meep-moops-stuff · 12 days
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“You can let it go. You can throw a party full of everyone you know. And not invite your family cause they never showed you love / you don’t have to be sorry, for leaving and growing up”
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Sid sighed.
He spent the past ten minutes typing out his message to Kris, then back spacing because he didn’t like it.
Finally, he had a message to send but kept reading it over and over again, to make sure it was grammatically correct and because he couldn’t believe the situation he was in.
He sighed heavily as he hit send and immediately placed his phone facing down on his lap.
He looked over towards y/n and she was still sound asleep in the bed. He noticed her glasses were right beside her head, making him smile since she always had them on her.
Sidney gently reached over to grab the glasses and place them on the nightstand, mostly to make sure she wouldn’t break them by accident.
He placed them on the nightstand but as they made a little thump noise, y/n stirred in her sleep.
Sidney froze, praying he didn’t wake her up. Thankfully, she turned onto her other side, her back facing him.
He leaned back into the chair and close his eyes as he sighed in relief.
Then his phone buzzed.
He stared down at his phone that was sitting on his thigh and he was nervous to open it.
Even though Kris is one of his best friends and closest teammate, he still gets nervous when he has to tell him about things. Mostly because Kris says what’s on his mind and will tell Sidney what he’s thinking.
Sidney finally unlocked his phone and read Kris’s message:
“Have you gone mad, Sid? Seriously, have you? A random stranger who could be a serial killer for all we know.”
The little bubble popped up, indicating that he was still typing.
“You only know her name and her past, but nothing else? You didn’t even ask her about her age or where she’s from??”
Sidney sighed, Kris was right. He doesn’t know a lot about her other than her name, college degree and her shitty childhood.
Sidney probably shouldn’t have typed anything back, but he did.
“But the paternal instincts were there kris!! You don’t get it”
Oh shit, maybe he shouldn’t have said that.
“I’m on my way” Kris replied back.
Sidney immediately sat up in his seat, rapidly texting back that y/n was asleep and he didn’t want to leave her alone and that Kris would definitely wake her up.
“Youre not watching her sleep, are you?” Kris typed.
Sidney rolled his eyes, typing back “no I’m just in the room with her incase she has a bad dream or needs something.”
Kris started to type back, then stopped.
Sidney read the message Kris replied back with, “dude you definitely need parenting advice if you’re gonna have her with you”
Sidney’s heart fluttered.
Parenting advice?
Was he really going to be this girls father?
No, he can’t. He has hockey, she probably has other family members who are worried sick about her. He can’t just take her away and make her his.
But then he thought about the pure terror that was in her eyes as she told him about her past. How she couldn’t breathe when discussing how older men treated her when she was little.
Sidney couldn’t sit by and do nothing. He needed to intervene.
He finally texted Kris back.
“Ok. Just be quiet when you arrive. She’s asleep”
“You should really be more alert if you’re gonna be a parent”
Sidney’s eyes shot open as he looked over at the doorway to see Kris standing there, leaning against the door frame.
Sidney jumped out of his seat, dropping his phone in the process.
He picked it up quickly as he looked over towards y/n, making sure she didn’t wake up.
“I said to text when you’re here!” Sidney whisper yelled as he rushed Kris outside the bedroom, closing the door lightly behind him.
“I did text. I even called. You must’ve been out cold” Kris said as he leaned against the wall, staring at Sidney.
Sid sighed and ran his hand through his hair, closing his eyes.
“So what is exactly I’m supposed to do here?” Kris asked, not taking his eyes off Sidney.
“I don’t know, okay?? I know you have kids and a daughter and I thought you could help me out with her when she wakes up or something” Sidney said, throwing his hands in the air.
“Well for starters she’s got to be at least 20 and my daughter is not even 5” Kris stated.
Sidney rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.
“Yeah I’m aware of that. But you know how to ya know…parent” Sid said as he gestured towards Kris.
Kris sighed and held the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes.
“Ok ok ok. Her name’s y/n, she goes to college nearby, and she had a terrible childhood. What else should you ask her?”
Sidney looked at the floor, thinking.
“If she has any other family? What if they think I’m kidnapping her-“
“Ok enough. Based on how your conversation with her earlier went, I don’t think she has any family to go to. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have agreed to stay here overnight.” Kris stated.
Sidney nodded, realizing he had made a good point.
Kris and Sidney’s head snapped towards the door as they heard the soft voice of y/n.
Sidney looked back at Kris, his eyes wide.
“Go in there” Kris whispered, pointing towards the door.
“What if I mess up? What if she thinks I’m weird? What if-“
Kris opened the door himself and shoved Sidney in, shutting the door behind him.
“I’ll be out here” Kris said, although it was muffled by the closed door.
Sidney scratched the back of his neck as he turned towards y/n, who was sitting up in bed.
He took a deep breath and made his way over to her.
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meep-moops-stuff · 16 days
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days. It’s none of my business, but it’s just been on my mind”
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The snow fell delicately outside the windows. It was pitch black outside except for the lights that hung around the outside windows.
Sidney’s stare outside darted back to the sleeping y/n in his guest bedroom. She was peacefully sleeping, with the blankets right below her chin and her head lying on a singular pillow. The bed was huge compared to her.
Sidney leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.
He leaned his head against the door frame as well, staring at the girl in the bed.
These past three hours have been an absolute whirlwind of emotions.
First, Sidney asked y/n if she needed a place to stay during the freezing temperature drop and the next thing he knew, he was holding her like she was a precious jewel as she sobbed about her past.
Y/n was finally asleep, and Sidney couldn’t be more thankful she found peace for at least a little bit of time.
