medicsredpills · 2 months
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Im gonna take a break until i recover, please do leave as many questions as you'd like since i really love seeing them, but i am not gonna be able to answer them at the moment, this is not permanent tho, its a hiatus offffff id say about 2-3 days
Thanks for the support!! ^o^
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medicsredpills · 2 months
hey I know its prolly a joke but maybe make medic sound less homophobic in that last post bud
Important post!!
I want you all to know that neither the mod ( pansexual ) or the characters are homophobic, if you are /srs homophobic i ask you to get out of my blog since hate speech will not be tolerated in here, in my au all of the mercs and background characters are part of the lgbtq+ community, including medic, who is a gay man
I apologize to anyone who i made uncomfortable in the last post, it was not my intention and all said in it was in a sarcastic tone, the same goes to racists
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medicsredpills · 2 months
What's your opinion on
The gay people...
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Ah yes! The homozexuals!, die Homosexuellen!
Not very fond of them, in fact!, my hatred for them made me keep the blu spy head! For he iz a "gay" himself!
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Medic : Juzt a reminder that homozexuality is a dizeaze and the only vay to keep it under crontol iz to keep our enemies hea-
Spy : Ludwig, you ARE a homosexual.
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Ok FINE, the grand reveal iz now ruinned thanks to the talking french head, yes i am a "gay", but i am currently despising the whole "love" concept in general, juzt a big sack of lies
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medicsredpills · 2 months
What type of experiments do you usually perform? Does it involve alive or dead organisms?
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Ohohohoho machine, you really do kznov hov to make me happy! Shoving you all my prozedures vould take a vhole lot of time, days if you may, so im gonna show you my favorite! Svitching body parts! Specially alive! Since i get a more interesting result if the subject survives!! So ve can say i really like mutalation
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... : **&$&*$*#&$!!!!!!
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Aghhh vhat the hell, its not like you vould tell anyone machine, ive been dying to show someone my brand nev studie!
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But remembeeerrr, this is a secret between me and you machinee
Dont betray me.
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Medic : Guten Morgen!! Rize and shineee!!
... : go to hell
Medic : AGH!! Du Sack verrottender Rosen DONT BITE!!
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Medic : ugh, here is the drama queeen, he does not enjoy vaking up vithout his cup of coffee, last time ve have spoken he vas being a real pain on my behind, and it vas not my intention to keep him alive!! But im glad i did!!
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Medic : oh yes!! About the svitching body parts, *snort* im thinking about exchanging his head for a donkeys ass!!
Blu spy : ...
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medicsredpills · 2 months
Holy moly I just now saw BLU Spy's body in the background 0_0
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VHAT?!?! A BLU SPY??!?! OH NOOO, i don't know about any BLU spies!!... OOOH you must speak about my team spy, the RED spy!! Yes!! Because there are only RED spies out here, yes yes!!
... : ($*@&^$&%*)
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medicsredpills · 2 months
Medic, what is your opinion British people and would you be willing to adopt a British child. I'd like to know your answer. Just a thought yknow.
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Mein gott!! Please! There are children present! I cannot believe you would bring up such a topic to this place! Im a father to just one beautiful and caring GERMAN daughter!!
(If any british people are present this does not go to you specifically, it goes to the lad over there on ur left)
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medicsredpills · 2 months
Have you named your other birds besides Archimedes?
(Also mod this is such a cute blog, I love your artwork!)
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Ooh not really, archimedes is the only dove vith a name at the moment, she is my kleine flauschige Tochter♡♡, but good idea! I should really vork on zome
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All the other birdz are actually archimide's family! Cousins, sisters, brothers, maybe even her parents!
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(... i.. i thought they were yours...)
(Mod note : THANK YOU SO MUCHHH i was really woried abt medic looking weird, this message made me so happy to read ;;;)
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medicsredpills · 2 months
who’s your favorite teammate?
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Herr engineer is my closest pal on the team, i could say he is my favorite out of them all, i vas there vhen ve first tried to teleport bread!! Ahh such good times
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If i had to add anyone to the list it'd be pyro, he may be the most tolerable since it dosent really speak, but i do get the creeps vhenever he is near...
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medicsredpills · 2 months
What do you think of the other mercs?
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Ooh pyro, any visits from him feels like im a veterinerian! Or maybe a pediatrican, either way he iznt much of a pain, he iz a nice teammate, but needz to learn to not stare at people for over 30 seconds
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The soldier, i have lost count of how many times i told him to stop squirming around vhile healing him, one time he almost destroyed my office vhen i told him i need to take his temperature, "you vill use a thermometer on me the day the stars in the american flag fall!", clearly he hates people using the term "meters" in front of him, overall he is a rather intelegent creature, in his ovn vay of course
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Herr engineer is a good fellov of mine, i usually help test his new inventions from time to time, but for some reason he dosent like birds, he alwayz runs vhen archimedes tries to say "hi", but its no matter, he is still a friend of mines
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I hate scout, alvays touching my medical equipment and making a mess out of the office, never stays still or keeps quiet, someday im gonna replace his kidney vith a stone
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I am not very close with herr sniper, of course ve exchanged a few words but nothing relevant, actually he does reek of urine, but vithout that he makes a nice kamerad
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Everytime herr demoman enters the office i need to have at least 2 buckets near for emergency vomits, im still trying to figure out hov his body is still vorking, or if it even is vorking! He may be a living dead among us and i still havent figure it out! Eithery vay he is a rather funny guy
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I've alvays disliked his accent "Doctoii i awm in niid fough medicuulgh assistounce homhomhommmm", i've heard him say that "I lack medical studies" and that "my office is in a horrid condition", "vith flying rats just going on and off", i really hope his lung disease spreads fast enough, i still havent told him about it
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Vell! I seem to have very mixed opinions on my vork partners! Under all the annoyance and poor hygine, they are professionals in their own fields!, and i apprecciate them just as much as they apprecciate me!
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medicsredpills · 2 months
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Wie bringe ich dieses blöde Ding zum Laufen?? ugh, ich bin zu alt für diesen Unsinn..
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Oh!! Itz already recording!!
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Helloo vorldd!! This iz Dr. Medic, i uhh vanted to document a few of my experiments, as vell as the teams activities!!
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Herr engineer vas kind enough to build thiz machinery for me, i am able to recieve randomized questions with it, isn't that just great!!
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Thiz vork enviroment gets, pretty lonely sometimes... i can't rely on my crazy head to create randon questions that distract me fom the cruel reality that is my own life
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I can't let my mind leave me more than it already has
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BAH *snort* VOULD YOU IMAGINE?? Aah silly me, nein, my head iz just in the right place as it should be, i cannot say the same for the enemy spy, that back-stabing bastard, sure glad he is no longer vith us
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Aaah i already see some bonding betveen u and me you machine, you are such a good listener, anything u'd like to knov?
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