marvelrenn · 4 years
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Corrosion III 
( I; II ) | ko-fi | insta | twitter | fb
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marvelrenn · 4 years
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Han and Leia - The Empire Strikes Back
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marvelrenn · 4 years
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I just want to get over the pain I suffer because of the sequels 
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marvelrenn · 5 years
Is this real? It doesn't feel real
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We are really getting his story
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marvelrenn · 5 years
me reading another soulmate au at 3 am like
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marvelrenn · 5 years
We can do that.
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A/N: I’m sorry it’s so short but please let me know if you want a second part or anything else written!! Plus for me the format of this is kind of weird so I apologize if it’s posts kinda odd
Morning came rather quickly and you spent the time doing your routine. Getting ready and starting your royal duties but discovering this wasn’t one of them. Your father was still drunk from the night before, stumbling around and pushing whoever was in his way. You found him leaning in the main hall that lead to the throne room. The sound of large doors opening alerted you that someone was already there. Panicking you went to help him but your face was met with the sharp end of a broken bottle. Your yelped at the pain and fell back. From your position on the floor you could only look up at him. “God dammit you’re so much like her, (Y/N)! Always helping and too fucking opinionated. Your mother would hate you!” He stumbled forward with the bottle in hand. You attempted to get up but your dress had gotten caught in your shoes. “Father stop! Put the bottle down!” You kicked your feet in an effort to get the fabric off your heels but it wasn’t working. Your father came closer and drew his arm back to swing the bottle, you put your hand out to protect your face. He sliced the palm of your hand open. He drew his arm back again but a humming sound and a bright red light stopped the next blow. You looked up to see that Kylo had plunged his saber into your fathers chest. You held your hand close to your chest and you looked with wide eyes at what was going on in front of you. Kylo drew his saber back and your father fell to the floor. He turned and knelt down to look at you. His gloved hand softly lifted your cheek for he to examine. Tears flowed down your eyes as you could only stare at him. “I’m sorry, I heard you scream and I came running in. I saw what happened and I got so angry.” Kylo was never one to hesitate after taking someone’s life but this was your father. “What do we do now?” Kylo wasn’t expecting that question, he was expecting you telling him to leave and never come here again.
“We cover this up and you come with me. You can rule by my side and your brother can take over here. It will be fine.” You stared doe eyed at him, “Yeah, okay we can do that.”
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marvelrenn · 5 years
I have a request for Kylo Ren! Something about the reader dating him and Kylo walking in on the reader protecting her younger brother from her dad. Kylo couldn’t believe what he was watching in front of him. Kylo felt his blood boil and made a move to protect her and her brother. He scares her dad off with a threat if he ever lays a hand on either one of them. He comforts her as she comforts her brother. Kylo decides to take both her and her brother in for protection.
I’m actually so excited to have a request because I’ve never had on before. I will absolutely get to work on this!! :) -Liv
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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natasha + nut shots
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marvelrenn · 5 years
Civil War. Part two.
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A/N: Surprise! Part two! I’m really not sure how many parts this will have?? I’m just going with it. So for now pls enjoy and give love! Remember to leave requests and to reblog every once in a while! Make good choices and put on your sun screen! And I’m sorry this is on the shorter side!
Word count: 1039
Warnings: none
Part one!
You both sat in your hotel room until Mr. Stark burst through the door, out of breath.
“Oh, thank God.” He put his hand in his knees, bending down to stabilize is breathing.
“Did you run up the stairs or something? What’s going on?” You voice was laced with concern. He just started at the ground.
“Mr. Stark?” You softened your voice. “Where’s Wanda?” He looked up at you and let out a breath. He picked himself up and sat on the foot of your bed. “She’s fine but was taken with the rest of them. Rhodey is hurt real bad. Steve and Barnes are gone.” Tears pricked your eyes and Peter was silent. “Where is she?”
The time it took for you to get to the hospital, to the avengers compound and then the base everyone was being held in was a blur. Peter went home, he was concerned but more scared than anything. He didn’t know if you’d be okay or if anyone else was okay. The whole plane ride back for him was torture, even if you both just met– he took a liking in you.
You were with Tony as F.R.I.D.A.Y. explained that the dead man in the bathtub was Dr. Theo Brossard. The fake Doctor was actually Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence. Tony flipped the tablet he had and projected the image so you could see it as well. She continued to explain who he was.
