mdganja · 2 years
Best Soil For Cannabis – How to Grow Healthy Cannabis Plants?
To cultivate cannabis successfully, you need the right soil. However, finding the soil with all the necessary conditions for cannabis growth is not very easy. Therefore, when growing it, you have to be very knowledgeable about creating the best soil conditions for your plants. There are many different compounds and substrates that are needed to create the conducive bedding for cannabis plants. The following are some of the conditions necessary for growing cannabis and some of the compounds needed to enhance the richness of the soil :
Best Soil Characteristics For Growing Cannabis
Soil composition and soil structure are very important factors to consider when choosing the best soil for cannabis. The amount of water in the soil, aeration and minerals in the soil all will determine how healthy and big your cannabis plants will be. So, how exactly do you tell if the soil is the best match for your cannabis plants? Here are some factors to consider:
Soil texture is quite a complex term, but it basically refers to the size of the soil particles, whether they are coarse, fine or in between. Like other plants, cannabis needs good root development and the roots also need a fair amount of aeration. Therefore cannabis requires loose soil. So, in basic terms, you are looking for a loose texture that will let the roots breathe and grow in a healthy manner.
Soil Drainage
Drainage refers to the water holding capacity of the soil. Different types of soils have different drainage characteristics. Marijuana requires soil with very good drainage. Soil that doesn’t hold a lot of water, just enough to support plant growth.
This is because, if the soil holds too much water it may kill the roots. The roots need oxygen but if they are clogged in water they won’t get adequate supply. Therefore, they may start rotting in the ground and eventually die. The rest of the plant won’t survive with dead roots.
Water Retention
As much as the soil should have good drainage, it should also be good at retaining water. This means that it should also be good at holding enough water to support the growth of the plant.
So, the soil doesn’t necessarily need excellent retention just enough to support excellent growth of cannabis.
Soil pH
Soil pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Different plants grow at different pH values. The pH value of the soil is measured up to 14, 1-6 is for acidic pH soil and 8-14 for alkaline. Some plants grow around pH 7 which is neutral.
However, according to an article by a science journal, cannabis prefers slightly acidic pH conditions, about 5.8 to 6.2 to be specific. Cannabis is a bit sensitive to the pH value of the soil . It has to be monitored otherwise, you get a poor harvest.
Also Read : All FAQs About Medical Marijuana in NJ Answered
Different Cannabis Soil Types And Their Characteristics
There are several types of soils which all have different characteristics. It is very hard to find a single type of soil that contains all of the qualities that are needed for proper cannabis growth.
But, the best you can do is list out their characteristics, look for one which has more required characteristics and enhance it to support cannabis growth. The following are some of the most common types of soil and their characteristics in relation to cannabis growth:
1. Sandy Soil
Sandy soil is known to have a slightly coarse soil texture. This means that the soil particles are larger than other soil types and it has more spaces between particles.
Characteristics :
Very good aeration
Excellent drainage
Poor water retention
2. Clay Soil
Clay is almost the opposite of sandy soil. It has very small soil particles (fine) and very small spaces in between particles.
Characteristics :
Excellent water retention
Can hold soil nutrients and minerals
Poor water drainage
Possibly poor aeration.
3. Silt Soil
Silt soil has characteristics that are in between sandy and clay soils. This means that it has medium coarse soil particles, not too big and not too small.
Characteristics :
Fair water drainage
Fair water retention
Can hold nutrients and minerals.
4. Loamy Soil
It is a combination of sandy, clay and silt soil. It is very good for growing cannabis.
Characteristics :
Good drainage
Optimal water retention
Fair pH
Very rich in nutrients and minerals
Hard to find and expensive to maintain.
Supplementing The Soil
1. Perlite
Perlite are small rocky supplements that are mixed with soil with poor drainage
Characteristics :
Improves soil aeration
Used for soil with big particles and poor drainage.
2. Vermiculite
Granular like substances mostly used for soils that have very big soil particles. In other words, it is used to supplement soil that drains too much water than necessary.
Characteristics :
Improve the water retention.
3. Coco Coir
Powder like substance that is mixed with the soil that has poor water retention. It is made from coconut husk.