He glance back outside the window and watched the snow fall and sighed heavily. How couldn’t he have noticed?
He didn’t notice the subtle hint that something was off with her, that there was a reason she was always at the coffee shop herself. And that there was a reason why she started to have a panic attack the moment she was left alone with him.
Sidney gently picked his head up and made his way into the hallway, closing the bedroom door but leave it open just a crack incase she had needed anything.
He pressed his back to the wall right outside the door, and tilted his head back until he heard a thump.
What in the world did he get himself into?
It finally dawned on him that he had a complete stranger in his guest bedroom, someone he doesn’t even know that well despite seeing her almost every day for the past three months.
And yet here he was, holding her as she sobbed about her past. He even called her sweetheart and baby girl- how crazy could he actually be?
Sidney slid his back down the wall until he hit the floor, pulling his knees up as he restored his elbows on them. He held his head in his hands and closed his eyes, trying to think of what to do next.
Sidney pulled out his phone and texted the first person he could think of: his teammate Kris Letang.
He has a daughter, he’d know what to say, right?
He hit the call button and held it up to his ear, half hoping he didn’t answer so he didn’t have to explain what he gotten himself into.
By the grace of god, Kris didn’t answer.
Sidney didn’t even bother leaving a voicemail, he hung up right away.
Instead, he sent him a message. He typed a few things, then back spaced, then typed it again in a different format.
Ultimately, he landed on sending, “hey man, text me when you can. Kind of urgent but kind of not. Just need your advice”
He set his phone down beside him and flipped it over so that his screen was on the ground.
Well, he thought, I’m in too deep to send her away or never speak to her again.
He laughed at his own thought, remembering the first flare of his paternal instincts he felt the first time he met y/n. He wasn’t going to give up now, not at all.
All Sidney could think about now was to what she said back in the bedroom.
How older men were the worst thing ever to her, and it made his heart shatter again.
She was so sweet and innocent, how could anyone hurt her?
Sidney shook his head and grabbed his phone to stand back up.
He checked the time, 8:30pm.
He stared at the cracked door then back at his phone.
Sidney slid his phone back into his pocket and gently opened the door again.
He shut it behind him and made his way over to the lounge chair in the corner, next to the bed.
Sidney sat down in it, careful to not wake the sleeping y/n.
He leaned backwards and stared at her for a second before being caught off guard by his phone vibrating.
He read the message from Kris:
“What the fuck did you do, Sid?”
Sidney sighed and sat up straight, starting to type away what the fuck he just did.
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meep-moops-stuff · 23 days
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“You don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up. | Matilda you talk of the pain like it’s all alright. But I know that you feel like a piece of you’s dead inside”
(Tw (just in case): mentions of verbal abuse, panic attack)
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“This is the guest room. Sorry it’s kind of bland, I don’t use it that much” Sidney said as he opened the bedroom door.
For y/n, it was more than enough.
The bed was king sized, with a huge tv hanging on the wall across from it. Two big windows were at both sides of the room, with lights hanging off to the side.
It was snowing outside so she could see the snow land on the lights outside.
“No, don’t apologize. It’s really nice and more than I could ask for. Thank you”
The book girl set her back pack on the ground at the foot of the bed, gently placing it on the carpet.
She placed her other bag beside it delicately, like she was afraid of ruining the carpet.
“There’s a phone charger near the bed but if you need any more chargers I can grab them. And the bathroom is connected to the room it’s right there so you can….” He trailed off as he turned to look at y/n and found her staring at him and giggling.
He chuckled and walked towards the door to leave.
“Sorry I’m blabbering. I just want to make sure you’re settled and have everything you need.” Sidney said as he placed his hand on the door knob.
Y/n gently sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled up at Sid.
“I have everything I need. I won’t bother you anymore tonight. Really I appreciate it.”
Sidney tilted his head to the side and took his hand off the door knob to cross his arms across his chest.
“You haven’t bothered me once, y/n” Sidney said softly.
She shrugged and began picking at her nails as she looked down at her lap, not once making eye contact with Sid.
It was a different side of her, a side that he hadn’t seen yet. He knew he needed to tread carefully.
Sidney took a step closer towards her, not wanting to make her even more anxious.
“I’m sure I did bother you at one point and it made you angry. I understand if it did, really I do. I’ve been there before with making people angry so they-“
Y/n stopped rambling and could feel the lump in her throat as she inhaled sharply.
Sidney took another step closer, his heart racing in his chest.
She started bouncing her leg, like she did earlier today in the coffee shop when he mentioned her parents.
He carefully kneeled in front of her, an arms length away. He could hear her start to rapidly breathe, her gasping for air.
He scooted in a little bit closer, mostly to make sure she wasn’t going to pass out and fall forwards.
He could feel the poor girl bouncing her leg from anxiety, hitting his chest. She stopped when she feels his other hand lay on her knee.
“Sorry. I’m sorry being close to people like you makes me really nervous and scared” she said softly.
Sidney squeezed her knee as he used his other hand to caress her cheek.
“What do you mean people like me sweetheart?” He asked softly.
She sighed and went back to cracking her knuckles, “Older…men” she mumbled.
Sidney’s heart dropped as he looked at the poor girl. A trembling mess with unshed tears about to fall. She looked so tiny and helpless.
“What’ve they done to you?” He asked, his jaw clenching and his eyes darkening.
“No nothing sexual. Just-just-“ she whimpered as she leaned her head against Sid’s chest.
Sidney froze, not expecting this from y/n. But he was already in too deep when he called her sweetheart.
He straightened up, leaning against his heels as he wrapped his arms around her sobbing body.
