mashakels-blog 7 months
Learn about Islam
Islam is a major world religion with over 1.8 billion followers, making it the second-largest religion globally. It was founded by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula. Muslims, the followers of Islam, believe that Muhammad received revelations from God, which were compiled into the holy book of Islam, the Quran.
Learn about Islam:
聽Islam is based on six fundamental beliefs known as the "Six Articles of Faith":
1. Tawhid: The belief in the oneness of God (Allah) and the rejection of any form of polytheism or idol worship.
2. Prophethood: The belief in the Prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, as messengers of God.
3. Divine Books: The belief in the original scriptures revealed by God, including the Quran, the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel.
4. Angels: The belief in the existence of angels as spiritual beings created by God.
5. Divine Decree: The belief in God's predestination, including both good and evil, and the understanding that humans have free will within the framework of God's plan.
6. Day of Judgment: The belief in the Day of Judgment when all individuals will be held accountable for their actions in this life.
Practices and Worship:
1. Five Pillars of Islam: These are the five core practices that form the foundation of Muslim faith:
聽聽聽a. Shahada: The declaration of faith, affirming belief in the oneness of God and Muhammad as the final messenger.
聽聽聽b. Salah: The performance of five daily prayers facing the Kaaba in Mecca.
聽聽聽c. Zakat: The giving of alms or charitable donations to assist the less fortunate.
聽聽聽d. Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset.
聽聽聽e. Hajj: The pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which is mandatory for able-bodied and financially capable Muslims at least once in their lifetime.
2. Islamic Jurisprudence: The Shariah is the Islamic law derived from the Quran and the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad. It encompasses various aspects of life, including personal conduct, family matters, business transactions, and criminal justice.
3. Islamic Calendar: Muslims follow the lunar-based Islamic calendar, which consists of 12 months. The most significant month is Ramadan, during which Muslims fast and engage in increased worship.
4. Mosques: Mosques serve as places of worship and community gathering for Muslims. They are centers for prayer, education, and social activities.
5. Dietary Restrictions: Muslims adhere to dietary restrictions known as Halal, which prohibit the consumption of pork and alcohol. They also follow specific guidelines regarding the method of animal slaughter.
Muslim Diversity:
Islam has a diverse global community with followers from various ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds. The two major sects within Islam are Sunni and Shia, which emerged following a disagreement over leadership succession after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
It's important to note that Islam, like any religion, is a complex and multifaceted faith with variations in interpretation and practice among different individuals and communities. The best way to learn more about Islam is through respectful engagement with Muslims, reading reputable books and scholarly works on the subject, and seeking guidance from knowledgeable individuals or Islamic centers.
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mashakels-blog 7 months
online Quran classes
There are various options for Quran online classes in the UK. Online Quran classes provide an opportunity for individuals of all ages to learn to recite and understand the Quran from the comfort of their own homes. Here are a few options you can consider:
1. Online Quran Academies: There are several online Quran academies that offer structured Quran learning programs. These academies provide one-on-one or group classes with qualified Quran teachers who guide students in recitation, Tajweed (rules of Quranic pronunciation), and understanding of the Quranic text. Examples of online Quran academies include Quran Academy, Quran Schooling, and TarteeleQuran.
2. Islamic Centers and Mosques: Many Islamic centers and mosques in the UK offer online Quran classes as part of their educational programs. These classes may be conducted by qualified Quran teachers who provide instruction in recitation and memorization of the Quran. You can check with local Islamic centers or mosques in your area to inquire about their online Quran classes.
3. Individual Quran Teachers: Some qualified Quran teachers offer online Quran classes on an individual basis. They provide personalized instruction tailored to the student's level and needs. You can search online directories or platforms that connect students with Quran teachers to find individual instructors who offer online classes in the UK.
When choosing an online Quran class, consider factors such as the qualifications and experience of the teachers, the teaching methodology used, class timings, and the availability of resources for students. It's also important to inquire about the fees and registration process.
It is recommended to research and read reviews about the different online Quran classes available in the UK to find a reputable and suitable option that meets your specific requirements.
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mashakels-blog 7 months
Arabic language classes
Arabic language classes are available in various locations across the United States. These classes cater to different levels of proficiency, from beginner to advanced, and are offered by different institutions such as language schools, community colleges, universities, and cultural centers. Here are a few options to consider:
1. Language Schools: Many language schools offer Arabic language classes for both adults and children. Examples include Berlitz, the International Language Institute, and the Arabic Language Institute.
2. Community Colleges and Universities: Numerous community colleges and universities provide Arabic language courses. These institutions often have language departments or centers that offer Arabic classes as part of their curriculum. You can check the websites of local community colleges and universities in your area to find out about the Arabic language courses they offer.