“So what happened to the real Broussard?” Tony’s eyes were locked on the image. F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded, “He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room. Where police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Son of a bitch.” your voice was low and strained. The helicopter was coming closer the base. A voice came through the radio and said that we were clear to land. Lights started to show and rise out of the ocean. The large dome opened up two metal doors and the helicopter landed inside.
Tony began talking to some guy and you stepped through the door. You followed the two men and they walked off, they went through two thick metal doors into a control room. The first thing you saw was your sister in a straight jacket, a hand flew to your mouth to suppress a cry that threatened to escape. Tony took you through another door into a room filled with cells covered in metal. You both looked around at each window, you saw Wanda and immediately ran up to the glass. Someone started clapping.
“The Futurist, gentlemen!” Clints words stung. “The Futurist is here! He sees all!” Tony walked over to continue the conversation. You cried has you placed your hands on the thick glass, Wanda stood up and walked over, leaning her head on the cool surface. Your ears perked when Sam told Mr. Stark where Steve and Bucky went. Sam told him that he needs to go alone and as a friend. Tony paced over to you and lightly took your arm. He pulled you away as you cried out for Wanda, you weren’t ready to lose another sibling. One was already too many. You walked through the prison and entered the vehicle, sitting down. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and sniffled a bit. It was hard see her like that, but made it even worse was the fact that she was trapped in a cell alone and you were free. The aircraft took off soon enough and you were back over deep waters. Tony looked over to a small cabinet and pressed a button. It released his suit and it surrounded his body. He sat back and fell from the helicopter. You just watched as he left from sight. You sighed and sat back against the plush seat and let out a cry. A bright light popped up on one of the screens and it showed Peter’s contact information. You sniffled and answered it. A video chat popped up and it showed Peter. “Mr. Star- (Y/N)! How are you? Are you okay? Where are you?” He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. You let out a weak laugh and looked down. “Uh, yeah? I guess, it’s been a rough few hours. I’m coming back to New York tonight. I’ll be at the compound considering I live there.” You chuckled as a tear slipped down your flushed cheeks. “Why did you call Mr. Stark?” He looked up at your face, he was visibly upset. “I ah- I wanted to know how you were doing?” You smiled at him and his cheeks went red. “I’ll call you when I get to the compound? If-if you want me to of course, I don’t have to, it really isn’t a problem— I’m rambling.” You giggled at your nerves. “Please, do. I’m worried about you.” Peter lightly grinned at you. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” The call ended after his last words. Now it was only a matter of time until you made it home.
You made it back early afternoon the next day. Tony picked you up from the airport and took you back to the compound. Vision was fiddling with a chess piece and Rhodey had on some weird leg braces. Tony walked over to him and sparked a conversation. As they were talking, Rhodes fell at the end of the hand rails but before he could hit the cold ground, you caught him and left him down gently.
“Thanks, (Y/N/N).” you just smirked and walked to your room. It was painted a dark vixen, the blinds were open and your bed was a mess of white sheets. “Friday? Can you call Peter for me?” She brought up the call and the normal waiting ring filled your ears. The sound stopped after two rings and Peter’s face popped up.
“How are you?”
“Wait, Peter, where are you?”
You heard a soft knock at your door, you got up from your bed to open it. Peter was in his suit, but was mask-less. All you could do is give a goofy grin.
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything in about a month now. School is finally out for me and I have a ton of fics in the works but I get distracted and don’t finish them. I’ll try to finish most so you all might be getting a few in the next week or so. Enjoy! Give feedback and leave requests! (Pls I’m ruining out of ideas)
Peter Parker x X-23reader
To explain the whole x-23 thing, I love her in the marvel universe but I know Logan is mostly in the DC universe. But please enjoy this one and give feedback!
Warnings: language, mention of death and a bit of blood.
Word count: 1241
Shit sucked.
Your father just past and now you’re stuck with the Avengers. Tony was fascinated with you, your mutant powers. He wanted to perform testing on you but Banner wouldn’t let him. Knowing that Banner was the Hulk, he was actually really sweet and super angry. With months of being here you slowly met everyone else; Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Clint, Wanda, Vision, even Peter. It was nice that you had someone the same age here. Though, no one really knew what was special about you. Wade Wilson dropped you off at the compound after realizing they could give you something he couldn’t. Tony knew what you could do and Banner did too. The only other person to know was Natasha. You trusted them enough to show them.