Note : It should never be overmixed with the soil (only 10-30% is enough)
Characteristics :
It supports good root development
Improves water retention of the soil.
Worm Castings
These are simply worm waste.
Characteristics :
improves the drainage
Maintains optimum water retention
Good soil texture.
Growing Cannabis at Home
Now, according to the cannabis possession laws of New Jersey, an MMJ patient is allowed to grow 10 plants for therapeutic reasons and a maximum of 12 plants per household. However, you should possess a medical marijuana card to grow cannabis at home.
If you are suffering from a medical condition that qualifies for cannabis use, you can get a card and begin growing cannabis at home. All you have to do is get a recommendation by a medical marijuana doctor from a trusted clinic like MD Ganja.
So, for such home growers, they can buy potting soil for cannabis plants instead of enhancing it. Some of the best potting soils for cannabis are Black Gold soil and Fox Farm soil which already contain the necessary nutrition’s and conditions to grow cannabis. Here are some of the additives that can improve the nutrition and quality of the soil for cannabis growth :
Crab or Shrimp meal
Oyster shell
Bat Guano
Composted humus
Granite dust
Worm castings
Peat moss
Sandy loam
Also Read : What to Do After Obtaining a New Jersey MMJ Card?
It is also important to note that the soil requirements can vary for different strains of cannabis. The soil you use to grow a hybrid strain for sleeping can be different from that you use for an indica strain for pain. However, the differences in requirements are not usually very different. For example, just small water drainage and retention differences. And, the supplements are usually the same.
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mdganja · 2 years
Medical Marijuana Card Illinois
Do you want to get a medical marijuana card Illinois but not get any platform or expert through which you can apply for that? Look no further now, follow some easy steps at MD Ganja and get your medical marijuana card. Below are these easy steps: 1. Register online 2. Talk to a Doctor 3. Receive Your Recommendation 4. Register With the State To know more information in detail you can visit the below-mentioned link or the given details:
https://mdganja.com/illinois/ Phone : +1 (800) 941-8860
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mdganja · 2 years
The Best Cannabis Strains to Use for Pain After Your 420 Evaluation
Cannabis strains are widely known for providing relief from chronic pain and its symptoms. Here are some of the best strains you can use for pain after the 420 evaluation. Visit the link given below:
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mdganja · 2 years
What to Do After Obtaining a New Jersey MMJ Card?
Several people rely on medical marijuana to manage their physical and mental health conditions. However, it is not legalized everywhere and even possession of recreational cannabis could land you in trouble with the authorities in some U.S. states. New Jersey has become the latest addition to the list of states with legalized use of medical marijuana. On  April 21, 2022  the New Jersey Cannabis laws were changed to legalize the use of recreational marijuana at private properties.
Although it is not as simple as it sounds, you cannot just go over to the nearest pharmacy to purchase marijuana. The first and most important step is to obtain a New Jersey MMJ card. But first, let’s focus on understanding the terms and conditions and what is the process to obtain medical marijuana legally, in accordance with the New Jersey cannabis laws.
What Do the New Jersey Cannabis Laws Imply?
According to the Cannabis Regulatory Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act ( CREAMM ), New Jersey citizens above the age of 21 can legally purchase cannabis products. Even the citizens of other states, where marijuana is criminalized can obtain it in New Jersey; however, they must ensure that it stays within the state.
Moreover, you cannot have more than a specific amount of recreational marijuana in your possession. A medical marijuana dispensary is allowed to sell an ounce of product in one transaction. For instance, you may buy the following:
Five grams of oils, concentrates, or resins, or
An ounce of dry herb, or
1000 mg of edibles or other ingestibles.
You are allowed to buy dried flowers, resin, lozenges, soft chews, concentrated oils, vape formulas, and tinctures. Perishable products, such as brownies and cookies shall not be available for sale at any of the dispensaries. The total products on each adult over the age of 21 years should amount to less than an ounce.
Also, keep in mind that the prices may vary at different locations. So, what you spend at the dispensary near your home, may not match with the prices at the dispensary in a different location.
What Not to Do After Buying Medical Marijuana Legally?
Regardless of the New Jersey cannabis laws, some things are still prohibited and you must keep them in mind so you don’t get into trouble.
