media-search · 26 days
Looking for good zombie/vampire/undead video games. Any system.
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media-search · 27 days
Pinned Post
This is a blog for recommending media. Almost any media at all. Whether you need examples for a college paper, an AMV, or would just like something to read. This is your one stop shop.
1. No media bashing.
2. Any media can be submitted because a) People may be asking for examples of things for school work. Op may need to reference a media that is problematic because it is problematic. b) I'm not policing what media people submit, but I am definitely blocking people who harass people for their submissions.
3. Only thing we do not allow is explicitly pornographic material. Ex: Jada Fire Is SquirtWoman 3 (2007) or Bible Black (2006) (I just googled porn movies and I haven't seen a hentai since I was 16 sorry). R rated material with explicit scenes or themes are allowed.
4. Trigger Warnings are only requested if the piece of media doesn't have a profile on Does the Dog Die.
4. Indie and non-Usamerican centric media/requests are more than welcome!
How to request recommendations:
You can send an ask or submit a post stating the following:
1. What you need. Why is optional.
2. What you already have if you don't want repeats.
And optional:
3. What you don't want.
You can he as detailed or as vague as you'd like. You don't have to be spesofic but don't be so vague that people can't really tell what you're looking for.
Examples can be anything from: "I'm looking for examples of pregnancy loss in music, books, or games for a college paper. I already have a movie and a television show: The Time Travelers Wife (2009) and This is Us (2016-2022). I do not want anything else from before 2012." to "I'm looking for new artists to listen to. I listen to a lot of pop but am a little open to other genres."
Have fun and I hope you find what you're looking for!
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