mealblogging · 5 months
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mealblogging · 5 months
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jan 2
brunch: a big bowl of beans n greens (you can’t see it but under the beans there’s like a cup of garlic fried collards), cornbread. coconut water!
not pictured: the piece of cornbread i ate while brunch was heating up, the two little bonbons i had afterwards.
snack: an americano with a piece of the berlingozzo my aunt sent me! delightful!
dinner: toddler dinner - chicken nuggies and fries from the freezer, done in the air fryer. snap peas. and homemade mayo, store bought ketchup. seltzer oj - tastes like orangina!
dessert: xmas cookies! we’re reaching the end!!!
there’s so many treats around here and i feel a bit overwhelmed. i’m trying to enjoy them and celebrate the season without letting anything go to waste, but i’m definitely eating more sweets than i was before the holidays or that i’d really like. is it insane to say i’m kind of looking forward to when they run out?
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mealblogging · 5 months
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jan 1
brunch: the last frozen pancakes (one banana/oat, one best buttermilk from my birthday, both with blueberries), dilly eggs, and the last of the bacon from christmas morning. lemon creme anglaise, seltzer oj.
snack: cappucino (i’m still learning how to foam milk!) and a pfeffernusse
dinner: the last of the (non-frozen) christmas chili, cornbread. booch!
dessert: a big fruit cup
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mealblogging · 5 months
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dec 31
brunch: the rest of the tomato soup from yesterday, mini grilled cheeses with the ends of the sourdough (arugula and fontina), coconut water. shortly followed by a lovely large fruit cup full of christmas fruits.
snacks: masala munch because it's new year's, and the rest of the stollen from christmas - not pictured.
dinner: black-eyed peas inspired beans n greens with brown butter cornbread. butter beans and collards. black tea booch.
dessert: the rest of the freezer apple crumble from christmas eve eve, with lemon creme anglaise, from the xmas dessert that never came to be.
it's new year's, officially my least favorite holiday of the year, and the cats and i are bunkered in the basement while gunshots are going off outside. i saw on reddit someone call it rust belt hail. which seems pretty pejorative tbh but on the other hand i feel a little pejorative when bunkered.
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mealblogging · 5 months
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mealblogging · 5 months
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dec 30
brunch: grilled cheese (whole wheat sourdough) with fontina and arugula! tomato soup from the freezer! jasmine kombucha.
snacks: cinnamon cardamom bun, fruit cup
dinner: charcuterie pizza (from the freezer) with fennel salad
all homemade!!! using up those christmas leftovers before they turn!
not pictured: the many cups of espresso and christmas cookies that are getting me through writing my horrifying dissertation chapter
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mealblogging · 5 months
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tentative meal plan for the next couple months - i should have almost everything for all this, save a couple onions and cheeses here and there.
i do intermittent fasting so i really only have 2 meals and a snack a day, so i’m estimating i’ll make 2-3 recipes a week, and also pull some of my frozen single-serving stuff from the freezer when i just want something different.
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mealblogging · 5 months
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dec 29, 2023:
brunch: leftover turkey & bean chili with the works and coconut water
afternoon snack: coffee and christmas cookies! these are cherry pistachio shortbread tart, almond shortbread, and matcha stars with white chocolate ganache.
dinner: falafel salad with cumin roasted parsnips and pickled onions, herby falafel from the freezer, and michael solomonov's tahini sauce. and homemade whole wheat sourdough! and homemade jasmine tea kombucha.
i'm still focusing pretty completely on dealing with the christmas leftovers. that's where the chili and fixins, cookies, and all the lettuce came from. making good progress!
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mealblogging · 5 months
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pantry challenge 2024!!!!
i have been cooking with minimal UPF for the last 4 months or so, and have really built up my stores. so! time to focus on using what i have. here's a quick snapshot of what i have - most urgent priorities are to use up all the leafy greens in the fridge (i overbought for the family christmas visit) and some of the squash and potatoes that are starting to go bad.
here's my approach:
starting now, with no preparatory shopping, i will be eating only from what i have through the end of february. with! the following exceptions:
i have a biweekly CSA pick-up that i want to keep. this will provide me with coffee sometimes and fresh eggs, which are an important part of my diet. and some fresh produce and meat for the freezer.
i can pick up salad greens or herbs and coffee at the co-op when i pick up my CSA
if there are pantry staples that i need in order to use up things i already have effectively, i can buy those. i'm thinking like, garlic and onions, and i'm out of mozzarella for the pizza i want to make. i also ran out of light soy sauce and gochujang and might make a trip to the international market for those.
i'm hoping to document what i make here, because i think it'll be interesting! if i make anything in particular to store for later, like bulk pizza for the freezer or a big bread day, i'll try to note that. i think it would be cool to see how things ebb and flow. in general i try to be my own grocery store - to the best of my ability on an urban lot without a veg garden or chickens. so i've got quite a lot in the freezer but i do use it!
it's just me eating all this, with the exception of sometimes i have people over for dinner. so i think honestly that it'll be pretty easy to eat really well on all this stuff for the next 2 months! i do think it would be much harder in march, but i'm not here for that kind of suffering so i won't be doing that. i don't think.
goals! mainly saving money and making sure i don't waste the investment i've already made in these groceries. i have to pay off a bit of credit card debt, and i also have a couple home improvements i want to make. if i stick to these rules i'll only be spending about $300 on food over the course of 2 months!
i'm excited!
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mealblogging · 6 months
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mealblogging · 6 months
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stock day part 2: double stock the stockening
i also made 4 mini apple crumbles for the freezer, with oats and walnuts and chopped apricots
my freezer is, so full.
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mealblogging · 7 months
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mealblogging · 7 months
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yesterday report:
brunch around 10 was zucchini scrambled eggs with garlic and tomatoes, homemade sourdough toast with cultured butter 👌🏼 and a few slices of bresaola - i learned 3 is too many, 2 much better. and a glass of local apple cider.
mandatory afternoon treat was a seedy, oaty, whole wheaty chocolate chip cookie from the freezer stash, shown here missing from the tray
dinner! was whole pumpkin soup! i roasted a whole trader joe’s decorative pumpkin for like 2 hours with a mixture of milk and broth, sage, garlic, and pumpkin guts and then broiled jarlsburg on top. had with a pile of salad featuring whole lemon vinaigrette and chopped walnuts! a delight. and seltzy.
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mealblogging · 7 months
listening to margaret price today
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mealblogging · 7 months
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BACKLOG i realized some people might not know about burger salad but need to??? it’s where you put all the good burger stuff on a salad instead of on a bun. here, salad greens, kewpie mayo, sliced cornichons, sliced onion, little tomatoes, burger patties with red leichester cheese, cracked pepper. franks red hot. green tea kombucha. good.
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mealblogging · 7 months
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BACKLOG seedy whole wheat chocolate chip cookies! some for now and many for later
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mealblogging · 7 months
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BACKLOG combination anna jones lentils and milk bread cooking day
i accidentally made too much tangzhong which MEANS i think cinnamon rolls are in my future
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