medi-witch · 3 years
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@teddymclupin @olivieblake @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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medi-witch · 3 years
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@teddymclupin @olivieblake @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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medi-witch · 5 years
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Impostor Syndrome: What it is and how to deal with it
There may be times when you feel like a fraud, like at any moment people will find out that you have no clue what you’re doing and you don’t deserve any of your achievements. You think that you’re unworthy of praise, that you only succeeded out of luck.
This is known as Impostor Syndrome, and around 70% of people have struggled with it in their lives. The problem arises when high achievers fail to internalize their success, i.e. when you attribute your success not to your own abilities but rather to external factors.
Some say that impostor syndrome could be linked to traits like anxiety or neuroticism. Impostor syndrome has also been commonly attributed to behavioral causes like childhood experiences, e.g. being labeled as “the smart one” or “the talented one”.
Another huge factor is how well you think you fit into a certain group, e.g. impostor syndrome is common among people of a racial/ethnic/cultural minority, women in STEM, and international students at US universities.
Dr. Pauline R. Clance was the first to design a scale to measure impostor syndrome based on six factors
The impostor cycle, where someone is given an achievement-related task and they either (a) overprepare or (b) procrastinate
The need to be special/the best
Superhuman characteristics
Fear of failure
Denial of ability and discounting praise
Feeling fear and guilt about success
There are different types of impostors, as categorized by Dr. Valerie Young, an expert on impostor syndrome (note that these categories aren’t mutually exclusive):
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I’ve personally dealt with the first two types. I’m fairly certain I can attribute being ‘the genius’ to childhood/adolescent circumstance: I’ve been known as ‘the smart one’ throughout elementary school and high school - every time I made a mistake, it was met with a chorus of ‘wahh jo made a mistake…’ Even last month when I had a mini-reunion with some of my high school friends, one of them said something along the lines of “I like when Jo makes mistakes because it reminds me that she’s human, too.” I can definitely say I’ve overcome that now because, you know, college - everyone’s as smart or smarter than you and works pretty hard.
Being ‘the expert’ is still something I’m still trying to overcome. Last spring when I was applying to internships, I only dared to apply to those where I met 100% of the requirements. I’ve been coding for like 4 years but I constantly think I’m incompetent. It once got up to the point where I literally took 3 similar courses to assure myself that I actually do know how to do full-stack web programming. I still struggle to draw the line between relearning something because I don’t think I really know it, versus learning something for the expansion of knowledge.
How do I deal with it?
Firstly acknowledge that you have impostor-related thoughts Awareness is the first step to changing how you think and how you act.
How does impostor syndrome look like in a school/college setting? Examples include
You refrain from asking questions because you think other students/TAs/the professor will think you’re dumb;
You don’t respond to questions even though you kind of know the answer but you always think your answers aren’t right enough or that they’re simply wrong;
You don’t participate in discussions because you feel that you won’t add any value; or
You prevent yourself from having an opinion because you feel like you have no right to have one.
Reframe your thoughts
Think of their possible effects Do these thoughts help or hinder me? Will anything useful come out of thinking this? Acknowledge that not speaking up may mean slowing your team down or depriving your classmates of potentially valuable insights.
Separate fact from feeling Are they factual or simply a misinterpretation of my environment?
Differentiate feelings of fraudulence from feeling like an outsider Does my work show that I’m incompetent or is the fact that I’m the only female in a team of males/POC in a team of Caucasians make me think I’m inferior?
Stop comparing yourself to other people You might think something along the lines of “there are already so many people who can do what I do but so much better, so what’s the point in even trying?” However, remember that these people were once where you were, and taking even the smallest of actions could help you get to where they are.
Be more forgiving with yourself
Rethink perfection Not everything has to be perfect. Even if you have high standards, not achieving those standards doesn’t make you any less worthy.
Reframe mistakes and identify areas of improvement It’s okay to be wrong or not to know everything. Think of mistakes as learning opportunities and indicators of gaps in your knowledge/understanding of something, as opposed to a negative measure of your self-worth. Being wrong doesn’t mean you’re fake; it just means you have more to learn.
