There are 2 kinds of people
*Evanescence voice* Wake me up
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Story Time:
A young woman limping down the watery covered pavement,clenching onto a small bag of cat food.A strange drunkened man following her from a distance.Rain hitting both their faces as the young woman made way to her apartment building.Taking a breath before walking into the seemingly saddened hall way. The man,walking towards the liquor store across the street mumbling under his breath."She's the one.",as he steps foot into the store from the cold rain.Shrugging off the rain from his coat,going over and grabbing a small case of beer.The drunkened man,not needing anymore consumption of alcohol,walks over to the counter.Drunkedly slurring his words."Uh *hiccups* I'd like to Purchase this,kind sir."As he stumbles a bit. The clerk,only longing to go home,sells him his case of beer.The odd man staggering out into the cold rainy weather,making his way towards the woman he'd just saw entering the apartment building's room.In a drunken state,seeing a lonely kitten in the stormy weather,picks it up and slowly makes his way to the desk clerk,asking where that woman was.The clerk assuming he knew her,unknowingly who the stranger was,tells him. "Room 205."The clerk says. The smell of alcohol flooding from his pores,like a flooding river.The cold wind blowing behind him as he goes towards the stairs,the smell of the rainy outdoors filling the air like the scent of mommas home cooking when you first wake up.He staggers and stumbles up the stairs,clinging onto his six pack of beer for dear life.
"Mmm 201....202...203...204....ah,I think this is it.I hope it is.Oh well,aint no shame in tryin."he says drunkedly. Knocking on the door,he nervously awaits for an answer.Not knowing if she was married with kids or single as a pringle.His alcoholsim gave him some form of courage,he himself could never explain. At last the door was answered by a sweet smelling young lady."May I help you sir?"she asked,confusedly. Pushing her aside,he enters.Kneeling onto one knee as she turned around and saw him,kneeling."Look ma'am,this is gonna sound crazy and I don't know what I'm doing....BUT,will you marry me?"he asked. Looking at him for a moment,then smiling,"If you throw out that pack of beer,AND quit drinking,I'll be your wife."she smiled,as the man smiled back,and picked her up,spinning her around like a disney princess.
"I'm Aiden,thought I'd introduce myself."he said.The woman looked at him once more and grined."Oh,so you'll propose before giving me your name?How kind of you.I'm Nicole."she replied sarcastically with a twinkle in her eyes.
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Story Time:
There once was a boy by the name of shaggy,who was all alone and didn’t have a friend in the world.Every day he’d get bullied at school,he’d find a place that would ensure he’d be alone and cry.Every night,before he went to sleep,he’d pray to the heavens that god would send him a friend.
Well,the very next day he awoke to the sound of whimpering right outside his window.It was a puppy,asleep in the bushes.Quietly,shaggy snuck outside to bring him back in.Once he picked him up,he staggered back up to his bedroom.Softly closing the door behind him,he puts the puppy on his bed. “I’m gonna name you....scooby doo.”he thought to himself.
Going into the kitchen to make a snack and to get the probably starving puppy some food of his own,he comes back to find the puppy has woken. “Aw hey little guy,I brought you something.Aw,dont be scared,I just brought you in from outside.”he explained. The shivering pup looking at shaggy for a short moment.They locked eyes,and that’s when shaggy and scooby knew they’d be best friends forever.
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Going down 😈😈
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When your sister about to tell you something good....
Me:Tell me....don’t leave out the details.
Her:*Proceeds telling me*
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Story Time:
Me and my dad went to this convention,to see our heroes...who happen to be identical Canadian twins.......Sylvia and Jen Soska.
So we were in line to meet em and take a few pics,and I started getting really really excited.The second I heard the loud one’s cackle,I immediately started to freak the fuck out.So the other one,looked up and saw me,which never in a million years I thought that would EVER happen,anyways,she looked up talking to some other fan,as she looked up and saw me.She nearly fucking bulldozed everyone getting to me,she ran up and hugged the fuck out of me.
So then,when we actually get up there,I was already in tears by this point,and the other one (Sylvia),picked me up and legit carried me a little passed the table.They were so sweet,and it was awesome.Later that night we got to hang with them.The one that ran up to me was Jen.
@sirchubbybunny @twistedtwinsproductions 
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Literal brother goals
So like me and my big brother are both trans,and our goals are to have our transition done the same day.He actually is the only person that understands.
@sirchubbybunny @drbevsboys
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Follow your stupid fucking dreams,don't let these bastards grind you down.
Jen Soska
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