3. Cultural Centers: Some cultural centers, such as Arab-American community centers or Islamic centers, may offer Arabic language classes as part of their programming. These centers often aim to promote Arabic language and culture within their communities.
4. Online Classes: If you prefer the flexibility of online learning, there are several platforms that offer Arabic language courses online. Examples include italki, Rosetta Stone, and Mango Languages.
When searching for Arabic language classes, consider factors such as the location, schedule, cost, and teaching methodology that best suit your needs. Additionally, you may want to inquire about the qualifications and experience of the instructors to ensure quality instruction.
It is recommended to check with the specific institutions or search online directories for Arabic language classes in your area to find the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding course availability and registration procedures.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
Quran teaching program
Quran teaching is available in various forms in the United States. Here are some common avenues for learning and studying the Quran in the USA:
1. Islamic Centers and Mosques: Many Islamic centers and mosques across the United States offer Quran classes for children and adults. These classes can range from basic recitation and memorization to in-depth study of Quranic interpretation (Tafsir) and Arabic language. Contact your local Islamic center or mosque to inquire about their Quran teaching programs.
2. Weekend Islamic Schools: Weekend Islamic schools, also known as Islamic weekend schools or Sunday schools, often include Quranic studies as part of their curriculum. These schools typically operate on weekends and provide a comprehensive Islamic education for children, including Quran recitation, memorization, and understanding.
3. Online Quran Classes: With advancements in technology, online Quran classes have become increasingly popular. There are various online platforms and websites that offer Quran teaching services with qualified instructors. Students can receive one-on-one or group lessons via video conferencing.
4. Quran Learning Centers: There are Quran learning centers in the United States that specialize in teaching the Quran to both children and adults. These centers may offer structured courses that cover different aspects of Quranic studies, such as Tajweed (rules of Quranic recitation), memorization, and understanding.
5. Private Tutors: Hiring a private Quran tutor is another option for Quranic education. Private tutors can provide personalized attention and tailor the lessons to the specific needs and abilities of the student. You can find qualified tutors through local community networks, online platforms, or referrals from other community members.
When choosing a Quran teaching program or instructor, it's important to consider their qualifications, teaching methodology, and the compatibility of their approach with your learning goals. Additionally, inquire about the availability of resources, class schedules, and any fees associated with the program or service.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
study Arabic in the United States
There are several options available to study Arabic in the United States. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Universities and Colleges: Many universities and colleges across the United States offer Arabic language programs. These programs can range from introductory courses to advanced degree programs. Some well-known institutions for studying Arabic include Georgetown University, Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and University of Texas at Austin.
2. Noor Institute: There are language institutes and centers that specialize in teaching foreign languages, including Arabic. The Middlebury Language Schools, for example, offer immersive summer programs in Arabic where students can dedicate themselves to intensive language study. The Qalam wa Lawh Center for Arabic Studies in Texas and the Arab American Language Institute in Michigan are also reputable institutions.
3. Community Colleges: Local community colleges often offer Arabic language courses. These courses are typically more affordable and can be a good option for beginners or those seeking a more casual learning experience.
4. Online Courses: If you prefer flexibility or do not have access to physical institutions, online courses can be a convenient option. Websites like Mango Languages, Rosetta Stone, and Duolingo offer Arabic language courses that you can study at your own pace.
5. Cultural Organizations and Mosques: Some cultural organizations and mosques offer Arabic language classes as part of their educational programs. These classes are often open to the community and can provide an opportunity to learn Arabic in a cultural context.
When choosing a program, consider factors such as the level of instruction, the reputation of the institution, the availability of scholarships or financial aid, and the location that suits your needs. It's also helpful to research the curriculum, teaching methodologies, and qualifications of the instructors to ensure they align with your learning goals.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
Arabic language courses
There are several options available to study Arabic in the United States. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Universities and Colleges: Many universities and colleges across the United States offer Arabic language programs. These programs can range from introductory courses to advanced degree programs. Some well-known institutions for studying Arabic include Georgetown University, Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and University of Texas at Austin.
2. Noor Institute: There are language institutes and centers that specialize in teaching foreign languages, including Arabic. The Middlebury Language Schools, for example, offer immersive summer programs in Arabic where students can dedicate themselves to intensive language study. The Qalam wa Lawh Center for Arabic Studies in Texas and the Arab American Language Institute in Michigan are also reputable institutions.
3. Community Colleges: Local community colleges often offer Arabic language courses. These courses are typically more affordable and can be a good option for beginners or those seeking a more casual learning experience.