“What did they do to you baby girl?” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
Oh yeah, he was definitely in too deep now with his parental instincts and control.
“Take their anger out on me” she whimpered out, Sidney barely being able to hear it.
He tightened his grip around her and stood up with ease as he picked her up with him.
Y/n instantly wrapped her arms around Sid’s neck and buried her head in his neck.
He held her so close and let her cry into his neck, the tears staining his shirt but that didn’t matter.
What mattered was making sure she was ok and safe.
His heart was broken, to say the least. How couldn’t he have seen it? He never picked up the signs she was suffering or was uncomfortable around him sometimes. She kept quiet, afraid that Sidney might’ve gotten angry with her and lashing out.
Her sobs quieted down, but she kept her head in his neck.
Sidney walked over to the other side of the bed and gently sat down with her still in his arms.
He didn’t know where to start or what to say.
“Is this why you don’t talk to your parents anymore, y/n?” He asked softly.
She nodded, her arms still wrapped around his neck like he was going to leave her.
“Is it mostly your father?”
Y/n nodded again, making Sidney tighten his grip around her.
He closed his eyes as he held her closely, rubbing her back with his thumb.
“Is this why you’re always at the coffee shop, alone?” He asked as he stared down at her.
Sidney could see her eyes close as she nodded and unwrapped her arms from his neck, crossing them on her own chest.
She leaned into his chest, laying her head near his heartbeat.
“Why don’t you go to sleep. In my arms. And we can talk tomorrow morning, ok?” Sidney whispered.
Y/n nodded, physically exhausted from the panic attack.
As she started to fall asleep, Sidney stared down at her and couldn’t believe it.
Mostly, he was mad at himself for not seeing any signs of her suffering.
He sighed as he carefully leaned himself against the headboard of the bed, bringing his legs to lay out straight on the bed.
Y/n repositioned herself to make it easier for Sid to move.
After he finally found a comfortable position, he turned the lights off with the remote on the night stand.
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meep-moops-stuff · 24 days
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we NEED to talk about this duo
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meep-moops-stuff · 26 days
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“You can let it go, you can throw a party full of everyone you know / and not invite your family cause they never showed you love”
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It was finally winter in Pittsburgh, meaning the temperature was starting to get colder and the snow was starting to fall.
A month had gone by since Sidney paid for y/n’s latte and it ended well. They ended up chatting afterwards about her degree in social work and all she has to study.
Sidney never went to college, so he found it interesting to hear about the true college experience.
Ever since then, and every time Sidney would walk into the cafe, he’d find book girl in her usual corner. He’d always give her a little wave or say a small hello as he’d walk by.
But today had ended differently.
Sidney made his usual order at the cash register and waited for his drink to be made when he saw y/n talking on the phone and she did not look impressed.
He kept his eyes on her as he grabbed his coffee and made his way over to her hair as she hung up and took her glasses off to rub her eyes.
“You ok?” Sidney asked gently.
Y/n looked up and smiled but sighed.
“The stupid power is out at my apartment complex because of the wind and snow. And they won’t get it back on until tomorrow afternoon.” She explained.
Sidney set his drink down and sat in the chair across from her.
“What? So you won’t have any heat? It’s supposed to get really cold tonight” Sidney said with a stern tone.
Book girl put her glasses back on and leaned back in her chair, shutting her laptop as she looked outside.
“Yeah I won’t have any heat tonight.” She mumbled. She watched the snow fall as she began to bounce her knee, trying to figure out what to do.
“Have you asked your parents if you could stay with them?” Sidney asked.
Y/n chuckled and shook her head.
“No. I don’t really talk to my family anymore.” She said softly.
“You can stay with me I have a guest room” Sidney blurted out.
Y/n stopped bouncing her leg and looked at Sidney in surprise.
Sidney’s eyes widened, realizing what he had just said.
Why doesn’t he think before talking sometimes?
He cleared his throat and sat up, trying to figure out how to make things less awkward.
“I didn’t mean that weirdly like you can stay with me. I’d be in my own room obviously and the guest room is like not close to mine so you’d be totally safe” he rambled out.
His face started to get red and he knew this looked bad.
Y/n smiled as she crossed her arms and began to giggle at how awkward Sidney was making this.
“I just made it even more awkward by adding that, didn’t I?”
Y/n nodded and sat up and took a sip of her hot coffee.
Sidney looked at his watch and noticed it was 5pm and the sun would set soon.
“But I did mean it. You can stay at my place in the guest room until your heat is back on. I don’t want you freezing to death” he said softly.
“I’ve known you for maybe three months at this point and you’re just going to offer up your guest room like it’s no big deal?” Y/n asked.
Sidney shrugged and traced circles on his coffee cup.
“Well I think it’s safe to say you aren’t a serial killer based off what I know…so yeah” he said, causing her to smile.
“How do I know you aren’t a serial killer though?” She asked and smiled.
Sidney chuckled and tilted his head to the side.
“That’s true. I could be. But I’m too busy to be one” he said.
She giggled again and cracked her knuckles as she looked back outside to see the sun beginning to set.
“Ok. I’ll take up the offer”
Sidney nodded and set his empty coffee cup back down on the table and cleared his throat.
“Ok do you need a ride? I can drive you to grab some things and then we can head back to my place and-“
Sidney stopped talking as he looked at y/n who was already done packing up her back pack and putting her winter jacket on.
“I have a car. I can drive to yours or follow you” she said softly.
Sidney scratched the back of his head and nodded, forgetting that she was probably able to drive.
“I have extra clothes in my car. I’ll be fine” she added.
Sidney nodded again, not sure of what to say.
“Well are you ready to go?” He asked.
