medesthetiks · 9 months
Hair Transplant in Delhi - Dr Lokesh handa
Hair transplant surgery in Delhi is a cosmetic procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back of the scalp, to areas where hair loss has occurred. The procedure is often used to treat male pattern baldness, but can also be used to restore hair in women and for other types of hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours to complete. Recovery time varies, but most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Results are typically permanent and can provide a natural-looking, fuller head of hair.
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Breast Enhancement Surgery in Delhi
If you are looking for a safe and effective breast augmentation surgery in Delhi, Dr Lokesh Handa is the right choice. With years of experience and expertise, he provides personalized treatment plans to help you achieve your desired breast size and shape.For More Information Visit: https://medesthetiks.com/breast-enhancement-procedures-surgery-cost-and-risks/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi
Breast augmentation in Delhi is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the size and shape of breasts. Dr Lokesh Handa is a renowned plastic surgeon in Delhi who offers the best breast augmentation surgery with natural-looking results.
For More Information Visit: https://medesthetiks.com/breast-enhancement-procedures-surgery-cost-and-risks/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Liposuction surgery in Delhi
Liposuction surgery in Delhi is an ideal option for people who have tried diet and exercise but still have stubborn pockets of fat that won't go away. This procedure is not a weight-loss solution, but rather a way to contour the body and remove excess fat from specific areas.
For More information read our blog: https://medesthetiks.com/does-liposuction-surgery-hurt/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
All about Liposuction Surgery
Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess fat from specific areas of the body. This surgery is typically performed on the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and buttocks. The procedure is done by making small incisions in the skin and inserting a thin tube called a cannula to suction out the unwanted fat. Dr Lokesh Handa performs best liposuction surgery in Delhi.For More information read our blog: https://medesthetiks.com/does-liposuction-surgery-hurt/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Breast augmentation surgery cost in Delhi
Looking to enhance the size and shape of your breasts? Look no further than Dr Lokesh Handa, the best plastic surgeon in Delhi. With years of experience and a passion for delivering exceptional results, Dr Handa is a trusted name in the world of plastic surgery.
Breast augmentation surgery is one of Dr Handa's specialties, and he offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality. If you're wondering about breast augmentation surgery cost in Delhi, Dr Handa understands that cost is an important consideration for many patients. That's why he strives to provide affordable options that meet your needs.
With Dr Handa's expertise and commitment to excellence, you can rest assured that you're in good hands. Contact him today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving the look you desire. Don't settle for anything less than the best - choose Dr Lokesh Handa for your breast augmentation surgery needs.
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi
Dr Lokesh Handa performs liposuction surgery in Delhi using local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the extent of the procedure. The surgery can take anywhere from one to four hours depending on the amount of fat being removed.
For More information read our blog: https://medesthetiks.com/does-liposuction-surgery-hurt/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
All about Liposuction Surgery
Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess fat from specific areas of the body. This surgery is typically performed on the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and buttocks. The procedure is done by making small incisions in the skin and inserting a thin tube called a cannula to suction out the unwanted fat. Dr Lokesh Handa performs best liposuction surgery in Delhi.For More information read our blog: https://medesthetiks.com/does-liposuction-surgery-hurt/
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medesthetiks · 9 months
Liposuction Surgery in Delhi by Dr Lokesh Handa
Dr Lokesh Handa is a renowned plastic surgeon who specialises in performing liposuction surgery in Delhi. He has years of experience in performing this procedure and has helped many patients achieve their desired body shape. He uses the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that his patients get the best results possible.
For More information read our blog: https://medesthetiks.com/does-liposuction-surgery-hurt/
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medesthetiks · 11 months
What Do I Need Before Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Are you dissatisfied with the size or shape of your breasts? Do you dream of fuller, more symmetrical curves that boost your confidence and make you feel fabulous? If so, breast augmentation surgery in Delhi could be the transformative solution you've been seeking.
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breasts. Breast augmentation procedure gives you the fuller, more proportionate figure you desire. But you take the plunge; there are a few important things you need to consider and prepare for.
So, if you are curious about the pre-surgery essentials, from consultation and decision-making to understanding the recovery process, keep reading.
Things to Consider Before Breast Augmentation Surgery
Before you embark on the journey of breast augmentation surgery, it's important to be well-prepared. After all, you want to ensure that you achieve the desired results and have a smooth recovery. So, what exactly do you need before undergoing this life-changing procedure?
Research and Consultations: Take the time to research different plastic surgeons and their credentials. Schedule consultations with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. This will help you find a surgeon who understands your needs and can guide you through the process.