It was early June, most were out and about enjoying the warm temperatures of New York. You sat in Tony’s lab, you didn’t agree to what he wanted to do to you but cared about your well being.
“(Y/N), I need you to show me your hands, please?” He seemed scared of you, of what you could do. Slowly you raised your hands and placed them in his. He examined your hands, taking in account the two small scars on each hand, in between your knuckles. He wrote down what he saw on a chart.
“Before I continue, is there anything else you can do that I don’t know about?” Tony’s words were stern, like a parents. You signed, two sharp blades pierced the leather of your boots almost stabbing Tony.
“Holy shit!” Banners voice took you by surprise. “That’s so cool!” Someone who turned into a huge green beast thought you were cool. You smiled to yourself before looking at Tony who was just staring.
“I thought Spider-Boy was cool, but kid, you’re on another level.”
“What about Spider-Man?” Peter walked in, you immediately retracted the blades, hiding them.
“I’m going to have to look at that later.” Tony’s face was full of shock as he pointed down to your boots. Maybe that’s why he wanted to do testing?
“Look at what, Mr. Stark?” Peter gave you a warm smile. He always put you in a better mood. But you felt bad hiding what you were from him even though you knew he was Queen’s hero.
“Nothing, kiddo! (Y/N), I assume Peter is here for you so go have fun. But not too much fun!” You hopped off the table and walked out of the lab with Peter. You were supposed to be just hanging out at the compound today.
“So whatcha wanna do Spider-Ling?” You knew that nickname frustrated him. He took in a deep breath and you giggled softly.
“Movie? Tony’s got a huge theater room here! We can bring some snacks out?” He took in a loud gasp, “We can make popcorn!” This boy got so excited over everything and even though you didn’t really want to you, you couldn’t say no. Before anything, you wanted to be in sweatpants and a tank top.
“Fine, I’ll be ready in ten, and start with the snackage.” He hugged you a little too tightly for your liking but it felt nice.
You returned in grey sweatpants that rested on your low hips and a cropped tank, your hair was up in a messy bun. You dragged your bare feet into the kitchen, looking down nothing was noticeable. He was wearing a fitted black t-shirt and sweatpants as well. For a second, every thought slipped your mind, you just stared. The way it clung to his arms and around his stomach was a sight to see. Reality hit you again when you dropped a bag of pretzels. You and Peter both went for it, the bag hit the ground. Your hands touched the bag, Peter’s eyes catching the paired scars that sat in between your knuckles. His face met yours and gave a confused look. He didn’t know what your abilities were, not in the slightly and he understood why you haven’t told him yet. You could see that he desperately wanted to know what they were but he didnt press it.
You settled in the theater room in the middle row. Huge lazy boy chairs that could fit two people were reclined. Peter set up whatever movie he chose and the screen flashed a silver lettering design, ‘Lucas films’.
“Are we watching, ‘Star Wars’?’ You turned to watch him plop down in his chair.
“Yep?” The ‘p’ popped as he used a small remote to lower the lighting.
Half way through the movie you started to doze off. You love Star Wars but the exhaustion from constant nightmares was catching up to you. Slowly your head started to fall closer and closer to Peter’s shoulder. Soon enough, your head was softly resting on his shoulder, light snores felt your now sleeping form. He laughed to himself before resting his head on yours.
As of right on que, you shot awake. You grabbed the arms of the chair tightly as you sucked in breathes.
“Holy fuck.” Your head spun around to meet Peter’s eyes but his were locked on something else. Your cheeks felt hot, you followed his gaze only to see that your ‘claws’ were out. Fresh blood dripping from the now broken skin. You looked back to Peter who seemed shocked, but his face showed something else.
“That’s so fucking cool dude.” He kept staring at the twin blades that protruded from your skin.
“(Y/N), that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! You have claws! Wait, is this what you didn’t want to tell me about?” His expressions went from excitement to guilt in point three seconds.
“Uh, yeah.” You shook your head, “You think I’m cool? The only other person who thinks I’m cool is Banner.” You retracted the metal back and turned to face Peter.