Y/n nodded and smiled as she grabbed her car keys out of her pocket and stood up as Sidney stood up.
“Well after you” he said and gestured towards the door, making her smile.
He walked behind her out the entrance and as soon as the cold air hit his face, everything dawned on him.
He’s really letting her stay in his guest room?
She’s maybe 20 at the oldest. He doesn’t even know her age, just her first name and why she goes to college.
He was joking before about the serial killer comment but what if she is?
And what if she-
“Sid? Are you ok? This is my car”
He was snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the car she was standing at, about to get in.
He nodded and pointed to his car that was a couple cars in front of hers.
“I’ll pull out and you can follow me” he said and smiled.
He turned to walk to his car as he heard y/n shut her car door. He let out a breath he had been holding in and made his way to his car.
As he got into the drivers seat and closed the door, he stared at the steering wheel.
If this was any other person, he would’ve left right away. But something was different when it came to y/n. She seemed different, like she needed help. Some sort of extra support.
Sidney isn’t a parent but he knows when his paternal instincts come in, and when he heard she was be staying in a freezing cold apartment, he couldn’t let that happen.
He finally snapped out of his thoughts and started his car up, making sure y/n was behind him through his review mirror as he pulled away.
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meep-moops-stuff · 26 days
Prompt Poll - Two
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Quinn Hughes x Y/N
Prompt: "When you said you were sick I thought you meant a cold, not the freaking plague."
Description: Y/N got sick, Quinn wasn't expecting it to be this bad.
A/N: I hope you enjoy! Would be greatly appreciated if you could reblog. I love talking to people so say 'Hi' if you want to. Feel Free to send in requests as well. I'm happy to write for most hockey players.
Warnings: Sickness, swearing and thats proabably it! Please tell me if anything else should be added.
-Sincerely thedevilrisen.
Groaning and half-heartedly, blindly grappling in the general direction of the repeated vibrations of your phone against the wood side table, roused unceremoniously from your self-accredited worlds worst sleep. When you finally came in contact and stupidly turned the offending device straight into your face, hissing as the bright light kissed your sleep and sickness rumpled features, you vaguely registered a text from your boyfriend Quinn.
Hey Honey, how's the cold coming along?
Getting worse to be completely honest with you.
Aw no! Lucky I'll be home in a few hours to take care of you! We are just about to board the plane so I thought best to touch base. x
Thank you Quinny, have a safe flight. :) Read 9:58pm
Quinn POV:
Sneaking in quietly I made sure to gently close the door and be careful not to kick my shoes off into the wall as to make as little noise as possible.
My attempts were in vain however as I heard a very aggressive and horse-sounding coughing fit coming from the bedroom. Walking along the hallway and noticing the soft light bedside lamp flowing out of the room from under the door.
I opened the door to be met with what should be considered a biological war hazard. There was a ungodly mound of tissues on what was normally Quinn's side of the bed, a few soup bowls and coffee mugs stacked precariously on the side tables and a snuffling, moving lump with messy brown hair splayed in a way that would make Cousin It jealous.
"Quinn?" you rasped out.
"Jesus. When you said you were sick I thought you meant a cold, not the freaking plague!"
"I did sa-" you started to mumble but were cut off by a small coughing fit. "I did say before you boarded the plane that I was pretty sure it was getting worse."
"No shit!" the young man laughed scruffing a hand down his face.
"he-" you sneezed "hey, enough of the sass mister, im sick. take care of me."
"Nooo, your all yicky!" he playfully groaned
"But you promised!" you pouted and flopped back down into your warm fuzzy bed.
"I did, my love." he walked around your side of the bed and crouched to your height. "And I always keep my promises."
Kissing your head he walked into the ensuite and flicked on the light. He had ruffled through the mirror cabinets and pulled out the eucalyptus scent drops. Intent on putting some in the little over hot bath he was drawing for you.
When there was enough water in the tub he moved back into the bedroom to rouse you and bring you to the warm and hopefully somewhat rejuvenating bath.
"Honey, can you come hop in the tub?" he asked gently, rubbing your shoulders through his sleep warmed shirt you had obviously stolen earlier.
"mm-comfy." you whined grabbing onto your pillow and burrowing into it.
"Come on honey, it will make you feel better." he pleaded.
"No. Bed." you stated petulantly, to which Quinn sighed and reached in under the warm covers and dragged you protesting form into his arms.
Once he had wrangled you out of bed and into his grasp he soothed your aggressive mumbling and walked into the bathroom being careful not to bang your ankles on the door frame.
Placing you down on your feet he helped you strip out of your clothes and settle down into the warm tub. The sigh of relief you let out after you settled into the tub was worth having to drag you out of the bed for.
Placing a fleeting kiss on your forehead and a stern order not to fall asleep and drown he wandered out of the room leaving the door ajar so he could hear you if you called. Intent on making some tomato soup for you he pulled a saucepan out of the cupboard, found the can he required and and pulled a can opener out of the drawers. Cracking open the can and pouring the viscose red liquid into the heated saucepan, he stirred it and left it to simmer.
"How are you going honey?" he asked as he walked back into the bathroom.
"Mm, the eucalyptus helps with the headache." you mumbled, "but i'm getting pruny.
Quinn let out a hearty chuckle as you raised your hand for him to see your wrinkled skin.
"You ready to get out then?" he proposed, still leaning on the door frame.
"Yeah, I think so," you replied, opening your eyes and blearily looking at him.
"Alrighty, I'll get you some clothes." he smiled and wandered out of the room.
