mha-latino · 1 year
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Ska-P. Initially he blasted it in his house as a teen to annoy his dad and ended liking the band. In a true edgelord fashion, his favorite song is “Niño Soldado” and had a spiritual awakening when he heard the lyrics “Me han convertido en una bestia. Soy sólo un niño que no tiene identidad” * for the first time. Also gives me Soda Stereo vibes.
*They have turned me into a beast. I’m just a kid with no identity
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Porta and Ana Tijoux or any other hispanic rapper. Takes pride in being able to sing the entirety’s of “Dragon Ball Rap” (by Porta), but his real mayhem anthem is “Shock” (by Anita Tijoux). Puts special effort in singing the “venenos tus monólogos, tus discursos incoloros. No ves que no estamos solos: ¡millones de polo a polo!”* part of the chorus and pretends he is singing it to All Might.
*Poison are your monologues, you bland speeches. Don’t you see we are not alone: We are millions from pole to pole!
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Belinda and Paulina Rubio. Dedicates all of their songs to Midoriya and relates to the lyrics “Y aunque se rompa mi corazón te obligaré a que entiendas esta lección”* from Paulina Rubio’s “Yo no soy esa mujer”. Also likes that both of them are blond and her favorite song is “Ángel - Once in your lifetime” by Belinda because of its low-key yandere vibes.
*And even if it breaks my heart I will force you to understand this lesson
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Take a look at that kid and tell me he doesn’t wear his pants like that because of Daddy Yankee. If he could make “Salgo pa la calle” his hero song he would add speakers to his hero suit and blast it (hehe, blast) while he takes down villains. Low key listens to Julieta Venegas and Sin Bandera because he is a closeted romantic (now imagine him singing “yo te quiero con limón y sal, yo te quiero tal y como estás, no hace falta cambiarte nada”*)
*I love you with lemon and salt, I love you just the way you are, there is no need to change anything about you - fom Julieta Venega’s “Limón y Sal”
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Momma’s boy was raised with momma’s music and grew up listening to cebolla songs (a.k.a. romantic songs that are borderline cringe but really good otherwise) while his mother was making aseo (or cleaning the house), so expect Nino Bravo, Sandro, Camilo Sesto and our lord and savior Chayanne in that playlist. Cries while listening to “Un Beso y Una Flor” by Nino Bravo because tell me if “Dejaré mi tierra por ti, dejaré mis campos y me iré lejos de aquí”* isn’t the perfect allegory for leaving behind his past of being quirkless and becoming a hero.
*I will leave my land for you, I will leave my fields and go far away from here
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I’m 100% correct on this one and I will not take criticism because my vibes never lie: he religiously listens to La Oreja de Van Gogh and finds a way to relate to every song and lyric. His favorite song from them is Historia de un Sueño” because although the lyrics do not relate 100% with his life, still thinks that they describe a little his relationship with his mom. Exhibit A: “Promete que serás feliz. Te ponías tan guapa al reír. Y así, sólo así quiero recordarte”* (take into account that the lyrics are from a mother’s perspective. Sheeesh this got really angsty really fast)
*Promise me you will be happy, you were so beautiful when you laughed and only in that way I want to remember you
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This one is kinda self-indulgent, but I just know he listens to chilean bands, either because they are emo (like Kudai) or because they are lesser known/alt-ish relative to other latino bands (like Los Bunkers and Los Tres). But the real surprise is that his guilty pleasure is the 31 Minutos songs, being his top 1 “Equilibrio Espiritual” because 1. It is about bikes and 2. replace any lyrics that have to do with taking out the little side wheels in a bike with being called a villain no more or being a hero and BAM! You got his song. Exhibit A: Turn “lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida fue sacarle las rueditas a mi bicicleta” into “lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida fue haber entrado al curso de héroes”*
*Turn “the best thing that has happened in my life was taking off the little wheels from my bike” into “the best thing that has happened in my life was getting into the hero course”
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mha-latino · 2 years
Hmmm pensando en la cantidad de bullying que se habrían tragado algunos niños de bnha en la versión latina. Es que me da ganas de abrazarles fuerte, lo juro.
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mha-latino · 3 years
Este post está inspirado del de @villainsandvictimsalliance
Se trata uno de esos días donde no hay misión concretada o héroe al cuál destruir. Bueno, según Kurogiri no hay. Tomura opina muy distinto. Para él, las tormentas de verano no son una excusa válida.
Dado el mal humor y el aburrimiento general, a Himiko se le ocurre una idea. ¿Por qué no jugar a ese battle royal espacial del que todo el mundo hablaba? Ya lo había probado un par de veces y piensa que va a gustar a todo el mundo, debido a la temática que trataba.
Al principio, el grupo se muestra escéptico. Salvo por Twice. Pero no tardan mucho en acceder sobre todo porque ninguno de los dos deja de insistir. Saben que sólo irá a peor si se rehúsan.
