mentalavox · 9 years
Hello again, Tumblr rp world!!
I’ve been gone from this account a LONG time, but my Katniss muse has been tugging at me lately, so I figured it was high time to start rebooting this blog. 
If anyone is interested in doing a thing, give this post a like and I’ll contact you.
It’s good to be back! 
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mentalavox · 10 years
"Right, because it's all about making you look better--you're not nearly adored enough around here," she joked. "Fine, then--"
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"--talk of the town works for me."
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          “No, I’m not. And this only makes me look better. Playboy, Finnick Odair, catching the Girl on Fire’s attention for a bit? Sure, I’d also be a bad boy, but we’d be the talk of the town.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"And you're sure this is the best way to go about that? What about your whole Capitol Playboy angle?" 
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          “I think I’m trying to keep the attention on us. We’re still going to need sponsors, you know, and the people love a good scandal.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"What exactly do you think you're doing?"
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          “——Heh… remember to breathe.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
Katniss took her aim, exhaled, and let the arrow fly. It landed in the exact spot she'd intended, just as all her arrows tended to do. Smiling in satisfaction, she lowered her bow.
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"I've had quite a few years of practice."
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                 ❝Prove it.❞
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mentalavox · 10 years
archerofdurinsfolk; you should know that I normally don't ever write replies that long except when it comes to you. Also, it's giving me a lot of feelings. WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DOING THIS TO ME.
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mentalavox · 10 years
She listened to his rant, in quite a state of disbelief. Dragons? Trolls? And what on earth were orcs? So he did know her pain, after all. Perhaps she'd been so quick to judge because back home, everyone who looked rich certainly was, and always had been, and that was the way of it. For a long while, she sat with him in silence, watching him work while fidgeting with her knife. 
"I'm sorry," she finally said, in a voice far more meek than before. "Really, I--it was wrong of me to judge you like that. I told you I'm not good at making friends." She cleared her throat and put her knife away. "There aren't any dragons in Panem, but the Games--I volunteered to keep my sister from having to participate in them and get killed doing it. I've had to watch people die--lots of people, and I've had to kill--and it was all for nothing, in the end. My sister was killed in a bombing at the end of the war, because she was trying to help injured children. I couldn't save her. After all that, and I still couldn't--" she cut herself off and let out a heavy sigh, determined not to lose composure. "I'm saying that I understand the pain of losing everything you love, and I'm sorry you've had to endure it, too."
With that said, Katniss stood, taking hold of her bow and adjusting her quiver on her back. "I should go. If I got here, there must be a way back, right? Enjoy the rabbit." She turned to leave, but there was another noise from behind them--a much bigger noise, this time. It was certainly no rabbit, and Katniss quickly nocked another arrow just as a horrifyingly ugly creature emerged from the background, headed straight for Kili. "Look out!" she cried in warning, loosing the arrow straight into the creature's skull. It fell, but there were more. Two more came from the same place as the first, and she heard more coming from all sides.
They were surrounded. 
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Katniss turned as one came at her from behind, and let another arrow fly the short distance, effectively silencing it for good. She let herself go into her bubble, pretending that it was just like training. Hit each target, one arrow at a time, she told herself. She hoped Kili knew how to deal with these things, or she had no hope of protecting him from them. One arrow at a time. 
"Actually, yes!" Kili’s eyes flashed, and he rose to his feet, the half-skinned rabbit hanging from bloodied fingers. "Yes, I do know how that is! My people - my mother and uncles among them - were exiled by a sodding dragon, left to wander the wastes for years, while they either starved or fell to battle or were turned away from every friend they’d ever known. Once my brother and I were born, my sodding newly-widowed mother worked her fingers to the bone to raise us while she built a new home from the ground up — and there’s people ‘round here who had even worse than we did! There’s a town not half a league from here under the thumb of a greasy slob who’d rather see them starve, and orc packs and trolls roam and raid more than ever! So you know what? The warning still stands. You bloody try and play the self-righteous act around here, see where it gets you!” He thrust her knife back into her hand, handle first. “Take your bloody knife — I’ll use my own.”
