marselliottp · 3 months
Sculpting Tools
This will change how Maya looks and give access to new tools
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The tool we will be using the most will be Lift Tool (Sculpt).
With this selected will now have tool options on the right hand side panel. 
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These are the settings you will use most. 
Size is how big the brush is
Strength is how fast it lifts the surface and how high it goes.
Invert is either lift up (unticked) or lower (ticked)
Click and paint onto the Disc Surface and it will start to lift that surface.
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Sculpt a landscape that fits the setting you have chosen for your world.
Use Invert to lower the surface to make Lakes or Rivers or the Sea.
Be careful to go too much over areas and twist it into an odd shape as this will cause issues later. 
Sculpting Tools
This will change how Maya looks and give access to new tools
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The tool we will be using the most will be Lift Tool (Sculpt).
With this selected will now have tool options on the right hand side panel. 
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These are the settings you will use most. 
Size is how big the brush is
Strength is how fast it lifts the surface and how high it goes.
Invert is either lift up (unticked) or lower (ticked)
Click and paint onto the Disc Surface and it will start to lift that surface.
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Sculpt a landscape that fits the setting you have chosen for your world.
Use Invert to lower the surface to make Lakes or Rivers or the Sea.
Be careful to go too much over areas and twist it into an odd shape as this will cause issues later. 
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marselliottp · 3 months
Creating the basic mesh
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Start by creating a Disc (if you wanted this to be square you would use a plane) 
Navigate to the right hand side and select Attribute Editor
Then PolyDisc1 set the subdivisions to 8 and the radius to 500
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This should now have lots of faces like this
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Changing the Workspace
Changing the workspace will give you unique and specialised tools to use. The workspace menu can be found in the top right hand corner of Maya.
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We will be looking to use the Sculpting Tools so will be selecting the Sculpting Workspace. 
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marselliottp · 4 months
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marselliottp · 4 months
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a personal drawing i did of 2 of my characters
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marselliottp · 4 months
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here is the process of making my plushies,
to make this i started with a thick piece of black felt and had to cut the pieces smaller as so they would fit into the sphere. my original idea was to add stars onto the creatures back but had to abandon that due to lack of time.
when i realised i wouldn't be able to invert the plushie due to the material being too thick i cut the material to the size and used a blanket stich to connect the leg pieces together and arm pieces together then the body and head which i stuffed, i then attached the arms and legs with a very tight running stich.
i then glued beads to look like eyes an used red thread and beads to look like blood coming from the creatures head.
although i didn't use a ladder stich, it is used to connect a hole after stuffing the plushie, however this is used for when you invert a plushie.
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marselliottp · 4 months
here are a few process shots of making my poke ball in maya, i really don't like maya as i find the software confusing and its not my favourite thing.
in class we were supposed to create a landscape in a bubble but due to problems with the maya software all of my work and progress was deleted which i very apologetically forgot to take screen shots of. because this happened at the end of the lesson i was unable to re create my peice
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marselliottp · 4 months
A closed terrarium is a sealed or mostly sealed glass container that contains a small ecosystem of plants and other natural elements. The key feature of a closed terrarium is its ability to create a self-sustaining environment through a process known as the water cycle and photosynthesis.
The closed terrarium creates a small, balanced ecosystem where plants, soil, and microorganisms work together in a sustainable manner. It's a fascinating example of how natural processes can be replicated in a controlled environment. Keep in mind that while closed terrariums can be relatively low-maintenance, they still require attention to ensure that the balance is maintained and that the plants receive adequate light and water.
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marselliottp · 4 months
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here are my Tetris pieces that i drew as different breeds of dogs
we were given a sheet of Tetris block templates and were told to play a little bit of Tetris to get a grasp of the game mechanics as well as how the blocks could lay in the game, we were then given the templates and told to draw them as something else, i chose dogs because of the top shape, when i was younger and would play Lego with my sibling id always put two brick together like that and pretend it was a little scotty dog so i just drew the rest of them as dogs
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marselliottp · 4 months
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a few screen shots of my fairy being trapped in a bottle
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marselliottp · 4 months
Autodesk Maya, a powerful 3D computer graphics software, has revolutionized the landscape of the creative industries. From film and television production to video game development and beyond, Maya stands as a versatile tool that empowers artists and creators to bring their visions to life
Film and Animation: Bringing Fantastical Worlds to Life
Visual Effects (VFX): Maya is a cornerstone in the creation of visual effects for blockbuster films. Studios like Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) have used Maya in films like "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to seamlessly integrate CGI elements with live-action footage.