Understand the Procedure: Gain a clear understanding of the breast augmentation procedure. Your surgeon will explain the different implant options (saline or silicone), incision locations (e.g., inframammary, periareolar), and implant placement (over or under the muscle). Discuss the potential risks, complications, the expected recovery process, and breast augmentation surgery cost in Delhi.
Set Realistic Expectations: It's crucial to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Your surgeon can help you understand what can be achieved based on your unique anatomy and the procedure's limitations.
Lifestyle Adjustments: Your surgeon may advise you to make certain lifestyle adjustments before the surgery. This could include quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risks, and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Arrange Support: Breast augmentation surgery in Delhi is a major procedure, and you will need some support during recovery. Arrange for a family member or friend to assist you with household chores, childcare, or transportation as needed.
Recovery Preparation: Gather necessary supplies for your recovery periods, such as loose, comfortable clothing, button-up shirts, ice packs, prescribed medications, and any specific items your surgeon recommends.
Preoperative Instructions: Follow any specific preoperative instructions provided by Dr Lokesh Handa, a board-certified plastic surgeon. This may involve refraining from eating or drinking for a particular period before the surgery and arranging for someone to drive you home afterwards.
Breast augmentation surgery has emerged as a transformative solution for many women. However, before embarking on this life-changing journey, being well-prepared is crucial. From thorough research and consultation with a skilled surgeon to understanding the procedure and maintaining realistic expectations, the road to successful breast augmentation starts with comprehensive planning and education.
If you're considering breast augmentation surgery in Delhi, trust your journey to the skilled hands of Dr Lokesh Handa. Dr Lokesh Handa is a renowned and board-certified plastic surgeon with years of expertise and a compassionate approach to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Book your consultation today.
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Liposuction Surgery Side Effects
Are you tired of stubborn love handles clinging to your waistline or excess fat refusing to budge from your thighs?
Many of us have always strived to achieve the ideal body contour to transform our bodies into fragments of art. From countless hours at the gym to strict diets, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for the ideal physique. But what if there was a way to give nature a helping hand?
But luckily, there are options out there to help. Liposuction surgery in Delhi is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for removing excess fat and achieving a more sculpted physique. This revolutionary body contouring procedure has gained immense popularity, promising to sculpt away those unwanted inches and reveal the figure you've always dreamed of.
However, like any medical procedure, it has its fair share of potential side effects. Let’s find out what are the common side effects.
Side Effects of Liposuction Surgery Procedure
Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat deposits from various parts of the body. While it is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and potential side effects.
Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after liposuction and can persist for several weeks. The extent of swelling and bruising varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure.
Pain and Discomfort: Some degree of pain, discomfort, and soreness is expected after liposuction. A board-certified plastic surgeon in Delhi may prescribe pain medication to manage any postoperative pain.
Numbness or Temporary Sensation Changes: It is common to experience numbness or temporary changes in sensation in the treated areas. This usually resolves on its own within a few weeks or months, but in rare cases, it can be permanent.
Irregularities in Contour: Liposuction aims to create a smoother and more contoured appearance, but in some cases, there may be uneven or irregular contours. This can occur due to factors such as uneven fat removal or uneven healing.
Scarring: Liposuction incisions are typically small and strategically placed, resulting in minimal scarring. However, some individuals may develop visible scars, particularly if they tend to form hypertrophic or keloid scars.
Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection after the liposuction surgery procedure. Signs of infection include increased pain, swelling, redness, pus, or fever. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your surgeon immediately.
Fluid Accumulation: After liposuction, fluid may accumulate in the treated areas, resulting in swelling. Your surgeon may place temporary drains or use compression garments to help minimise fluid accumulation.
Anesthesia Risks: Liposuction is typically performed under general or local anaesthesia with sedation. Both types of anaesthesia carry their own risks, including adverse reactions and complications, although they are relatively rare.
Organ Damage: Liposuction surgery procedure in Delhi involves inserting a thin tube (cannula) through small incisions to remove fat. In rare instances, the cannula may cause damage to underlying organs or structures. This risk is minimised by an experienced surgeon who exercises caution and precise technique during the procedure.
However, the likelihood of experiencing severe complications is relatively low when the procedure is performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon in an accredited facility. Before undergoing liposuction, it is essential to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon to discuss potential risks, side effects, and the expected outcome of the procedure. With Dr Lokesh Handa's exceptional skills and extensive experience, you can achieve the body of your dreams while minimising the risks and maximising the results. For liposuction surgery in Delhi, book your consultation today!