For example, previously I would only answer a question in class if I was at least 90% sure that was the correct answer. That’s a high threshold, and I don’t think it’s very useful for helping me learn and grow. Over the course of a year, I’ve managed to lower that down to I’d say around 60% (50% with coffee lmao).
Collect positive experience
Remember and reflect on praises Think about the efforts you exerted to help you achieve something and the positive responses you garnered when you finally achieved it. Remind yourself of the words of encouragement other people have told you, no matter how small. You could even keep a folder/document/journal to look back on when you feel like a fraud.
Heck, sometimes I feel like my posts aren’t useful or my designs are terrible, but then you guys tell me such kind things and I think, maybe I’m not as bad as I thought.
However, while it’s good to remember the good words people have said, don’t work just for the sake of praise. Focus on the value of the work itself and not the validation that comes from it.
Focus on providing value
Focus on what you can say Instead of thinking about what you don’t know, focus on what you do know and what you can say. Even if what you say isn’t entirely correct or relevant, it’ll get others around you thinking.
Remind yourself that holding back is like robbing the world of your ideas There’s always some value in your words, even if you don’t initially think so. How that value affects the world or other people may differ. For example, when you put forward an idea/thought in a discussion, it could be that
If there were parts that were incorrect, other people might have had the same misconception and are more than happy for the clarification;
Again, if there were parts that weren’t correct, they might not have had the same misconception but now realize that there is a way in which the subject can be misinterpreted, thus allowing them to have a more comprehensive understanding of the subject; and/or
It’ll stimulate further thinking and discussion and raise more questions, especially if other people wouldn’t normally think what you just thought. Then other people could bounce off your idea and form an equally great one.
Take action You won’t feel as much of a fraud if you’re doing something that brings you a little closer to achieving your goals or that adds value to your work.
However, be careful not to overwork yourself. Every time you start doing something, pause and think: is this really important to my progress or am I just trying to prove myself?
Instead of working on too many things, do something outside your comfort zone each day no matter how small. Once you do this, focus on quality (your growth) instead of quantity (the number of things you do).
Also, for those of you who fall into the ‘expert’ category, this also means practicing just-in-time learning, i.e. learning things when you need it, not just to comfort yourself.
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I hope that was helpful, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/comments/suggestions :)
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medi-witch · 5 years
ok can we agree that the WORST feeling is when you’re just sitting around consciously procrastinating and you’re just overly aware that each second that passes is more time wasted and you like watch hours pass and you’re STILL procrastinating and you CANT STOP and your panicked brain is trapped inside a body that refuses to be productive and inside you’re screaming but outwardly you’re just eating chips 
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medi-witch · 5 years
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medi-witch · 6 years
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this is the perfect grade of good luck
reblog in 5 seconds and all of your grades will inch ever closer to perfect
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medi-witch · 6 years
sOOO cute!!
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october 14-20, 2018
“books are a uniquely portable magic.” (stephen king)
sorry about the absence guys, life has had me busier than a bee!
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medi-witch · 6 years
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2018년 9월 30일
ig: studylum
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medi-witch · 6 years
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draco, years ago, i knew a boy who made all the wrong choices.
requested: draco malfoy throughout the years
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medi-witch · 6 years
tbh, i’m a mix of all of these actually
types of students
a. coffeshops, highlighters, little post-it notes, wanting to be perfectly organized b. 2 am, eyebags, stacks of papers, the deadline is in half an hour c. messy bullet journal, messy desk, messy life but still trying d. night: telling yourself how productive you’ll be tomorrow, day: let’s binge watch another netflix series e. buying tons of cute stationery, having only one pen left by the end of the school year f. working really hard to achieve your goals only to be asked why you’re so smart g. ancient libraries, the smell of new textbooks, wanting to acquire all the knowledge h. studying to help people, to save the environment, to change the world
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medi-witch · 6 years
2018 Student Guide
With the start of 2018 well underway, I wanted to make a masterpost full of links on how to adjust your perspective with studying. Perhaps you want to become a better student overall, improve your focus or get into your dream college, there is always something we want to do better! Hopefully these tips will make 2018 your best academic year yet!
