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Yūsha Yoshihiko to Maō no Shiro (勇者ヨシヒコと魔王の城, lit. “The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castle”)
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My grandfather and my godfather (a beloved neighbor and dear family friend) had a long standing bet- for one dollar- about who would die first. Both of them being slightly pessimistic (in the funny way), they both insisted that they themselves would be the first to die. Any time my grandfather had a health scare, he’d gleefully call up my godfather to boast that he’d be passing “any day now” and he was sure to win the bet. It was a big family joke and they were always amiably sparring and comparing notes about who was in worse shape, medically speaking.
When my grandfather was in hospice care dying of liver cancer, my godfather was quite ill also. It took him great effort to make the journey to see his dying friend. As he came into the room, supported by a family member, he shuffled to my grandpa’s bedside and silently handed him a dollar bill. He was ceding his loss of the bet, as they both knew who was going first. My grandpa had been in quite bad shape for a while and was no longer able to speak but let me tell you he snatched that dollar with unexpected strength and literally laughed aloud. He knew exactly what the gesture meant and he couldn’t help but find the humor within the grief. It was the last time any of us heard my grandpa laugh, as he passed shortly after.
When I talk about my appreciation for “dark humor” I’m not so much thinking about edgy jokes, but rather the human instinct to somehow, impossibly, both find and appreciate the absurdity that is so often folded into the profound grief of life and death. When I tell this story I think it kind of perturbs people sometimes, but it’s honestly one of my favorite memories about two men I really deeply admired. I could never hope for anything more than for my loved ones to remember me laughing until the very end, and taking joy in a little joke as one of my final acts.
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make a girl smile today.
give her a sword.
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“i got hurt because i suck”
suck?? suck what?? sanjis dick?? his neck?? zoro u fucking twink
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All screenshots I see of Law are either him being insanely injured, him looking uncomfortable af, or him looking smug af and honestly given the first two I'm not sure why he thinks he deserves to do the latter so often. You ain't cool enough to have a permanent smug smirk son. Let's be realistic here.
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Onions part 2
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listen listen I swear I'm normal I have an actual explanation for why I get so hyped for these nerds acting slutty and you see that is because I am projecting
ranboo grew up so repressed and closeted, came out and finally started expressing themself and discovering who they are, and now they are so unimaginably different from the person they started out from. I mean can you imagine little dapper lad with his suit and tie fucking POLEDANCING IN LA???? I get so fucking excited about it because it makes me so darn proud to see them grow in confidence, accept themself, try new things, just maturing into a wonderful young adult and being confident in themself. And I'm experiencing this wonderful blossoming of the self vicariously through them.
and I am pretty new to watching Charlie, but it comes from a similar place. I love seeing someone who didn't seem to put any care into their personal style or consider themself attractive suddenly realise they can have fun with it and use their appearance as a projection of who they want to be, and shed their fear of the judgement of others in place of just doing want they wanna do and feeling free. It's just so lovely to watch.
Basically I just love watching repressed nerds stop being repressed and just be nerds. I get so hyped because I'm so excited for them, and I hope experience that same confidence and freedom someday
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For once, Tumblr gets art first :) I’ve been staying away from Twitter for a tiny bit
Anyways, I’ve never done a drawing of Ranboo (without counting the time I drew him and Tubbo for clinic) but I saw their tattoo post on Instagram and it just really made me wanna do this, I thought it was very sweet :)
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There are two Riddlers
There are two Riddlers facing off Batman, Robin, and Red Robin near City Hall. We're not sure where the second one came from but he looks like Bane if he was small, sopping wet, and wearing a sad trenchcoat. We can also tell which one is OUR Riddler because OUR Riddler hasn't killed anyone in almost a year and we're very proud of him. OTHER Riddler just shot at least three people.
Our Riddler is sitting off to the side with Red Robin and they seem to be playing puzzle games on Red Robin's tablet. Other Riddler is fighting Batman and Robin and seems surprised that Robin either exists or has a sword.
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Gotham's rogues are such horny motherfuckers. All that just so that a big tittie goth milf will sit on them 😑
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Things said by the batfamily during a commercial flight.
“What do you mean you don’t have enough first class seats ma’am?”