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Hair Transplant Surgery and factors depending upon the cost of hair transplant
Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp (donor site) to another (recipient site) to treat hair loss. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore the natural appearance of hair and boost self-confidence.
Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, aging, and medical conditions. For many people, hair loss can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness, affecting their quality of life.
Hair transplant surgery is a solution for hair loss that has gained popularity in recent years. The procedure involves removing hair follicles from the donor site and implanting them into the recipient site. The hair follicles are usually taken from the back or sides of the scalp, where hair growth is typically more robust and resistant to hair loss.
There are two main methods of hair transplant surgery: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the donor site, usually the back of the scalp, and then dissecting it into individual hair follicles. The recipient site is then prepared by creating tiny incisions, and the hair follicles are implanted into the area using forceps or a needle. The incisions are then closed with stitches.
FUE, on the other hand, involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor site using a small punch tool. The hair follicles are then implanted into the recipient site using the same technique as FUT.
Both FUT and FUE have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of technique depends on the individual patient's needs and preferences. Dr. Lokesh Handa is a highly skilled plastic surgeon in Delhi who has years of experience in performing both FUT and FUE techniques. He uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure that his patients achieve the best possible outcomes.
Dr. Handa takes a personalized approach to each patient, understanding their unique needs and preferences to create a customized treatment plan. He uses a combination of FUT and FUE techniques to ensure that his patients achieve natural-looking results. His attention to detail and precision during the surgery ensures that his patients achieve the best possible outcome.
The  hair transplant cost in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the hair loss, the technique used, and the surgeon's expertise. Dr. Lokesh Handa provides the best cost of hair transplant surgery in Delhi, ensuring that his patients receive top-notch services at an affordable price.
Dr. Handa's clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure that his patients receive the best possible care. He and his team of experts are dedicated to providing top-notch services to their patients, ensuring that their needs are met and their expectations are exceeded.
In addition to hair transplant surgery, Dr. Handa also offers a wide range of other cosmetic procedures, including breast reduction, liposuction, abdominoplasty, and more. He takes a personalized approach to each patient, ensuring that they receive the best possible care and achieve the desired results.
Hair transplant surgery can have many benefits for patients, both physically and emotionally. It can restore the natural appearance of hair, boost self-confidence, and improve overall quality of life. If you are considering hair transplant surgery in Delhi, it is important to choose a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Lokesh Handa. His expertise, experience, and personalized care make him one of the best plastic surgeons in the city. In conclusion, hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore the natural appearance of hair and boost self-confidence. Dr. Lokesh Handa provides the best hair transplant surgery in Delhi with the best cost of hair transplant surgery. His expertise, experience, and personalized care make him one of the best plastic surgeons in the city. If you're looking for the best hair transplant surgery in Delhi, Dr. Lokesh Handa is the surgeon to trust. Contact his clinic today to schedule a consultation and learn more
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Hair transplant in Delhi - Medesthetiks
In addition to his surgical skills, Dr. Handa is also known for his compassionate and caring approach to patient care. He takes the time to understand each patient's individual needs and concerns, and he works closely with them throughout the entire hair transplant process. Dr. Handa's patients appreciate his warm bedside manner and his commitment to providing the best possible care and results. If you are looking for the best hair transplant treatment in Delhi, Dr. Lokesh Handa is an excellent choice.
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Best liposuction surgeon in Delhi
Dr. Lokesh Handa is a renowned plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Delhi. He has over 13 years of experience in the field and is known for his expertise in cosmetic and hair transplant surgery. Dr. Handa is considered one of the best liposuction surgeons in Delhi and has performed numerous successful liposuction surgeries. He offers a variety of liposuction techniques, including traditional liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Patients have praised Dr. Handa for his professionalism and the quality of his work.
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Hair Transplant Cost in Delhi -  Dr Lokesh Handa
Dr. Lokesh Handa is a highly skilled plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Delhi who is known for providing the best hair transplant treatment in the city. He has over 13 years of experience in the field and has successfully performed numerous hair transplant surgeries. Dr. Handa offers a variety of hair transplant techniques, including Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), and uses the latest technology and equipment to ensure the best possible results for his patients.
When it comes to hair transplant cost in Delhi, Dr. Handa provides his patients with the best possible value for their money. He offers competitive pricing for his services and takes a transparent approach to pricing, ensuring that his patients are fully aware of the cost of their treatment before undergoing the procedure. Dr. Handa's patients have praised him for his affordable pricing and the excellent results he provides.
