mgtowmemes · 3 years
I might not support mgtow, but I do like the awareness that y’all are raising about domestic violence towards men.
I don't agree with violence towards anyone.
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mgtowmemes · 3 years
Hey this blog is scary, but thanks for not talking about wanting to kill women or whatever
The truth is offten scary, and hated, that's why people avoid it.
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mgtowmemes · 3 years
The neck beard ,fedora wearing ,sex and attention deprived energy of your entire blog and movement is through the fucking roof . You won’t respond back bc I know your to pussy to do it and you know it’s all to true .
Everyone's entitled to their opinion...even with the bad grammar.
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mgtowmemes · 3 years
Do you think that every man should be a mgtow?
MGTOW is about choices, not obligations.
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mgtowmemes · 3 years
What the fuck is wrong with you
I'm able to see the world for what it is.
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mgtowmemes · 3 years
Δεν μπορώ να κάνω μπλογκ, αλλά πρέπει να δηλώσω ορισμένα πράγματα. Η συγκεκριμένη σελίδα προάγει το μισογυνισμό, το σεξισμό, τον αντισημιτισμό γενικότερα, προσβάλλοντας ή/και διαφθείροντας τους/τις χρήστες της πλατφόρμας. Στοχοποιεί τις γυναίκες και αποδίδει σε αυτές τα υποτιθέμενα "δεινά" τα οποία "υφίστανται" οι άρρενες, όπως, παραδείγματος χάριν, την αδυναμία ανδρών με σεξιστικές αντιλήψεις να συνάψουν ερωτική σχέση με γυναίκα, τη μη ανταπόκριση των γυναικών στις διεστραμμένες διαθέσεις των ανδρών. Προσβάλει και ντροπιάζει με κάθε τρόπο το κίνημα για τα δικαιώματα των γυναικών, υποβιβάζει επανειλημμένα τα ίδια τα δικαιώματά μας και διαδίδει ρητορική μίσους εναντίον μας ανενόχλητα. Μας υπενθυμίζει με ομολογουμένως επώδυνο τρόπο πόσο δρόμο έχουμε μπροστά μας προς την πολυπόθητη ισότητα. Να διαγραφεί αυτό το έκτρωμα.
You are entitled to your opinion.
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
Tinder came out back in 2012 and has seen ubiquitous usage since the start of 2014.
What happens to a generation of girls that grows up with a culture of feminism, no sexual restraint, and access to a near unlimited source of Chad dick from a young age is obvious to everyone here.
They ride the cock-carousel.
But what happens to these women when they hit their late 20s and the ride begins to slow? What happens when they are forced to come to the realization, after failing to appeal to the Chad’s of their youth, that they might just die alone? What happens when the assumption that they would find and marry their perfect alpha bucks might be wrong and that instead, they might die poor and alone, working a retail or office administration job they hate for the rest of their miserable lives?
Many become bitter feminists. With nothing to distinguish them from the ugly, fat, and bitchy chicks who became feminists in their early 20s. These may cause problems, but because they look and act like loud and nasty gorillas, it’s obvious and easy to realize that you should avoid them.
But many women, choose a different route. Rather than lash out at all men in their desperation to find a provider and protector, many adopt a new strategy in order to find a provider before their attractive qualities completely fade. Many become chameleons.
For the unaware, a chameleon is a woman that pretends to be unlike other women in order to bag a naive man. They come in many forms, but at their core they are all the same. They are women who pretend to be what men want in order to bag themselves a man.
Lately, there has been a rise in the number of posts by women (X-posted from twitter, FB, etc.), disparaging feminism, online-dating, pretending to like video games and anime, etc.
This rise strongly and directly correlates with the natural progression of the Tinder cock-carousel. The women who first joined Tinder in their late teens and early 20s have just started to reach the wall. Their cock-carousel is just beginning to slow down and their days of effortless sexual success with Chad are running out.
We are witnessing the early adopters. Those who have just started to reach the wall, who realize they are at the wall, and thanks to the internet and the growing prevalence of red-pilled knowledge, understand they are in trouble.
The reason for this post is simple. I am here to remind everyone that we are currently at the very beginning of a chameleon tsunami the likes of which the world has never seen. This tsunami was created the moment of Tinder’s inception.
The water has just started to rescind from the beach for, and if you have the right knowledge and know where to look, you can see the faintest image of a fucking massive wave on the horizon.
When met with a tsunami, there is only one way to survive is to get to high ground.
This post is to help you remember and explicitly acknowledge the incoming tsunami of chameleons that will hit in full force over the next 5-10 years. This post is to remind you that AWALT.
These women are going to be dangling sweet words and showing levels of desperation that seem and feel like intense desire, like they are head over heels for you. But the truth is, they are simply adopting a new sexual strategy now that their old one has failed.
They do not care about you, they do not really want you. The frankenchad in their minds (an amalgamation of all the best Chads they ever rode is what every man competes with) is something no man can beat (that’s ignoring the power of big-daddy government as well).
The thing about chameleons is that their change in attitude and behaviour is not some beautiful epiphany, it’s an absolute lie. It’s a sexual strategy used to trap you. They are dangling honey and sweet words in front of you, hoping that you’ll fall for the trap and become their beta bucks that ensures they can escape their now-miserable fucking lives.
When these women do finally bag a man. They revert back to who they truly are. It’s one of the main reasons why SO MANY MENS WIVES do a complete 180 after getting married. Because once the ring is on and the contract has been signed, they don’t need to fake it anymore (or perhaps more horrifyingly, their minds no longer need to trick themselves, like a subconscious trigger being switched). They caught you in their trap and their true nature can be revealed without any consequences.
There are COUNTLESS stories of women changing immediately after marriage and kids. Don’t become a statistic. Don’t fall prey to an AWALT. Don’t become a victim of this gynocentric society.
Just remember, AWALT.
When you start seeing large numbers of women in their late 20s and early 30s advocating for things like men’s rights, showing sudden interest in men’s hobbies, disparaging online dating, etc.; just remember, this wasn’t who they were in their early 20s because it isn’t who they are or ever will be. This is simply a facade designed to lure you in and trap you. Women were always fucked, it’s just they didn’t have the tools (societal backing, government support, birth control) to destroy us in times past. Don’t fall for them boys, remind yourself that these women are chameleons and that the only route that ensures your freedom is to go your own way.
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
Let this be a warning to all single men “dating” and thinking they’re safe. Monk mode is the only way.
This couple weren’t married, had no kids together, didn’t live together but the man has to pay her $53,000 a month for 10 years. That’s $6.3 Million.
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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mgtowmemes · 4 years
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Welcome to MGTOW, brothers!
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