You may walk around with cannabis products in your bags or pockets however smoking them in public places will get you a penalty.
If a landlord prohibits you from smoking on their property, you will have to abide by their rules.
Do not purchase cannabis legally to take it to a state where it is illegal. You will get in trouble even if you obtained it from the right source.
Do not drive after smoking, as it will be considered ‘driving under the influence of marijuana’. Doing so is a violation of the NJ 39:4-50 section, making it a criminal offense.
As someone who is new to the medical use of marijuana, it’s best to remember the New Jersey cannabis laws, so you don’t end up in trouble. Most people don’t even know that they can apply for a med card online in New Jersey, (MD Ganja is a reliable source to get an affordable MMJ card ), or what to do after receiving one. Worry not, it can be pretty confusing to a novice, but we’ve got you covered!
So, let’s look at the steps you should take after obtaining an MMJ card in New Jersey.
What to Do After Getting Approved for an MMJ Card in New Jersey?
The type of cannabis products you prefer may depend on your condition or your preferences. Nonetheless, you can follow these steps to find what you’re seeking:
Conduct Thorough Research
If you’re just starting to use marijuana as a natural alternative to modern medicine, you must begin with a clear understanding of the following:
All strains of cannabis are not the same and differ in their medicinal values.
If you have a compromised or weak immune system, ensure that the marijuana you’re about to purchase doesn’t contain any adulteration, such as mold, mildew, pesticides, etc.
Understand the different ways to smoke/ consume cannabis products. For instance, you may use it in a concentrated form, as essential oils, ingest it, etc.
Find A Dispensary Near You
The best part about having an MMJ card is that you get full legal protection and can purchase from medical marijuana dispensaries without any concerns.
Here is a list of the 13 dispensaries in New Jersey that were approved for legal sale of medical cannabis. Thus, you won’t have to search for too long as they are spread over New Jersey. You can also talk to the employees there to find out which products you should try out as a beginner and in what quantity.
For any additional tips on using cannabis as a beginner, click here.
Determine How Often to Consume Cannabis
To avoid overdosing, you must give a sufficient interval before consuming cannabis again. While there is no specific amount, as it would differ from product to product, you can figure out how to not consume an excessive amount.
It all depends on the type of cannabis- smoking will have an instant effect but won’t last as long as eating brownies. If you have consumed cookies or brownies and don’t feel the effects, do not eat more. You will feel it after an hour and by then you may have eaten too many cookies to cause problems.
Therefore, medical marijuana is great but should be consumed in moderation.
Keep an Open Mind
Experimentation is key- so as a beginner, you may not find a suitable strain of cannabis. However, you should not let this discourage you as it offers many medicinal benefits. So, try different brands, types, and keep an open mind while doing so.
Lastly, you must always carry your MMJ card while purchasing marijuana for medicinal purposes, so you do not accidentally violate any New Jersey cannabis laws. Moreover, it has other benefits such as the ones mentioned in this article.
For any further information you can visit through the below mentioned details:
Source Url : https://mdganja.com/blog/what-to-do-after-obtaining-a-new-jersey-mmj-card/
Phone : +1 (800) 941-8860
Location : https://goo.gl/maps/zB7UQz3sSDfcbk8b8
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mdganja · 2 years
How Medical Marijuana Can Help You Lose Weight?
Marijuana causes munchies. After consuming the herb, consumers often feel like eating foods that are salty, sweet, or fatty.
Thus, cannabis for weight loss might be a contradiction. And, like many, you might have the question—how can I lose weight when I eat too much.
In this post, we are going to discuss how cannabis actually works, what do studies about marijuana for weight loss have to say. Also, how to get a recommendation from medical marijuana doctors in New Jersey.
Here are the ways by which medical marijuana help people lose weight:
– Marijuana & Its Cannabinoids
Marijuana has a number of chemical compounds (cannabinoids), which are similar to endocannabinoids produced by the body. So, when you consume the herb, cannabinoids bind to receptors in the endocannabinoid system. It’s like mimicking the functions of endocannabinoids.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a major psychoactive cannabinoid, stimulates appetite. Science says that it interacts with receptors in the brain’s region nucleus accumbens, thus releasing dopamine, which is linked to sensations of pleasure.
