metal-bodyguards · 4 years
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Bullet kept a fair distance from Skull Man. Sure, the robot master was intimidating, but it wasn’t the only reason they were being cautious! They were paying deep attention the other’s design and details, they swore they could grasp the other’s waist fully with both palms!
Soon, they were snapped out from their thoughts, pouting and arms crossed at the other calling them a Kiddo! “Call me Bullet!” They declared, smiling a bit as they spoke again. “Aaand are you perhaps, Skeleton Man??”  
Bullet's curiosity had won the battle, and so they went on to see and admire the new faces and bots around. After a while, one robot master stood out from the rest. "H-Hi there?" They spoke, their tone shy and a bit quiet as they waved at Skull Man. [@metal-bodyguards]
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“– Huh? And who are you, kiddo?”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
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“Is that so?”
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“Hmph. It’s about time somebody appreciates what I can do.” It’s not common for Time to receive compliments out of the blue, but this only raised his suspicion even more. He decides to keep his guard up and watches what this strange visitor will do. His room was very neat and orderly; his bed was folded to the point where it looked like he didn’t even use it, and the several papers and blueprints on his desk were on fine stacks, organized on his table. Mechanical pencils found their place on the right side of the table, all lined up and color-coded as well. It seems like he’s a perfectionist.
/A bed!?/ Bullet’s eyes went wide as they realized they were in Time Man’s room rather than his workplace, or perhaps it was a mix of both. With much of everything being neatly stacked or put away, even the floor and walls were spotless like it was scrubbed or vacuumed every day. Their glance stayed in the bed for a bit, thinking it looked more like one of those new IKEA bed displays. The sheets didn’t give a single hint of ever getting wrinkle. /’Did...this guy ever catch a break??’/ 
“It’s about Time alright~” Soon, they slid close to the desk, eyeing the blue prints for a bit, whistling, amused at what they were seeing. “You definitely deserve it, my ‘brains’ would never come up with this stuff.” They stuck their tongue out and chuckled, now scooting over to Time. “Do tell! What do you use your abilities for?? Do you sneak into top level secure places?? or do you save people from falling over in your free time??” Their eyes sparkled brighter with every question.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
“Oh~?” Bullet raised their hands up, wiggling their fingers like they were about to tickle someone. “Now, was telling a foe a weakness like that a smart move??” They were full of curiosity as they got close to the Clock bot. Were they ticklish? A possible weak spot? I mean they are just bells--!!
The shouts surprised Bullet enough for them to bounce into Oil once more, it was more like pressing there back against him though. After the fuming gremlin ‘calmed down’, they faced Oil with a smile and chuckle. “I should be the one thanking you for the catch-AH! Are you alright, I didn’t hurt you did I??” Bullet held Oil’s cheeks and examining the blush. “Are you over heating? Do you need some ice?”
Bullet jumped all over the place before calming down and standing besides Time Man, giving him a small kiss on one of his bells. "You better start looking up or you might get more of those!" They chuckled, petting the shorter bot on their head. Then Bullet did a couple of back flips, 'accidentally' slamming onto Oil Man--in some affection way-- "Hiya! Mistletoe!!" They smooch Oil right on the nose. "Ha-sorry for the hit though!" They got off Oil and helped him up. [@Metal-bodyguards]
The small gesture was enough to get Timeman very upset. “DO NOT TOUCH MY BELLS! THEY ARE EXTREMELY SENSITIVE!” He somehow shouts louder over the shrill ringing of his bells.
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“Woah–!” Oilman slips, rolling onto the ground. Though he does have his helmet on that covers his face, somehow it was just known that he was blushing underneath. “I– uh–” He takes their hand, getting up. “Uh– thanks…? I think?”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
Time Man’s glare had enough power to slap Bullet right across the face with tremendous fear. They took a few steps back as they crumble up the paper with the instructions. Questions and doubts began circling their mind /’Is Vava INSANE!? My first mission is to take on this guy-What even for!?’/ Yup, definitely freaking out on the inside.
Hearing the question, made them snap out of it, shrugging and looking around Time’s work place. “It’s n-not a usual thing when you get the chance t-to meet someone w-with such talents.” 
(origin post: x) @metal-bodyguards​
While this new stranger was fumbling about, Timeman went back to analyzing his blueprints, but once they had mentioned his Time Slow ability… now wasn’t that a bit suspicious?
Slowly. he places down his mechanical pencil and turns his body towards Bullet, his blue eyes revealing a cold, icy glare. “Why do you ask?” He responded not so politely, furrowing his eyebrows. His tone was dripping with venom.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
There was a pause. Ice man stared at Bullet both confused and surprised that an attack didn’t happen, in fact the other robot was…smiling!?
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“Hold on…you want to see my ice powers?” a proud grin crossed his chubby cheeks.
“Weeeeeell, I could do a little bit of something.” he smirked pridefully puffing out his chest.
