All of my nonbinary folks who are both sapphic and achillean are great! This includes bigender, trigender, polygender, maxigender, genderfluid, genderflux, and fluidflux people out there!
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Shoutout to people with multiple genders!
Shoutout to people who are bigender, trigender, polygender, multigender, maxigender, pangender and other people with multiple genders! Whether you are all genders at once, switch between them, or are fluid, your gender is valid!
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(ID: the trans, genderqueer, androgyne, nonbinary, genderfluid, agender, demigirl, demiboy, bigender, and neutrois pride flags with the words “radical acceptance not conditional tolerance” centered in white text.)
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shoutout to any mlm out there who are also wlw. neither of your identities outweighs or invalidates the other!
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To the “stereotypical” nonbinary people with nounself/neopronouns: you are amazing! It is fine to have a label that is obscure or does “not make sense” to others because it is your label and as long as it is good, there is no problem with how you identify because you know yourself very well it seems, which should be one of the main goals in life.
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Ze is amazing.
Xe is incredible.
Ey is perfect.
Ne is gorgeous.
Ae is flawless.
Fae is awesome.
Hir is stunning.
Hy is great.
Ce is revolutionary.
Cy is cute.
Fey is beautiful.
E is talented.
Ve is fantastic.
Sai is marvelous.
If you use any of these pronouns, then I’m talking about you
If you use neopronouns, you’re lovely!!
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you are allowed to define yourself on your own terms
you are allowed to not be okay with people redefining, relabeling, or reframing your identity or experiences as something they’re not
you shouldn’t have to put up with that to be “accepted” and you’re allowed to be frustrated with people who don’t understand or accept you
you’re not being inconsiderate, difficult, contrary, or anything of the sort. it’s okay if your identity and experiences are uncommon or confusing or hard for other people; their not understanding you isn’t your fault and doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or the way you understand or perceive or label yourself
there is nothing wrong with you for wanting to identify yourself and your experiences on your own terms, and nothing wrong with refusing to let that right to self-definition be taken away from you
because again, you are allowed to define, label, and frame your identity and experiences in the ways that work for you and make the most sense to you, and you and your experiences are deserving of respect, and support, and acceptance
and anyone who thinks otherwise is not worth your time
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A heads up for y’all:
Tumblr is apparently getting pretty serious about deleting people with multiple unused URLs for violating community guidelines. If you’re going to use multiple URLs for whatever reason (you’re saving one for a cool blog idea you’ve got, you’re seeing what combos of header and background the blog generator spits out, you’re a pastel moodboard blogger and you’ve gotta differentiate between dusty rose, millennial pink, and rose gold, you’re trying to follow in aquafresh’s steps and re-start woody’s roundup) - WHATEVER the reason - you have to use those blogs like blogs. If you’ve got an empty sideblog URL (even just ONE empty blog) Tumblr may decide to treat it like a bot and delete your whole ass blog.
This is ESPECIALLY true if there’s a recent uptick in bot activity on tumblr (and I can’t be the only one who has gotten twenty messages about “pics for u” this week).
So if you’re generating new URLs please put something on them.
Signed,  - that weirdo with a million sideblogs who doesn’t want to see you get deleted
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Someone: *hands me a gender*
Me: I forgot what I’m supposed to do with this it’s been so long
Me: *gently puts it on the floor* Thanks but
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Shoutout to all the polygender and pangender people! There’s not a limit on how many genders you can be; you can even be all of them (at least the ones that are accessible to you). Keep being the best people you can be!
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Someone: *hands me a gender*
Me: I forgot what I’m supposed to do with this it’s been so long
Me: *gently puts it on the floor* Thanks but
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Search tumblr for maxigender and this blog pops up! We've got a ton of sources throughout the blog. <3
What the hell is MaxiGender????
maxigender gender means that you’re every gender that is available to you. it’s like pangender but there was some discourse about pangender being potentially racist because someone could claim that they were a gender that wasn’t open to them so maxigender was proposed as an alternative. I can’t really say much beyond that cause that’s the extent of my knowledge and I’m literally the opposite of pan/maxigender lol (agender, hell yeah!)
~Mod Peach 🍑
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Having an uncommon sexuality/gender makes you no less valid!
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To all the people who get told their identity is weird or “““mogai hell”““ or whatever exorsexists are using these days: I hope you know that you are valid, you are worthy of being respected, of having your pronouns and experiences respected. You know better than anyone else who you are and surely better than some jackasses just looking to bully someone. Have a wonderful day
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You know who needs a little love??
People with complex and seemingly “contradictory” genders
Like demigirls who use he/him pronouns
Or woman-aligned/lunarian boyfluxes
Or people who simultaneously have gender and no gender
Or people who have all the genders! (that are open to them)
So all my love goes out to people with beautifully complex identities! You’re so valid and amazing and deserve respect and good things! 💜💜💜
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Oh dear
Hey guys. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who reblogs this post BY MAY 5TH 2019 will be getting a small monster design based on your blog theme, name, or profile picture. Let’s go.
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I’m so glad to have a-spec multigender people in the world! They��re honestly so wonderful!
Whether they’re bigender, trigender, polygender, pangender, omnigender, demigender, ambonec, androgyne, collgender, genderfluid, genderflux, fluidflux, genderfae, genderfaun, maxigender, or any other multigender identity…
Yeah. They really are pretty great!
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