Animated Feature Films: Animation studios, including Pixar and DreamWorks, leverage Maya to craft stunning animated worlds. Films like "Toy Story" and "How to Train Your Dragon" showcase the software's ability to model characters, simulate physics, and render lifelike animations.
Video Game Development: Shaping Immersive Gaming Experiences
Character Design and Animation: Maya is widely employed in the gaming industry for character design and animation. Game developers utilize the software to create detailed 3D models and animations that enhance the player's immersive experience.
Environment Design: Maya's capabilities extend to the creation of expansive game environments. Whether it's a post-apocalyptic wasteland or a vibrant fantasy realm, Maya allows designers to build intricate landscapes that captivate players.
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marselliottp · 4 months
Micro Environments
Micro Environments: Unveiling the Hidden Worlds Micro environments are the smallest-scale ecosystems, often too tiny to be seen with the naked eye. These microscopic habitats exist in various forms, from the soil beneath our feet to the surfaces of leaves. Key elements of micro environments include:
a. Microorganisms: Microbes, including bacteria and fungi, dominate micro environments. They play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and symbiotic relationships with plants.
b. Nutrient Cycling: Micro environments are hotspots for nutrient cycling. The constant exchange of nutrients between microorganisms and plant roots contributes to the overall health of larger ecosystems.
c. Adaptations: Microorganisms and small organisms in micro environments often showcase remarkable adaptations to survive in their specific niche, such as resistance to extreme temperatures or the ability to utilize unique energy sources.
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marselliottp · 4 months
Terrariums: Miniature Ecosystems in Glass Terrariums are small, enclosed environments that mimic the conditions of larger ecosystems. These miniature ecosystems are often created for educational purposes, as well as for decorative and recreational enjoyment. Key elements of terrariums include:
a. Containers: Terrariums are typically housed in glass containers, providing a transparent view into the intricacies of the ecosystem. The choice of container influences factors like humidity and temperature.
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b. Substrate: The substrate, or soil, in a terrarium is crucial for plant growth and nutrient cycling. It replicates the natural environment and supports the root systems of plants.
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c. Plant Selection: Choosing the right plants is essential for a thriving terrarium. Plants with similar light and water requirements are often selected to create a harmonious ecosystem.
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d. Microorganisms: Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi play a vital role in nutrient cycling within a terrarium. They break down organic matter, enriching the soil and supporting plant growth.
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marselliottp · 4 months
Biomes: Earth's Large-Scale Ecosystems Biomes are large geographic areas characterized by specific climate, vegetation, and animal life. These regions play a crucial role in shaping the planet's biodiversity. Key elements of biomes include:
a. Climate: Climate is a defining factor for biomes. From the frigid temperatures of the tundra to the scorching heat of deserts, each biome has a unique climate that influences the flora and fauna that thrive there.
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b. Vegetation: The type of vegetation present in a biome is closely tied to its climate. Forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra's each support distinct plant life adapted to their specific conditions.
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c. Biodiversity: The variety of life within a biome is a testament to the adaptability of organisms. Biodiversity is not only crucial for the health of the ecosystem but also for providing resources essential for human survival.
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marselliottp · 5 months
3D asset stores or marketplaces are online platforms where creators can buy and sell 3D models, textures, animations, and other digital assets for use in various projects. These marketplaces provide a convenient way for artists, game developers, filmmakers, and other content creators to access high-quality assets without having to create everything from scratch. Asset packs, on the other hand, are collections of related 3D assets bundled together for convenience, often at a discounted price compared to purchasing each item individually. Here are three popular 3D asset stores:
Unity Asset Store:
Platform: Unity (Game development engine)
Description: The Unity Asset Store is a marketplace specifically for Unity developers. It offers a wide range of 3D models, animations, shaders, textures, and other assets that can be directly integrated into Unity projects. Unity Asset Store is a go-to resource for game developers working with the Unity game engine.