Unbeknownst to you he had cleaned the bedroom up, picked up the tissues, bowls and cups, changed the bed linen, placed a bed tray with fresh water, tea and the soup next to where he had pulled back the fresh sheets and stacked the pillows so you could watch the TV which he had turned on for you.
So when you waddled out, swaddled in a giant soft fluffy towel you were nearly brought to tears.
"Quinny," you sniffled wetly.
"Yeah honey?" he questioned walking from the closet with a pair of his sweat pants and a T-Shirt for you. He was startled when you walked over and wrapped him and a hug.
"Thank you." you mumbled into his shirt.
Smiling he kissed your head and said, "Your very welcome."
"What do you want to watch?" he asked, handing you the clothes to change into.
"Hmmm? OH! Gilmore Girls." you said with an evil smile settling into the bed.
"Fine, only because your sick." he conceded settling next to you smiling to himself as you started slurping on your soup, completely enamoured with the show in front of you.
I'm sorry if its bad! I myself have been sick, swamped with school and family stuff! However it's out! Please enjoy and don't be afraid to come into my inbox to have a chat!
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meep-moops-stuff · 28 days
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“So you tie up your hair and you smile like it’s no big deal”
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Sidney had settled into a booth in the coffee shop with his black coffee and pre practice meal. He usually takes it to go but today was different. He wanted to sit and eat and observe.
And wanted to chat with the book girl again, y/n.
A crack of thunder echoed through the tiny coffee shop since the barista left a small crack in the window, right near the cash register.
It was a fall, gloomy day in the city of Pittsburgh, nothing Sid wasn’t used to.
Even though he isn’t one for technology, he took out his phone and started to use it, probably only swiping from his email to his iMessages.
The little bell rang near the front entrance as someone entered, causing Sidney to look up from his phone.
And there she was, y/n.
Only this time, she was soaking wet.
Sidney set down his hot coffee and stared as the girl took off her wet glasses and wiped them on her leggings, then putting them back on.
Her little fly away hairs stuck to her face from being wet, the rest of her hair pulled back into a ponytail.
She sighed as she wiped her feet on the carpet and headed back to her usual spot, looking down at the ground to make sure she didn’t slip on any water from outside.
Sidney cleared his throat as she walked by and gently grabbed her wrist, making y/n quickly turn around and pull out of his grasp.
He could see her eyes widen as she stared down at him, almost in a complete panic.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” Sidney said softly.
“I just wanted to ask if you were ok. It’s really rainy outside and I don’t want you to get a cold” he added as he gestured towards her wet jacket and hair.
Great. He grabbed her wrist and told her he was worried she’d catch a cold. Could he sound anymore like a parent?
Y/n sighed and sat down in the chair across from Sidney, catching him by surprise.
He sat up in his seat and moved his meal and coffee out of the way so she could place her things down.
“I didn’t check the weather before leaving my apartment and halfway through walking, it started to pour. I forgot my umbrella” she mumbled as she set her phone and earbuds down on the table.
She carefully took her jacket off and placed it on the back of her chair to hopefully dry off.
“What do you like to drink here? Hot coffee? A latte?”
Y/n looked at Sidney and shrugged as she cleaned off her glasses again.
“I’ve been on a vanilla latte binge for a while now and-“
Sidney took out his wallet and grabbed a $20 from it, putting his wallet back into his jacket pocket.
“Ok. Anything to eat?” He asked.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows slightly, staring at the twenty dollar bill and back to Sidney who was patiently waiting for an answer.
“No I ate before coming here why are-“
The book girl was cut off by Sidney standing up and walking towards the cash register.
Y/n grabbed his forearm as he tried to walk by her.
“No you don’t have to pay. I have a card just let me get it-“
Sidney chuckled and took the card out of y/n’s hand and placed it back on the table in front of her.
“It’s on me. Please let me?” Sidney asked, smiling widely.
Y/n stared at her card on the table and back at the 20 that Sidney was holding.
“Ok fine” she mumbled, causing Sidney to smile even bigger.
“A vanilla latte it is, then” he said as he walked up to the cash register.
He looked over his shoulder and watched as y/n started to unpack her bag with school books.
Sidney looked down at the bill in his hands and smiled, happy that she accepted his treat of paying for her latte.
I mean, how couldn’t he? She was dripping from the rain, glasses fogging up and her lips about to turn blue from the cold.
It couldn’t get worse than this for her, could it?
Just one bad morning was all this girl had to worry about, right?
For once in his life, Sidney Crosby was dead wrong.
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meep-moops-stuff · 29 days
Master list: Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“You don’t have to be sorry, for leaving and growing up”
Part 1. Part 7
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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meep-moops-stuff · 1 month
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
“And you’re trying to lift off the ground with those old two wheels / nothing about the way that you were treated seemed especially alarming til now”
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A couple of days had passed. The team played a gruesome back to back night games home at PPG Paints Arena, the first one being a win and the second one ending in a loss.
Sidney has done this before, though, where he doesn’t go to the coffee shop during back to back games so he can focus on his pre game routine and superstitions.
He finally returned to the entrance and peaked through the glass door. He could see his reflection and the length of the line, and he dreaded having to wait.
He turned his head to the window of the cafe and to his surprise, the book girl was back in her usual spot.
He grabbed the door handle and entered in, shutting the door immediately behind him so he didn’t let the warm air leave.
Sidney stood off to the side as he watched the line only get longer, and his patience only get thinner.
He put his hands in his jacket and glanced over at the book girl in the corner, this time noticing she had a note book and laptop out.
He didn’t know what came over him, but he made his way over to the table. He approached her and realized she had earbuds in and didn’t even notice his presence.
He noticed she was in an old Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt that was obviously way too big on her.
Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose, seeming to only fog up when she would drink her hot coffee. And her brown hair was held back with one of those claw clips.
The book girl had set her coffee down and looked up and made direct eye contact with Sidney, causing her to look surprised.
Oh shit, what should I say? Sidney thought.
The book girl carefully took her earbuds out and placed them on her note filled paper, hitting pause on her music.
“I uhm…hi” Sidney said.
The book girl smiled and pulled her sleeves over her hands as she sat up in her chair.
“Hi. Can I help you?” She asked softly.
Sidney was panicking, knowing how weird this looked. A grown man talking to an obviously 20 year old female? He couldn’t make things worse, could he?
“I always notice you sit in this spot when I’m here”
Yes, he did make it a lot worse.
The book girl smiled and looked down at her keyboard, rolling her sleeves back up as she laid her forearms on the table.
“Yeah well I have a lot of work to do so I come here to do it like any normal person would” she responded with.
Sidney smiled and took his hands out of his pockets and pulled out the chair across from the book girl.
She sat up straighter in her seat and leaned back into the chair.
“Ok let’s start over. I’m Sidney.” He said this time, smiling with his crooked jaw.
“I’m y/n” the book girl said.
Finally, she has a name, Sidney thought.
“It’s nice to finally know your name, y/n. I realize what I said was a bit weird about always noticing you here and I’m sorry-“
“It’s ok Sidney. It’s actually weird to hear someone say that, I feel as if I’m always invisible”
Sidney frowned for a split second then it disappeared as he just nodded.
It was just a simple sentence that y/n said of feeling invisible but for some reason, that was what led Sidney to believe that his paternal instincts were correct.
This girl needed his help. He didn’t know how to help, or what to help her with, but he had to do it.
“I’m a grad student at the local college getting my masters in social work” y/n said, smiling.
“Good for you. That seems like a hard field to work in, considering the things you’d have to see and deal with” Sidney said.
Y/n shrugged and took her glasses off, setting them on her laptop.
“I have about a year to go until I graduate and this seems to be the only place where I can focus. So that’s why I’m here a lot”
Sidney nodded and put his hands back in his pockets, leaning back into his chair.
“And I know about you. You’re a hockey captain who is always breaking records and setting new ones”
Sidney’s face got red as he leaned into the table and laughed a little.
“Well I am a captain, yes but the other stuff isn’t as important” he said shyly.
Y/n rolled her eyes and put her glasses back on, causing Sidney to smile.
he turned his head and saw the line had gone down and he could finally order.
“Well it was nice to officially meet you, y/n. But I gotta run I have to get my-“
“Your black coffee with no cream and no sugar?” The book girl cut him off.
Sidney stood up and chuckled as he stared down at her.
“You’re not the only observant one here, Sid” she teased.
He chuckled again and headed to the front of the line to place his order.
“I’ll see you next time, y/n” he said without trying to face her as he headed to the cash register.
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meep-moops-stuff · 1 month
Sidney Crosby x Reader - Found Father
inspired by the song Matilda by Harry Styles
“You were riding your bike to the sound of ‘It’s No Big Deal’”
I hope everyone enjoys the first part!! It’s an introduction part if anything, and once I officially graduate I’ll be writing the next part.
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The door opened to the little coffee shop, bringing in a gust of the autumn air blew in. Sidney Crosby, a Pittsburgh hockey legend, entered the cafe and gently let the door shut behind him, letting the warm air stay inside.
He did what any respectful person did, wipe his wet shoes on the carpet and make his way place his usual order: a black coffee and protein bowl.
As he stepped in line to wait, he casually turned his head to the nearby corner table and there she was.
The book girl.
He didn’t have a name for the girl, but she was always either reading a novel or had her head in school work.
Sidney had no idea who this girl was, just knew that every time he was in the coffee shop, she was there in her corner.
Sidney quickly looked away and back at the menu, even though he already knew his order.
The girl had to have been at least 19 or 20 and not older. She was a tiny thing, maybe a little over 5 foot.
“Sir? How can I help you?’
Sidney snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the already tired barista, waiting for him to tell his order.
“Oh uhm just one, large black coffee please” Sidney said, a little embarrassed that he had to be told more than once to snap out of his thoughts.
He paid her and waited off to the side as she filled their large cup with black coffee, placing a lid on it.
Sidney grabbed it off the counter, giving the barista a small ‘thanks’ as he walked towards the entrance to continue on with his day.
His eye caught sight of the book girl once again, seeing that she was writing in a notebook this time instead of reading.
He smiled to himself as he opened the door and was met with the autumn air.
Sidney sighed to himself as he shut his car door, locking it with his key fob. He walked away and towards the coffee shop. He had been away for some away hockey games and finally had a day off. This time, it was a bit colder so he had his beanie on.
He grabbed the door handle and opened the door, letting it close behind me as he wiped his shoes on the carpet. Not only did the weather feel different, but the atmosphere in there felt a bit off as well.
He walked towards the line and did his usually quick glance towards the corner to see what the girl was working on today.
Only she was not there.
Sidney did a double take and looked back at the corner and it was empty. The sun reflected off the marble table that sat in the corner, the chair pushed in.
It was odd, she was always there.
Sidney couldn’t explain the feeling he had towards the girl, it was romantic and it wasn’t sexual.
He had some paternal instinct when it came to her, like he needed to look out for her. He didn’t have any kids, but a lot of his teammates had children whom he has watched and interacted with in the past, so he is familiar with the feeling.
But why did he have this instinct with her? The book girl, who probably had no idea he existed.