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He paid no attention to her softening look, whipping out his own, more sturdy knife and attacking the rabbit with more savagery than was really necessary. It was true, he looked healthy and well-fed, clothes fine and weapons well-forged, but it hadn’t always been that way — and the arrogant witch dared challenge him for it? The indignation he felt on behalf of his mother and uncle was fierce, and for a long while he ignored her questions, working in angry silence until the rabbit was skinned. Finally, he stood up to search for a good spit stick, finding one and setting to work removing the bark. “No.” He said finally, and very bluntly. “We are a species.” As for the rest, he didn’t dignify it with an answer. Unicorns and monsters? For Mahal’s sake…
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mentalavox · 10 years
Katniss eyed him up and down; from the look of it, he wasn't poor, nor starving. Though she didn't know why he was out here alone, he didn't seem oppressed in the same way she and her family had been under President Snow's regime. "Have you ever been close to starving to death?" she asked, going on the defensive. "I realize there are other people who struggle to support their families, but where I'm from, it was literally life or death, every single day. When I say I was trying to take care of my family, I mean I was working and fighting every day just to keep them breathing. Do you know what that's like?" 
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Katniss sighed and shook it off, allowing her expression to soften when he told his tale. "So--where you're from--I mean, here, dwarfs are just--from a certain place, and on the shorter side?" It seemed a strange concept, and she had to wonder what other sorts of things were different here from Panem. "Are there other things here, too, like--witches and wizards and unicorns and monsters--things like that?" 
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"Apology accepted, I suppose." Kili shrugged, looking over the rabbit with a practiced eye. "But just keep in mind that the family thing won’t hold much water ‘round here. Everyone's working to take care of their family here, it don't make you special.” He met her eye, brows contracted, almost hawk-like, “And that's not a stab, that's fact. Y'first step to talkin' to people around here is to learn it.”
He had a knife of his own, but he supposed it would be bad form to reject hers. He took it with a grunt of thanks and set to skinning, slicing and snipping where it was needed with quick, practiced strokes. All the while, he listened — and truth be told, actually learned more about the girl than he’d expected to. For all her babbling, he could pick up three key things: Girl called Katniss, place called Panem, probably suffering from battle stress. Perhaps a little dramatic, but revolutions weren’t exactly calm and collected things. Outwardly, he said none of this, taking it in with a simple nod and a few more cuts to the rabbit. The sudden crack to her voice and the stricken expression on her face was pointedly not mentioned. No sense in probing at old wounds and upsetting the lass even more. He’d had enough of arguments today as it was.
"Fair’s fair I s’pose." He nodded, and actually deigned to give her a smile this time, something more encouraging than his feigned coldness from before. "But it really depends what you want to know. M’name’s Kili — s’pose we can start with that. Born in the Blue Mountains, living in Erebor, a couple of leagues from here. And since we were talking about it earlier: yes, I am a dwarf. An actual one, not just some short Man like some folk go on about.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
Core Basics
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Name:  gina Gender:  female Age:  twenty-five
Food:  sushi Drink: coffeeeeeeee (black, like my soul)
Book: a million and one. if i could only read a few for the rest of my life, they would probably include lotr, harry potter, and--well, many others Favorite Author:  jk rowling, jonathan maberry, roald dahl, jrr tolkien, many others Song: freaking everything. lately, it's been tee shirt, by birdy, and the acoustic version of she looks so perfect, by 5 seconds of summer
TV Show: lost Band/group:  delain (+ many others) Solo Artist: sooo many, including birdy, peter hollens, and emily kinney Place:  up at our cottage in lakewood wisconsin, and los angeles School Subject:  english  Sport: football. and no, i don't mean american football. 
Best Friends: my sister, audrey, and nicole, and through tumblr, there's viv, lexy, ducky, and many others. Significant Other: irrelevant Siblings: a brother and a sister Dream Job(s): to be able to earn a living by writing Tattoos: no, but i’ve been thinking about getting one for a long time Piercings: ears are double pierced Languages: english, and a bit of french (i'm much better at reading it than speaking it)
Reason Behind URL: it's from a quote near the end of mockingjay Reason Behind Icon: i just like it # of Posts: 186 before this one Why You Joined: it was so long ago i can't even remember really First URL:  um...idek. # of Blogs: three active
Mun is a dork, pass it on.
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"That would be good; and I wasn't thinking that--I don't fear death. Not anymore. I'm Katniss."
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"There’s like a mini market packed with supplies up north, I’ll show you if you want? I won’t try to kill you or anything if that’s what you’re thinking."
