megaspacemonkey · 7 years
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3 of 3
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megaspacemonkey · 7 years
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Part 2 of 3
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megaspacemonkey · 7 years
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Part 1 of 3
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megaspacemonkey · 7 years
Welcome to Megalo! Here are the rules: The Big 4: Participate in War – Everyone in MegaloMANIACS is expected to war unless they have a hero down due to an upgrade, or they’ve let a Co-Leader know they won’t be available.
If you're new you MUST mark in for war unless you are upgrading a hero. Follow the War Plan - Before Each War, a clan mail will be sent with the war plan. The plan will provide an assigned target for your first attack and instructions on any additional attacks. If you can’t follow it, you don’t belong here. Donate – Everyone in MegaloMANIACS is expected to donate troops. If you see a request you can fill, please take the time to fill it. Also, I don’t care what you request as long as you understand that wiz/arch/valk/loons/minions/giants are all much more likely to be filled quickly for a raid than some of the exotic DE troops or TH10+ only troops. You don’t need witches and bowlers for routine raids. We are level 13 clan so you get a bunch of your DE or elixir back when you donate, and your troops bump up 2 levels. If you’re practicing a war attack or requesting for war, ask away. If you are Champ league or higher, you are allowed to ask for more high end troops for raiding purposes. I will be lax on ratios unless I see issues with lengthy delays for routine troop requests. So, donate. My 1st concern is a handful of people being overburdened with donations, and 2nd is people waiting around forever for troops. English Only in Clan Chat – We’ve had members from all over the world. I don’t care if you can’t speak/type it well, but you need to use English. NEW MEMBERS: You are on probation for your first season with the clan. If you stay involved in wars, donate when you have a chance, and talk to us every once in a while, you will be a full member at the end of the month. If you do really well you will be promoted to elder. If you've read this, comment "Burro" in clan chat. Thanks!
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megaspacemonkey · 7 years
Clan Rules and Updates
The Rules First, here are the ground rules:
MegaloMANIACS is run by Co-Leaders, with a Leader working to maintain the environment. If you are a Co or Elder in this clan your opinion matters. All Co’s are on equal footing, except Scruff and Sparky, who get a little extra juice (and leeway) for having run this thing before. As Leader, I will back any Co’s decisions unless they’re completely crazy or destructive to the future of the clan. In the event of a disagreement between Co’s, I’ll step in. If a Co is being abusive toward an Elder or Member (like really abusive, not general stupidity), it is grounds for a boot or demotion. If you have a question or problem with a rule as a Co or Elder, speak up, but have an idea, don’t just bitch. These rules are for everyone’s benefit, but they don’t work if you guys don’t keep them in mind or carry them out.
Ok so let’s get to it… Here are the rules.
The Big 4:
Participate in War – Everyone in MegaloMANIACS is expected to war unless they have a hero down due to an upgrade, or they’ve let a Co-Leader know they won’t be available. New recruits have a different set of rules that will be explained below.
Follow the War Plan - Before Each War, a clan mail will be sent with the war plan. The plan will provide an assigned target for your first attack and instructions on any additional attacks. If you can’t follow it, you don’t belong here.
Donate – Everyone in MegaloMANIACS is expected to donate troops. If you see a request you can fill, please take the time to fill it. Also, I don’t care what you request as long as you understand that wiz/arch/valk/loons/minions/giants are all much more likely to be filled quickly for a raid than some of the exotic DE troops or TH10+ only troops. You don’t need witches and bowlers for routine raids. If you’re practicing a war attack or requesting for war, ask away. If you are Champ league or higher, you are allowed to ask for more high end troops for raiding purposes. I will be lax on ratios unless I see issues with lengthy delays for routine troop requests. So, donate. My 1st concern is a handful of people being overburdened with donations, and 2nd is people waiting around forever for troops.
Speak English in Clan Chat – We’ve had members from all over the world. I don’t care if you can’t speak or type it well, but you need to speak English. A big part of the game is social interaction in chat, and we want members to talk.
The Details: New Members and Recruiting – At the end of each war I would like a two hour window for recruiting new people before we start the next. I may dial that back to 1 hour, but let’s see how it goes. This is obviously not important if we are full or close to full, but as long as we are under 45 members, we do the recruiting thing. The clan has a Recruiting Council, made up of Co’s who are particularly involved/good at bringing in new members and vetting them. As of now, the Recruiting Council is Sparky, OMG, Spanky and Colato.
New people start out in a probationary period. New people get a pass on any donation ratios for the first season (month) they are in the clan, but must participate in all wars unless they have a hero down. Also, two attacks each war during probation, no exception. If they join late in the season, they are on war probation until the “new” tag disappears or the season ends, whichever happens later. If a probationary member doesn’t fit the clan, creates issues, acts like a dbag, etc., they are gone, no questions asked. Once probation is done, you are a full member. If you excel in war and/or donations during your probationary period, you will be promoted to Elder.
More War Stuff - War CC’s are only to be filled by Co’s. If an Elder or Member wants to donate defensive war troops they need to get the approval of a Co first. The clan has a War Council, made up of Co’s who are particularly involved/interested in war. As of now, King Killer (aka King Gan/FUMF/Ganophile), Ty-Gan, GameOver and MarkDaGreat are the War Council. They will start wars, assign targets, and run the strategy. ALL CO’s SHOULD FILL WAR CC. KK and Sparky can also recommend base changes and updates, and comment on attack strategies outside of war for practice and general improvement.
The Night Shift - We are a 24-hour operation, and I want to call out some of our international members as “the night shift” – Mertyl, Gore, Miracle. You guys run the show after dark, thanks. Behavior – No racism, no rape jokes. There is no clean language requirement, but getting super nasty in clan chat all the time is a good way to get run out of the clan, so be cool. If I’m not sure, I’ll ask Mertyl if you’re over the line. She is not the morality police, but she is good at recognizing when we’re over the line. Cheating – We are fair play, so no add-ons. Gaming the system, griefing, spying/sneaking into enemy clans and screenshotting enemy bases, and engineered/offensive bases are acceptable. If you are a Co who wasn’t named to a specific assignment, no sweat. You are still a Co and nothing changes. If you want to take on a specific role, I’m open to talking about it. The point of having these roles is to avoid questions about who might be starting war or who’s keeping up with recruiting.
Inactive Members - Inactive members can be removed from the clan at any time. As long as they’re in good standing it’s ok to kick with invite. Inactive Co’s and Elders will be removed at the end of the season with an invite, and will be restored to Elder if/when they return.
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megaspacemonkey · 8 years
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megaspacemonkey · 8 years
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megaspacemonkey · 9 years
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