markedbyangels · 2 years
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New pinned message:
It’s been a long break, I know, but I do miss writing Dean. I’ll be writing him occasionally here and there for personal pleasure -- and keeping him as canon-based as possible. My own AU’s will be specified verses -- and I have a few ideas for some involving the ‘ending’ of the show and Dean’s fate. 
I’m uncertain if anyone still follows this blog but hey, I’m too lazy to remake it and start over. If we had RP before and it’s still unresolved I may consider it still active. Give me a poke, but do also respect that I’m dipping my toe back into this thing. Oh and one last thing: It’s great to see people still writing on here!
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markedbyangels · 2 years
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markedbyangels · 3 years
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Morgan: Dean?? Dean: FIGHT THE FAIRIES!
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markedbyangels · 4 years
Reblog if you're a roleplayer with social anxiety!
This could mean you struggle with interacting with other roleplayers in the community, or get anxiety over simple interactions with others.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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blackened eyes roll. if he was that set upon killing him, she knew there was little she could do to stop him. it wasn’t that big of a deal, not that he needed to know that. their transaction was one of many she’d collected of late. though frowned upon, him dying wasn’t of much consequence. still. ‘ with power comes freedom. better yet, with power comes power. in my human life, i’d been a queen. mark my words, dean. one day i’m going to sit on hell’s throne as well. not even you can stop me. ’ 
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And just like that Jezebel falls into the predictable pattern of demonic behaviour -- yeah. He anticipated she’d want the job. It’s in their nature. Dean’s? Not so much. Even if he’s been transformed by the Mark of Cain with Crowley’s machinations. “Hey, it’s no skin off my teeth what you wanna’ do. So long as you don’t think ‘bout pulling my strings.” Moving in close he whispers with deadly intent, “I think we can both see that would end badly... for you.” 
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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Request by @jensenackles-ismyreligion
Supernatural 3x10: Dream a Little Dream of Me
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markedbyangels · 4 years
“So, my reputation precedes me, does it?”
The vampire smirked somewhat, not allowing the stranger for a moment to think he had any sort of advantage over her here- the only element of surprise would be how quickly her fangs were in his throat if he got cocky.
Still, he didn’t smell mortal- not a vampire, but this was clearly a man of power. Faith got a better look at him and liked what she saw- liked it well enough. Couldn’t get a clear read on him at the moment. She preferred to continue showing her true face, the demonic visage catching shadows in the old southern mansion despite the moonlight in the eaves.
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“Hell couldn’t handle me, and neither could you,” she replied with ease, giving him distance as he traipsed into the next room. Faith lingered in the doorway, watching as a surprisingly well-stocked bar was broken into. Technically that was hers now, but she got the sense this man didn’t care.
She hissed somewhat jealously at the drink. “That’s me. How’s it look like it’s working? Strength of a Slayer, powers of a vampire- I’m untouchable. But where are your manners- just who the hell are you, that you think you’re taking me anywhere?”
The former Slayer’s otherwise monstrous visage does anything but inspire terror in the stranger, instead he feels incredibly at ease in her presence. Gaze cool and unwavering he grabs another glass setting it down on the bar and pours a second double, “I imagine you’ve already thought about ripping my throat out with those pretty little teeth of yours…” Voice smooth and unwavering he’s amused by it, moving the glass over towards her with a finger, “Believe me, the feeling is mutual.” 
While he may appear as the picture of innocence there’s something sadistic and predatory lingering underneath. Just like Mayor Wilkins once did, he possesses a confidence that suggests he’s hard to kill. Dean sips from his glass, eyes glued to the vampire in his presence, “Untouchable, hm?” He’s tempted to test that theory. Maybe later. When he was human he’d heard many demons preach that tune and still he’d found a way to kill them. What he needed was a challenge and something to play with.