Moreover, THC helps in releasing ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger, by interacting with the hypothalamus.
But, THCV, a cannabinoid, is effective in losing weight. It works by controlling cravings and reducing appetite. In fact, THCV is an antagonist for CB1 and CB2 receptors. Top high-THCV strains are—Durban Poison, Girl Scout Cookies, and Pineapple Purps.
– Marijuana Relieves Stress
There’s scientific evidence that stress is linked to weight gain. Increased levels of cortisol can lead to overeating, thus increasing body weight.
Feelings of pressure can result in stress eating. This happens when the body reaches certain levels of stress, thus activating a fight-or-flight response.
Marijuana is helpful in fighting stress and also managing conditions linked to it. Its cannabinoids are effective in boosting mood and relaxation.
In fact, cannabis use is popular among seniors for managing stress, anxiety, and other conditions.
Related - Medical Marijuana For Seniors – Everything You Need to Know
According to a study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, marijuana can help reduce levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. However, it may exacerbate depression over time. So, it’s necessary to seek professional help from one of the medical marijuana doctors in New Jersey before starting cannabis treatment.
– Marijuana Boosts Sleep
It’s interesting to note that you burn more calories during sleep. Thus, getting a good night’s sleep is necessary if you want to lose those extra pounds. Research says that lack of sleep can increase hunger and appetite, thus promoting weight gain.
Sleep duration impacts ghrelin and leptin—hormones that impact hunger. Additionally, lack of sleep causes fatigue, thus leading to more sedentary behavior.
Cannabis is beneficial in boosting sleep. Scientists have found that higher levels of THC reduce the amount of REM sleep. This helps in reducing dreams and promoting deep sleep.
– Marijuana For Exercise
Needless to say that increased physical activity is associated with weight loss. The burning of calories combined with reducing your calorie intake helps in weight loss through a calorie deficit.
Since marijuana provides ultimate relaxation and calming effects, more people are using it for boosting workouts. In fact, CBD has gained popularity among athletes for managing pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.
What’s more? Cannabis can help athletes promote sleep and mental wellness, thus allowing them to focus on practice sessions and achieve their goals.
Medical Marijuana For Weight Loss – What do Studies Have to Say?
There has been a wide range of studies conducted on marijuana use for weight loss. Here are some of them-
Researchers at the University of Calgary studied the impact of THC use on obese mice and healthy mice. They noted that THC helped obese mice lose weight. However, it didn’t have any impact on the size of regular mice.
A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology reported that people who use cannabis regularly are less likely to gain weight.
And, national surveys confirmed that marijuana users have lower risks of obesity as compared to non-users.
Additionally, some studies focused on marijuana use on exercising habits reported positive results. Researchers found that about 80 percent of cannabis users agree that they use marijuana before and after exercising. And, they spend more time exercising per week than non-users.
Using Medical Marijuana For Weight Loss
Different cannabis strains contain different levels of THC and CBD. Thus, they offer different medicinal effects. Additionally, how much cannabis do you consume matters.
So, if you want to use marijuana for weight loss, make sure you select the right strains and dose it properly.
Moreover, the method of consumption impacts marijuana’s effects. Smoking and vaping can help you receive instant relief, but they are linked to lung issues.
Edibles take longer to kick in, thus increasing the risks of over consumption. Additionally, marijuana-infused foods deliver lasting effects. So, it’s necessary to dose edibles properly and educate yourself on how to use them.
Related - How to Consume Marijuana Edibles Safely?
Getting Legal Access to Medical Marijuana
Currently, medical marijuana is legal in the majority of the US states. But, only those who have MMJ recommendations can buy, possess, and use cannabis legally.
Wondering how to get a medical marijuana card in New Jersey? Well, it’s very easy to use telemedicine technology. At MD Ganja, you can apply for a doctor’s recommendation from home in three simple steps-
Submit a simple form online
See one of our medical marijuana doctors in New Jersey via video call
Receive your PDF recommendation letter via email
Final Words
While cannabis use causes munchies, it may help people lose weight. Studies say that marijuana reduces stress & anxiety, boosts sleep and promotes exercise. So, the herb can help you lose extra body weight, and improve overall wellness.