4. Online Courses: If you prefer flexibility or do not have access to physical institutions, online courses can be a convenient option. Websites like Mango Languages, Rosetta Stone, and Duolingo offer Arabic language courses that you can study at your own pace.
5. Cultural Organizations and Mosques: Some cultural organizations and mosques offer Arabic language classes as part of their educational programs. These classes are often open to the community and can provide an opportunity to learn Arabic in a cultural context.
When choosing a program, consider factors such as the level of instruction, the reputation of the institution, the availability of scholarships or financial aid, and the location that suits your needs. It's also helpful to research the curriculum, teaching methodologies, and qualifications of the instructors to ensure they align with your learning goals.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
learn about islam
Islam is one of the major world religions, with over 1.8 billion followers, making it the second-largest religion globally. It was founded in the early 7th century CE by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in what is now modern-day Saudi Arabia. The teachings of Islam are primarily based on the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an (or Koran), which Muslims believe to be the divine revelation from God.
Learn about Islam with Noor Institute
Basic Beliefs:
1. Monotheism: Islam is a monotheistic religion, affirming the belief in the oneness of God (Allah). Muslims believe that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is His final prophet.
2. Five Pillars of Islam: These are the central acts of worship that form the foundation of a Muslim's faith and practice. They are:
聽聽聽a. Shahada: The declaration of faith, stating that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet.
聽聽聽b. Salah: The performance of five daily prayers facing the Kaaba in Mecca.
聽聽聽c. Zakat: The giving of alms or charity to the poor and needy.
聽聽聽d. Sawm: Fasting from dawn until sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.
聽聽聽e. Hajj: The pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which every able-bodied and financially capable Muslim is expected to undertake at least once in their lifetime.
3. Prophets and Messengers: Muslims believe in the prophethood of various individuals, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, among others. They consider Muhammad to be the final prophet sent by God to guide humanity.
4. Day of Judgment: Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, where all individuals will be held accountable for their deeds in this world. The righteous will be rewarded with paradise (Jannah), while the wicked will face punishment in hell (Jahannam).
5. Predestination: Muslims believe in the concept of divine predestination, known as Qadar. They believe that everything happens according to the will of Allah, who has knowledge of all things past, present, and future.
Islamic Practices:
1. Mosque: Muslims gather in mosques for congregational prayers and community activities. The mosque serves as a center for worship, education, and social gatherings.
2. Dietary Laws: Muslims follow dietary restrictions, adhering to halal (permissible) and avoiding haram (forbidden) food and drinks. Pork, alcohol, and animals slaughtered in a non-halal manner are considered haram.
3. Modesty: Modesty in dress and behavior is encouraged for both men and women. Many Muslim women choose to wear a hijab (headscarf) as a symbol of modesty, although practices vary across different cultures.
4. Ramadan: The holy month of Ramadan is a time of fasting and increased devotion. Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset. The fast is broken each day with a meal called Iftar.
Islamic Sects:
Islam has several major sects. The two largest sects are Sunni and Shia Islam. Sunnis constitute the majority of Muslims worldwide, while Shia Muslims are the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and some other countries. The primary difference between the two sects lies in their beliefs regarding the rightful successor to Prophet Muhammad.
Learn about Islam with Noor Institute It's important to note that there is diversity within the Muslim community, with varying interpretations of Islamic teachings and practices. Islam has made significant contributions to various fields, including science, art, architecture, and philosophy, and has a rich cultural and intellectual heritage.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
studying Arabic online in the USA
If you're interested in studying Arabic online in the USA, there are several options available to you. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Online Language Learning Platforms: There are numerous online language learning platforms that offer Arabic courses designed for learners of different proficiency levels. Some popular platforms include:
聽聽聽- Duolingo: Duolingo offers free interactive lessons for beginners to develop basic Arabic vocabulary and grammar skills.
聽聽聽- Rosetta Stone: Rosetta Stone provides immersive language learning programs that include Arabic courses at various proficiency levels.
聽聽聽- Mango Languages: Mango Languages offers Arabic courses with interactive lessons and cultural insights to help learners develop conversational skills.
2. Virtual Arabic Language Institutes: Many language institutes and schools offer virtual Arabic language courses. These institutes provide structured curricula, live online classes, and opportunities for interaction with instructors and fellow learners. Examples include Qasid Online, Arab Academy, and Al-Madina Center.
3. Online University Courses: Several universities offer online Arabic language courses that can be taken for credit or non-credit. These courses are often part of language departments or Middle Eastern studies programs. Check with universities in your area or explore online programs from reputable institutions.