La niña explica las reglas del juego. Todos los integrantes deben retirarse a espacios separados del edificio para no verse las caras y silenciar sus teléfonos. Nadie debe revelar su rol asignado hasta el final de la partida. Los impostores deben matar. Los tripulantes deben sobrevivir mientras intentan desenmascararlos. Fácil, ¿verdad?
Pues que empiece la primera ronda.
• Azul: Dabi
• Violeta: Grim
• Lima: Kurogiri (no sabe que se puede cambiar el color)
• Marrón: Magne
• Naranja: Mr. Compress
• Rojo: Shigaraki
• Verde: Spinner
• Blanco: Tiamat
• Amarillo: Toga
• Negro: Twice
Primera parte
Segunda parte
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mha-latino · 3 years
Si matan a Tomura de primero, se va a enojar TANTO PERO TANTO
Este post está inspirado del de @villainsandvictimsalliance
Se trata uno de esos días donde no hay misión concretada o héroe al cuál destruir. Bueno, según Kurogiri no hay. Tomura opina muy distinto. Para él, las tormentas de verano no son una excusa válida.
Dado el mal humor y el aburrimiento general, a Himiko se le ocurre una idea. ¿Por qué no jugar a ese battle royal espacial del que todo el mundo hablaba? Ya lo había probado un par de veces y piensa que va a gustar a todo el mundo, debido a la temática que trataba.
Al principio, el grupo se muestra escéptico. Salvo por Twice. Pero no tardan mucho en acceder sobre todo porque ninguno de los dos deja de insistir. Saben que sólo irá a peor si se rehúsan.
La niña explica las reglas del juego. Todos los integrantes deben retirarse a espacios separados del edificio para no verse las caras y silenciar sus teléfonos. Nadie debe revelar su rol asignado hasta el final de la partida. Los impostores deben matar. Los tripulantes deben sobrevivir mientras intentan desenmascararlos. Fácil, ¿verdad?
Pues que empiece la primera ronda.
• Azul: Dabi
• Violeta: Grim
• Lima: Kurogiri (no sabe que se puede cambiar el color)
• Marrón: Magne
• Naranja: Mr. Compress
• Rojo: Shigaraki
• Verde: Spinner
• Blanco: Tiamat
• Amarillo: Toga
• Negro: Twice
Primera parte
Segunda parte
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mha-latino · 3 years
El drama de los Todorokis versión Televisa, por dios.
No pero, el potencial de un bnha latino verse ah
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mha-latino · 3 years
Mejor interactuamos aquí para que no te comas los spoilers de mi cuenta de bnha en inglés aye.
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mha-latino · 3 years
Si mi mente me dejase, haría un au Shigadabi con puras canciones de Morat al estilo Mamma Mia con Abba wodundkdjdn
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mha-latino · 3 years
No pero, el potencial de un bnha latino verse ah
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mha-latino · 3 years
Prefiero escribir desde aquí hoy akdhdjfhbd
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mha-latino · 3 years
En el au latino de Boku No Hero, cuánto creen que duela el ver a los Todorokis poniéndole el altar a Touya.
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mha-latino · 3 years
Do I headcanon Sero as half latine? Yes.
Why? Because the utter craziness that could come from it is what keeps me going.
His solution to Bakugou's anger issues is signing him up for salsa casino classes. Now, if you know what is salsa casino, you'd understand that it's not a solution at all, because salsa casino is frustrating as hell.
The problem is that you need a pairing for salsa casino. Sero has Mina (best dancers around), Denki goes with Jirou (they actually enjoy it a lot) and Bakugou has Kirishima, who is loving it all with all his heart, because it is so manly!
You see the issue?
Another example is the Latine slang. Like, I really pity someone trying to learn Spanish because there are like 20 countries in Latam and all them call that thing differently.
I'm not exaggerating.
Imagine Sero forgets how to say bus in English a nd Japanese. So he does what any Spanish speaker does and goes "cómo es que se llamaba esto... Esto...?!?!" (how as this thing called... This thing?!?!). And the terms he can possibly use are:
Camioneta o camionetica.
And there are more. And the other kids would look at him horrified until he figures out the word. That's it.
Sero is the kid who suggests bringing Mariachis to a birthday party. He's the kid who uses an Spanish accent when faking fighting with swords. He's the kid with fake mustaches ready to go and weird stories about his Latine family. He's the kid who loves Mike Morales and rewatches Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse every few months.
Must than anything, Latine Sero is also the kid that is too use to being around people from all countries and cultures, so he's super chill and nice about it. BUT he won't tolerate people disrespecting others, even less when it comes about people disrespecting women.
Aside from that, you have the usual "this Latine kid came to the world with a thousand jokes ready in his tongue and mischief in his eyes", so of course he insist in giving people late quinceaños. That's a story for another day.
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mha-latino · 3 years
Toga Himiko merece tener una fiesta de quinceaños.
Y la primera persona con la que baila y con quien tiene una rutina de baile espectacular es Twice.
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mha-latino · 3 years
La Liga de Villanos como canciones icónicas en español que me puse há oír hoy:
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mha-latino · 3 years
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mha-latino · 3 years
Tumblr no me quiere dejar editar la bio y estoy harte
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