But, it’s necessary to note that marijuana isn’t a prescription for weight loss. To get better results, you need to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, such as-
Drinking plenty of water
Regular exercise
Getting a good night’s sleep
Eating a healthy diet
Moreover, use only high-quality cannabis products from authorized sources. By getting a marijuana evaluation from one of the medical marijuana doctors New Jersey, you can legally access state-licensed dispensaries for buying high-potency products. Additionally, you can save cannabis taxes and get age relaxations.
How much do you weigh? What strategies do you prefer to maintain a healthy weight? What are your thoughts about marijuana for weight loss? Feel free to share with us in the comments below.
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mdganja · 2 years
Marijuana For Agoraphobia
Marijuana helps relax the body and mind. Studies have shown that cannabis can reduce stress response and manage agoraphobia. As a result, the number of patients opting for cannabis over prescription drugs is increasing. It’s now legal in more than 30 US states including New Jersey. With a recommendation signed by one of New Jersey marijuana doctors, you can legally buy, possess, and consume it.
But, how does cannabis work in the body and what are the top strains for agoraphobia patients? Can you use marijuana if you are using anti-anxiety drugs? Let’s find out.
What is Agoraphobia?
Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by fear of places or situations. Patients with this medical condition often feel uncomfortable and unsafe when visiting public places. They often have fear of leaving their homes alone, enclosed & open spaces, and using public transportation. Thus, they usually avoid situations, which cause anxiety.
In some cases, patients have both panic disorder and agoraphobia. Symptoms of a panic attack are—increased heart rate, loss of control, excessive sweating, chest pain, and trouble breathing.
Using Marijuana For Agoraphobia
Marijuana provides calming effects and feelings of relaxation, thus helping patients deal with anxiety and panic disorder. Medical studies have found that it’s also effective in boosting sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the major causes of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, etc.
How Does Cannabis Work?
Marijuana reduces anxiety by affecting GABA, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in the anxiety response. Benzodiazepines also work by targeting GABA levels.
Additionally, cannabis helps in reducing levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), thus treating agoraphobia. Agoraphobia causes fear and stress.
In the cannabis plant, there are more than 100 cannabinoids. They work by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. Research says that humans and mammals have endogenous cannabinoids & receptors, which work together to regulate various bodily functions.
THC, a psychoactive cannabinoid, binds to CB1 and CB2 brain receptors. It has a similar chemical structure as anandamide.
According to a study published in 2020, 2-AG, an endogenous cannabinoid, can help in reducing anxiety between the amygdala and frontal cortex. 2-AG targets the same receptors as THC. This shows cannabis (if used in certain doses) may help in reducing anxiety.
Marijuana’s non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD has anti-anxiety properties. When you consume CBD, it affects the CB1 receptors, thus altering serotonin signals in the brain.
So, if you are concerned about the psychoactive effects of THC, you can use CBD-based products for treating agoraphobia.
Related- Top 5 CBD Facts Everyone Should Get Familiar With [Explained by MMJ Doctor New Jersey]
Can You Mix Marijuana With Medicines?
For agoraphobia treatment, doctors suggest cognitive behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes or medications. Commonly prescribed medications for this medical condition are-
Antidepressants (SSRIs)
Anti-anxiety drugs (Benzodiazepines)
Since cannabis also helps in managing anxiety, many patients opt for mixing the herb with medications. Is it ok? Should you start cannabis treatment if you are on medicines?
Well, there’s not much research available on mixing cannabis with anxiety drugs. Some patient reports say that it can cause adverse effects.
However, you should avoid using CBD if you are taking drugs that come with a grapefruit warning. The FDA says that grapefruit can increase the concentration of medication in the bloodstream, thus causing side effects or even overdose issues.
Most mood medications, such as Quetiapine, Lurasidone, and Buspirone, come with a grapefruit warning.
So, avoid taking cannabis and medicines together. But, if you want to do so, make sure you consult your doctor first.
Top Cannabis Strains For Agoraphobia
Studies show that the ratio and amount of organic cannabinoids (THC and CBD) play a vital role in the plant’s anti-anxiety effects.
