maxieprodmoore · 1 year
Let's talk khux gameplay and plot,
imo I think part of khux's story telling and the impact of the story gets lost now that the game is defunct. I always thought people didn't appreciate how the gameplay and the mechanics actually had an impact on the story and while that impact become virtually nonexistent later on, I always thought it made the story far more engaging when the game was just chi/unchained chi and also the English translation didn't do it too well ngl
Anyway what I'm specifically talking about is the medal system. Also I feel like the whole bangle thing wasn't explained well in game but really it just comes down to leveling up medals specifically. If you never played khux, you equip medals to your keyblades and they doa specific attack and to level them up you combine multiple of the same medal and you could see how leveled up a medal is by the amount of yellow dots next to it and, in JP at least, this was called "guilt" and like wow that name fucking slaps. And when nightmare chirithy reveals the player has been collecting darkness this whole time thru the medal system, you have literal guilt on your conscious. You are guilty of collecting darkness and negative emotions like guilt to use for your own power. And in Back Cover when the foretellers are made aware of this, there's no stopping it and ofc the player can't stop either, they HAVE to get stronger, you literally have to keep playing the game,
Another part of the game that I appreciated is the way the name changes factored into the game; chi was the original "world line" that the dandelions existed in and at first unchained chi had come off as just a remake but really what we're playing is the continuation, where the player and the dandelions are now in this unchained state/new world line and they're reliving their time as wielders but now without the war/"dark" memories and finally when they relive everything and get back to the "present," they continue on after into "union cross" which I feel like. wasn't explained well in game that much tbh but if you didn't understand what that meant in game, it was just to say that unions didn't matter anymore and they were all dandelions so the unions. when the unions are crossed.
and tbh the experience of playing this game in real time also added to the experience a lot and the impact of the story especially with a player insert character. I think the most effective use of this game being played in real time was Strelitzia. Now in the english version, everything with Strelitzia was all one update and the english ver was behind so honestly they had to do catch up they couldn't really afford to lag behind. But in JP, which most khux fans kept up with using fan translations, Strelitzia's introduction and her death happened about a month apart so it gave the players time to actualyl grow attached to her and THEN we get crushed. You can easily pin point the exact time certain khux fan art was drawn bc in a group drawing of the dandelions Strelitzia is there instead of Lauriam since he was only introduced after her death
and another thing! It only became apparent by the end of the game but khux actually takes place over the course of about 4 years. which is fucking insane. because the dandelions were stuck in the data for 4 years and didn't know it until the glitches started. and the game ran for roughly the same amount of time and we weren't even aware of that either until the glitches! ("why 4 years" there are cutscenes that literally say "4 years ago" so yeah girl what the fuck haha)
Anyway yeah this was just me rambling I think about this so much all the time can you tell. I hope missing link does something like this too tbh it makes it more fun and makes it feel that your actions as the player actually have impact on the story
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maxieprodmoore · 2 years
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That time when I was reincarnated as someone’s roommate
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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‪Commission for user on Twitter. I’ll be closing commissions soon, so if interested let me know shortly! ^^ (click image for higher res)
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
Because of the nightmare I had and military AU (sorry Ven!!), I think I should start something happier and definitely not angst.
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Yup, Dandelions kiddos as Grade Schoolers. (Lol! Not angst right??) Joke aside, the idea is based on one of my AUs.
Blaine, you guess it (from his uniform), is from some elite private school while the others are in public elementary school. Idk where the idea of school uniform came from lol.
Ven and Eph's clothing... definitely are based on their game design. I love Skuld's, Strel's and Lauri's clothes because I design them from their color scheme.
Speaking of Strelitzia, she used to have that violet-blue hairpin but begins to wear the red one (which is from Lauri on one of her b'day) in Junior High. Btw, her clothing from the top to the bottom (red, green, yellow, blue) is the color of strelitziaceae.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
How to write about Grief:
There is no right or wrong way to experience grief. Just as there is no right or wrong way to write it. Everyone is different, each set of circumstances are different. 
The point of this post is to show you how different people react in different ways, and give points on how you might write that, depending on your character and story.
Reactions to Grief
Numbness: Your character may go into auto-pilot and be unable to process the events that have unfolded.
Anger: This can be aimed at other people, at a Higher Being, or at nothing in particular.
Unsteady: Your characters may be unsteady. For example, unable to stop their voice from shaking or they may find it difficult to stand.
Focusing on Others: Your character may disregard their own feelings because they are so overwhelmed and instead concentrate on someone else’s well-being. 
Seek out routines: Amid upheavals, your character may seek comfort in tasks that are familiar and “safe,” such as working, cleaning, making their bed, making absurd amounts of tea or taking a morning walk.
Pretending that Everything Is Okay: Grief is viewed as an emotion that should cease or be concealed once the funeral is over. So people mention the news in an offhand comment, then talk and laugh as if all is right with the world.
