mihaimaniacs · 10 months
New idea for a cursed item
Every time a player flips the hourglass, it takes 1 point away from their next roll.
Up to 6 points and then it starts accumulate as damage, which will be taken when the owner of the hourglass returns if the player fails a deception check
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Pleaaase I'm begging you don't touch my awesome hourglass
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mihaimaniacs · 10 months
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mihaimaniacs · 10 months
Trans people are awesome and hot
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Trans on public transit
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mihaimaniacs · 10 months
First maniac:
If it wasn't obvious by the name, the intention for this character is to be a bad guy. Or at least a foil to the protagonists
The Soldier's Father
This character is hopeless and mourning his son's loss in a war or some senseless place.
When your character meets him, he's practically inconsolable, but they can try to use a charisma check to see if he'll move out of the way.
Depending on what they say, he may move, or he may stand in the way.
If the characters find out his backstory, he begins to gain his most dangerous attribute: Hope
His eyes begin to light up and he becomes more animated. At first just a little, but more as they keep pressing for more details about his story.
The more they ask, the more they remind him of his son, who used to always ask lots of questions, and after a certain amount of questions, they have to make a charisma saving throw to not be perceived AS his son.
If they pass the save, he starts to try to go *through* the party but is stumbling so hard that he runs into everybody (maybe a dex check to see if he runs into each player)
If he runs into anyone, roll initiative. He will do everything in his power to "save his son". Everything he didn't do the first time. He's willing to expend every single spell slot he has and put himself into exhaustion to get through this party of people who are trying to stop him saving his son.
If a member of the party fails the charisma check, he goes into a rage, attacking wildly at everything in his path between him and his "son". Once he reaches his "son", he realizes that it's not him and attempts to grapple the "impostor". If grappled, the character has to pass a DC of 20 to get free from his drunken rage or just continuously be thrown around like a ragdoll and used as a weapon against the characters allies.
Stats are whatever you want, but most likely high on strength and constitution, low on wisdom.
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