medwhump · 4 years
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medwhump · 4 years
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medwhump · 4 years
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medwhump · 4 years
so does transplant whump the doctors? or just random patients?
They literally whump two main characters in the first episode, another has a heart condition, the random-patient-whump is also relatively good, and in the latest one another main char gets punched in the face and gets all emasculated-complex about it and has flashbacks and it’s.. just.. go watch it.
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medwhump · 4 years
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@fyeahvulnerablemen Ok, not only is Transplant just a medical whumpers wet dream, but the cast is adorable, diverse, and (my fav) there’s a very close-knit work-family vibe happening.
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medwhump · 4 years
It just occured to me I haven't seen you in forever. You're my fav whump blog ILY come back :(
:( I knowwww, got a bit of a life sucker punch >.> and the longer I was gone, the more I felt like I let everyone down and then I was just too ashamed and depressed (also for other reasons tho) but.. like if it’s ok for me to be a lurker ghost who randomly haunts the whumposphere
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medwhump · 7 years
I swear every time I check back in to tumblr you folks are doing amazing things.
Though, what is up with this??
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I’m shocked. SHOCKED! How is that not at 100%? That means some poor souls out there haven’t experienced whump fanfic? 
It’s been a long time, but I FINALLY have my whump community survey results from last month up. I wasn’t able to do as much as I would have liked with the data, but I figured I’d post what I had for you guys to see anyway:) 
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medwhump · 7 years
Did anyone see the Criminal Minds season finale?
because whenever there’s a cliff hanger-y, possibly very injury-causing thing at the end of an episode, I’m pacing around all week wondering.. maybe.. maybe they’ll show medical care. Or, more likely, they’ll just miraculously be uninjured and/or struggle onwards with mild injuries that heal at video game speeds. And a “ok they’re all recovered in hospital now” scene at the end doesn’t cut it, no siree, I wanna see EMS and I wanna see them arrive in the ED and all that. God damn it, I’m gonna be wearing a groove in the floor till season 13 then I guess.
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medwhump · 7 years
Now that you say it it seems obvious. I don't think I've ever seen an unconscious person depicted with fast breathing though. I imagine that the oxygen requirement drops since lying on the ground is just not the most strenuous activity.
There's something I've always wondered: if someone is exerting themselves (say running away) and then loses consciousness suddenly, will they continue to breathe heavily for a while after they're out, or will their diaphragm relax immediately? If its the latter, can that ever lead to complications? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question... Its just always been something I wondered about. Thank you!
I’m afraid I don’t know, but now I’m curious too, so maybe someone out there knows?
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medwhump · 7 years
good times; this episode has more where that came from.
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Stargate SG-1: Collateral Damage
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medwhump · 7 years
hah well, let’s try this. I expect it’ll be taken down at some point.. but, maybe if we do it like this it’ll keep the views down and..?? I don’t know, but it should work for now. pw is my url.
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medwhump · 7 years
There's something I've always wondered: if someone is exerting themselves (say running away) and then loses consciousness suddenly, will they continue to breathe heavily for a while after they're out, or will their diaphragm relax immediately? If its the latter, can that ever lead to complications? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question... Its just always been something I wondered about. Thank you!
I'm afraid I don't know, but now I'm curious too, so maybe someone out there knows?
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medwhump · 7 years
*shamelessly devours the whumpy parts bcos I watch none of these shows* 
also, have you read this ? It’s probably quite inaccurate but I just thought of it and found it with a lucky googling.
medwhump: goshhh yasss.. though, in the podcast, note they give the patient an analgesic dose of ketamine- not a dissociative one, so, there’s that. Got any fic recs btw? :P
@medwhump I don’t really have many recs tho. But its one of the things that always leave me in eternal disappointment whenever there’s an intubation scene in a fic cause a. patients always seem to self extubate with seemingly no consequences. b. they’re extubated immediately after with absolutely no effect and are absolutely healthy and chatty IMMEDIATELY after. c. things that I have also seen that causes the most extremely eye roll in the history of the universe: patients talking/making noise while they’re supposedly intubated.