Denial: Some people deny the reality of death and convince themselves that the news is a joke or can’t be true.
Reactions from people surrounding your character:
People may avoid your character as they do not know what to say or simply can’t find the right words.
Some may even go as far as to cross the street when they notice your character approaching.
Even people that the character has known for years may act strange or standoff-ish, simply because they don’t know what to say.
On the other side of that, some people may be overly helpful and friendly.
It is not uncommon for estranged friends, family or others to suddenly reappear in a person’s life after they have experienced grief. 
Either because those people want to offer their support and love  or because they’re being nosy and they want to be kept up to date on the “drama”.
Most people will move on from the event fairly quickly if they weren’t emotionally invested. 
Some people may even get annoyed at your character for still being upset weeks or months later.
When talking about the person they have lost:
Your character may recall a memory or tell a story about their loved one, these are possible reactions. (I have encountered all of them.)
Your character may being to cry or get upset at the thought of the person they have lost. 
The person they are talking to may become awkward and avert eye contact when your character brings up the person they have lost. 
Others may ask or tell your character to stop talking about the person they have lost. They may roll their eyes, cough awkwardly, or cut off your character mid sentences so that they can change the subject.
Some people may ask inappropriate questions about the circumstances in which the character’s loved one passed away. Depending on the personality of your character then may react differently. 
Other things to note:
Grief is not constrained by time. 
One of the main problems with grief in fiction is that a character is typically heartbroken for a couple scenes and then happy again. But grief does not evaporate because the world needs saving. 
Allow your character to wrestle with their grief. 
Your character may feel guilty. Your character may feel a twinge of guilt when they laugh or have a good time with someone else; when they do something to remind them that they’re alive, and their loved one isn’t. 
Grief is a game changer. A previously outgoing character may withdraw and isolate themselves. Some people may take grief and/or bereavement as a sign that life is too short; they may make big decisions in an attempt to make themselves feel better and grow away from their pain.
Sometimes grief can help you find your purpose.
At first grief can be all consuming. It hurts and you can’t really control it. It may seem unrelenting. Eventually the grief will become easier to deal with, your character may find the days to be better, but that doesn’t mean that when the grief hits it doesn’t hurt any less.
For most people, grief never really goes away. “Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.”
It is rare that a person will ever give a long speech about their feelings, a lot of people struggle to even find the words. But that’s okay. Show the reader how your character feels, rather than just telling them.
Don’t pause the plot to deal with the aspect of grief. This could overwhelm the readers and drag the pace down. In reality, life doesn’t just stop due to grief, the world keeps spinning and things still need to be done. Use the character’s grief as a backdrop for the story’s events.  
Yes, grief affects the character’s day-to-day life, goals, and relationships. But it shouldn’t drive readers away or stagnate the story. Instead, should engage readers and produce empathy that keeps them turning pages.
You don’t need to tell your readers that everything will be fine. You don’t need to provide all of the answers.
“Skirting grief and treating it lightly is easy. But by realistically portraying it through a variety of responses and its lasting effects on the character’s life, readers will form a connection with your characters.“
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
could we get some blauriam fluff
Hmmm… Not really something I ship but I can give it a try? Let’s see what I can do and if it’ll be any good!
Late Nights
It’s late. He knows that. There’s the sound of the clock ticking on the wall and the small sound of the gears of the clock tower moving. Lauriam isn’t back yet. Blaine sighs, closing his book and getting up to put it away. He should have been back by now. He said he would have been back by now. What if something happened to him.
Blaine knows that Lauriam is busy. How could he not be?! His sister is missing! Blaine would probably be going frantic with worry if he was in Lauriam’s shoes. At least that’s what he tells himself. He has no family. Not any that mattered anyway. He sighs again, glancing over his selection of books when he hears the elevator.
He does not run to it.
Even if Ventus, who happened to be up trying to find his way to the bathroom while half asleep, says otherwise.
Lauriam looks even more tired that Blaine does. That’s saying something because Blaine can’t remember the last time he got a decent night’s sleep.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” Lauriam says.
“I wanted too.”
The air is tense for a moment.
“No… No sign of her anywhere, I’m rather worried about her.”
“I can imagine,” Blaine nods, offering Lauriam a hand. He takes it. They’re both exhausted. Blaine leads Lauriam back to his room. They pick out a book together and sit, curled up together on Blaine’s bed. The clock ticks on the wall. Blaine ignores it in favor of memorizing the lines that appear on Lauriam’s face when he’s deep in thought.
They’d figure it out. Blaine knows they will. And if they don’t… Blaine has a cheat sheet from Ava he can use.
