Today it was a normal school day my first class was history my seconde was contemporary world my third class was ethics and religious culture and my last one was physic education and it was ok except that in my last class my knee and my hand were killing me. My knee hurt me for three years when i was praticing gymnastic i fell from the tumblin and my knee hit on the banch and it did'nt broke but since it hurt when i us stairs when i run or if i lean on it too much. About my hand last years i broke it accidently doctors call this fracture the boxing fracture it's when the last bones under the pinky finger broke by hitting something and i hit a wall. I know it's stupid but it was the wall or my sister so... i choose the wall. Anyway my hand steel hurt just like my knee. By 5 o'clock pm i got a interview for a job at a (super c) i don't know if you know what is it. It's a supermarket. It went pretty well i hope i get the job but i don't know what's going to happend if i panic like i did at schoolor if i just stay focus on something. I don't know if it will be ok but i hope so. Then i went home and just relax after this day.
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My day
Today i got to my big sister place she live with her boyfriend and his mother far from me. We were shopping to find a christmas presente for my mother and we did'nt realy know what to buy her so we got her some candy and a plack who says some joke thatvse thought she might find fun, but it's hard to find the perfect present for our mother like she always have the perfect present for us and when we try to find her one we can't. We know that she wont accept money we know that she wont accept help and she already have every thing she need.馃
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When i panic!!!
Tha last time i panic was at school i was'nt feeling good at all and the teacher planed a game but i did'nt wanted to play ta game cause it was like an escape game and every other student was too much into it some of them were sreaming " i know the answer" even they knew it was'nt the answer. Some student were searching in the class for clue and the was just to loud. I could'nt keep my calm and shen the teacher started to tell me that i had to play if i don't want to be expelled of the class it was too much. So i take my thing and got to my locker at this point i was angry and i was hot and nervous taht i just take my phone and my hearpods and sit on a table. Cause my locker is in the cafeteria. I started to listen music" suite bergamasque,L.75:lll. Clair de lune" presisly it's like one of the only music that i can listen in those moment. It's calm and when i turn up the volume i can't hear anything around me. But the probleme is that in my school like probably every school when you get expelled of the class you have to go to a another class who is called 206 cause it's the number of the local it's like a suspention class. But in those moment i just forgot everything. So the teachers did'nt knew where i was. Aparently they call me by the intercome but i could'nt hear them cause of the music. At a moment the TES of my school find me so she sit in front of me and at this moment i did'nt knew it was her. I did'nt check and i thought it was my stupid teacher who i was angry at. So i got up and i got to the girls batroom upstairs in the last door i close it and sit on the flor. Then i started to suffocate so i try to open the window and it was stock so i panic more. Normaly i like when it's hot but this was too much. I was in sweaty so i got my sweatshirt off. But it was'nt enough. Thent i called my mom who told me to breath slowly and calmly. Then the teachers find me they knew where i was but they let me be alone like i needed. My mother started to told me that i got to get out but i was'nt ok with that. So i hang off the phone. Then it happend i was just fixing the flor realising what i just did and i was focus on this. And i know it sound weird but i just got my phone and started taking photos of where i was and it was calming me. Then a wait like twenty minute before my mom got to the school to take me home. And i remember to be so embarasted when i got out of the batroom cause the teachers were looking at me like i was crazy. Maybe i am but it steel taht i did'nt really had the controle on what i was doing. Like if what my ming and my body was no longer connected!
Those are some of the photos.
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I realy like taking photos. So i'm just going to post them when i got one to post!
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Hey this is my first post!
Hi, my name is maxine grayson i am 16 years old i've been told that maybe it was a good idea to start a blog. I am going tell what's going on in my day or my week a person told me that it could help me feel better even if i don't really know how this is going help me feel better i am doing it so please if you read this just don't laugh of me if i do grammar falt or anything else, but you can tell me if you don't understand what i'm saying cause it's probably going to happend.
So i have this thing i don't really know what ig the name of this thing but somdtime i just feel depress and sometime i can be ok or sad. It can change in two second one second i'm laughing and the other i am just there fixing something and wondering "what am i doing here and what the fuck is happening in my mind" it's like if in a second everything is falling around me. I don't listen i don't speak i feel nothing except this thing with no name and i just focus on this. I never talk about this to anyone except that person who told me to start this blog. In fact maxine grayson is'nt my real name but i do am 16 years old.
Some time i just panic for no reason i just feel really bad in a second again. I start feel depress and it's getting hot and then every thing around me is spenning. Belive me it really sucks when your in class.
So what i am saying is i need help if you sant to anwser do it but if your going tell bad thing and laught of me please pass and don't do it. If you really read this intierly... well thank's!
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