/’Phew!’/  Bullet had to cover their mouth to not let their chuckles become too loud, certainly loving this side of Ice Man. Quickly crossing their arms and looking down at the Ice bot with a full smirk at the offer. “Only a lil’ bit??” 
“Come on now! That lil’ bit better swoon me away if it comes from the first Ice robot master! Aaand~ I wouldn’t mind getting to be a target for some of your nICE tricks~” Bullet’s eyes fired up. “Don’t hesitate, Ice boy!! I’m ready to see the whole Antarctica!!” 
They were literally vibrating.
"Ice Cream Man! I have been looking for you for YEARS!!" Bullet exclaimed, walking towards Ice Man, menacingly. [@metal-bodyguards]
“Can i help you-” The small ice bot was ready to turn and face the newcomer with the usual sass that would come with an insult like that, when he noticed the menacing look on the other’s face.Fight or flight kicks in immediately
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“W-what do you want from me!? Stay back I have ice powers and I know how to use ‘em!” Ice man barked as he jumped into a fighting stance that might have been intimidating if he were a lot bigger.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
Conan shyly held on to one of Bounce’s fingers. “Oooh, you can eat anything?? Vava told me some robots stuck to only this cans of fuels-! Are you a fan of apple flavored stuff too?” The little kid hummed.
UniMan felt betrayed, neighing quietly in surprise and confusion at the word.
UniMan nodded at the apology, crossing his arms at the explanation. “I see.” /Is this huge ball some type of ‘Bouncer’ gone wrong?/ He thought. 
“Eh? you must have been bouncing for quite a while to not know that.” He looked behind him to make sure a short boy was safe, then look back at Bounce. “You got yourself into an amusement park without paying, congrats.” 
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
He nodded and hummed like he was thinking. “Hmm-maybe it is some ‘holiday magic’, though it would be unfortunate if it ruined your spirits-!! Oh how about this??” Uni currently held a plastic bag, and from it he pulled out a new bag full of chocolate kisses, all of them colored in green and red. “Here you go! If you see a pair of lips approach then this should keep you safe for a while.” He handed it over to Centaur. 
UniMan saw Centaur standing there minding her business, before approaching and greeting her, he noticed a mistletoe waving high above her. He debating whether to tell her or not about it. 'Sighs' He went over to her. "Hey there..." He faked cough and pointed up at the mistletoe, looking slightly to the side. "Do...you know what that's about??" [@metal-bodyguards]
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“I do, but it seems like one of these things pops up over my head anywhere I try to stand.  I am seriously ready to just give up at this point.”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
((Bullet you’re such a cutie. Just wanted you to know~))
Bullet seemingly flustered and a bit red run out of the room in a hurry. Dr. V was right there to witness it and wondered what cause’ such reaction. He butts in and reads the message–
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He stared before letting out a short chuckle. “HA! You’re basically calling a gun cute.” amused noises.
Meanwhile the ‘gun’ went to their personal fridge to cool off, cuddling and getting themselves some ice bags and specially made ice pillows.
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“……” they glared at the floor and mumbled something incoherent.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
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Bullet almost jumped at Time Man’s scary glance, posing like someone had spooked the volts out of them in a haunted mansion. Even the room temperature seem to change to zero, and not the usual cold the red bot enjoyed! 
Bullet’s pointy ‘ears’ lowered as they did a gesture, similar to a gulp.”Ah-YEAH!! I very much do--Uuh!” They looked over the papers Dr. V had given them about the /mission/. [Locate Time Man, and extract] then they began to read lower about Time man’s abilities which got them turning their head over to face Time, now with an excited, amazed look. 
Bullet slides over to Time Man, seems like they were happily standing their next to him. A smug expression soon slapped their face, clearly enjoying the height differences.[@metal-bodyguards]
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Bullet only receives an annoyed, dismissive glance in reply, along with a, “Do you need something?”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
"Woah!" Bullet's eyes widen as sparkles and stars formed in them at the mere sight of Fire Man. /Aah! the first fire theme bot!/ "Well, aren't you a true light~?" They chuckled and waved. [@metal-bodyguards]
“Wow! a real bodygaurd! You must have your cut out for ya huh? Ya seem like a real trooper, Bullet!”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
Have you guys heard of Wily?
Dr. V looked disgusted at the mention of Wily. “I heard of him alright, really you can’t miss that magnificent bald spot of h—”
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Both UniMan and Bullet barge into the lab, almost making V. drop his cup of pure caffeine as the two yell in unison.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
How’re you all doing?
Bullet waved at the Anon. “We’re doing okay, thanks for checking on us!”
“Though, In the news section~ Conan surprised us all by giving each and one of us a costume to wear for this Christmas.”
“I got to be an Elf–Check it!”
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Bullet laughed. “That kid sure has some funny taste in picking em’ costumes but I don’t mind mine!”
“I guess you could say I’m lucky?? Uni Uni and Vava over there seem to be ready to go Grinch mode at their’s….Uni doesn’t want to come near or close to that Red nose and antlers-”
“While Vava there is asking me to switch with him for the polar bear suit he got! I said no 1. Because is too big and 2. I only listen to the Big Boss! Which is Santa Conan!!”