“You’re flying Economy, brat, you’re the one with the shortest legs”
“No way, Todd, last time I checked the legally dead can’t fly”
“Extra cost for overweight luggage? Since when?”
“Bet you 20 bucks Jason gets stopped by security”
“No sir, I swear I don’t have any sharps or firearms within my person”
“No sir, that’s not meth it’s purple food colouring”
“I swear I am not related to any of them”
“4 dollars for a bottle of water? Fuck no, drink from the water faucet”
“Where’s Dick? Our zone just got called,”
“Where do you think? Getting skin care airport size products at Duty Free”
“Has anybody seen Duke?”
“He’s getting a massage”
“Listen here everyone, I am boarding that plane with or without you,”
“I call dibs on sitting next to Alfred,”
“Absolutely no. I am sitting next to Alfred, or else you’re all grounded”
“Why is Tim not waking up? We’re boarding soon”
“He knocked himself out with melatodine gummies”
“Master Jason, please don’t draw on your brother’s face while he’s unconscious”
“It’s our chance, let’s ditch Drake for real”
“Shit i can’t find my passport”
“I can lend you one of mine. I’ve got Ireland, UK, Spain, Singapore, Russian, and North Korea’s”
“How in the hell you got a North Korean passport?”
“Are you wearing red hair in your Irish passport?”
“Can you believe it? They have 100 ml Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair!”
“This salad is disgusting, Father, i can’t eat this”
“Then don’t eat”
“I’ll stab you Drake i swear”
“How did you slipped a knife through security?”
“Only a knife? What an Amateur”
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I don't mean to sound jealous or ungrateful but I'm kind of getting tired of looking out my window and seeing Superman give Batman the best back shots he's ever probably had in his life I just wish at least once a week they would choose a different building to do that on
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Bruce: Batman will be a cryptid. An urban legend, designed to strike fear in the hearts of criminals.
Bumper stickers in Gotham City:
"Batman ate my entire ass at a Big Belly Burger"
"Half man. Half bat. All friend."
"Batman is real. We made out. He is a gentle and caring lover."
Bruce: ... Alfred, I think I made a mistake.
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Only in Gotham headcanon
Robin!Damian is the Robin who have more stuff in internet than the other because he becomes robin after the big boom in social media (the other also did mistakes and funny moments, but there was no gothamite with iPhone to record this up)
There is a compilation on social media of photos and videos of Batman, Nightwing and (few times) Redhood carrying the 8-year-old Robin in their arms, because the little bird fell asleep in the middle of the patrol
It is common to find videos or photos of bats eating together
and sometimes you can also found pics with Nightwing and Redhood drink beer together
one time Clark found this video of two boys dressed as Robin and Superboy receiving candy with the description "Halloween in the middle of July", Jon got grounded for it
there is also a video of Redhood in full armor, going into a 24 hour ice cream shop with Robin!Damian and Superboy!Jon to buy ice cream for them
More than once a gothamite take a pic of Robin!Damian using a hello kitty band Aid
On the Spoiler_Official channel you can see the video of Red Robin and Robin playing in a playground in the middle of the night, the footage shows them playing on the seesaw, swing and jumping hopscotch
(the story behind this video is cute: there's this silent rule in the house that when you see Damian act like a kid, you need to incentive it. In that night Damian found a hopscotch in the playground and Tim noticed the confuse expression in Damian face, Tim decided then help Damian and both end up play in the playground all night instend of doing the mission)
And you also can find Robin scaring Red Robin with the baby possum he found in the trash
#BatmanHasTooManyChildren is now a really thing because of it
If you do a good search, you'll find a photo of Robin hiding under his father's cloak on a rainy night
Duke doesn't know it yet, but Signal has a strong fan club in Gotham and they all goes wild everytime that there are videos of him show off his powers
Half of Gotham believe that Dick Grayson is Redhood
neither Dick nor Jason know how to feels about it
Also a lot of people believe that Red Robin is actually Tim Drake's ex boyfriend
Talia has an alarm to know when a photo or video of Robin!Damian is posted. She puts everything she thinks worth saved in a folder
Bart, one time, wanted tries this ancient thing called tiktok with his friend...Lex Luthor's building was the target of pranks that month
Jim Gordon was already caught buying cotton candy for Robin and Superboy (Damian and Jon), while Batman fought the Croc
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