Additionally, terpenes impact the therapeutic effects of marijuana on the body and mind. For instance, terpene limonene has anti-anxiety effects.
In other words, different strains have different cannabinoid profiles and deliver different therapeutic effects. So, you should select the right cannabis strains to alleviate your symptoms.
Some of the best cannabis strains for agoraphobia patients are-
Harlequin ACDC
OG Kush
Sour OG
Purple Kush
Jack Herer
Northern Lights
Sour Tsunami
Don’t Forget Dosage & Consumption Methods
Apart from cannabis strains, the amount of cannabis you consume and how you deliver cannabinoids into your body matters.
Taking lower doses of high-THC cannabis can help you reduce anxiety while higher doses may worsen it.
When you smoke or vape cannabis, you will experience therapeutic effects instantly. But, if you eat cannabis, you have to wait for about 30 minutes to 120 minutes to feel the effects. Thus, there are risks of consuming higher amounts, which can lead to negative effects. Also, edibles last longer than other methods.
Want to learn how to consume edibles safely? Check out our previous blog.
Covering it up—marijuana helps calm the body and mind, thus managing agoraphobia. Studies have found that organic compounds in cannabis work by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the body.
If you are considering cannabis as a treatment for agoraphobia or other mental health conditions, learn how to use it. Choose the right cannabis strains and dose. Remember, factors such as age, body fat & genetics determine marijuana’s therapeutic effects you receive. Talk to your doctor to get professional help regarding using cannabis for managing your health issues.
Want to use medical marijuana legally in New Jersey? Get a doctor’s recommendation today. MD Ganja can help you get your MMJ card online within a few minutes. Here’s the process-
Submit a simple form online
See one of our New Jersey marijuana doctors via video call
Get your MMJ recommendation letter via email
Have your loved ones or you tried cannabis for managing anxiety or other health issues? What’s their or your experience using the herb? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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mdganja · 3 years
How Long Marijuana Edibles Last in Your Body?
For many, eating cannabis is more appealing than inhaling it. Edibles help patients receive therapeutic effects without inhaling the smoke or vapors into the lungs. This makes it a safe cannabis consumption method.
With your New Jersey medical marijuana card, you can buy a wide range of edibles from a licensed dispensary. These include gummies, teas, coffees, brownies, cookies, popcorns, drinks, etc.
If your loved one or you are considering cannabis edibles, it’s necessary to learn how they are processed in the body and how long they last. Let’s discuss these topics in detail.
How Edibles Are Processed in The Body
Marijuana-infused foods and drinks aren’t processed the same way as smoking and vaping. When you eat an edible, cannabinoids (THC and CBD) work through the digestive system. Then, marijuana makes its way to the liver where delta-9 THC is converted into 11-hydroxy THC. Since 11-hydroxy THC is more psychoactive than THC, edibles deliver stronger effects than smoking.
When you smoke cannabis, you can feel the effects immediately. But, this doesn’t happen in the case of edibles. When you ingest cannabis, cannabinoids reach the bloodstream after getting absorbed through the intestines and liver. Thus, edibles take between 30 to 60 minutes to kick in.
However, the onset time depends on various factors. These include the concentration of THC, dosage, active ingredients in the edibles, etc.
Want to learn more about smoking vs edibles? Check out the following video-
How Long Edibles Last?
While edibles take longer to kick in than other delivery methods, they tend to last longer as well. If you take the average dose of an edible, you are likely to feel the effects for 6 or more hours. And, the strongest effects can be felt within 3 hours after eating edibles.
Again, the duration of edible effects depends on factors. These include metabolism rate, dosage, concentration of cannabinoids, tolerance levels, etc. If you take high doses of high-THC edibles, you will definitely experience stronger, lasting effects. This is because your body will take longer to process THC out completely.
Individual tolerance levels also play a key role here. Those who don’t use cannabis regularly feel stronger effects, which last longer than regular users. Also, the amount of edibles you take within a period fluctuate the tolerance levels.
Covering it up, edibles are processed through the digestive system, thus they take time to reach the bloodstream. They usually take 30-60 minutes to kick in and last for about 6-8 hours.