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meep-moops-stuff · 1 month
May be my own damn fault but some of the things I’ve read on ao3 with Sid and geno…
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meep-moops-stuff · 1 month
blurb for my upcoming Sidney Crosby found father/daughter story. Just a sneak peek at what this story will entail :)))
He could feel the poor girl bouncing her leg from anxiety, hitting his chest.
She stopped when she feels his other hand lay on her knee.
“Sorry. I’m sorry being close to people like you makes me really nervous and scared” she said softly.
Sidney squeezed her knee as he used his other hand to caress her cheek.
“What do you mean people like me sweetheart?” He asked softly.
She sighed and went back to cracking her knuckles.
“Older…men” she mumbled
Sidney’s heart dropped as he looked at the poor girl. A trembling mess with unshed tears about to fall. She looked so tiny and helpless.
“What’ve they done to you?” He asked, his jaw clenching and his eyes darkening.
“No nothing sexual. Just-just-“ she whimpered as she leaned her head against Sid’s chest.
Sidney straightened up, leaning against his heels as he wrapped his arms around her sobbing body.
“What did they do to you baby girl?” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Take their anger out on me” she whimpered out, Sidney barely being able to hear it.
He tightened his grip around her and stood up with ease as he picked her up with him.
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meep-moops-stuff · 2 months
Could you do a part 2 with Luke like when she gets back to the apartment
i love writing for Crim & Jack, and love this request! thank you and sorry for the delay, i hope you enjoy!
a reminder that all requests are open for any of the hockey or f1 boys i write for!
New York air. All I have dreamed of since being trapped in that God forsaken library.
That and being able to see Jack again. Feeling his arms around me, feeling his lips on mine. Just simply being around him and his smile.
But here I am, eyes staring at my feet, heels touching the pavement back home.
And I can't move a muscle. Until two hands are on my shoulders, giving me a tug.
"Dahlia, Kid, listen to my voice," It's Mica. "Just listen to the sound of my voice, of the hum of the plane, Isabelle's constant chatter," He chuckles after the last statement, but only once my eyes meet his, tearful but no longer lost in the depths of my mind.
He smiles, a one that only someone with the warmth of father could truly muster. 20 years my senior and 2 teenagers at home, his energy makes sense. His standing as our team leader is exactly where he's supposed to be.
"There you are. What had you so lost in thought?"
He knows the answer. It's our job to read people. But I do appreciate that he's asking, not reading.
"I don't want to bring this home to him."
Mica does me the good deed of at least pretending to look confused, even if he's not.
"To who Dahl?"
"Jack. It's different than usual. We see what the victims go through, we analyze what happened. I've never-"
"Had to be the victim," He supplies, face tight. "I know. You're a student, we shouldn't have sent you in there."
I am just a student. How did I get from a lecture hall to this?
"I've met Jack, you know?"
Now he's just trying to distract me, and it does work, his question making me chuckle quietly as Isabelle and Franny leave the plane, offering us small smiles as they go.
"I do know, I was the one to introduce you."
He's smiling now, whatever he's getting at is obviously working how he wanted it to.
"So you know I can say, with confidence, that you could never burden that boy like you think you're going to."
"I just- I try my best to not bring anything too scary home, you know? He's just such a positive guy and I don't want to dim that? And we have a kid-"
"You what?" His eyes are like saucers, and I'm realizing that even if I did finish my sentence he'd still be confused.
"His kid brother, Luke lives with us," I fix myself, his body relaxing. Poor father figure.
"Dahlia, I need you to listen to me, you are not a burden to him for going through something horrific, and he loves you enough to be positive for you both if you can't right now, okay? I could not tell you the number of times my wife was my sunlight when cases are hard and-"
It's Luke's voice that cuts off Mica, panic etched into every fiber of the sound. His brother is next to him, and the lights of the airport reflect off of streaks left behind by tears.
My boys.
Mica's hand taps my shoulder twice, his typical good job pat on the back. "And those boys are your sunshine, hold on to that."
Nodding, I thank him with a smile, Jack nearly crashing into me with how hard he pulls me into his arms. His lips touch to the top of my head, the warmth I've been looking forward to from his body embracing me as his cologne does the same.
"Thank you for bringing her back safe," His eyes are trained on Mica, arms still wrapped tight and Luke standing to our side.
Mica just smiles. "Can't have my unofficial daughter dying on me," and it's meant as a joke, but Jack flinches. "Sorry, psychoanalyst humor. Have a good night all."
He's waved off, given soft goodbyes, and I can't help but glance up, eyes meeting the ones I love so much.
"As much as I love you, I think Luke might vibrate out of his skin if he's left to the side any longer."
The boy doesn't argue, just stands there, nearly frozen.
This was as hard on them as it was for me.
"Lu, come here," I wave over, him taking a singular gigantic step towards his brother and I pull him into our hug, doing my best to run my hand through his curls as I do when he's upset. It's a few moments later that I can feel the drops of something wet fall onto my shoulder, just at the crook of my neck.
"Oh Lu, please don't cry." His response is muffled by my shoulder the first time, his brother and I pulling back to encourage him up. "What was that?"
"You're not allowed to die."
It's a sob, red eyes, tears down his face, and effectively breaks my heart.
Jack's arm is still around my waist, holding me tight, and when I look up I notice tears have slipped down his cheeks as well.
Taking Luke's hands in mine, I run my fingers over his knuckles, the universal Hughes calming method.
"I promise to always come home."
A promise I can make but never guarantee.
