mbj5219 · 4 months
blog post #1
In the early 2000’s, Toys R Us was one of the largest toy suppliers in the united states. It was the one stop shop for entertainment with a wide variety of toys, bikes, and electronics. In its sister store “babys R us” they even had supplies for infants and younger kids. Whether it was a gift for a special occasion or just a treat for your child on any given day, toys R us had the market cornered on children’s entertainment.
As we moved into the later 2000s the ways of the world changed and technology became a much larger part of business. While it was slow on the uptake, online shopping became more and more popular and stores with an online presence were at an advantage. Today online shopping is very common so it can be strange to think about a world where it wasn’t utilized as much. This change in shopping preferences spelled disaster for some stores that were not prepared to keep up with the change.
Toys R Us, while they were the biggest name in children’s entertainment, was not prepared for this changing sales landscape. Toys R Us had very little online presence focusing mostly on traditional in store sales. This absence from the online sales world allowed for other toy retailers to step into the spotlight and Toys R Us fell behind inevitably going on of business. This was a failure that could have been easily avoided if Toys R Us would have been wary of the potential of online media and sales.
Toys R Us has recently made a resurgence in the past few years and this time is being very careful on how they market themselves. They have very few retail stores and are doing their best to fully utilize social media and online sales platforms to the best of their ability.
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