Factors such as dosage, concentration of different cannabinoids, metabolism rate, and tolerance levels affect onset time and duration of edible effects.
So, dose edibles properly and use the right products. Always purchase edibles from licensed dispensaries. To legally access medical dispensaries, apply for your New Jersey medical marijuana card. Visit MD Ganja to apply for your MMJ card online in just 10 minutes. Here’s the process-
Sign up for an account online
See a doctor via video call
Receive your MMJ recommendation in PDF
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mdganja · 3 years
Get Your Medical Marijuana Card NJ and Use Strains to Fight Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is an extremely uncomfortable condition that can take a toll on a person’s quality of life.
While there are some pharmaceutical medications available for pain management, these medications often come with various harmful side effects. But studies show cannabis can be an effective and much safer alternative to these medications.
You can get a medical marijuana card NJ to get access to medical cannabis if you suffer from chronic pain. At MD Ganja, we provide a simple and quick process to help patients get access to medical cannabis without hassle.
In the last five years, medical cannabis has gained a lot of popularity. More and more people are now consuming cannabis for a number of physical and mental health conditions.
And pain management is one of the biggest reasons why people apply for a medical marijuana card in NJ.
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Chronic pain can be associated with various health conditions that may include -
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Cancer pain
Neuropathic pain
HIV/AIDS-related pain
Pain related to an old injury
Multiple sclerosis
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Central nervous system issues and more
Now, there are hundreds of strains out there, and some strains are more effective in providing relief from pain than the others.
If you are looking for a strain to deal with your chronic pain, you are in the right place. In this article, you are going to learn about some of the best cannabis strains that can help you get relief from your chronic pain. So, let’s get into it.
Cannabis Strains to Choose for Chronic Pain After Getting Your Medical Marijuana Card in NJ
Master Kush
White Widow
Strain 1. Harlequin
Harlequin is one of the most popular cannabis strains and comes with high levels of CBD. This Sativa strain is very effective in helping people deal with pain.
Harlequin produces a soothing, clear-headed, and uplifting high that offers relief from pain for the entire day. So, you can comfortably consume this strain during the day time.
Strain 2. Master Kush
Get your medical marijuana card in NJ and purchase this strain to get relief from pain. Master Kush is an Indica strain that is also very effective for sleep.
It produces a soothing effect that helps people suffering from chronic pain find some good night’s sleep. Master Kush has high levels of THC, so be careful while using it.
Strain 3. White Widow
White Widow is also a potent cannabis strain that comes with high levels of THC. So, if you are a beginner, use this Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strain carefully.
It is extremely helpful in providing relief from aches and pain, and also helps you to fall asleep. White Widow is also helpful for stress, lack of appetite, and depression.
Strain 4. ACDC
This is definitely one of the most famous cannabis strains that are known for its high CBD levels. ACDC is a Sativa dominant hybrid strain that offers both physical and mental relaxation.
It is extremely effective in providing relief from pain while keeping you focused and productive. If you are a beginner, ACDC can be a great choice for you.
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mdganja · 3 years
Cannabis For OCD - What Medical Marijuana Doctor‌s ‌New‌ ‌Jersey‌ Say‌
Inhaling cannabis provides many mental health benefits. Some studies have found that the herb is helpful in fighting OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). OCD is associated with obsessive, unwanted thoughts that can interfere with daily life activities.
If you want to use marijuana for OCD, it’s necessary to understand how it works and what’s the science behind. Most importantly, you need to get a recommendation from one of the medical marijuana doctors in New Jersey. Let’s discuss all these points.
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Medical Marijuana For OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can result in the development of  repetitive behaviors, such as washing hands, checking and cleaning things, etc. Patients usually consider these tasks to reduce anxiety related to obsessions.
In the United States, OCD affects 2-3 percent of people. And, the chances of occurrence of OCD are more in women than men.
Marijuana can help provide relief from OCD symptoms. It’s beneficial in fighting anxiety, which is common among the patients. The cannabis plant contains many cannabinoids, which are also available when it’s extracted in concentrate or other forms.
When you consume cannabis, the cannabinoids bind to receptors present in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This results in regulating sleep, mood, memory, and various other important functions.
