has always been the way it portrays a world post-disaster. When humans were living in caves and hunting for survival, they drew art on the walls and told stories that were passed down in oral tradition. When London closed for the plagues, theater troupes would go around the country performing for the smaller villages instead. The human drive to create, to entertain, to adventure, to see and do new things, has always been and will always be unmoved by a crisis. 
So yes people are panic buying, yes employers and governments are being selfish and cruel. But more than ever this has highlighted that, that is not what humans are. It’s something we’re pushed to be by this society, actual cruelty is an outlier.
I’ve been clinically depressed for a long time, so it feels bizarre to say: I love humans. I am overflowing with how much I really, truly, love us. Humans are silly, tender, hopeful, and social creatures. Even something as small as a long train journey, delayed and late at night, is enough for humans to take up solidarity. No matter what happens, what state the world is in, what alterations we have to make to our lives, we will never escape being recognizably, inherently human. Thank god. 
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
if ur favorite movie of all time is a marvel movie, I'm not judging you. but god will
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
Every morning I wake up and have the same thought: It’s been a long time since something special happened to me, and I’m so alone but I’m blessed really because if something nice actually did happen to me, I wouldn’t have anyone to share it with so, maybe, when something good happens, it’ll be when I have someone nice. And then, it’ll be double great.
Rob Saperstein, Patriot S1 Ep5 (via mikesmokelotsa)
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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Martin Luther King speaking with Harry Belafonte about what he saw as the next big step in the Civil Rights Movement.
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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‪Vintage monster Valentine’s Day cards bringing the cringe (in a good way).‬
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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STAR TREK: PICARD “Absolute Candor” (1.04)
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mikesmokelotsa · 4 years
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Hark! Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea! The Lighthouse (2019)
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