mattjlawrence · 4 years
Notes on sugar
A week into my Quit For A Bit - no sugar challenge, I have realised a few things that I thought I would share, in case they are either useful or interesting.
It’s too easy to get hold of
250 gram chocolate bars are only 20p more than 40gram ones. Isle ends are packed with offers on biscuits, cakes and sweets. In comparison fruit is the more expensive choice.
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It’s often hidden
When you start to look, sugar is in lots of things you wouldn’t straight away associate with being sweet; crisps, soup, baked beans and mayonnaise.
It’s added to sweet things
Mixed fruit and nuts have added sugar in them, the banana chips are sweetened and so is the coconut, even a bag of dried cranberries has lots of sugar added.
Times of day force habits
3 o’clock is the hardest time of the day. It’s the last time I have caffeine in a day and that mid-afternoon cuppa is often paired with a biscuit or chocolate. I miss that the most.
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Your tastebuds change
I have noticed that cashew nuts have a naturally sweet after taste and raisins now blow my mind in how sweet they are.
Alternatives can be bad too
Plain crisps have no sugar, but are high in salt. Cheese is high in fat and salt. Cracker biscuits are high in salt. Nuts are high in fat - albeit not saturated fats. It’s hard to find a ‘healthy’ alternative.
I was on a two day come down
I had a headache in the afternoon for a couple of days after starting to quit for a bit, possibly a coincidence, but maybe my body had become reliant on a sugar hit to get me through the latter half of the day.
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My habits will change
I will appreciate sugar more, and have smaller amounts when I can. Substitutes such as rye crackers and nuts will stick around and I’ll buy less chocolate bars to keep in the house and drawer at work. I will have more enforced breaks from sugar because it isn’t good for me and I have proven that I can live without it. (For a bit).
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mattjlawrence · 4 years
Here’s a little thing that I wrote about my experience getting a new job over video call during lockdown.
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mattjlawrence · 5 years
Mindfulness for a Jilted Generation
My Son is struggling to sleep. He’s only 10 years old. This week he started his last term at Primary School, he’s finished his SAT exams, has a place at secondary school, he shouldn’t have a care in the world. But, after lights out at bedtime he gets up numerous times, anxious that he needs the toilet.
I have approached him about it, curious to learn more about what’s troubling him, only for him to pour out a whole string of things that he obsesses about before he can relax and get into a calm state for sleep.
I am really keen to help him and I have explored several mindfulness practitioners, Ruby Wax, Dan Harris and others which has helped me, so I am going to start with some basic breathing practice and create a relaxed environment for him to hopefully sleep better and see what happens. 
I haven’t found many resources this side of a paywall for helping kids with mindfulness so I’ll report back what I find out. Shout back with any advice or learnings you’ve gathered on the subject.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
More time with this lot. Fossil hunting at West Bay. It was soooo windy but so much fun. What a stunning place. Dorset rocks
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Back at work and back in front of the camera. It’s nearly over people, nearly
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
This one was much easier to make. Quality time with my daughter. Love it.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
It’s not easy. Tuesday was not a good day. 4 takes later and I still hadn’t nailed what I wanted to say about goals. So I scrapped it. 
I think I might be getting to the stage where I am over analysing the content too much. Now I know people are at least watching, I am feeling the pressure to deliver better content. It’s having the counter impact.
Got to get over this!
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Last video of week three is back at Urban Beach. Better to be on business in a boutique hotel than a basement box.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Had to really think about this one as I was filming, how was I going to edit all the clips together. Lighting was an issue too as it was so bright. But pleased with the outcome.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Here is the video of the presentation I gave on Wednesday on social media. It raised some interesting discussion around editing that I covered later in a video post on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6458593772661014528
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
More videos in a Jiffy
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Here’s the proper video for Monday, Ryan talks us through the new beers coming to Jenkins & Sons.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Here we go - week three
Half way through the month of video content and I have learned a load. Here’s a little run down.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Today’s video...we’re behind the scenes - developing the latest incarnation of the Urban Bloody Mary.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Normal service resumed today, back in front of the camera and behind it to capture some professionals at work.
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mattjlawrence · 6 years
Sad times :’(
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