medicalyoga · 4 years
IMG-20191116-WA0014 by medical yoga Via Flickr: MedicalYoga session In the PArliament (Assembly) of the Australian Capital Territory Govt, Canberra, Australia in 2019 by Dr Deepak Sachdeva.
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medicalyoga · 4 years
Dr Deepak Sachdeva on SBS Radio, Australia by medical yoga center Via Flickr: Dr Deepak Sachdeva is a Yoga Trainer at Medical Yoga™ Centre, Delhi. For details on yoga session, yoga classes and courses on yoga visit our website here. Yoga Teacher Training Course I Medical Yoga™ on Facebook
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medicalyoga · 4 years
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Knee replacement surgery saved! Once again the corrective methods of MedicalYoga Techniques have saved "tota' knee replacement surgery' of a 57yrs old female. If you know someone who has knee pain please recommend medicalYoga to them. 9891 24 34 44. #DrDeepak, #DrDeepakSachdeva, #DrSachdeva, #MedicalYoga, #YogaTherapy, #IAYT, #CIAYT, #YogaTherapy, #YogaAnatomyCourse, #YogaAnatomy, #YogaTherapyTraining, #YogaTherapyCourse, #YogaTherapistCourse, #BestYogaTherapist, #YogaTherapistTraining, #MedicalYogaCenter, #HolisticTherapy, #HolisticHealing, #YogaCentreInDelhi, #YogaTherapyInIndia, #YogaTherapyCentreInIndia, #HowToSaveKneeSurgery, #TreatmentForKneePain, #TreatmentForArthritis, #TreatmentForKneeJointPain, #TreatmentForPinchedNerve, #HowToReliveBackPain, #HowToStrengthenBackMuscles, #TreatmentForLowerBackPain, #TreatmentForSciatica. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7E0r8pfYg/?igshid=7hx8ncupe4f3
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medicalyoga · 4 years
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Another Knee replacement surgery saved with MedicalYoga. 9891243444. #DrDeepak, #DrDeepakSachdeva, #DrSachdeva, #MedicalYoga, #YogaTherapy, #IAYT, #CIAYT, #YogaTherapy, #YogaAnatomyCourse, #YogaAnatomy, #YogaTherapyTraining, #YogaTherapyCourse, #YogaTherapistCourse, #BestYogaTherapist, #YogaTherapistTraining, #MedicalYogaCenter, #HolisticTherapy, #HolisticHealing, #YogaCentreInDelhi, #YogaTherapyInIndia, #YogaTherapyCentreInIndia, #HowToSaveKneeSurgery, #TreatmentForKneePain, #TreatmentForArthritis, #TreatmentForKneeJointPain, #TreatmentForPinchedNerve, #HowToReliveBackPain, #HowToStrengthenBackMuscles, #TreatmentForLowerBackPain, #TreatmentForSciatica. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7DIWZJjkC/?igshid=1a8p5lnv4q1sn
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medicalyoga · 4 years
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Another Knee replacement surgery saved with MedicalYoga. 9891243444. #DrDeepak, #DrDeepakSachdeva, #DrSachdeva, #MedicalYoga, #YogaTherapy, #IAYT, #CIAYT, #YogaTherapy, #YogaAnatomyCourse, #YogaAnatomy, #YogaTherapyTraining, #YogaTherapyCourse, #YogaTherapistCourse, #BestYogaTherapist, #YogaTherapistTraining, #MedicalYogaCenter, #HolisticTherapy, #HolisticHealing, #YogaCentreInDelhi, #YogaTherapyInIndia, #YogaTherapyCentreInIndia, #HowToSaveKneeSurgery, #TreatmentForKneePain, #TreatmentForArthritis, #TreatmentForKneeJointPain, #TreatmentForPinchedNerve, #HowToReliveBackPain, #HowToStrengthenBackMuscles, #TreatmentForLowerBackPain, #TreatmentForSciatica. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7DIWZJjkC/?igshid=t1tdwv31yr5s
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
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medicalyoga · 9 years
Personalized Medical Yoga For Lower Back And Cervical Neck Pain
Lower back and cervical neck pain are common universal problems which trouble people of all ages. Results of personalized medical yoga in India are drawing the attention of international community also. Read further to get the early benefits.
Lower back and cervical neck pain are very common universal problems which trouble the people of all ages. Medical professionals recommend number of treatments to cure such diseases.Most of the usual treatments put you on heavy medicines delivering the serious side as well. Medical yoga in India, a unique mix of Hatha Yoga with modern science, has proved its effectiveness to cure several diseases without or very light medication. Regular practice of prescribed medical yoga exercises can keep the cervical pain and back pain at bay.