According to a study published in October 2020, cannabis could be used as a treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Researchers at Washington State University worked with 87 people with OCD. They tracked anxiety, obsessions and other factors in participants before and after marijuana use sessions.
After 31 months, researchers reported that cannabis consumption resulted in a significant reduction in anxiety, intrusions and compulsions.
Additionally, the study concluded that higher concentration of CBD & higher doses delivered better results in reducing compulsions. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. In the United States, CBD products derived from the hemp plants (containing less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal.
Marijuana is helpful in correcting endocannabinoid deficiency, which can cause symptoms such as anxiety, fear, worry, etc. Phytocannabinoids interact with the cannabinoid receptors, which exist in amygdala, a brain region responsible for regulating the fear response.
Thinking About Using Marijuana For OCD?
If you want to use marijuana for managing OCD, getting a medical marijuana card is the first step. This allows you to legally use cannabis for medical purposes.
Now, you can apply for marijuana evaluations online. At MD Ganja, they help patients to get MMJ recommendations in just 10 minutes. Here’s the process-
Sign up for an account
Talk to medical marijuana doctors New Jersey
Receive a recommendation letter via email
That’s not enough. You should select the right strains and dosages checking the THC and CBD levels carefully. For beginners, we suggest starting with low doses of low-THC strains. However, you can compare effects of different strains and dosages, and see what’s working for your condition the best.
In conclusion, marijuana can be used as a treatment for OCD. Its cannabinoids can help in boosting mood, memory, and several other functions associated with mental health. Work with a medical marijuana doctor to learn what are the best strains and doses for your condition.
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mdganja · 3 years
New Jersey Marijuana Doctors Explain How CBD Can Lower Stress Levels and Uplift Mood
2020 was a rough year for everyone across the globe because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the virus itself was very dangerous, the pandemic situation took a toll on a lot of people’s mental health as well.
New Jersey marijuana doctors suggest that CBD can help people deal with various mental health issues, such as stress and mood disorders.
These two are the two most common mental health problems people struggle with these days. The daily struggle of day-to-day life was already a big reason for these issues. But then the coronavirus pandemic made it even hard for people to maintain composure.
Too much stress can lower the quality of life of a person and cause damage to one’s health in the long run. Some may even suffer from problems like bipolar disorders, depression, dysthymia, and more.
There are various ways to deal with stress like yoga and behavioral therapies. But New Jersey marijuana doctors say CBD can be extremely effective when it comes to dealing with stress.
This natural substance found in cannabis contains a number of therapeutic qualities that can reduce stress and anxiety while also improving your mood. Having said that, let’s learn more about how CBD can help in lowering stress levels and uplifting your mood.
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How CBD Helps in Reducing Stress Levels and Improving Mood? Explained by New Jersey Marijuana Doctors
It can offer relaxation.
It is effective in managing pain.
It is known for improving sleep.
CBD Make You Feel More Relaxed
Whether you experience stress due to some personal problems or work-related issues, it can make you feel agitated and hostile. And if you don’t tackle the stress at the primary stages, you may end up experiencing severe anxiety issues.
According to New Jersey marijuana doctors, CBD can offer various benefits to deal with stress-related issues. Studies show that CBD not only helps in lowering stress but also enhancing your mood.
It helps in promoting the release of serotonin and adenosine in your body. This helps in lightening your mood.
CBD Helps in Managing Pain
If you are suffering from muscle strain, inflammation, or pain on a regular basis, it can cause stress and anxiety.
Various studies show that prolonged persisting pain can become a cause for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (or GAD). It can increase your stress levels and deteriorate your mood. All these things make you more prone to getting chronic anxiety.
New Jersey marijuana doctors suggest using CBD to deal with pain and inflammation. The compound engages with receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This can be beneficial for both neuropathic pain and nociceptive pain.
CBD is Effective in Improving Sleep
You must be familiar with the importance of sleep in our lives. Sleep is essential for both our body and brain. And lack of sleep can be a major reason for increased stress levels and disturbed mood.
In addition to this, sleep disorder is also associated with an anxiety disorder and PTSD. New Jersey marijuana doctors say that CBD can help in improving your sleep routine. This can help in improving your immunity, lowering stress levels, and enhancing your mood.
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