Platform: Web-based, supports various 3D applications
Description: Sketchfab is a platform that allows artists to showcase and sell their 3D models directly. Users can browse a vast library of 3D assets and purchase or download free models. Sketchfab supports various 3D file formats, making it versatile for use across different applications.
Platform: Web-based, supports various 3D applications
Description: TurboSquid is one of the oldest and largest 3D asset marketplaces. It hosts a vast collection of high-quality 3D models, including characters, vehicles, environments, and more. Artists can sell their creations on TurboSquid, and users can purchase assets for use in projects ranging from games and animations to architectural visualization.
Asset Packs: Asset packs are curated collections of 3D assets that are bundled together for ease of use and often at a discounted price compared to buying each asset individually. These packs can include a variety of related items such as models, textures, materials, and animations that work well together. Asset packs are commonly used by developers to save time and maintain a consistent theme or style in their projects. For example, an environmental asset pack might include trees, rocks, and terrain textures that complement each other, making it simpler for a game developer to create a cohesive virtual environment.
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marselliottp · 5 months
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a few mood boars i found
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marselliottp · 5 months
Astroneer is an open-world exploration and adventure game set in space. Players take on the role of astronauts, exploring planets and moons, building bases, and surviving in challenging environments. The game features a unique, deformable terrain system that allows players to shape the world as they see fit. It can be played solo or cooperatively with friends, fostering a sense of discovery and creativity.
I think the use of low poly textures really works for astroneer as I can still tell what every object, as well as this astroneer takes place on an alien planet and I can still tell the difference between a tree and a bush.
as far as I can astroneer doesn't really use textures, or the textures that are used are very minimal, but the game appears to have and interesting use of colours using big blocks of colours instead of textures.
everything has a good amount of detail, however I do feel the grass would benefit from a bit more detail.
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For the king
For The King is a strategic RPG with roguelike elements. Set in a fantasy realm, the game combines turn-based combat, exploration, and procedural generation of maps. Players embark on a quest to restore order to the kingdom, battling enemies, managing resources, and solving dynamic events. It features both single-player and multiplayer modes, encouraging cooperation and tactical decision-making.
for the king looks like a really cool game with low polly yet detailed people and animals. I like how you can see vey clearly what everything is.
I think for the king is very similar to astroneer visually, with a very interesting use of colours but with little to no textures.
i feel however that the objects that the people are holding could use with a bit more detail as i cant tell that it is their holding sometimes.
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Pan-Pan is a serene puzzle adventure game with a visually charming art style. Players control a character stranded on a mysterious island and must solve environmental puzzles to progress. The game is known for its minimalist narrative, relaxing atmosphere, and inventive puzzles. Pan-Pan offers a contemplative gaming experience without explicit guidance, allowing players to explore and interpret the game's world at their own pace.
to be honest i think in some places the developers went a bit too far with the low polly, i can tell the person and the grass and the rocks and trees however i find it hard to tell what the smaller details are.
much like the other games pan-pan uses limited textures however it also doesn't utilise as many colours as the other 2 do.
i feel the backgrounds and faces of the characters would benefit form a bit more detail.
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Lonely mountains
Lonely Mountains: Downhill is an indie sports game that focuses on downhill mountain biking. Players navigate treacherous mountain trails, avoiding obstacles and aiming for the fastest time. The game features a minimalist art style, immersive sound design, and a challenging yet accessible gameplay experience. With its open-world structure, players can choose various paths down the mountainside, providing a sense of exploration and discovery.
lonely mountains is a lot like for the king and astroneer with the visual style just with less detail in the characters, with detailed backgrounds and foliage.
again like for the king and astroneer , little to no textures and using varied colours but lonely mountain also uses shadows.
i feel more detail could have been put into the trees.
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marselliottp · 5 months
Star wars: ep ||
Ice age
Spider man
Cyber punk
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