merridewpilled · 4 days
anyone writing post island au jack needs to do so while listening to my body is made of crushed little stars by mitski. its actually law now.
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merridewpilled · 12 days
thinking about post island jack who cannot cope with anything at all because his immediate response is to wish he had the power he had on the island lmao
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merridewpilled · 21 days
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merridewpilled · 25 days
stabbing as a metaphor for penetration is great but when are we going to talk about pressing down on where someone is wounded to disarm them or just to be cruel while fighting. does nobody else care about the perverse intimacy of knowing exactly where to touch to overpower someone. the grotesque vulnerability of it. especially if you're the one who wounded them in the first place.
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merridewpilled · 25 days
Random facts about lotf
1. We only see 8 days in total of the island (6 being the last 6 days)
2. Samneric are never seen with facpaint despite being in the tribe
3. Piggy’s death was not intentional (Roger did not maliciously push the rock)
4. The rock did not hit Piggy on the head (It hit him on the side and pushed him off of the cliff)
5. Jack in detail describes a pile of shit twice
6. Jack is shown to be disgusted by blood in chapter 4
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merridewpilled · 25 days
Danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys:
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merridewpilled · 26 days
i know i talk about this song a lot but god the drumming in vampires will never hurt you is so fucking cool
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merridewpilled · 29 days
"you don't look autistic" my brother in christ i am wearing a danger days shirt
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merridewpilled · 29 days
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merridewpilled · 29 days
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merridewpilled · 1 month
lotf tumblr... I think ya'll are cool...
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merridewpilled · 1 month
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to no one's surprise i ended up liking the character struggling with her own fictionality
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merridewpilled · 1 month
Another aspect of the Gaza Genocide that I want to talk about is the complicity of Internet banking and crowdfunding websites like GoFundMe.
I have seen multiple Gazans raise enough money to leave for Egypt, but the banks and the crowdfunding websites freeze their money or cancel their funds for "suspicious activity" or whatever. Every day that passes in Gaza supplies get more scarce, conditions get more deadly, and the price to cross into Egypt gets more expensive. I've seen people, like ghost-90 here on Tumblr, raise the full amount to get their entire family out of Gaza, but their money gets frozen for so long that the original goal is only a fraction of the price now needed to cross the boarder.
These financial institutions should not be allowed to get away with contributing to the death toll in Gaza. They are intentionally keeping people trapped in a kill zone by withholding money that is rightfully theirs.
I'm so pissed and angry that every avenue for relief for Palestinians is being cut of left and right. It is vile that Gazans are being extorted for 10s of thousands of dollars by the Egyptian gov just to save their family's lives, but even when they play by this corrupt game, the world still finds a way to make them suffer.
My heart is with every Palestinian for the rest of time, from river to sea you will all be free. 🇵🇸❤️
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merridewpilled · 1 month
when ralph was about to say the worst swear known to man and then the word "bloody" came out of his mouth, I remembered thinking, "gosh these british kids..!"
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merridewpilled · 1 month
“may, cover me with robes of clarity and wrap my intentions in silk. give me the awareness to see what shouldn’t stay and the courage to open the door for what needs to leave. allow me to find my breath again in places that don’t suffocate my truth or authenticity. be abundant.”
— iambrillyant
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merridewpilled · 1 month
the memory burns
you know you're fucked when you're not that worried about the searing pain of a new wound but thinking of the healing process fills you with so much dread. how long will you flinch at trigger words? you don't even know half of your trigger words yet. how long will it continuously tattoo itself on your skin? how long will you scream it in the pillow? how long will you wish they choked the life out of you instead? 
you know you're fucked when you used to struggle to recognize yourself in reflections back then but now you do and you don't like what you see. you spent years removing the corrupted parts of you but watch that polished statue crumble before you in seconds. you couldn't believe it, but oh it's happening. fuck your pretty face. fuck your intelligence. fuck everything good about you because you are not good enough. 
you know you're fucked when you remember the clothes you were wearing, because that means you vividly remember how you fell on the floor too. every single ghost you thought you've long outran all caught up that even your limbs couldn't hold you together anymore. why are the walls not collapsing? why is there no cracks on the floor? why is everything the same and i'm not? you want to burn everything, but the memory burns instead.
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merridewpilled · 1 month
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been going kinda crazy trying to map out the island over the last three days.. i think i might have it somewhat down now
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