Common Causes Of Cervical Neck And Lower Back Pain
Cervical Spondylitis, commonly known as Neck Pain, is a painful condition involving the changes to bones, joints and discs of neck structure. These changes occur due to normal wear and tear because of aging, overuse, less use or misuse of neck structure. Strength and shape of neck bones, nerves, discs, muscles and cartilages change with growing age. Cervical Spondylitis may occur in young and elderly people both. Some common reasons are well known but these are often ignored. Check your habits for: Wrong posture, frequent long drives, using hard or high pillow, wearing heavy ornament, incorrect breastfeeding position, working on computers for more than 30 minutes in one go and overuse of cell phones etc. Apart from these, some reasons like trauma in neck, frozen shoulder, cold climate, hyperacidity, stress, heavy breasts and muscular imbalance may not be in your personal control.
Lower back pain medically termed as Lumbar Spondylitis is the most common universal excuse for missed work. Medical yoga suggests very effective exercises to cure this problem. Lower back pain can be because of several conditions and internal developments affecting vertebrae discs, bony lumbar spine, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, and the skin covering the lumbar area. 
Personalized Medical Yoga For Cervical & Lumbar Spondylitis: 
Medical yoga suggests simple asanas to treat cervical neck pain and Lumbar Spondylitis. Skandhabandha asana, horizontal arms stretches; skandh pratanak, oblique arms stretch and Shavasana are recommended for cervical spondylitis. Katibandh, forward/lateral Stretches, Urdhav Hast and Vipreet Karni asanas are suggested to cure lower back pain. These exercises can be performed by the people even in the comfort of their own home provided you have gained adequate expertise and experience both under the monitoring of qualified Medical yoga trainers. As these treatments don’t involve any medication, so, even the patients already on medication can join medical yoga classes for wellness. The courses are customized by the experts after evaluation of individual’s capability and deep study of particular causes responsible for problem. The duration of daily yoga practice depends upon the intensity of pain and personal requirements.
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medicalyoga · 9 years
Medical Yoga Therapy – A Reliable Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment
Early diagnosis and proper Ankylosing Spondylitis treatment may help to fight back, but most patients miss the early indications. Know the causes and symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis to mange it with medical yoga therapy.
The Number of patients suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis is increasing fast. It comes under arthritis group of diseases and disorders some of vertebrae in either way- growing or fusing. The changes may be minor or severe to lead the patient to stooped-over posture feeling acute chronic inflammation. Inflammation can spread to other body parts also; eyes are soft victims. Most often, it affects the men more than the women. The primary symptoms start appearing in teen age or in 20s. Early diagnosis and proper Ankylosing Spondylitis treatment may help to fight back but most patients miss the early indications or just neglect the reduced flexibility at back.
Symptoms And Causes Of Ankylosing Spondylitis:
The major symptoms include stiffness and pain from neck to lower back. The other indicative symptoms include inflammation of eyes, fatigue, lung fibrosis, limited functional mobility, limited chest expansion, appetite loss, weight loss, bowel inflammation, joint pain, neck pain, heel pain etc. Reduced deep breathing capacity is also an indication of Ankylosing Spondylitis but it goes unnoticed most often. Fusion of vertebrae slowly starts affecting the bones of neck or hips also to reduce the person's ability to live comfortably and perform routine activities. Fusion of ribs to breastbone or spine limits the ability to expand the chest while inhaling deep. Spondylitis may affect some ligaments, also to cause the pain at heel. The stress and pain are felt more in morning when you get up or after a long period of in-activeness.
No specific cause responsible for Ankylosing Spondylitis is found yet but the genetic factor is believed to be more involved. People with HLA-B27 gene are found at high risk of suffering with Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Medical Yoga Therapy For Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment:
Clinical Ankylosing Spondylitis treatments have been partially effective but the experiences of patients differ at large. The most common feel is about slow recovery. The community largely satisfied with the outcomes of Medical Yoga Therapy is expanding worldwide; high numbers of people rely only upon this natural way. The mild easy-to-do yoga exercises dissolve the bones’ growth in that particular region and halt the progress up to a great extent. Medical Yoga programmed to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis improves the flexibility in lumber and cervical region. Large numbers of Ankylosing Spondylitis patients, experienced with Medical Yoga, admits that it corrected the associated complications like breathing problems, cardiac problems and digestive disorders etc. Ankylosing Spondylitis treatment yoga programs are proving a boon for the people who don’t want to be on long time medication because of any reason. It is thus helpful to visit medical yoga centers to heal this problem. Such centers are cost effective and efficient in treating Ankylosing Spondylitis. If done under the monitoring of experienced and qualified experts, it is free from any side effects.
About The Author:
Dr. Deepak Sachdeva is an experienced Medical Yoga Therapist in New Delhi with specialization in Ankylosing Spondylitis treatment. Sharing the experience of treating different Spondylitis and frozen joints by Medical yoga Therapy has been his passion.
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