4. Tutoring and Language Exchange Platforms: Platforms like italki, Preply, and Verbling connect language learners with native Arabic-speaking tutors for one-on-one lessons. You can choose a tutor based on your specific learning goals and schedule.
5. Arabic Language MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are offered by platforms such as Coursera and edX. These courses provide video lectures, exercises, and assessments to help you learn Arabic at your own pace. Some universities also offer Arabic language MOOCs, so keep an eye out for those as well.
Why Noor Institute
When selecting an online Arabic course, consider factors such as the course content, teaching methodology, instructor qualifications, student reviews, and the flexibility of the program to ensure it aligns with your learning needs and preferences.
Remember to practice regularly, seek opportunities for language immersion, and supplement your studies with additional resources such as Arabic language apps, podcasts, or online communities to enhance your learning experience.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
Islam online in the USA
If you're interested in learning about Islam online in the USA, there are various resources and platforms available to you. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Islamic Online Universities: There are several online universities that offer courses and programs in Islamic studies. These universities provide comprehensive and structured curricula covering various aspects of Islam, including theology, Quranic studies, Hadith, Islamic history, and more. Some prominent Islamic online universities include Islamic Online University, Mishkah University, and Islamic University Online.
2. Islamic Educational Websites: There are numerous educational websites that provide resources, articles, videos, and online courses on Islam. Some popular websites include Islamic Relief USA, SeekersGuidance, Bayyinah Institute, and Islamicity. These websites offer a wealth of information on different topics related to Islam and cater to learners of different levels of knowledge.
3. YouTube Channels and Podcasts: There are many YouTube channels and podcasts that focus on Islamic education and provide valuable content for learning about Islam. Some notable channels include The Deenspiration, The Daily Reminder, and Bayyinah Institute's YouTube channel. Podcasts like The Deenspiration Podcast, Qalam Institute Podcast, and The Mad Mamluks offer audio content on various Islamic topics.
4. Online Courses and Webinars: Many Islamic organizations and scholars (Noor Institute) offer online courses and webinars on specific topics within Islam. These courses often cover subjects such as Quranic studies, Islamic ethics, Islamic law, and more. Seek out renowned scholars, local mosques, and Islamic centers that offer online learning opportunities.
5. Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have accounts and pages dedicated to sharing Islamic knowledge. Follow reputable Islamic scholars, organizations, and educators who regularly post educational content and engage in discussions on Islamic topics.
When seeking Islamic education online, it's important to verify the credibility and qualifications of the sources and instructors. Look for recommendations, reviews, and endorsements from reliable sources within the Muslim community. Additionally, consider reaching out to local mosques or Islamic centers in your area, as they may offer online classes or resources for learning about Islam.
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mashakels-blog 8 months
Arabic language course in the USA
If you're interested in taking an Arabic language course in the USA, there are several options available to you. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Universities and Colleges: Many universities and colleges across the United States offer Arabic language courses. These courses may be part of a language department or a Middle Eastern studies program. You can check the websites of local universities or colleges in your area to see if they offer Arabic language courses.
2. Language Institutes: There are language institutes like Noor institute and centers that specialize in teaching foreign languages, including Arabic. These institutes often offer intensive language programs or part-time courses to accommodate different schedules. Look for language institutes or cultural centers in your city or nearby metropolitan areas. They may offer Arabic language courses for beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners.
3. Community Colleges: Community colleges are another option for Arabic language courses. They usually offer language classes at affordable prices and have flexible schedules. Check with community colleges near you to see if they have Arabic language programs or courses.
4. Online Courses: If you prefer the flexibility of learning Arabic from the comfort of your own home, you can consider online language courses. Many reputable language learning platforms offer Arabic courses with interactive lessons, multimedia resources, and opportunities for live practice with instructors or language exchange partners.
5. Private Language Schools: There might be private language schools or tutoring centers in your area that provide Arabic language instruction. These schools often offer personalized lessons tailored to individual needs and goals.
When choosing a course, consider factors such as the instructor's qualifications, the curriculum, class size, and the duration of the course. It's also helpful to read reviews or testimonials from previous students to get an idea of the quality of instruction.
Remember to check the availability of courses, as offerings may vary depending on your location and the institution.
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mashakels-blog 9 months
Arabic language classes
There are several online platforms and institutions that offer Arabic language courses specifically designed for learners in the USA. Here are some options you can consider:
1. University Programs: Many universities in the USA offer online Arabic language courses as part of their distance learning or continuing education programs. Some notable universities that offer online Arabic programs include Harvard University, Georgetown University, and the University of Texas at Austin.
