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Parent and child hoodie.
*Lily as always doesn’t forget giving the fandom what it wants.
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Sunday, Sunday.
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Kazuki’s little girl.
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crying I miss them so much :c
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Miri wishes both her papas a Happy Father’s Day! 💞
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Day out at the beach
via: lily on twitter
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sharky family 😁☀️☀️
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I know it was forgotten for plot but like *gestures*.
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A family for real!
Is this… is this the last of Lily’s illustrations because I’m gonna miss Lily
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@animangacreators challenge: ❄ winter 2023 ❄
↳ BUDDY DADDIES + quotes that rewired my brain [font insp.]
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Miri Unasaka ✿ 海坂 ミリ
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Buddy Daddies - Another Miri & Rei Parallel:
In this parallel, Rei and Miri are obviously paralleling each other, but Kyutaro and Shigeki (Rei’s father) are paralleling, and then becoming foils, to each other.
In Episode 5 we learn that Kyutaro was originally planning on having Miri sent back to her mother, and we see him challenge Miri on the “family” that she has with Kazuki and Rei.
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He asks her: “Isn’t your family worried about you staying with people you don’t know?” Miri says she’s fine and goes on to say:
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“Kazu-kun and Rei-kun will be with me forever!” Kyutaro questions her use of “forever” and Miri continues with:
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“Yeah. Kazu-kun’s food is super delicious. Rei-kun’s super good at video games. And it’s toasty warm when we all sleep together!”
Sound familiar? In Episode 12, when Shigeki and Rei “talk” one final time about him inheriting the Organization, which would require Rei to leave his family behind, Shigeki doesn’t ask him about his family, but reinforces what he expects out of Rei instead. 
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“Discard sentimentality.”
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“Inherit the organization.”
He was tossing aside Rei’s “family” and the sentimentalities that came with it, similar in a way to how Kyutaro wasn’t viewing the bond that Miri had with Rei and Kazuki as either lasting or familial. 
In response to his father, we see Rei say this:
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“The taste of cheap Hamburg steak.”
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“The warmth that comes from sleeping three to a bed.”
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“There were so many things out there that I could hold dear.” - Said while an image of the three of them playing video games shows up on screen. And also states that:
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“Miri, Kazuki, and I share a bond stronger than blood.” This is, in a way, the same sentiment that Miri expressed to Kyutaro by saying that they would be together forever. That was her way of understanding and explaining that they were, already, a family. That she was already home with her family. Meanwhile, the above is Rei’s way of expressing this same sentiment to his father;
Rei also mentions some things that Miri doesn’t. Those are mostly events that happened after Episode 5, so she couldn’t have expressed them to Kyutaro at that time. But I bet she would have had she and Kyutaro had that same speech in Episode 12 instead.
Both Miri and Rei are shown validating their family to another. Shigeki remains stuck in his ways and unchanging, not willing to actually listen to Rei in the slightest. Only acknowledging Rei’s choice when Rei shot through his arm, damaged Shigeki’s weapon, and essentially made himself useless to the Organization and his “boss.” Kyutaro, however, actually listens to Miri and opens his mind and heart to her and their situation. He accepts them and over the course of the series we see him become less indifferent and more willing to go out of his way to protect and help them.
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He eventually becomes a part of their family too. I once thought that he fit more of an uncle role in the family dynamic, but now I’m thinking that he is actually much more like a grandpapa, lol. (I’m only half joking her, tbh. Also, I find it so funny that Miri used a Tea sticker for Kyutaro, and I have no idea why, lol).
Also, if you have anything else you want to add to this, please feel free! :D
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Finished this artwork to calm myself. I was working on a featured article and it suddenly deleted itself😃
How Fu**** rude
Anyway, pls enjoy the fluff❤️
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Packed and ready to go! 🎒
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Rei’s face 😭
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Kazu-papa drinking with a girl?
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