Final piece 
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The main focus of this film was to be the editing, as post-production is the area I wish to pursue. With this in mind I focused less on aspects such as backgrounds and animation. I wanted a film that would be many different scenes of not quite still images cut together, rather than a fully animated piece. 
Another area I wanted to focus on was the visual effects, showing the deterioration of the main character through the use of different effects to achieve a glitchy look reminiscent of a dying computer or what I imagine a malfunctioning robot would experience. I’m pretty new to doing 2D animation, having only created one 2D film prior to this one. I used a similar style for this film as I did my previous, while artistically very different the methods were largely similar. I created my assets in Photoshop and animated them in After Effects before cutting the film together and adding the visual effects and sound in Premiere Pro. I animated my film using keyframes in after effects, as opposed to frame by frame, mainly because I lack the proper software, though for this film especially I thought keyframing would be preferable to frame by frame as I wanted the character to have more robotic movements, since they’re a robot. That said I did originally plan to have some frame by frame animation in the film, particularly with the main characters poncho and the legs of the giant robot, both of which don’t move in the final piece.
I faced a number of problems throughout the development of this project, mainly to do with the global pandemic that hit about half way through the semester. This severely limited the access I had to resources such as certain programmes and hardware, as well as the time I had, though the two-week extension did somewhat mitigate this. As mentioned earlier, the focus of this film was to be the post-production and the visual effects, however there was only so many effects I could use at once before my laptop would crash, limiting what I could actually achieve. Another problem I faced was in the soundscaping of my film, as I lack a proper microphone it was difficult for me to record my own sounds, as such many of the sounds in the film are taken from the internet.
Overall I’m happy with what I’ve created but I’d be lying if I said I was fully satisfied, I did the best I could given the unique situation and that’s all I could really do. Ideally. I’d like to revisit this piece in the future and turn it into a fully finished piece, but who knows when that’ll happen. 
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voice track used for the radio in the opening shot of my film, originally a conversation between my friends and I about whether or not it’s acceptable to piss in someone else’s shower.
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Due to the global pandemic that happened as I started developing my film, I was unable to record my own sound, as such I’ve used several from youtube and freesound.org. listed below
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robot concept art
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main character reference sheet
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Kid Reference 
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main character turnaround 
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3 do list
-work out what in each scene will need animating and compile a proper list
-compile an actual assets sheet to upload
-create/finish up backgrounds and background assets 
-organise everything that needs organising 
-begin animation
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Revised animatic
Cut out a lot of scenes and replaced/reworked some others, few things still missing but will be added for the final film.
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2 do list
- upload animatic - upload assets
Notes and shit
- would like to replace a few sounds, but it’s low priority, going to leave proper sound recording until I have the film mostly done. - Film still needs a title, few ideas but this is low priority as I can easily replace text. - I’d like to practice with DUIK a bit more before creating a walk cycle, as mentioned in another post this is likely all I use DUIK for. 
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very simple walk cycle test.
Not the final walk cycle, needs a lot of work, just trying to get a feel for how DUIK works.
I’d like the final walk cycle to be quite robotic, for obvious reason. Will work on that once I begin actual animation. 
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playing with DUIK and testing some very basic models/rigs.
I’ll probably use DUIK to create a walk cycle that I’ll use throughout the film, however for the more basic shots or closeups I plan to just animate the pieces manually, as setting up the entire rig will consume more time than it’ll save.
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Some photos I took last year but never actually did anything with. since they have the city vibe that I want with wide streets and tall buildings, I’ll be using them for background reference.
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Revised animatic
-remove the fucking text
-there’s still a deer in 27_1 but this’ll need re-rendering out of AE
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DUIK rigs ref
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