“Oh what can be done~? Coco has some power to convince people to do stuff for him so…he will probably get them into the costume at least ONCE!”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
Bullet shook their head. “Please you don’t have to--...” They couldn’t bare to see Film Woman in this state, tired, desperate and hurt, hurt all over, it all sounded genuine to them, and all doubts began to fade. They gently wrapped their arms around Film Woman and the little one sleeping on her arms in an attempt to comfort her. “Miss Film....you two have gone through enough already...” They were really curious as to how Film and the little one got into this unfortunate event, though they wouldn’t ask now in this state. “Maybe as the Doctor gets you patched up you can try to remember some things so we can find her!” 
Bullet gave Film Woman a reassuring smile, before unwrapping their hands around her. “Up we go~!” Now picking her up with care, carrying her securely on their arms, they started their feet and back jets slowly as they began to run down the side walk and do a jump, blasting up into the night sky.
Moving in
(Log: @metal-bodyguards)
“Well, that’s everything...” the robot master sighed, slinging their sack over their shoulder and held him in their arms as they teleport away. It was time to find a new home and possibly find her. The robot master wandered around, looking for a suitable place to stay that isn’t a garbage bin or anything.
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
“Yay!!” Conan laughed and hugged Bounce Man back with affection. In the other hand, Uni looked like he was holding his breath with an upset expression all over his face, trying his best to keep his cool at the sudden embrace as he petted Bounce. /Watch the horn!/
“Do you have to get back right away, Mister Boing Boing?? Maybe we can get a snack together!” Conan offered.
UniMan nodded at the apology, crossing his arms at the explanation. “I see.” /Is this huge ball some type of ‘Bouncer’ gone wrong?/ He thought. 
“Eh? you must have been bouncing for quite a while to not know that.” He looked behind him to make sure a short boy was safe, then look back at Bounce. “You got yourself into an amusement park without paying, congrats.” 
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
Somehow, UniMan achieved making his glare more intense towards the pink bot, his eye color changing to a burgundy tone at the mention of his nickname. “D-don’t call me that!” He whispered, turning away to not interrupt the tiny boy.
“You couldn’t stop yourself from having too much fun--Woah!? Is that where you live Mr. Boing Boing” Conan’s eyes were full of wonder. “So you’re basically a personal Bouncy House--AND YOU LIVE INSIDE ONE!? THAT’S SO COOL! I WANT TO LIVE IN ONE TOO!!” The little one tried climbing up Bounce but ended up sliding down. “Eeh-”
Uni picked up the boy off the floor, and with no seconds wasted, he started to beg at the horned bot. “Uni Uni, can we helped him!? Pretty Please~ WE CAN BOUNCE WITH HIM WHEN WE GET THERE--!” 
Uni petted Conan. “As long as he doesn’t do anything fishy.”
“What are you talking about?? He isn’t a sea bot, silly!---or are you Mr. Boing Boing??”
Uni huffs.
UniMan nodded at the apology, crossing his arms at the explanation. “I see.” /Is this huge ball some type of ‘Bouncer’ gone wrong?/ He thought. 
“Eh? you must have been bouncing for quite a while to not know that.” He looked behind him to make sure a short boy was safe, then look back at Bounce. “You got yourself into an amusement park without paying, congrats.” 
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
They smiled at the funky reaction of the pod, though the last thing she said left them tilting their head in confusion /’A....Friendship....interview?’/ They never heard of such thing before.
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“I go by Bullet!” They exclaimed, as they smiled at the other. “What about yours?”
honeybeesatwork liked your post:“I need more friends…. “Who wants to be…
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“Someone who wants to be a friend!!  Oh!”  Time for her to drift around, as if she was gathering things - in reality, these were her thoughts - before settling in one place in the air.  “Okay, so!  My first Friendship Interview question is… what’s your name?”
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metal-bodyguards · 4 years
A 4 foot boy rushed out from behind UniMan, going as far as to hug Bounce’s hand. “Don’t be sad Mister Boing Boing! I’m sure Uni Uni and I can help!” The boy spoke with an accent. Looking up at Bounce with a cheerful smile on his face.
“C-Coco!!” Uni hissed Conan’s nickname, glaring menacingly at Bounce. //Was it jealously?// The Unicorn theme bot got flustered at the sight of the young one giving attention and affection to a total stranger. 
“What were you doing bouncing and jumping around with an open window, Mister Boing Boing?” Conan chuckled, eyes sparkling, totally fascinated at Bounce’s design. 
UniMan nodded at the apology, crossing his arms at the explanation. “I see.” /Is this huge ball some type of ‘Bouncer’ gone wrong?/ He thought. 
“Eh? you must have been bouncing for quite a while to not know that.” He looked behind him to make sure a short boy was safe, then look back at Bounce. “You got yourself into an amusement park without paying, congrats.” 
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