“What else can you do? Do you have anymore of those?” His face lit up with that same excitement that always seems to be plastered in his features. You uncrossed your legs and pointed your feet out. He stared and it was kind of uncomfortable, taking a deep breath two single blades on each foot slipped out. His eyes widened at the sight, but not because he was scared. You had to remember that he thought you were cool.
The smile on his face proved that.
“What else?” You sighed. “This is kinda gross and worrying but try not to either puke or freak out, okay?” He nodded quickly. You brought your hands up, you kept your left hand open and made a fist of your right. The blades slipped out. You brought the sharp rip of one to your palm and cut deep. Peter’s eyes became anxious but soon they relaxed that the sight of your rapid healing. “That’s so cool! You know who you remind me of?”
“Yes! Wait how do you know who that is?”
“He took me in before dropping me off here. He knew the Avengers could give me something better, a better life.” You lightly smiled and shrugged, looking down at the leather seat you were placed on. ‘Well, I think you’re pretty cool and pretty. But mostly pretty.” You bit your lip and looked up at him. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I mean, y-yeah, uh, I t-think-” You cut him off by kissing his cheek. “You’re cute when you stutter.”
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marvelrenn · 5 years
Civil War. Part one.
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A/N: I’ve decided to open this blog up to the multi-universe thing!! I’ll probably just be writing stuff and characters I geek out over or requests. And I apologize for being slow with writing! I have finals all month and I’m crying rn. But other than that pls reblog, note, comment, give feedback, REBLOG, request and if anyone would like to join and become an admin here pls tell me!! I’m very lonely :’) but anyway pls enjoy!! One and remember in this mini or just regular series, you, the lovely reader is around 15-16 years old!!
Word count: 2279
Warnings: mild language if you want to call it that
The scene before you was tense. People you knew such as Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers, Nat— plus people in suits you’ve never seen before? Who was the guy with the silver mask? Who was the guy with Cap’s shield? Why are we at an airport?
Your sister Wanda was positioned in a parking deck with Clinton and you were with Barnes and some bird dude named ‘Falcon’. Falcon’s name was really Sam, but you liked to annoy him and call him ‘bird dude’. Barnes turned you to before running, “(Y/N/N), you need to hide just for a bit.”
“Because it will help us out in a second, just watch what’s happening, come in when necessary.”
“Ugh, fine.” You heavy boots made a thud sound with each step you took backwards as you watched Bucky and Sam run off. In a second, someone in blue and red was across the window.
“What the hell is that?”
“Everyone’s got a gimmick now.” Sam’s voice was strained as they picked up their pace. The swinging body hit the window and broke through, taking down Sam and going for Bucky. He threw a punch and what seemed to be a spider themed guy? Caught the punch.
“You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, dude!” Before he finished his complained he was taken up by Sam with a grunt that left his chest.
“You have the right to remain silent!” The spider guy tried to push him off. Before casting something to the ceiling and slipping out of his reach. He swung around the ceiling, avoiding being shot by Sam. He landed on a beam and shot at Sam’s pack, disabling the wings. He went down into a kiosk before being stickied to a railing. The spider guy knocked Sam threw the railing and on to Bucky and his metal arm was stickied to the ground as well. You guessed that this seemed like a good time to come in. You came out from the divider you placed yourself behind and allowed the bright golden light to energize within your palms. Before the spider-ling knew was what going and he looked up at you and you tossed him out the window.
Bucky’s voice echoed through the spacious building, “You couldn’t have done that earlier, (Y/N/N)?”
“You know Buck, I hate you sometimes.” You chuckled at the sight of them stuck to the floor.
Meanwhile outside Mr. Stark was trying to slow down Wanda and Clint. Mr. Rogers was being attacked by a cat? And War Machine which wasn’t really a good thing. Another guy in a red suit and a silver mask handed something small and white to Cap. He threw it and the other guy threw something that had a blue shine to it at it. Out of nowhere, a large truck was heading toward Nat. When the truck hit the ground and exploded, Tony went to Nat’s aid and they spoke a few words.
Wanda and Clint arounded a few crates and and you, Bucky and Sam met up with them. Mr. Rogers came out in front but you all stopped in your tracks. A beam of yellow light cut through the concert. Vision was up in the air looking down at all of you.
“Captain Rogers.” Visions deep voice was loud enough for all of you to hear.
