mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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send me   “ what am i?”    and my muse will describe yours in 3 words.
@mikaelsonhcir​ said:  what am i?
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      “My beautiful daughter,” he says, reaching for her, fingers curling around the back of her head, pulling her into his arms, her red curls bright as they cascade down her back. “But you are more than that. You are your mother’s daughter. You are the greatest gift I have ever received. You are fierce and strong and brilliant. You are gentle and kind. You are more than I could have ever imagined one person could be, and I love you more than I fathomed I could.”
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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Daniel on the set of Virgin River for Netflix looking fine af
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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      “Long enough to appreciate the full effect of your musical gift,” Elijah said quietly, as he approached the bench where his daughter sat. He slid into the space beside her and ran his fingers gently over the ivory keys. “You’ve mastered that one long ago. You should try a new piece.” It wasn’t a chastisement by any means - if she wanted to play the same melody over and over again until she became sick of it, he would support her. But he also knew her capable of a great deal more and while she played for fun and relaxation rather than any great musical ambition, he wanted her to know she could do whatever she put her mind to. He’d been telling her so ever since she was a baby, since even before that, when she had been inside her mother. While her mother was gone, and while they had never been more than co-parents and friends, he saw Juliet in his daughter everyday.
      She might have been raised by him, but Niklaus and Rebekah, and sometimes he worried if there had been enough influence from the pack, but she was their daughter. Fire red hair, beautiful eyes. She took after him in so many ways but her dedication to her family, it was Juliet as well. They had both believed so strongly in family, in what they could give their daughter, and Elijah had done his best to do it. It hadn’t been easy. There had been threats, always threats. He had done awful things to keep her safe but he felt no remorse for them. Always and forever only worked if you defended those you loved and showed no mercy to those who would threaten them. Much of it was when Clara had been far too young to remember and Elijah did not permit tales of the worst of it, but she also knew Niklaus and Rebekah had painted Elijah as her white knight. There needed to be a dragon.
     But she was older now, and independent and her own person, and it was only a matter of time until the Abattoir would not hold her any longer and she would wish to leave and make her own way in the world. He was not prepared for that. Not yet. “Can’t sleep, darling?” Elijah asked, after a beat. He turned his torso toward her, reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. 
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Smiling at the evidence of her father truly knowing her like the back of his hand she shrugged. “I wanted to play something familiar… and I’m still waiting for the sheet music that Uncle Kol sent from Paris. You know I refuse to play reading music from an iPad..” She said, a characteristically Mikaelson smirk peeking through her equally Mikaelson stubbornness. She sighed, allowing herself to lean on her father’s shoulder, feeling the undeniable sense of peace that only Elijah’s company could offer her. She’d never known her mother, but she had never felt like she was lacking in love and care because Elijah had always been there, she couldn’t even remember a moment where she needed him and he wasn’t a call or cry away, and she appreciated that even more when she grew older and learned more about exactly who her family was, and who her father was as the original hybrid. 
Elijah always being there was a part of the reason her recurring nightmare had such an effect on her, and she looked at her father guiltily as she shook her head. “It’s the same nightmare… we’re in the woods— it looks like the Bayou but I can’t really make out specifics and you tell me to stay hidden and go off to fight whatever is out there and you don’t come back… I hear growling and screaming and then I wake up…” she said, her eyes watering even when she’s doing her best to keep the tears from sliding down her cheeks as she lets her eyes meet her dads. “You were gone and you didn’t come back..” she murmurs, hating how much hold this nightmare has over her. 
“I know… I mean I’m not stupid, I know that it’s probably repressed feelings about my mother dying when I was a baby and me projecting that into my parent who’s still around, but it’s still terrifying and I can never go back to sleep when I have that nightmare..” As if for good measure to reassure herself that Elijah is still there, she wraps her arm around his and holds herself as close to him as possible, pressing her cheek against his shoulder and hugging herself to him. 
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
CLOSED STARTER for @sonofmikael​
Clara had been plagued with nightmares for the past few weeks, and as much as she tried to wave them off and pass them off as nothing she was having a particularly hard time sleeping that night and decided to (as she usually did) calm herself down by playing debussy’s reverie a couple of times in the music room that her father had built for her in the Mikaelson compound. She did this pretty often, getting lost in the melodies so that she barely noticed anything that was going on around her. It was only when the piece came to an end, that she noticed Elijah standing in the doorway watching her. 
“Dad...” she murmured, sliding her hands off the keys and placing them on her lap as she stared at him and moved over on the bench so that he could sit next to her. “How long have you been standing there?” 
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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I am trying to stay alive. And I’m trying to keep my friends alive. And I am trying to be everything to everyone and I’m so sick of everybody doubting me instead of trusting me, because I know what I’m doing. NANCY DREW | 2.16 for ☆ @naceydrew / @sabrinachill.☆
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mikaelsonhcir · 2 years
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- Clara Rebekah Mikaelson is the daughter of the original hybrid Elijah Mikaelson ( @sonofmikael​) and Juliet Labonair. She was the result of a one night stand and her parents were not in a relationship, but they both wanted her from the minute they knew of her existence.  - Her mother was a crescent wolf and was fiercely loyal to her pack. Clara was conceived and born during the time when the wolves were pushed out of New Orleans and restricted to the Bayou so Juliet stayed in the Bayou with the wolves throughout her pregnancy.  - Clara was born on valentines day, but as she was born her mother lost her life because of an attack led by enemy packs who believed that Clara, as the daughter of a member of the Mikaelson family, should never have been born and tried to kill her as soon as she was born. Clara was saved but it was too late for Juliet and she died protecting her infant daughter.  - As such, Clara was raised by her father Elijah Mikaelson, in the family compound surrounded by her aunts and uncles. She has an incredibly strong bond with her father and knows that he would do anything for her. - She was named Clara Rebekah Mikaelson by her father, after her Aunt Rebekah, and she has an incredibly close bond to her Aunt Rebekah because she’s always been there for Clara growing up.  - She has never wanted for anything, and she doesn’t remember a time when her father wasn’t around fiercely protecting her, so she knows nothing else and can’t bear to think of her world without Elijah in it.  - She doesn’t know much of her mother’s story or her mother’s side of the family because she’s always been around the Mikaelsons, but she’s curious about her wolf side and knows that is one side of her she’ll have to go beyond her comfort zone of her immediate family to fully understand. 
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