As you can see, I take my intubation whump very seriously. So much that I’ve taken it into my own hands to write it the way I want to read it cause no one wants to write it for me. I’m not a medical person irl tho so all these I get from hours upon hours of googling for *cough* research purposes. Totally.
*shameless gross self promotion here*
I’ve written 3 fics so far that have intubation scenes included to various degrees. I think the most prolonged one is in my Suicide Squad fic (here) in which Rick Flag is intubated for the majority of the fic and at one point an entire chapter is from his POV while he’s intubated. Also super whumpy with as much detail and realism as I possibly can.
A short one is a Penetrator Chris/Eva-centric fic for Skam (here) where’s he’s briefly intubated on scene and wakes up for a short while during some point.
Also a short ish scene in a Point Break 2015 fic (here) which is from Johnny’s POV after he’s injured. It’s eventual Bodhi x Johnny which also utilizes another of my fave whump tropes which is paralysis from the waist down. I wrote a sequel for this one which I haven’t posted yet which is from Bodhi’s POV and gets more into detail about all these fave whump tropes and all the lovely hurt/comfort after (cause that’s seriously the best part of everything).
As you can see, all my whump needs are fulfilled by the strong, stoic, leader ish/best friend type.
So yeah. *shameless self promotion over* *buries head in sand under mountain in asgard*
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medwhump · 7 years
Lol nooo let them escape so they can get some medical attention already!!
To each their own :)
Oops, I first reblogged this to the wrong post bcos I'm a clumsy old goat...
Whump Trope
When the whumpee is being held captive and they find an opening and escape. They fight so hard and give it everything they have and they make it out (outdoors, out of the room, etc.) only to get caught and dragged back, exhausted and hopeless, to face their captor. Again.
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medwhump · 7 years
me: *wants to watch 1347 new tv shows at once*
me: *rewatches another tv show for the 5th time instead*
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medwhump · 7 years
holy moly.. that really squirts. Huh. I’m increasingly mad at movies/tv for giving people so many false ideas about medical stuff.
Like the whole “must-get-the-bullet-out-cos-that-fixes-everything” thing.. (*glares at Supernatural*).. oh, unless it’s a silver bullet in a vampire, or a kryptonite bullet in Superman, etc.
Or the accepting-death trope. When a char is fated to die and they are Mortally Injured™ and their friend rushes to them and just cradles their head and tearfully listens to their last words and I’m there like “ok, but, those injuries are potentially survivable...” I’m sure part of it is my desire to not have the character be killed off, and to see some quality medical care in the process, but it really really pisses me off when characters who should know better instantaneously accept the Mortal Injury™ and don’t even attempt any first aid. Urgh.
I’m sure you got more of these peeves :P
I was wondering... Is it dangerous to pull out your own IV? Especially if you do it quickly? Someone who was still learning took out my IV once and she talked me through the steps (it was interesting ok) and did it very slowly and controlled, but one of my roommates in hospital pulled it out because he wanted to leave the hospital and go home (it was midnight. it was weird. idek, he was a bit crazy). What I mean is--is there any risk in that?
Assuming you’re otherwise healthy, removing your own IV without training is going to be a mess, but is not going to kill you.
When you remove an IV, you’re pulling a small piece of plastic tube (the IV catheter) out of a vein. That plastic tube has been kind of “corking” a hole in the vein, so when it pulls out, blood has a chance to rush out of the hole.
It tends to look scary (here’s a video of someone purposefully yanking out an IV for educational purposes- warning that the video does show real life human blood), but veins transport blood at a pretty low pressure, so really even if you just let the hole bleed until it clotted on its own, you probably wouldn’t lose enough blood that it would matter.
The only exception to this is if the patient is on a blood thinner like heparin, warfarin, or aspirin. These delay clotting and make it so the person could potentially lose a lot more blood than someone who clots normally. It still probably won’t be enough to kill them, but it might be more clinically significant.
Additionally, you’d be hella surprised at how many people do what your roomie did. A lot of TV shows portray pulling IVs out as NBD (which, I mean, they aren’t anything exciting, but they portray them as a lot less graphic than they really are), so people freak the heck out when they actually bleed.
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medwhump · 7 years
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I just saw this advert (for insurance I think?) and thought it was whump content.
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