“Hi, Vision!” You waved to your red and blue friend.
“Hello, (Y/N).” He lightly smiled. He turned back to Captain.
“I know you believe what you’re doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.”
Iron man dropped in the cat dude and you didn’t notice Nat walk up. War Machine and the Spider-ling came up as well. You got a good look at him now and him at you. You marvelled at his vibrate suit and he scanned your body suit that was similar to Natasha’s.
Falcon spoke up, breaking your stare contest with the Spider-ling.
“What do we do, Cap?” Steve opened his mouth to respond, “We fight.”
“This is gonna end well.” Even from a distance you can hear the Black Widow’s sarcasm.
You looked over at the Spider and shrugged at him. You paced forward to him and he did the same. “Uh, she– I mean they aren’t stopping?!” The Spider looked at Tony.
“Neither are we, and don’t be scared of (Y/N), she can’t do much.” he sniggered. You brought your hand up, the golden energy wrapped around your palm and Mr. Stark’s suit, You harshly slammed it against the tarmac. You heard a grunt and looked back at the Ling. He stopped and brought his hand to the back of his head. “Uh..”
You smiled a little and blushed, you didn’t want to hurt him but you had a job to do. You brought your hands up the same way your sister did and carefully placed him on top of a parked plane. Tony got back up and gave a blow to Mr. Rogers. You and your sister lifted yourselfs into the air, Clint shot at Vision and Sam was next to you. Nat went after the silver helmet dude and Bucky went for the cat guy. War Machine followed Sam, and the spider-ling was back jumping from truck to truck that you threw at him. You lost the focus around you and kept your sight on the Spider. He attached whatever he rope thing he had to tram and landed on it.
“Ah, dude! Is that coming out of your body? That’s gross!” the smile you had on your face says you didn’t really think it was that gross.
“Uh yeah, it’s kinda cool!” he shot at you, binding your hand to your leg. “Asshole!”
“Hey, watch your language!”
“Sorry, Mr. Rogers!” he just smiled at you. He swung his shield toward the kid and missed. The shield just came back to his arm.
“Wow! That thing just doesn’t obey the laws of physicals at all.” Ling shot what you now assumed was a web at Steve but it hit his shield, with his free hand, he shot more webbing at Steve’s legs, bringing him down and dragging him. Spider jumped off the tram and slide until the bottom of his boot connected with Captain’s face. He hit a crate behind him and hit the ground pretty hard. Steve got up and went for his shield but the kid webbed both his hands back and pulled. Quick thinking, you tossed the kid over Steve’s head and pushed him his metal plate. Spider-ling went back but was only hit in the face with the shield. Steve kicked him under the terminal and brought it down on him. All you could do is stand there and watch. Who was he? The kid catch the terminal above him, did he have super strength as well? Captain nodded at him, “You got heart, kid. Where you from?”
“Queens.” he grunted under the weight. You brought you hands up and lifted the terminal off of him. “Me, too.” You offered a kind smile. Steve took in your gaze at the spider kid and grinned. “Brooklyn.” Steve jogged off. You stepped forward and put your hands up. ‘I’m not going to hurt you. I’m, (Y/N).” He walked closer and put his hand out. “Peter.” You could almost seem the toothy grin on his face under his mask as you took his hand. Through the mic in your ear you heard your team saying something about needing something big? “Well Peter, it seems I have to run.” You waved your hand as you walked off. “I almost forgot, do you have like, a superhero name?” Your lips curved into a smirk. “I do actually, it’s um, ‘Spider-Man’”. You tilted your head. “Cute.” You just chuckled. “My sister’s the ‘Scarlet Witch’, so that me the ‘Golden Witch’”. You held up your hand and laced the golden energy through your fingers. You turned your hand and curled your finger, making Peter’s chin lift up. You weren’t the one to flirt and now definitely didn’t seem like a good time to but, why not? You turned and jogged off to attend to whatever your team needed help with. He was dumbfounded. Peter followed after you and by the time you got into an open area, the silver helmet guy was huge.
“Holy, shit!” You and Peter yelled in unison. He plucked War Machine from the air and held onto him. He brought him back and threw him. Peter was already up on a plane wing ready to catch him.