2. Online Language Learning Platforms: There are various online language learning platforms that provide Arabic courses for learners in the USA. These platforms often offer structured lessons, interactive exercises, and access to qualified instructors. Examples include Rosetta Stone, italki, Mango Languages, and Transparent Language.
3. Arabic Language Institutes: Some Arabic language institutes offer online classes for learners in the USA. These institutes are dedicated to teaching Arabic and provide comprehensive courses at different proficiency levels. One example is the Arab Academy, which offers online Arabic courses with certified instructors.
4. Virtual Tutoring: You can also find individual Arabic tutors who offer online lessons. Platforms like italki, Preply, and Verbling connect learners with tutors from around the world, including Arabic tutors who can provide personalized instruction tailored to your specific needs.
5. Community Colleges: Many community colleges in the USA offer online Arabic language courses as part of their language or international studies programs. Check with community colleges in your area or in neighboring regions to see if they offer online Arabic language classes.
When choosing an online Arabic language program, consider factors such as the curriculum, the qualifications of the instructors, flexibility in scheduling, and cost. It's also a good idea to read reviews and testimonials to get an idea of the quality and effectiveness of the program.
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mashakels-blog 9 months
Arabic language courses
If you are interested in taking Arabic language classes, there are several options available to you:
1. Language Institutes: Look for language institutes or schools in your area that offer Arabic language courses. These institutions often provide structured courses with experienced teachers who can guide you through the learning process.
2. Universities and Colleges: Many universities and colleges offer Arabic language classes as part of their language or Middle Eastern studies programs. Check if there are any institutions near you that offer such courses.
3. Online Courses: There are numerous online platforms that offer Arabic language courses, both free and paid. Websites like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel have Arabic courses tailored for beginners. Additionally, websites like iTalki and Preply provide one-on-one lessons with native Arabic speakers.
4. Community or Cultural Centers: Some community centers, cultural organizations, or mosques offer Arabic language classes, particularly in areas with a significant Arab population. Check with local centers to see if they offer any language classes or can recommend resources.
5. Tutors and Language Exchange: Consider hiring a private tutor who specializes in teaching Arabic. You can find tutors through online platforms like iTalki, Preply, or through local classified ads. Another option is to find language exchange partners who are native Arabic speakers and are interested in learning your native language. You can practice Arabic with them while helping them practice your language.
6. Self-Study Resources: If you prefer self-study, there are many resources available to learn Arabic independently. You can find textbooks, online courses, mobile apps, and language learning websites that cater to self-learners. Some popular resources include "Alif Baa" textbook, "ArabicPod101" podcast, and the Madinah Arabic series.
When choosing a class or resource, consider your learning style, budget, and time availability. It can be helpful to read reviews or get recommendations from others who have taken Arabic language classes. And remember, consistent practice and dedication are key to making progress in learning Arabic.
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mashakels-blog 9 months
Learning Arabic and the Quran with Noor Institute can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Here are some steps you can take to start your journey:
1. Understand the Arabic script: Arabic is written in a script called the Arabic alphabet. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the individual letters and their sounds. Practice writing and reading the letters until you feel comfortable with them.
2. Learn basic Arabic vocabulary and grammar: Building a foundation in vocabulary and grammar is crucial for understanding the Quran. Start by learning common Arabic phrases, greetings, and basic sentence structures. You can find online courses, textbooks, or language learning apps that provide structured lessons for beginners.
3. Seek Arabic language resources: Look for language learning resources that specifically focus on Quranic Arabic. These resources will help you understand the unique vocabulary and grammar used in the Quran. Some popular resources include textbooks, online courses, and mobile apps like "ArabicPod101" and "Memrise."
4. Practice reading the Quran: As you progress in your Arabic language learning, start practicing reading the Quran. Begin with simpler chapters and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. Pay attention to Tajweed (rules for proper Quranic recitation) and try to apply them in your reading.
5. Seek guidance from a qualified teacher: Consider finding a qualified Arabic and Quran teacher or joining a local study group or mosque that offers Arabic and Quran classes. A teacher can provide personalized guidance, correct your pronunciation, and help you navigate through the Quranic text.
6. Use supplementary resources: In addition to formal lessons, make use of supplementary resources. There are many Quranic study guides, commentaries, and translations available that can enhance your understanding of the text. Some popular translations include those by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Saheeh International, and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.
7. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when learning any language. Dedicate regular time to practice reading, writing, and listening to Arabic. Set aside a specific time each day or week for your studies to establish a routine.
Remember, learning Arabic and understanding the Quran with Noor Institute聽 is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance. Enjoy the journey and take your time to absorb the language and the teachings of the Quran.
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