2018 student planner
planner brand recommendations
planner vs bullet journal: pros and cons
how to set up a bullet journal
setting up a digital bullet journal
bullet journal spread ideas
bullet journal decoration hacks
bullet journal brand recommendations
whats in my bag
my favourite stationery
back to school basic supplies
how to improve your handwriting
handwriting font suggestions
balancing study and work
desk/workspace essentials
student finance tips
2018 monthly planner printables
productivity and time management applications
how to remove distractions
types of procrastination and how to deal with them
google chrome new tab options for improved productivity
10 small ways to improve your productivity
applications to block websites
no distraction writing applications
100 days of productivity challenge
how to focus in class
how to stick to a schedule
how to stay alert
how to build self-discipline
how to organise for exams
my after school routine
how to reduce perfectionist ideas 
what to do when you’ve tried everything
how to gain back motivation
motivational monday printables
how to stop avoiding studying
what to do when you feel exhausted before studying
how I stay motivated
tips on maintaining motivation
how to start a studyblr
how to utilise your studyblr for motivation
how to set up a studygram
dealing with competitive people
how to bounce back from ‘failure’
how to learn from a lower than expected grade
how to structure a weekly review
how to deal with a difficult class
things to do during holidays/study vacations
applications for students
how to take effective class or lecture notes
how to take notes from a textbook
how to prepare for exams
my note-taking method
my notebook system
how to write faster
how to study more effectively
how to summarise information
how I organise my binders
good habits to implement
how to study (my method)
how to revise from notes
how to organise a colour code
how to memorise information effectively
how to memorise quotes
how to use flashcards
how I reduce waffle and narration in essays
tips for essay writing
how to find out where you’re going wrong
how I prepare to study
different ways to study
how to study during the semester
how to annotate a book/novel/etc
how to get ahead in school
how to break up a large textbook
studying as a visual learner
how to practice and present a speech
mindmapping apps and extensions
how to deal with online classes
how to study a language
how to study maths
how to improve group assessments/projects
Self Care
how to improve your sleep schedule
how to wake up earlier
how to study when sick
over-coming self doubt
dealing with stress
how to balance studying and anxiety
how to balance studying and depression
apps that help with depression
ways to reward your productivity
my favourite tv shows
my favourite podcasts
ways to use empty notebooks
how to be more sociable
tips for getting a job
advice for the first day
things (personal, academic, etc) to do every week
2018 monthly planner printables
2018 student printables (includes 2018 overview + calendar, daily + weekly + monthly planner, 30 habit tracker, class overview and timed worklog)
weekly study schedule
weekly planner
weekend planner
daily planner
assessment planner
subject to do list planner
study session planner
exam revision printable pack (includes revision checklist, formulas + definitions sheet, essay + project planner, weekly schedule)
note-taking printables (includes dotted, grid, lined, cornell method)
organic chemistry printable
literary techniques and devices sheet
100 days of productivity tracker printable 
ultimate student organiser pack
study and revision pack
2018 student planner
2018 weekly planner
pomodoro tracker
grade and assessment planner pack
essay guide and planner pack
productivity planner
student reading journal printable
student finance planner
goal and habit planner
customisable weekly study planner
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medi-witch · 6 years
Reblog if you ARE a woman in STEM, SUPPORT women in STEM, or ARE STILL BITTER about Rosalind Franklin not getting credit for discovering the structure of DNA and the Nobel prize going to Watson and Crick instead.
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medi-witch · 6 years
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09.02.18 • One of my favorite spreads so far feat. lyrics from Ariana’s new album. Also, how is it September already??
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medi-witch · 6 years
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ig : educatier // tumblr changed their notification format ?? Hmm
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medi-witch · 6 years
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2018.08.13 - trying out a new weekly layout, loving it so far
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medi-witch · 6 years
reblog if ur mom is smart and beautiful
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medi-witch · 6 years
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t i r e d
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