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meep-moops-stuff · 2 months
i could just see ellen adoring how much clem loves jack and luke. and it probably makes ellen feel so much better knowing her boys have someone who’s loves them so much
clem was worried that ellen wouldn't like her when jack first suggested she meet his parents at the hockey game they were flying in for.
she agreed to, after some convincing from jack and luke, but she was nervous. she's not the sunshiney person with the happy job. she's complicated, her jobs complicated, and most moms don't want that for their kids.
but God does ellen love clem from the moment they meet.
it's the big hug on arrival that's the first clue, followed by the uttering of "Luke and Jack have told me so much about you. Thank you so much for looking out for them, i know they're kind of hopeless."
and it's the enthusiasm ellen shows to listening to clem's studies and job, but what clem doesn't know if that ellen is genuinely interested in something she is so clearly passionate about, even if she's already heard every detail from jack.
but its when the game starts that ellen truly sees, in person, how much this girl beside her and jim truly cares about her sons, based on every jump of joy, every lip bite of anxious, and every grumble when the opposing team gets too close.
it's after the game, when the boys exit media and the lockerroom to join them that ellen knows the girl she's grown so fond of will be around a while, seeing the look in her sons eyes.
she knows she has no reason to worry anymore.
her youngest two are loved, and that makes her a happy mamma.
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meep-moops-stuff · 2 months
Could you do a part 2 with Luke like when she gets back to the apartment
i love writing for Crim & Jack, and love this request! thank you and sorry for the delay, i hope you enjoy!
a reminder that all requests are open for any of the hockey or f1 boys i write for!
New York air. All I have dreamed of since being trapped in that God forsaken library.
That and being able to see Jack again. Feeling his arms around me, feeling his lips on mine. Just simply being around him and his smile.
But here I am, eyes staring at my feet, heels touching the pavement back home.
And I can't move a muscle. Until two hands are on my shoulders, giving me a tug.
"Dahlia, Kid, listen to my voice," It's Mica. "Just listen to the sound of my voice, of the hum of the plane, Isabelle's constant chatter," He chuckles after the last statement, but only once my eyes meet his, tearful but no longer lost in the depths of my mind.
He smiles, a one that only someone with the warmth of father could truly muster. 20 years my senior and 2 teenagers at home, his energy makes sense. His standing as our team leader is exactly where he's supposed to be.
"There you are. What had you so lost in thought?"
He knows the answer. It's our job to read people. But I do appreciate that he's asking, not reading.
"I don't want to bring this home to him."
Mica does me the good deed of at least pretending to look confused, even if he's not.
"To who Dahl?"
"Jack. It's different than usual. We see what the victims go through, we analyze what happened. I've never-"
"Had to be the victim," He supplies, face tight. "I know. You're a student, we shouldn't have sent you in there."
I am just a student. How did I get from a lecture hall to this?
"I've met Jack, you know?"
Now he's just trying to distract me, and it does work, his question making me chuckle quietly as Isabelle and Franny leave the plane, offering us small smiles as they go.
"I do know, I was the one to introduce you."
He's smiling now, whatever he's getting at is obviously working how he wanted it to.
"So you know I can say, with confidence, that you could never burden that boy like you think you're going to."
"I just- I try my best to not bring anything too scary home, you know? He's just such a positive guy and I don't want to dim that? And we have a kid-"
"You what?" His eyes are like saucers, and I'm realizing that even if I did finish my sentence he'd still be confused.
"His kid brother, Luke lives with us," I fix myself, his body relaxing. Poor father figure.
"Dahlia, I need you to listen to me, you are not a burden to him for going through something horrific, and he loves you enough to be positive for you both if you can't right now, okay? I could not tell you the number of times my wife was my sunlight when cases are hard and-"
It's Luke's voice that cuts off Mica, panic etched into every fiber of the sound. His brother is next to him, and the lights of the airport reflect off of streaks left behind by tears.
My boys.
Mica's hand taps my shoulder twice, his typical good job pat on the back. "And those boys are your sunshine, hold on to that."
Nodding, I thank him with a smile, Jack nearly crashing into me with how hard he pulls me into his arms. His lips touch to the top of my head, the warmth I've been looking forward to from his body embracing me as his cologne does the same.
"Thank you for bringing her back safe," His eyes are trained on Mica, arms still wrapped tight and Luke standing to our side.
Mica just smiles. "Can't have my unofficial daughter dying on me," and it's meant as a joke, but Jack flinches. "Sorry, psychoanalyst humor. Have a good night all."
He's waved off, given soft goodbyes, and I can't help but glance up, eyes meeting the ones I love so much.
"As much as I love you, I think Luke might vibrate out of his skin if he's left to the side any longer."
The boy doesn't argue, just stands there, nearly frozen.
This was as hard on them as it was for me.
"Lu, come here," I wave over, him taking a singular gigantic step towards his brother and I pull him into our hug, doing my best to run my hand through his curls as I do when he's upset. It's a few moments later that I can feel the drops of something wet fall onto my shoulder, just at the crook of my neck.
"Oh Lu, please don't cry." His response is muffled by my shoulder the first time, his brother and I pulling back to encourage him up. "What was that?"
"You're not allowed to die."
It's a sob, red eyes, tears down his face, and effectively breaks my heart.
Jack's arm is still around my waist, holding me tight, and when I look up I notice tears have slipped down his cheeks as well.
Taking Luke's hands in mine, I run my fingers over his knuckles, the universal Hughes calming method.
"I promise to always come home."
A promise I can make but never guarantee.
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meep-moops-stuff · 2 months
“Sidney Crosby isnt going to resign with Pittsburgh july 1!!” Girl shut up and sit down😭😭😭
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meep-moops-stuff · 2 months
In regard to my most recent post…would you guys be interested in me writing a found father/daughter trope story w/ Sid? I have ideas and have no where to share them but don’t want to share if no one wants to hear them lol.
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