It would be okay.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
Hi! If you don't mind, how about a story of Ephemer finding his motivation to keep any werewolf-vampire abilities, not to mention, training & taming them to keep if from harming the people he loves/he's friends with? Just curious as to how you'd write such a scenario. Thanks!
Hmmm… An interesting one to be sure, not sure I can do much with it in under a thousand words but I did my best!
Story Under the Cut!
Trigger Warning for Blood Mentioned.
With Friends.
Ephemer didn’t remember much about the… Incident that changed his life. Just the feeling of pain unlike anything else he’d ever felt and the warm feeling of blood. His blood. The next thing he remembers after that is Lady Ava explaining to him he’d been attacked. It was well understood that going outside of the town, especially at night, had risks. Ephmere just never expected to have the consequences would be so… Dire.
“There’s not much I can do for you,” Lady Ava admits. “The powers you have from the incident… I can suppress them for you using magic but that’s all I can do for you from here.”
Ephemer nods numbly, “Thank you Lady Ava… May I have some time to think this over?”
Lady Ava gives him a kind smile, nods, and disappears through one of her portals, no doubt going back to the Foreteller’s tower. Ephemer knows she’ll be back when he’s made a decision. That’s just how Lady Ava is. Ephemer gets out of bed slowly, the lights are brighter than they once were and the smells… God he could smell everything and… Something smelt very good.
He follows the smell out of the room medic room he’s in and into the waiting area.The smell… It was coming from his friends? Skuld is sitting talking with some of their friends and gods did she smell good. It takes him a bit to realize what he’s smelling is no doubt her blood and he blots. He’s much faster than he expected himself to be and he’s all the way to the fountain before he can stop himself.
He just ran clear across Daybreak Town in mere seconds.
He stops. The air is filled with strange new scents and it’s driving him wild. The smell of the flowers is overwhelming and they aren’t even that close! He has no idea how he could ever cope with such a crazy new set of powers. Dejected he begins to walk around town. This was his own fault. He should have listened better.
He’s just walked into the market place when he notices a friend surrounded by heartless. Even if he isn’t sure what to do right now he can’t just leave them to fight on their own! He rushes over, quicker than he thought possible even after the display of speed earlier.
He snarls, baring fangs at the heartless. They stink. The battle is over before it even begins.
“Thanks Eph,” his friend says. “That was amazing!”
“It was… Wasn’t it,” he smiles a bit, having made his decision.
Lady Ava appears through one of her portals. Ephemer walks towards her, head held high. He knows what he’s going to do.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
Hi! Merry (belated?) Christmas! Anyway, Ephemer & the default KHX Player boy avatar stargazing at the beach in just the swim shorts avatar parts? & them falling asleep together at the beach? Thanks!
Very belated Christmas to you anon! Here’s your request! It was fun to write!
The sound of the waves hitting the shore makes Ephemer feel a little sleepy, he looks to his friend who’s laying on the ground.
“What are you doing,” he asks, coming to sit by him.
“Watching the stars,” his friend answers softly.
“Sounds boring,” Ephemer whines a bit, “Come on let’s go swimming.”
“We already did that, and it’s dark now,” his friend says, shaking his head.
Ephemer sighs, laying down next to his friend. The stars are beautiful. His friend isn’t wrong about that. He looks up at them.
“Where do you think the light from the stars come from,” his friend asks.
“No idea,” Ephemer admits, looking over to his friend, then back up at the stars. “But they are pretty.”
“Mhmm,” his friend nods. “They are and they make shapes if you look at them right!”
“Really,” Ephemer asks skeptically, turning his attention fully to the stars above them. The sound of the waves is soothing. If he focuses he can make out a few shapes. It’s fun. “Look at those!” He points to some stars.
“That’s a fun one,” his friend agrees after a few moments.
Ephemer nods, his eye lids feel heavy but he doesn’t want to go back yet. His friend has gone silent. The waves crash against the shore and he remembers they really should head back before Skuld comes looking for him. That’s the last thought he has before his eyelids slid shut.
Skuld finds them covered in sand the next morning and spends the rest of the day laughing at them.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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I made this awhile back when i was playing remind. I always imagine Riku playing as data Sora like its a computer game while the ff crew watches, and Riku struggles as much as I did with fighting the data organization.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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Very, very late on this but here are my entries for @twosidesfanzine
The Sokai piece was for the zine itself and the Rokunami one is a post card.
I honestly forgot about posting this on tumblr and by the time I remembered I wasn’t sure if I should since it’s been a while? Haha…
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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by 裸餅 Pixiv ID 748040
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
Stay hooome
Special sketch commission for my relative who’s a nurse
Vanitas and Ventus on the left
Sandalphon and Lucifer on the right
Twitter + Instra: @Passerby-Gamer
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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One day I'll draw something not Blaine-related, but that day isn't today.
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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Let her live her dream ;-;
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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maxieprodmoore · 4 years
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