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medesthetiks · 11 months
Best Hair Transplant treatment in Delhi
Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp (donor site) to another (recipient site) to treat hair loss. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore the natural appearance of hair and boost self-confidence.
Hair transplant surgery is performed in two main ways: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the donor site, usually the back of the scalp, and then dissecting it into individual hair follicles. The recipient site is then prepared by creating tiny incisions, and the hair follicles are implanted into the area using forceps or a needle. The incisions are then closed with stitches.
FUE, on the other hand, involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor site using a small punch tool. The hair follicles are then implanted into the recipient site using the same technique as FUT.
Both FUT and FUE have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of technique depends on the individual patient's needs and preferences.
Dr. Lokesh Handa is one of the best plastic surgeons for hair transplant surgery in Delhi, he has years of experience in performing both FUT and FUE techniques and uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure that his patients achieve the best possible outcomes.
Dr. Handa takes a personalized approach to each patient, understanding their unique needs and preferences to create a customized treatment plan. He uses a combination of FUT and FUE techniques to ensure that his patients achieve natural-looking results. His attention to detail and precision during the surgery ensures that his patients achieve the best possible outcome.
Dr. Handa's clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure that his patients receive the best possible care. He and his team of experts are dedicated to providing top-notch services to their patients, ensuring that their needs are met and their expectations are exceeded.
In addition to his expertise in hair transplant surgery, Dr. Handa is also known for his expertise in other cosmetic procedures, including liposuction, abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and more. He takes a personalized approach to each patient, ensuring that they receive the best possible care and achieve the desired results.
In conclusion, hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore the natural appearance of hair and boost self-confidence. Dr. Lokesh Handa is one of the best plastic surgeons in Delhi for hair transplant surgery, known for his expertise, experience, and personalized care. If you're looking for the best hair transplant surgery in Delhi, Dr. Lokesh Handa is the surgeon to trust.
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medesthetiks · 1 year
Can Breast Reduction Surgery Cause Cancer?
Breast reduction surgery in Delhi is a cosmetic procedure that is gaining popularity among women all around the world. Also known as reduction mammoplasty, it is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to reduce the size of the breasts. Women with large breasts may experience physical discomforts such as back pain, neck pain, and skin irritation, making breast reduction surgery a viable option for them.
The surgery is performed to reduce the size of the breasts and alleviate symptoms. However, like any surgical procedure, it is natural to be concerned about the potential risks and complications. One of the most common questions that women ask is whether breast reduction surgery can cause cancer.
In this article, we will explore the answer to this question and shed light on the breast reduction surgery procedure.
Firstly, it is important to note that there is no evidence to suggest that breast reduction surgery increases a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is typically caused by genetic factors, lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, and hormonal imbalances. Breast reduction surgery does not alter any of these factors, so it does not increase the risk of breast cancer.
Who Performs Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure?
Breast reduction surgery is typically performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who has undergone extensive training in the field of plastic surgery. One of the most well-respected plastic surgeons in Delhi is Dr Lokesh Handa. Dr Handa is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in the field. He is known for his expertise in breast reduction surgery and has helped countless women achieve relief from the physical and emotional discomfort caused by excessively large breasts.
How is Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi Performed?
The breast reduction surgery procedure involves making incisions on the breast and removing excess breast tissue, skin, and fat. The remaining breast tissue is then reshaped, and the nipples are repositioned to create a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast shape. The entire procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and typically takes between 2-4 hours to complete.
After the surgery, patients can expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Most patients are able to return to work within 1-2 weeks and resume normal activities within 4-6 weeks. However, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a safe and successful recovery.
What are the Precautions and Safety Measures After the Surgery?
It is important to note that breast reduction surgery does not eliminate the risk of breast cancer. Women who undergo breast reduction surgery should still be vigilant about monitoring their breasts for any unusual lumps or changes. Regular breast exams and mammograms should still be a part of their routine healthcare.
Parting Thoughts…
In conclusion, breast reduction surgery in Delhi is a safe and effective procedure that can help alleviate discomfort caused by excessively large breasts. There is no evidence to suggest that breast reduction surgery increases the risk of breast cancer.
However, women who undergo breast reduction surgery should still be vigilant about monitoring their breasts for any unusual lumps or changes. If you are considering breast reduction surgery in Delhi, it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon in Delhi with extensive experience in the procedure, such as Dr Lokesh Handa. With the right surgeon and proper care, breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing procedure that improves both physical and emotional well-being.
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