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Feigning consideration at Faith’s bold words he allows his eyes to trace Faith’s figure, his base instincts and desires still intact despite his transformation, “I’m Dean Winchester… Or what’s left of him. You could say I’m kind of a big deal in killing things like you.” It’s no secret and is bound to get out at some point - if she hasn’t already heard of the infamous Winchester brothers. A blink of his eyes and they turn black as night, “Only... I recently switched sides. Now. How about you and I talk business?”
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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9x02 “Devil May Care” // 10x02 “Reichenbach” A Study in Parallels: From Hunter to Hunted and Human to Demon
Posted as part of the Series “Of Blood, Bone and Darkness”: A Carver Era Rewatch Hiatus Meta-Series
One of the things I really adored about Carver Era and especially the MoC arc is how situations and confrontations were re-visited and re-explored. One of the most intriguing parallels imo were played between Dean and Abaddon. This here is just one example. Whereas in S9 Dean as a human fought against Abaddon as a knight, one season later he’d take her place in the confrontation with Cole. The alignments of Dean and Abaddon have been strong all throughout S9, but this moment here combined with this one surely are among my personal favourites.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold.   Nothing satisfies me but your soul.                      O Death,                                           Well I am Death, none can excel,                                              I’ll open the door to heaven or hell.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
@sunsymbols​​ / Continued.
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“I’m telling you, I saw--” 
Dean realises how crazy he sounds and normally Sam is the voice of reason between the two of them. Could a toaster possibly be interfered with by the spirit realm? God, I hope I’m not losing it. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s all in his head after all.
“You know what? You’re right. I need some sleep.”
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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‘ why stick it to the man when you can become the man? climb your way to the top so that it’s you who calls the shots. ’ the brunette sneered, bringing the champagne fluke to her lips. ‘ even when i was as young as you were, i was never so impetuous. though i suppose it’s hardly your fault. all that power coursing through your veins, no doubt you think yourself invincible. and so you can do what you want whenever you want. not all of us have the same luxury afforded to us, you know. ’  
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“Or I could just kill him...” Dean pauses for effect, watching the other demons’ pretty face and trying to get a read on whether she’ll go running to their her boss. “Saves a lot of time and effort. Thing is, I don’t want his job. Do you?” From what he’d gathered every demon was unique and their loyalty could go either way, usually in their own best interest.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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SHIT I MAKE > INACCURATE QUOTES  Inspired by Mal.colm In the Mi.ddle.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
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markedbyangels · 4 years
let me psychoanalyze you but also be nice
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no one has ever loved you. i know you're a good person. even if most of the time it doesn't feel like it. im sorry growing up happened under less than ideal circumstances. but people love you now, i promise. sometimes it's hard to remember that just because you've felt unloved before, it doesn't mean you're unloved now. I love you :-)
tagged by: @experimcnts​ <3 tagging: @sunsymbols​ / @elastixhearts​ (Nadja) / @noblewitch​ / @wickedlehane​ / @honnleathrose​​ / @peppyanddeadly​​ / @heavensuffered​​ and whoever else wants to.
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markedbyangels · 4 years
@honnleathrose​ | Rosie | Continued
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      HOW COULD HE read her so well? normally, she was the one reading people not the other way around.  ❝ it’s... not something i know. it’s more of a FEELING. call it intuition but... i don’t feel like i’m... ❞ she wanted to say it. she wanted to tell him so BADLY about those feelings, but she was scared of what he would do.
     scared he would dismiss her. or worse --- leave. look at her like one of the things they so viciously hunt.
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In the time Dean had gotten to know Rosalie he noticed that whenever something was amiss with her it was usually reflected in the world around her; the clouds above dark and heavy with unshed tears. Today was no exception.
“ Like you... What? “ 
Rosie’s words don’t quite sit right in the pit of his stomach. He was never the best at this kind of thing. Where’s Sam when you needed him? Instead Dean’s eyes search her face for answers he couldn’t possibly fathom. 
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markedbyangels · 4 years
someone: *misinterprets my favorite character and characterizes them Badly*
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