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"How is that possible? Coin has everyone in her radar, and especially me. If you're not there now, you will be if you're caught anywhere near me."
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"I doubt it. Darling Coin doesn’t have me in her radar, and surely— it will stay that way." It is wise for the older woman to avoid the only vampire in District 13. Most don’t even know Rosalie is here, and if they have seen her- they know her by her beauty, not her name. 
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"Well, yes, I--I do hunt, as often as I can," she admitted. She wasn't sure what it was, but she was getting a strange sort of vibe from this woman--one that told her she probably shouldn't divulge too much about herself, if she could help it. Katniss, by nature, wasn't the most forthcoming person as it was, which made that decision even easier. "My name is Katniss. And--you are?" 
                            ‘ no wonder you’re so precise.
                              Like a hunter, almost. '  
             a slight smile appeared on her lips after she spoke. No matter where she went or whatever mood she held, there was always that strange aura she brought into a room. A toxic one, at that. 
                     ’ ——may I ask your name, young miss? ' 
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"Um--" she swallowed, her heart feeling heavier at the mention of his name. "No, nothing yet." What could she say? All she knew was that Peeta wasn't with her, and that meant he was in real, mortal danger. 
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         ”Thanks Katniss. I’m glad we’re friends,” looking down for a moment Madge smiled. It was rarity these days since her home was burned to the ground along with her family. “Any news on Peeta yet? No one really tells me much around here.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"Whatever you say--             --just don't come crying to me and asking for a shrinking spell."
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❝I’ve done it dozens of times, trust me nothing is going to backfire.❞
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"Oh, right, you sure looked like you had the situation under control--especially considering you had no idea how close you came to having what's left of your brain eaten." Sarcasm was her specialty, and she was lacking an internal filter. Why should she spare the young boy's feelings, anyhow, when he was being so reckless? That sort of behavior was what got you killed out here. "Seriously, you're not out here alone, are you?"
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T H U D ! He moves to the side as the arrow pierces the air, lodges itself through the walkers eye. He’s breathing heavily, panting, as he glances towards the woman that had  s a v e d  him. She holds a bow in her hands — not like Daryl’s, different. He pushes himself upright, gives a small shrug of his shoulders.                                                                          ”I could have got it. But — thanks.”
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mentalavox · 10 years
all aboard the catnip train!
firemxtt offireandrebellion unseenmockingjay
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mentalavox · 10 years
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"All right, all right, I--" Katniss sighed and handed the animal over, then took a seat on the other end of the log. "I have a habit of saying things before I think about them, and I'm not very good at making friends. I've spent most of my life just trying to take care of my family, but--I didn't mean to insult you. I'm sorry."
She produced her hunting knife and handed that over to him, as well. "Works really well for skinning," she told him. She figured that in exchange for information from him, she'd probably have to give him some, in return. "My name is Katniss, by the way. Katniss Everdeen. I'm from District 12 of the nation of Panem. We just had a revolution. They call me the Mockingjay because I was the face of that revolution. I won the Hunger Games two years ago--a 24-person battle to the death, put on by the Capitol so that we'd be too scared to rebel. I volunteered for it to save my sister. Now, our nation is free." At the mention of her sister, her voice cracked. It felt like a knife had been wrenched into her chest; the sudden burst of pain, the sensation of breathlessness. It overtook her, and she had to pause her tale to take a deep breath. Exhale. "I've told you my story--can you tell me yours?"
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Now Kili looked really insulted. Visibly biting his tongue to hold back an angry retort, his fists clenched by his sides — but before he could truly snap, the human’s ravings were cut abruptly short by her own common sense. Funny, up until that point he hadn’t thought she’d had some. Were he a more vindictive person, he might have truly enjoyed the realisation creeping into her voice, and even now he couldn’t help but smirk, ducking his head to hide it behind his hair.
He let her talk, and let her squirm in equal measure, adding wood to the fire rather than look at her through it all. Her sudden movement had him looking up sharply, but the second her arrow hit its mark, he lowered his head again. So, he thought, with some satisfaction, she has some skill, at least. He continued poking at the fire, building it up to a cheerful roar, and for a while he didn’t respond to her offering. It looked as though he wouldn’t at first, that she had taken it a step too far… but then he held out his hand for the rabbit with a wry little snort.
“Fine.” He said, “But you’re apologising for that dwarf remark.”
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