“I got ‘em!” Peter flung back with the force of Rhodey’s body. So much was happening and it started to freak you out. The big guy was ripped off the wing of a plane, the cat guy you still didn’t know the name of, went after Mr. Rogers and Bucky. Mr. Stark was asking if anyone else had powers like that and you couldn’t find Wanda. Peter was hanging into the back of one of the iron suits and swinging around the really big dude.
“Hey! Big guy! Down here!” You waved your hands to get his attention. He looked down for a moment.
“What’s your name?” Your face scrunched from the bright sun.
“Oh, I’m Scott!” He went back to dealing with whatever people were on him.
“Cool! I’m (Y/N/N)! We haven’t met yet!” You decided to help him out and you brought Rhodey down to the ground. He pointed different guns and small missals at you. “Woah, I’m just a kid dude.” You put your hands up in defence, only to throw him hard against a vehicle.
“Who the hell brought another kid here!” He grunted and flew off after Steve and Bucky. You finally found your sister as she threw a truck at Rhodey. You looked over to Scott and noticed Peter climbing all over his helmet like a bug. Vision came and literally canon balled into Scott’s leg, pushing him back into a already destroyed plane. The cat guy and Vision both saw Bucky and Cap running to a jet to escape. Vision oddly flew through Scott.
“Something just flew in me!” You nervously chuckled taking off toward your team members. Vision used the stone in his forehead to cut through the control tower. Before it could fall in front of the jet, you caught it. The golden light visible under the rumble. They turned back to looked at you, you fell to your knees.
“Go!” You screamed as the weight started to become too much, too fast. From a distance, Peter starred in awe. Your strength amazed him. He watched Rhodey come behind you and give off a sound wave of some sort, causing your head to pound. You dropped the tower and brought your hands to your ears yelling out in pain. You turned back and in anger you took him and smashed him and his suit into the closest structure. He dug himself out of the dent and flew off, going for Scott. You watched as Peter wrapped Scott in webbing and fall to the ground after being hit by both Tony and Rhodey. Peter was slammed and hit the ground pretty hard. You got up as fast as you could, tripping after a few steps. Peter landed into a stack of wooden crates and rolled across the tarmac. You ran past Scott as he was asking for orange slices. Weird guy. You reached Peter and he was out cold, you kneeled down to wake him and he jumped at you touch.
“Hey, hey, guess who? It’s okay, you’re okay.”
You smiled down at him and he seemed to be relieved at the sight of you. “Oh, hey.” He let out a soft sigh and Tony came over to check on him. He saw you there and relaxed slightly. “He’s good, Mr. Stark.” You kept your eyes on Peter.
“Take him back to where you’re staying, you both were never here.” You wrapped Peter in a warm blanket of energy and carried him. It was a bit until Happy came and picked you both up. It was an even longer wait time till you got back to your hotel. Once back to your room, you looked him over. There were only a broken rib or two and bruising but nothing too bad. Happy was nice enough to give you money before so you could grab some sweats and a tee shirt for him before he came into the hotel. The second he hit the mattress, he was out.
You took that time to shower, change and check yourself over. You weren’t tossed around like everyone else. Just a few small cuts and bruises, nothing big or bad. Once you got settled, you looked over Peter once more. You brought your hands up and allowed the energy to flow from your palms down to his skin. This bruises lightened and you could feel the broken bones fusing. He tossed a bit and you stopped, he settled before you started again. You were sure he had accelerated healing but it was better if you just healed him.
By the time he woke up, you were sitting next to him with a box of pizza in front of you. You looked over to him, “Hungry?” He wipes his hand over his face trying to rid his feature of a dazed look. Peter just grunts in return, rolling over onto his face and sitting up. “How are you feeling, Spider-Boy?” You took a bite of your slice while looking at him. He just snickered at you and grabbed a piece.
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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Star Wars #66 - “The Scourging of Shu-Torun” (2019)
written by Kieron Gillen art by Angel Unzueta & Guru-eFX
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marvelrenn · 5 years
New stuff!
I’ve been lacking but I promise there’s new stuff coming. I have some short things and I have some long things. Please please please send in requests from Marvel, Star Wars and my Hero!!
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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Gonna post the full ones, sorry for the spam.
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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me too, todoroki. me too. (x)
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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A Gremlin™ appears
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marvelrenn · 5 years
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Peter + dealing with insecurities
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